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Chapter 5 when love is not strong

Looking back on the relationship between the two, in the first three stages of love, everything went smoothly, but after entering the fourth stage, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.As Bill got to know Susan better, he began to think that he did not meet Susan's requirements, and Susan was not the one he dreamed of.It is true that he loves her, but he does not want to marry and have children with her and stay together for the rest of his life. This feeling confused Bill and certainly puzzled Susan.Of course Susan could feel Bill's hesitation, "He is hesitating whether to continue this relationship."So she panicked, fearing that she would lose the relationship.In order to catch Bill's heart, she kept asking Bill: "If you love me, why don't you want to be with me?" "How can the relationship between us be finished?" "It's so unfair .I thought you loved me. But now you want to abandon me. How can you keep saying that you love me, but desperately want to leave me?" "There have been some wonderful things between us Things. You are just afraid of getting too close to me now. You must give me a chance, and I will prove it to you..."

However, facing a series of questions from Susan, Bill always replied in such a light way: "I love you, but I don't think you are the one I want." Susan couldn't listen to these words at all.So disputes are inevitable and problems will continue.In the end, it intensified, and eventually evolved into two people who would quarrel whenever they met.Their relationship had deteriorated to the point where even deciding where to eat at night had to argue for a long time, and of course they had to break up. Neither Bill nor Susan knew that this was actually a good thing: meeting someone, getting to know them, falling in love with them, only to find out that this person is not who they thought they were.They don't view the breakup positively.On the contrary, because there were so many disputes before the breakup, the love between the two was also exhausted in the endless quarrels. When they broke up, the love had disappeared, and only the resentment remained in their hearts.Many people make the same mistakes as Bill and Susan.When a relationship ends, they always focus on the negative and always think about the bad side, but they don't understand that breaking up with the wrong person is also a good thing.

How do you know someone is the right person? Speaking of which, I'm sure a lot of singles will ask me, "When you see someone, how do you know if he/she is suitable or not?" The usual response is, "Well, I don't know how to explain this to you, but you'll know when true love shows up." When like-minded people fall in love, it's amazing, they just know it.The feeling is so clear and definite, as if you'd know the sun is shining today, or that you're drinking a cold refreshing drink, or that the rock you're holding is hard.When you meet the right person, then you'll know.You accept him and recognize him not because he has a prominent family, is smart and hardworking, nor is it because he has a long list of reasons and qualifications behind him as the reason why you love him.Soul love is unconditional.When true love appears in front of you, you "just know", and then you spend your whole life exploring and discovering why he/she is your other half.

Of course, if such an answer seems too mysterious, it can also be somewhat misleading.This may suggest that if you don't have this "know it" feeling about someone, then that person isn't right for you.However, it is not.The most accurate answer to this question is to add a series of "if"s before it: if you create the right conditions when you are dating, if your hearts are open to each other, if you do meet the soulmate , then, you "know"; if you open up and you don't meet true love, then you "know" that you're not a good match. In order to understand who you will be spending this life with, you must first open your heart so that you can listen to your own voice.If you don't, there's no way you'll "know it" even if you spend your days with the right person.How important it is to first open the door of your heart and create the right conditions when dating!Going through the five stages of dating and continually creating the right moment can help you develop this ability to "know" when the right person arrives.Likewise, you "know" when you're with someone who isn't right for you.Once you have this "knowing" ability, then you can easily find true love or be found by true love.Everything you do, every decision you make, will lead you closer and closer to your goal and finally hit the bullseye.

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