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Chapter 34 The Fourth Level of Man: Soul Attraction

Continuing to practice growing discrimination, a man becomes aware of his ability to feel soul-attraction by choosing to date only those women who appeal to him on all three levels—physical, emotional, and spiritual.When he reached the fourth level, his heart opened to her.Just as on the first level he finds many women attractive to him, so on the fourth level he finds many, many women worthy of his love. He may fall in love with any of these women in varying degrees, but there is only one woman who is the perfect match for his soul.His love can identify her among thousands of flowers. Although she is not perfect, she is undoubtedly the most suitable and perfect for him.His love allows him to only focus on the good side of his partner, which makes the relationship between the two more sympathetic and motivates him to get more support.As his love grows, he can tell if this is the woman of his dreams.Such a decision is not based on a long list of personal conditions.It is impossible to draw conclusions based on rational thinking alone, and only the soul can truly know.

Soul attraction is not based on discovering a set of distinctive qualities in your partner.Conversely, soul attraction is a recognition that you have what his/her soul desires and he/she has what your soul needs.Both of them understood: This is the person with whom you gradually fall in love; this is the person with whom you share your inner world and understand the meaning of life together. One way of saying it is (a good saying goes): "I don't know why, I just know we're meant to be together. In my most sane, loving moments, that's the only thing I know Truth!" To feel connected to someone's soul, our hearts have to be open.Wanting to be in a relationship with someone is a sign that we sense that someone has the potential to be the only one for us.This does not mean that this person is necessarily the one we are looking for day and night, but he/she may be the one.Based on this realization, it is entirely up to us to walk through the five stages of dating together until we have a clear idea: whether this person is right or not.

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