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Chapter 45 How do men pursue

When a man pursues a woman, he will never be content to sing a one-man show, he will take an interactive way to tell you boldly: "I want to pursue you now. I am very interested in you. I want to know if I am That's the one who suits you best." At this moment, his eyes, his voice, his concern, his interest, and his touch are all clearly conveying his intentions to you: "I want to associate with you , I bet that I am the one who can bring you happiness, I am the great guy you have been waiting for, I can meet your needs, I can do many things for you, and I can definitely make you realize what it is It's real happiness, I'm really different, I'm flirtatious." This kind of flirting can turn a woman extremely high.Because women are always looking for a chance, an unexpected encounter, who they meet, and a relationship, so that they can hide in the safe haven of love and get a moment of relaxation, and someone who cares about her, considers her, and is willing to promise to bring her Give her a lifetime of happiness, and take her all over the world.

Women like him best when he takes the risk to impress her and she doesn't wait for her to do something to impress him At the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman, they don't know each other very well. It takes a lot of effort for a man to figure out what a woman thinks.Let's start by getting the girl's phone number.Before you get her phone number, you have to watch her carefully, paying attention to her expressions and actions.After you have observed for a while, you can start to act.You can get a clear message by first showing your interest in her non-verbally and then seeing how she responds.If your words are not shocking, your appearance is not heavy, and you can't stand out in a group of people and attract her attention, then you can take a roundabout and deep approach.For example, you can ask the waiter to bring her a gift or hand her a note.Then, you turn your back on it and wait until she's finished reading it, then turn around again.If you catch her starting to flirt with you with an inviting smile, then you can go up to her and strike up a conversation.

Getting to know her through her friends is also a good idea.You can start by finding one of her friends and asking him some questions about her.Introducing yourself to a friend is relatively easy to do.After her friends get to know you well enough, they will tell her about you.If she's looking your way, she's already flirting with you.Then, you can walk up to her and introduce yourself directly.
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