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Chapter 48 God helps those who help themselves

People often attribute finding their soul mate purely to chance, fate, luck, magic, luck, or divine providence, and that's because they don't realize what's at work.It is true that all things are perfect due to the gift of the Creator, but people must first help themselves and then God.If you spend your days in a daze, with no idea what you're doing, and one day, you happen to do the right thing and find someone you like, it's like a pie in the sky.Actually, the real truth is: put yourself in the right place at the right time, and then miracles will happen. Even when the fruit of love is ripe, we still need to find it and pick it.Likewise, to find your soul mate, you need to be prepared and you need to be in the right place.Whether consciously or not, lucky people place themselves in circumstances that allow them to meet desirable partners who make them feel right away.

Whether consciously or not, we place ourselves in the right environment where we meet a potential mate and, upon seeing her/him, we may immediately feel like we never met again Now that we understand the different factors that go into making love, we can now discover the best places to meet a potential soul mate.In these specific circumstances and places, you will surely meet people who either attract you or attract you.It's just that many people don't realize what drives healthy emotional responses. The No. 1 Factor of Emotional Response: Different Interests Over the years, as we've studied the lives of soulmates, we've come to realize that there are almost always certain factors at play.When there is a healthy mutual attraction between the sexes, certain predictable conditions must be inadvertently met.Among them, a crucial factor is that two people have different interests and hobbies.

Happily married soul mates always have different interests.Of course, they will also have many common hobbies, but two people will have more different hobbies.Generally speaking, it must be after two people have lived together for several years that they are surprised to find that they have so many different interests and hobbies.However, at the beginning of the relationship, they often do not realize this. Soulmates have many, many interests in common, but it's fairly common for them to have many different interests When a couple falls in love, they don't go around saying, "I've met the most incredible person. She's so different from me." They're saying the opposite.They'll say, "Oh, I've met this incredible guy, we have so many interests in common, so many things to talk about." They say that because they haven't yet discovered how much two people's interests are. differently.If this is not understood, singles can easily miss out on opportunities to meet their soul mate.

The theory that "people with different interests and hobbies will have feelings" can explain why sometimes it is so difficult for us to find a soul mate.Our soul mates have very different interests than ours, work or spend a lot of time in places or places we seldom visit.The only way we can meet people with interests different from ours is through chance encounters.Therefore, we must be soberly aware of this fact, and proactively go to places where people with different interests and hobbies haunt us, then we will experience the feeling of electric shock, and the chances of meeting the person we like will suddenly increase a lot.Let's look at a few real-life examples:

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