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Chapter 14 Heart-to-heart partners aren't perfect

Another idea about compatible couples: They're not perfect.They won't have all the good qualities on your perfect lover list. They come with baggage. Like you and me, they have good days and bad days.They may not be as beautiful as the girl of your dreams, and they also have many flaws that you hate deeply.In a word, they are not perfect.But when your heart is open, when you recognize him/her, when you know him/her well enough, he/she is perfect for you. Naturally, you will feel that it is the love of your soulmate that gradually allows you to learn to share your life with someone who is different from you in many ways; Learn to cooperate with it, respect each other, understand and appreciate, cherish and adore him/her.In this grinding process that doesn't always go smoothly, you become a more tolerant and perfect human being.Your mind grows.

It's no easy feat from an ugly caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.It has worked hard for it.This tiny butterfly struggles to break free from its thick cocoon.In the process of breaking out of the cocoon, the butterfly exercises its wing muscles and gradually acquires the strength necessary for flight.If you sympathize with it and cut the cocoon with scissors so that it does not have to work hard, the butterfly can of course come out easily, but it will never lose the ability to fly.So, waiting for it, only to die sadly. If your life partner doesn't challenge you in some way, the best in your life won't be brought out.A soul mate is the perfect partner who brings out the best in you.Of course, sometimes, you need to pull through together to make this happen.In marriage, you have to learn to overcome negative tendencies—becoming rational, critical, selfish, complaining, demanding, hungry, rigid, accommodating, taking things for granted, suspicious, impatient, and so on.Being with a soul mate makes it possible for you to transcend these tendencies and improve your self-esteem.When the dark side of your character emerges, you can make yourself stronger by practicing the love hidden in your heart, so as to smoothly resolve various problems that arise during the love journey.In the long journey of overcoming obstacles and searching for love, your soul, just like the butterfly, can chrysalis into a butterfly and fly freely!

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