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Chapter 13 Independence is the cornerstone of intimacy between couples

When we are in our twenties, we usually live separately from our parents. We no longer completely rely on our parents and live independently like we did when we were young, so that we gradually understand ourselves as independent people.We need to experiment, explore, and keep asking ourselves: "Who am I", "What do I like", "What do I hate", "What can I do", "What do I need", "What do I not need?" ". As we become more independent and mature, we naturally begin to seek more Even if you're sixty-five years old this year, if you've just come out of a long-term relationship or marriage, in many ways you're once again as raw as a twentysomething.Your first test will be to find your independence again.This sense of independence is the cornerstone of intimacy between couples.When you are celibate again, don't be in such a hurry to find someone to live with you as a hungry person looks for food.At this time, you are just eager to find someone to fill the days that suddenly become empty.In order to start an intimate relationship with someone again, you have to be prepared so that you can find the right person.At this time, you must first find yourself.Only in this way can you enjoy the joy of mutual satisfaction and fulfillment with your lover!

No matter your age, when you start to feel more independent and strong, you will no longer be satisfied with just dating someone who is attractive, good-looking or interesting.More than you want.You want to experience more than just spending quality time with them or having fun together.You want to have a deeper, richer opportunity to get to know someone and to be known by them.Naturally, you begin to feel a strong emotional need from within: you desperately want to experience the kind of loving, uninviting relationship that only true lovers can experience. strong love.
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