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Chapter 32 The Second Level of Man: Emotional Attraction

Pick a few dates from those women who attract you, and after a few dates, a man gradually finds that he likes some women far more than others.This is an important step.This shows that: before he could only feel physical attraction, seeing nothing but the woman's body in his eyes, but now, he began to feel an emotional attachment at the same time.When he is in a relationship with a woman, he will not only see her body, but also be able to feel how much he loves her. On the first level—physical attraction, he might “think” he likes her because he likes how her body makes him feel, but on the second level—emotional attraction, he can know that he is Really fell in love with her, not just because of the sensual pleasure she brought him.When a man feels emotionally attached to a woman, he can't help being kind and admiring to the woman.At this time, the man is not only obsessed with her physically, but also likes her, is attached to her, and wants to get close to her.

Emotional responses have a lot to do with a person's personality.Character i.e. how do you relate to the world and other people?The old saying is true: personalities complement each other.Often, people with opposite personalities are attracted to each other instead.Some men may like women who are lively and outgoing, while others may be attracted to women who are more calm and easygoing.This possibility is really inexplicable and unclear.We may be attracted to people who are similar to us, but often we are more attracted to those who are not. For example, someone who is calm and even a little ruthless may be attracted to someone who is lively and seeks change in everything; someone who is bold, outgoing, and direct may attract a person who is timid Shy, introverted, stoic; an assertive person might like an approachable, inclusive person; an easy-going person might like a businesslike person; a joking person might like Will like a relatively serious person.Of course, there is no distinction between superior and inferior personalities, and sex does not matter which one is bound to be more attractive than the other.But as we become more discriminating, we discover that we are instinctively attracted to certain people, that we like them, and want to befriend them.

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