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Chapter 52 try to do new things

Whenever you go to a new place, you have the opportunity to expand yourself into new territory.We are attracted to people whose interests are very different from ours.We're excited about their presence.They are so different from us that certain sensations arise within us that we never had before.And that's something you never feel when you're with people like you.If we just want to be with ourselves, we don't need a companion at all.Trying new things actually gives us more energy and makes us look more attractive. To find your soul mate, you have to go to the places where people who are passionate about certain things are haunted by people you don't want to do at all.If dancing isn't your thing, take dance lessons, or go to a ballroom, or enter an amateur dance competition.If eating out is not your thing, start eating out more now!

If you're not religious, start going to church now Almost always in a marriage there is a picture of night for one partner and morning for the other.To find your soulmate, you'll need to change up your schedule occasionally.If you like to go to bed early, start now and visit some nighttime establishments in the evening.If you're a night owl, start going to bed earlier and get up early the next morning to get outside and get some fresh air.This way, you will meet more people.There may be one of them who is your soul mate, or someone who can introduce you to your soul mate. If sports aren't your thing, start going to your local gym and get involved in physical activity now.If you don't feel like going to school, take some evening tuition.If reading isn't your thing, start browsing bookstores or the library.If you drive a lot, choose to walk whenever possible.If you often bring lunch to work, try eating it out occasionally as well.If you eat out a lot, try shopping at a health food store or grocery store.

If you don't like reading very much, you might as well go to the bookstore or go to the library If you expand your reach in the ways I have described above, your chances of meeting your soul mate will greatly increase.With this new understanding, finding a lover who is just like you is a piece of cake.
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