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Chapter 26 what makes a woman special

Every woman is special and every woman is beautiful.But a woman is more special to a man because he feels a special emotional response from her.This reaction cannot be deliberately produced.It either exists, or it doesn't exist at all.An apple seed is an apple seed, and it can only produce apples and nothing else.The only thing we can do is make sure we know what nutrients it needs and give it a chance to take root.Watering too much may destroy the roots, while too little watering may not drink enough for it and cause it to wither.How we handle our feelings can both inhibit the growth of love and support its growth.

We can't make love, but we can suppress its growth, and we can also promote its growth Once a man feels a deep fascination with a woman's body, the woman immediately feels that she is special to him.As a woman, it is important to remember this: You are not special, because there are many, many women all over the world who can make a man feel physically aroused.Feeling physically attracted to each other is a good start, but beyond that, there's no real meaning to it.For a man, at that moment, she may be the woman of his dreams.A horny man might do some crazy things to act like he's in love with this woman.However, only time can tell everything. Only when a woman gives a man the opportunity to understand himself deeply, can a man be sure whether he really loves her.

When a man discovers that he not only loves her body, but also loves her herself, only at this time, this woman has special meaning to him.As I said earlier, many women can bring him sensual stimulation and make him long for it, but only a small number of women can become his confidantes.When a man finds that he is also deeply attached to this woman on the spiritual level, then this woman is extraordinary to him.Only a few women can make him feel the emotional response of all three levels. If a man admits that the woman he loves is not perfect, but still thinks she is extremely cute, then the woman has been deeply implanted in the man's heart and becomes more special.Even when the relationship is in trouble, a man can still see the best in a woman and feel deeply in love with her.This unconditional love makes her very special.Then, out of these few, special women, the man's soul chooses one to share his life with.Then, this woman is the most special woman to him.

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