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Chapter 6 Facts That Are Hard For Singles To Understand

Many singles fail to understand such basic facts.They think that if you love someone, you unquestionably want to be with him/her, want to have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with him/her.This thinking is wrong.The closer you get to someone who could be your ultimate partner, the more you can see if he/she is worthy of your love, but, after a relationship, you may find that he/she may not be the best for you that person.If you want to stay together for a lifetime, just having love is not enough.Just because you love someone, don't blindly assume that he/she is your true love. When most people fall in love, they are distraught.He will think "I love him, and I want to be with him forever. If he loves me too, then he must want to be with me forever." At this time, if the other party chooses to break up, he will mistakenly think that the other party has been cheating , has been lying. "Hmph, don't look at his sweet talk, in fact, he doesn't love me at all." So, the anger of being betrayed hit him.Unbeknownst to them, people at the time of a breakup often overlook the fact that love alone is not enough.If in the process of dating, you find that your partner is not a suitable candidate, then you don't need to feel guilty about breaking up, and you don't need to blame yourself for not handling the emotional issues well.All you have to do now is choose to leave rightly.

Facing a breakup, attitudes are different.Some people are critical and critical.If a couple doesn't know how to end a relationship amicably, they may end up showing their worst qualities.In fact, it is unnecessary.Doing so will not help, but will also add obstacles to your next relationship.
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