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Chapter 3 repeat the same mistakes

If you broke up with feelings of anger or guilt, the next time you're in a relationship, you might like someone who is similar to your old flame.This is because in your subconscious mind, you want to use this relationship to solve the problems left over from the previous relationship.Everyone will have this experience more or less, if it is because of your fault that you end up losing his/her love, you will regret it.However, time cannot be turned back after all.Now that the matter has already happened, breaking the heart will not help the world.It's natural to have thoughts like, "I would never have done that if I could do it all over again," or "I wish I hadn't said that," or "Why would I have done that?" , and then you will sigh with emotion "If only I could go back to the past, I will definitely make him/her happy."

It's human nature to be like that.You may regret it, fantasize about being able to go back in time, fantasize about being able to start over.Once you've given up on a fruitless relationship, your instinct is to fall for someone who is similar to your old flame.Since this person has many similarities with the old lover, it is also possible that he or she will make you regret it.In the future communication process, you are very likely to repeat the last communication method, but in fact it is a big mistake to do so.You have to learn lessons from the last time you were in love, and you have to learn to constantly adjust yourself until your relationship reaches harmony and romance.In fact, when you look at those unpleasant dating experiences or the broken love songs that have ended with a positive attitude, you can draw strength from them and gain the ability to calibrate.You will be able to once again raise the sails of love and move forward bravely.Next time you go on a date, you won't make the same mistake again, and the person you like will be closer to true love.

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