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Chapter 28 When a woman is rude

Sometimes it happens that a woman meets a man and suddenly feels all four levels of emotional response.In particular, women feel an urgent physical passion for him.This obviously shows that what this woman is obsessed with is not the man in front of her, but the tall and handsome Prince Charming in her fantasy.Once this happens, a woman needs to sharpen her discernment.If a woman feels a strong physical attraction, she should not immediately assume that this man is the one for her.She didn't even know him yet, even though he'd quickly ignited the woman's passion, suggesting that he might be the right man.It is the perfect lover in fantasy that women are obsessed with.

If a woman has ever had a bad experience, when she walks into a room of thirty men and one of them turns on her emotional floodgates like a blowtorch, she should look elsewhere.Even if a woman chooses to fall in love with him again, she should be very careful not to follow the old path of the previous relationship, and to get to know him gradually before they become intimate. If a woman has ever had a bad experience, once she walks into a room of thirty men and one of them blowtorches her emotional floodgates, she should look elsewhere This phenomenon helps explain why psychotherapists often hear this criticism from single women: "Whenever you put your heart and soul into falling in love with a man, it turns out he's still the wrong one." ...why do I keep meeting men who are not right for me?"

These women should really experience other ways of love. Don’t always fall in love at first sight and devote yourself to it. You can choose the kind of man with connotation, but he will not immediately ignite her passion and enter into an intimate relationship with her.A woman can see if the relationship grows over time.Catherine, a 46-year-old single businessman, was surprised to hear the remarks.Throughout her previous love life, she has always been constantly rejecting those men who cannot immediately spark love with her.Many men have tried to approach her, but if she doesn't feel immediate physical attraction, she won't be interested in him.This understanding helps her realize why, to this day, she has still been unable to find her soul mate.

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