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Chapter 54 where women need men

With this understanding, a woman can wisely seek out her soul mate in places where she is likely to be most receptive and responsive to a man's offerings.If your computer breaks down and you need help from someone in the industry, you can look around the computer market, you're really in the right place.The men there can provide you with professional help, and you may meet the most suitable person there.Especially when you know nothing about computers, your chances of finding a lover will increase unprecedentedly. If you need someone to help you reinstall your computer, then you might as well go to the computer market, there, you may meet someone you like

When you're disoriented or lost on a trip, by asking for directions, you become more receptive and grateful to the man who showed you the way.If you've been riding the trails or embarking on an adventure, there will be times when you'll need a man's help.Or you can sign up for some new learning classes, and you create for yourself the ideal opportunity to have a man help you.Going to a sporting event that you know little about will make you more receptive to help from a man who knows.Men love to be experts.Whenever you go where men's professions work, you'll find plenty of opportunities for electrocution there.

By enrolling in a course to learn something new, you create for yourself the ideal opportunity to have a man help you If you go to the ballroom, as a woman, you definitely need a dance partner with whom you can dance.When women dance with women, it puts men out of work.At this time, the man will not feel that you need him, and he will feel that if he invites you to dance, he will most likely be rejected.Ideally, you're dancing with a couple of your friends.With your girlfriend's permission, you can dance with her boyfriend or husband.When a guy who's interested in you sees you dancing with an unrelated guy, he'll be encouraged to go up and ask you to dance.When a car is about to leave, it's natural for people to hop on that train.In the same way, when a woman has already danced with someone, it makes a man want to ask her to dance again.

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