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Chapter 31 The First Level of Man: Physical Attraction

On the first level, it is perfectly normal for a man to feel physically attracted to many women.Men pay particular attention to these aspects of a woman's body: the way she walks, her body shape, her hair, her smile, her eyes, her height, her legs, her hips, her breasts, and then her The whole body.Men tend to be loyal to one or two traits.For example, one man may pay special attention to a woman's legs, while another sticks to brown-haired women. This physical attraction is the first and lowest level of discrimination.Often young men start at this level, and even more mature men may fall back to this level when he bounces back from a relationship.

Since this physical attraction is unthought of, a man's low-level discernment is heavily influenced by what TV, movies, newspapers and magazines he looks at.Nowadays, under the powerful propaganda offensive of various media, images of women with a certain body type are everywhere. Sexy beauty is extremely confident.We are bombarded by various media in turns, we are in a trance, as if hypnotized, and only focus on one type of woman-S-shaped.This attraction has nothing to do with whether or not this woman is your soul mate.An innocent young man might even be erotic at the sight of a naked store mannequin.

Moreover, a female body of this size is most attractive to men when it is tightly wrapped.As a result, men become sexually aroused whenever they associate a certain body type, and they are naturally attracted to that body type.Women also tend to think that the S-shaped body is the most beautiful and worthy of love, because this body shape can attract men's eager eyes, while women often mistake men's lustful gaze for admiration. As a man matures and goes through the first three stages of dating, he naturally becomes more discriminating. At this point, he discovers that other women are equally attractive to him, and they don't look like TV or movies. , Those models in newspapers and magazines are as sexy and seductive.When a man finds his soul mate, that particular woman is rarely the sexy type he's most attracted to when he's not yet discerning.

However, physical attraction is not meaningless, it is the basis for men to build discrimination, of course, it is extremely immature.A woman must keep this in mind: Even if he knows nothing about you except your looks and looks, he may suddenly feel physically attracted.At this moment, what attracts him is not about who you are, nor does it mean that he has a desire or desire to know more about you, let alone a relationship with you.He wants more visual, tactile, and sensory impacts, and has an all-round intimate contact with your body.
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