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Chapter 42 aware of underlying feelings

Properly understanding how differently men and women think and feel doesn't guarantee that any relationship will make it through all five stages of dating.But this understanding does allow us to properly evaluate a relationship.How many times have we rejected each other, not because we don't find this person right for us, but because we think the other person has done something wrong.By ending a relationship with more love and fairness, we move forward and attract more desirable people to us.With this understanding, we will find that: we become more tolerant, and we have opened the door for the next relationship!

We rejected each other in the first place, not because we didn't find the person right for us, but because we thought—often wrongly—that the person was doing something wrong Even with a better understanding of the differences between men and women, we can unknowingly sabotage the attraction of love by switching roles.In a relationship, it is crucial that the man remains the suitor and the woman remains the pursued.When a man feels that he has succeeded in chasing a woman, and the woman feels that he may be the only one for her, then the potential passion and attraction between the two have a chance to be released naturally.In the next chapter, Chapter 11, we will explore in more detail and more fully the roles played by both sexes in love.

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