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Chapter 46 The best route is the easiest

Show love in court and confess your true feelings.These are scenes that often appear in movies and TV shows.If in real life, I believe that many men would not have the courage to directly express their feelings to the person they like.In fact, the best route is the easiest route.Even if you don't have the courage to express your love to her loudly in front of everyone, you can walk up to her openly and make a self-introduction calmly.You can say to her, "Hi, my name is John. What's your name?" After she answers, ask her some questions or comment on what's going on around you, or else you can Chat with her about the weather.In fact, what matters is not what you say, but what you do.You may be very tight when facing the person you like, your language is neither fluent nor coherent, and may even be irrelevant, without a central idea or theme, but because you are willing to take risks to pursue her, you will impress her impression.

The best question to ask a Venusian is, "Where are you from?" The best question to ask a Martian is, "What do you do?" Men like to talk about what they do or what they do. things that have already been done, and women especially like to talk about plans, relationships, and their current situation. If you're not good at talking or chatting in small groups, you still have a chance to succeed.You just have to be there all the time, watching her quietly and asking her questions every now and then.Here's something to keep in mind: If you're not good at small talk, your Quarry will usually take advantage of the gaps in your conversation and let it go.

Why do men get stammered? This is a very normal phenomenon: when a man meets a woman he likes for the first time, he may suddenly become stuttering and incoherent when he is usually humorous and witty.This is another difference between men and women.Men's way of thinking is to concentrate all their energies on one thing, while women are good at making full use of both left and right brains, working together, and can handle many things at the same time.When a woman has strong feelings for a man, it is still easier for her to control her feelings, distract herself, try to maintain a calm demeanor, and talk to her friends without revealing her thoughts. ; But for a man, the stronger his feelings are, the more he likes the woman in front of him, the more likely he will have such a situation: his mind is blank, and he can't think of what to say.This is why when a man really faces the woman he thinks about day and night, he may be at a loss for a moment. He can only think hard about how to approach her and how to strike up a conversation with her. As a result, until she has gone away, he Still standing there in a daze.It often happens that when he really meets the person he likes unexpectedly, he is tongue-tied and doesn't know what to say.What's more, some men even become extremely tense, with sweaty palms and rapid breathing, all because they can't think of what to say for a while.

In fact, almost all men are abnormal when they approach the woman they love, and they lose their former style.Knowing this, many men will breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh, it turns out that everyone is the same!" They finally felt relieved.Women are actually used to this phenomenon.They know what it means for a man to lose his composure, so they don't find fault with a man's clumsy response.On the contrary, men at this time look more lovely and charming to women.When you walked up to her anxiously, greeted her stammeringly, and started a conversation with her without saying anything, she seemed to be calm on the surface, but she was actually happy in her heart.She is especially delighted and touched by your willingness to overcome your nervousness and risk the possibility of rejection to please her.At this time, the tighter you are inarticulate and illogical, the more she will feel that she has a high status in your heart. When she thinks of this, she feels very excited as if she has been praised.The more clumsy you behave in front of her, the more she thinks you care and care about her.In fact, men don't know that your poor performance has become the greatest compliment to her.

Especially if you are willing to try to pander to her, she may be moved by you even though your compliments may miss the point, your words may not be very nice, let alone witty.If you really can't think of what to say when you face her clear eyes, then you can just say nothing, you can stay where you are, lower your head slightly, and lean on the side to face her Smile, at this time, silence is better than sound, and a thousand words can be said without words.Maybe she'll fall in love with you right away.She might think in her heart: "He is so charming. You see, he is not as slick as those philandering men, who only use his eloquent mouth to capture women's hearts. In fact, that kind of man has nothing. He will do it for women. As for him, although he doesn’t say anything, his expression and actions have already explained everything. He likes me and cares about me. I can tell from his eyes that he must be very patient. If you can listen to my heart with your heart, he must be a good listener, or you can try to communicate with him."

Another important factor in courting and flirting: mastering the art of complimenting the opposite sex.In Chapter 13, we'll explore in detail how to express our love, our concern, and our own attractiveness to our date.
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