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Chapter 49 Jimmy's Encounter

Jimmy is a single mother who works in a restaurant.Here’s how she told me about her relationship: “I had to rearrange my weekly routine in order to take a bodybuilding class. Once in the fitness center, waiting for the teacher to come to class, I met my Future husband, Pete. I met him purely by chance. Pete is a contract worker and he came here looking for a job. It's unbelievable to say that we ended up falling in love so much. We are so He likes to constantly seek change, and I like to collect antiques, like to live a stable life. He is a Republican, and I am a Democrat. He likes to stay at home at night, and I like to go out to eat..."

You see, their interests are so different that Jimmy would never have found Pete if it hadn't been for their chance meeting in the lounge.Because Pete was always at home at night, it was impossible for him to meet Jimmy, who was working in a restaurant every night.
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