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Chapter 2 A good end means a good start

To find the right person, you must have the ability to constantly calibrate to the bull's-eye.When a love song comes to an end, how you evaluate this relationship is an important criterion to measure whether you have the ability to calibrate.If you have this kind of calibration, then congratulations, you have the ability to attract the other half who really belongs to you.In the face of a breakup, the secret is: when a relationship ends, if you want to withdraw in time so that you can fully contact another person—this person is closer to your ideal, then you must pay more attention to the way you break up with your old lover .Many men and women who break up are too indulged in the shadow of love failure, but they don't know how you end this relationship has a very important impact on the quality of your next relationship.In this sense, a good ending means a good beginning!

If you end the relationship with resentment or guilt, your road to finding true love becomes longer and more distant.Many people don't understand this truth, so the situation when breaking up is mostly like this: a relationship is over, if the other party breaks up with you, then you will definitely think that he/she looks down on you and has failed you to him/her A piece of true love, you will be painful, and then angry.Especially women, it is difficult to accept the fact that a man proposes to her to break up.They will think that they have devoted themselves wholeheartedly and given their best, but they have ended up like this.As a result, they resent, they are dissatisfied, and they are wronged; for men, it is just the opposite.Don't think that it was he who proposed to break up with you first, then after the breakup, he will be relieved and relaxed.In fact, at this time, his feelings are not better than yours.When breaking up, the woman's angry confession and tears of grievance filled his heart with guilt.So it seems that both men and women feel bad when a relationship ends.

Facing a breakup, no one can feel good.It is commonplace for men to feel guilty and for women to complain.However, if you can look at it from another angle, breaking up may not be a bad thing.Generally speaking, the person who was rejected or abandoned felt angry; the person who broke up felt guilty.In some cases, someone may also feel insulted. "Does such a person dare to break up with me?" There are many people who think so.When a relationship ends, our hearts also cool down.Therefore, when you meet someone again, you will have reservations, and you will not open your heart for the other person lightly.

Not being able to open up means that it is difficult for you to find someone who is like you.Because you are timid and unwilling to release your true self in the process of falling in love, your personal charm cannot bloom, and you cannot fall in love with the person you like.Even if you haven't found the one you like, if you have an open mind, at least you can make progress on the road of love and find someone who is closer to your ideal; only with an open heart can you understand your true thoughts and you can be sure Are you getting closer to your goal.On the contrary, if your heart is closed, then the next relationship may repeat the same mistakes.

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