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Chapter 14 twelve

But, lover, not the one you go to bed with, but the one you sweetly wake up with in the morning, Victor.Haritonitch knew this well, and he could not forgive me for being Zinaida.Vasilyevna, shedding her widow's tears and obtaining a handsome pension, sued me in order to defend her murdered husband, who lived with me for more than two years, and who Happily, like a young boy, he died with a corresponding cry, being Zinaida.Vasilyevna was doing her dirty work without me knowing it, I was crying over my loss, reading that obituary over and over for comfort, and grandpa, Tikhon.Makarovitch, who lived by my side his life as an unknown Stakhanov worker, said nothing, seemed to have nothing to do with the matter, being Victor.Haritonich solicitously and with an intimate vibrato invited me into his office without even a dim suspicion crossing my mind that he was not going to be quiet anyway. , it seems that the time has come to pay the bills for a free life, except, I think, that he advertises our relationship greatly, in colleagues and Paulina.It's all useless to show off in front of Nikanorovna, Polina.Nikanorovna has always believed that a woman without a bra is not a woman, but a lowly creature, because, Polina.Nikanorovna's chest refused to obey orders long ago, and we will never understand each other, even though we have eaten dozens of catties of salt together at the same table, when we went to the market and stalls together, Beside the big limousine we were taken in to change, a crowd of people seemed to be scrambling for meat, and Natasha, the God-sent raw eater, was spinning rapidly with her hands Yarn said that the philosophy of flesh governs the world, and it is difficult to see God and those eternal problems clearly through flesh. When she goes out, she can see the composition of air without the flesh, and she can expose herself to the composition. Smiling, she could even see microbes, and Veronica raved about her, feeding her Timfie meat so that Timfie would grow stronger and fiercer, but Victor.Harry Tonage, the goat head, invited me on a date, of course I can detect badness, my sense of smell is very good, thank God! ——So, I decided to refuse the invitation, but he insisted again and again, and he was so attentive and tender, which made me believe that he couldn't hold back, or he just heard something and wanted to inquire about it. I have always liked me to introduce the situation to him, compare the strengths of various men, who has what, who is good, it is fine if you don’t give food, I just ask you to tell me about the strengths and deviations, so my description will be He was fascinated, and one of the stories he liked to hear very much was that a man of high quality, who was neither the Minister of Heavy Industry nor the Ministry of Light Industry, was offended because of me, because, on the banks of the Moscow River At picnics I entertained, I sat cross-legged like a Turk and took off my wet rag-like bathing suit, which was also that Kesyusha.It was given to me by Mochurskaya, who was equally critical of the philosophy of meat, and spoke of the power of time with the same viciousness as the raw food eater, but I knew that eternity, where both No depth, no mercy: that is, an impenetrable swamp in which the dump truck and that curious little neighbor boy crouched were buried, and the steel cable cut my face , stung me, this depth, thank you, I don't need it, and Kreusha, who grew up lean and teenage naughty, was a skinny ninth-grade schoolgirl with a girlfriend Tried kissing and my one-eyed dad stared at me, his abuse wasn't exactly disinterested, but I'm deaf to everything: about God, they say, see through flesh Not sure, thank you very much!And Victor, aka Haritonich, was gratified by the embarrassment of the minister, surprised by the credulity of the minister, because the minister believed that I was educating preschool children, and was doing this work, so Victor many.Haritonich would often laugh heartily with his hoarse bass, and I would sit cross-legged on a picnic like a Turk, facing the Moskva River, and he felt it was wrong and lost his appetite, because he wasn't Alone, but with a gang, they were immediately choked up with kebabs, which is still a polite way of saying it, but I dismissed it: I sat there, I was happy, and the minister soon afterwards Died of cancer, but before he died, he reconciled with me and even introduced me to his elderly mother, which is Ira, he said, I told you about her, typical Yes, he's a widower, and his mother loves me, but he's dead and sick, and I've brought him meals, and he's got a color TV in his ward, and the doctor said to me: Even if he could Standing up, he was no longer a man, and I said: Oh, there is no need!After hearing this, the doctor said to me: You are the most noble woman!

The doctor said this to me, and the minister died suddenly. Although he was admitted to the hospital, he was not cured. He was boiled dry within a month. It is definitely unlucky. If he When the disease is cured, he will marry, Alexander.Prokofievich, the brilliant, brilliant man, but he was stern and never forgave me for sitting cross-legged like a Turk, and he used to ask bitterly: Why do you want to be like a Turk? How about sitting cross-legged like that?Why? —But, I have been solemnly introduced to his old mother, which is the main thing!The three of us even dined together around a white, starched tablecloth with a crystal vase on it, and this old lady, who was very, very fond of me, had great respect for Victor in high office.Haritonitch, happy for me, he got more excited, and promised to make me a queen of the stage, but nothing came of it, so he wrote a letter to my protectors Text message, defending himself, he said he did it according to my wishes because I suffered a big loss and Zinaida.Vasilyevna shed her tears, but got nothing, because everyone was extolling my love, talking about her openly in vague terms, but those who wanted to hear would understand, and at this moment , He sweetly asked me to go there, without any hinting words, at eleven o'clock, so I was surprised by his wish, and with the residual warmth of the bed on my body, I went directly to him.I looked: excited, everyone was looking my way, I thought, they were looking at the necklace, I was wearing a Latin American necklace, an amethyst necklace, it was from Carlos, I'm going to make this The bastard looked at me, I looked, everyone looked at me, and his secretary led me into the hall where we were going to have a demonstration, with green baize on the table, but not for the show Banquet, Victor.Harritonitch and some other delegates were already sitting behind the table, where also sat Nina the weasel.I'm very familiar with Nina the Tiny Sparrow.She loves to eat brioche, but she doesn't know where our women's urine comes from. When she got cystitis, she came to ask me, and I shared my knowledge with her, but we don't know. Very close, Polina was also sitting there, she looked at me with endless pride in her eyes, Xiao Ma "Xiao Ma" is the pet name of "Semyon". .Epstein is there too, Victor.Haritonitch turned his eyes away and began to speak, saying that the need for a discussion had long since been needed, that it was time, and then he let the bitch Polina.Nikanorovna spoke, she is my direct supervisor, he said, she can express the unanimous opinion of everyone, so Polina.Nikanorovna jumped up from her seat and ran to the podium she made, to the microphone on the podium, as if she wanted to comment on my outfit, and everyone stared at me and whispered, And I still don't understand anything, but I'm thinking, why does everyone come here, even those master tailors in leather jackets with pins in their mouths poking around the door, and those in translucent shirts Seamstresses, why should they crawl out of their nests?Our office hasn't been this noisy since the cadre files were set on fire, I'm sitting cross-legged and Paulina yells at me that I shouldn't be sitting cross-legged and that I'm wearing a necklace , and someone I don't know is also talking, I see, Victor.Haritonitch was trying his best to look at the face of the man, to imitate the man, and the man said it was not proper, and at last he said, you should sit up straighter!Well, I sat down, and then Paulina started talking about discipline and image, about the outer image and the inner image, she said, the outer image we have just seen , necklaces everywhere, and as for the inner image, if not worse, it might be interesting to ask, for example, what is Tarakanova thinking, what is she hoping for, However, it seems too late to ask such a question because, she said, we have asked her many times, approached her more than once, talked to her, talked to her herself, this Victor .Hari Tonic also talked about it, she said, there were conversations like that, about image issues, but things got worse and worse, the discipline was very poor, it had horrible performances, our jobs are very special, we have to work with each other Staring, if someone's leisure time is messed up, it affects everyone, it's not just a personal thing, and as a result, someone has messed up, and there are signs, she said, in In all respects, I myself have seen on more than one occasion that in those business trips where the task is very difficult, there are often some men who behave freely, and alcohol, and even down to pure alcohol, these will appear, especially men, they will Clinging to you like a bee stinging on a piece of honey, pardon my terminology, a piece of spoiled honey!That's not our honey!The lack of discipline, the general public knows, we have noticed, this is a way of covertly getting something for nothing, if we say it directly, and the man I don't know, Victor.Haritonich has been watching him, has been echoing him, the whole hall, that is to say, my lesbians, are listening, said Polina, the so-called end of patience, she said, yes Time to make a decision, necklaces don't help me, that's nothing to show off, order in clothes is well known, her boobs are living a life of freedom, they sag when swimming, she doesn't mention it , but pushed it on my head, while I sat there, blinking my eyes, both of my eyes were not fully awake, because I, like Kreusha, don't despise sleep, don't like to sleep well At this time, Nina, the little squirrel who likes to eat brioche, flushed with excitement because of her speech, she said vaguely, if there are only cigarettes and men like bees, it’s nothing , but, she said, what we don't understand at all is where these people come from, and Xiao Ma, who spoke before.Epstein said he had been skeptical, but, he said, she was surrounded by an unhealthy climate, even, — how to put it? —is a climate of worship, something that surprises us, he said, maybe an optical illusion, because the climate just isn't healthy, it seems, he said to Victor.A stone was thrown in Harritonitch's garden, but the latter paid no heed, and sat angrily presiding over the council, while the tailors with pins in their mouths looked at the door, and we Feeling: Things have suddenly changed for some reason!At this moment, for no reason, Nina, the little squirrel, rushed out. , a representative of an unestablished destiny, out of pity, I once took her to a restaurant to see the band, no one invited her to that restaurant, at that time, we were traveling in the non-black earth, she said for no reason, if suddenly there was a war , Irina.Will Tarakanova take off her necklace and become a volunteer?It's a serious question, she said, especially in the eventful context, while Polina hastily added, "Look, Tarakanova will not be a volunteer, but the notorious Vlaso General Husband was originally a lieutenant general of the Soviet Army, who defected to the enemy during the Great Patriotic War.If this is the case, we shall seize her, and is it not sheer blasphemy that she becomes an advertisement for our image and kind, she is an advertisement for manners, if you will listen, she It even became an ad for hairstyles, and seriously, who are we modeled after?Epstein shouted: You know, not from Poland!And I yelled: Hey, this is too much!And I wondered to myself, what are they implying, who is that Vlasov referring to, that is, I understand, I am not a fool, but what has Vlasov to do with this?My patriotism surged, and I shouted: No!This is too much! —and they answer me that it's not too much, it's all right, and they say I've got to shut up and stop dangling the necklace while I'm dangling the necklace and putting people into understandable confusion, so , you have to answer, to the men and women gathered here, they say, I have nothing to refute, because everything is clear, and Nina the little oriole will declare again, if only men and alcohol and restaurants An unkempt bed, that's all right, if you add a woman to it, honestly, in the best way, it will show the most vicious and terrifying face, Xiao Ma.Epstein said there would be no forgiveness, and that strange man named Dugarin, who was even flushed, gave me such an expressive look that I was so quiet that I didn't even say no. Who is to judge those false accusations, and they say to me that it would do me good to hear it, as if I were not acting very modestly and gracefully?So, I fell silent and listened quietly.

So they lined up in a long line, each prettier than the other, and each of them told me that I was the lover of the notorious general, and found some new flaws in me, and they all put forward Criticism, and even the tailors, whose work was still in progress, made speeches, exaggerated their garments, and begged me not to disgrace them by my artifice, not to wear them, but I don't really want to wear them either, it's also a piece of shit to me, but I feel a little weird hearing these words, and Victor.Haritonitch, still angry, turned his eyes away, Polina.Nikanorovna couldn't hold back, she was suffering from the accumulated hostility against me, she couldn't hold back, and Nina, the little titmouse, went to comfort her and suggested brioche to her, and she The two of them just gobbled it up in full view, like they were in a snack bar, and they wouldn't even let me fiddle with the necklace, they jumped at me, these crotch lice, and I sat there and didn't go Slap 'em and just be there to listen, Xiao Ma.Epstein had finished shouting, and the stranger surnamed Du Jialin had gradually downplayed his out-of-control anger. He also cited some examples, saying that I had a dangerous influence on the collective, he said, you Look at her, maybe even oversize her, and you'll be amazed at her looks, and underestimate her, and I think it's over and the spontaneity will subside, but that's not the case : My angelic protector, defender of my personal interests, Stanislav.Albertovich.Flavitsky also stepped onto the podium briskly, and when he spoke, his articulation was somewhat slurred, but his voice was very sweet.

Stanislav.Albertovich: I look like an outsider, but my emotions are very clear, my dear patients, I have told Irina more than once.Vladimirovna had abortions, I don't know how many times.I don't plan to count the times, because I can't remember how many times, I forgot the exact number, although medical secrets are not of great significance in front of you, because you represent the will of your superior union. Victor.Harry Tonic: Without a doubt. Polina.Nikanorovna: (crying) Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo! ! ! ! ! Nina the Tiny Sparrow: Boom-boom-boom! Du Jialin: Go on. Stanislav.Albertovich (excitedly): I am shocked every time!

Victor.Harry Tonic: Exactly! Stanislav.Albertovich: Me and Irina.Vladimirovna had nothing in common, but I clearly remember her saying that she didn't want to be forced to give birth, although, as a doctor, I don't want to do evil, but I want her Can change your mind. Polina.Nikanorovna: She won't change her mind! General Vlasov: She is my Liaison Adjutant. Xiao Ma.Epstein: A female criminal!But there is no brand on you! Stanislav.Albertovich: We are people in white coats Our Outrage Condemns Russia's Aborted Grandmothers We are people in white coats We keep Russian aborted grandmothers out of our homes!

Polina.Nikanorovna: I'm Polina.Nikanorovna. Stanislav.Albertovic: I am beyond happy! Crowds in the Hall: Friendship.Friendship-friendship-friendship-friendship-friendship! ! ! ! ! Tailors: Look, boys, generals! General Vlasov (in shackles, standing ankle-deep in water, covered in rats): All my criminal thoughts come from Irina.Vladimirovna.Tarakanova, she was an Italian charlatan, Mussolini's concubine. Tailors (crying and singing): cockroaches and spiders Live in our home. degree guy cockroaches and spiders All have sodomy! ! ! Nina the Tiny Sparrow: Boom-boom-boom! Polina.Nikanorovna and Stanislav.Albertovich (Kiss in public.)

Victor.HARRYTONECH (applauding wildly): Look, that's what it looks like! Me (shouting): It's you, Grandpa! ! ! (Grandpa walks past me without stopping, his medals and eyes sparkle. He often scrubs the medals with tooth powder. He doesn't approve of toothpaste as a harmful and dangerous invention that leads people astray .Grandpa stepped onto the podium.) Grandpa's speech Dear comrades! My own granddaughter, Irina.Vladimirovna.Tarakanova... ... ... ... ……(silence.) Victor.Harry Tonic: Why didn't you talk? Grandpa (Silence.) Victor.Harry Tonic: You have manuscripts.

Grandpa: I lost it. Victor.Harry Tonic (in a negotiating tone): He lost it. Grandpa: Can I just say that?Don't want any embellishments? Dugalin: Go ahead, old Stakhanov worker! Grandpa: Well, I'll start here, when she goes out, she never turns off the lights, nor does the gas water heater in the bathroom, it will cause a fire, and everything will burn down, I don't want to To be burned to death, it can be said that I have lived my whole life, not to be burned to death when I am old. As for her walking around the house in a Japanese kimono all day long, I don’t feel pity. Walking, anyway, you No conscience, either, but if she jumps out of bed, or out of some corner, grabs the phone and starts talking, then, (to Dugalin) boy, it's a different story, I would be mentally stimulated like a sick person, they spend the night in her room, they laugh, they get water everywhere, there seems to be nowhere to go, the water even flows into the hallway, and, she Smoking in bed, I'm excited, I can't sleep, it's a pity after all if burned in old age, and one more thing: once, I didn't tell a lie, I was in I saw a big pool of blood on her bed, and I wanted to ask her, but to be honest, I was scared, there were enough things, but there was a pool of blood, and as for her walking away in a Japanese kimono I don't have a problem with coming and going, because it's a nice kimono, although, of course, it's also dirty...

Victor.Harry Tonic: What conclusions can you draw from these facts, Tikhon.Makarovich? Grandpa (sighs): What kind of conclusion... Victor.Harry Tonic: Like, can you live together? Grandpa: Ah, this one! ... Well, from here, it seems inappropriate for me, as a respectable person, to live with her because of the threat of fire.I don't need any care from her either!To hell with her! (Stamps.) Everyone in the hall: Woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo! ! ! ! ! There was a shot.what happened?It was General Vlasov who shot himself. Tailors (in cadence): Heroes with holes!Heroes with holes!Heroes with holes!

A seamstress in a white shirt: Girls!Let's go pull her hair!Let's pick out her eyeballs with a pin! Girls: let's go! Victor.HARRYTONECH (sternly): He-he!Don't mess around! Nina the Tiny Sparrow (joyfully): Boom-boom-boom! Xiao Ma.Epstein: Why did the body of General Vlasov shoot himself? Polina.Nikanorovna (warmly): Then who knows? Corpse of General Vlasov (with a South Russian accent): I did not shoot myself.I owe all my bad deeds to Irina.Tarakanova! Victor.Harry Tonic (to me): Hey, what can you say? (His eyes are filled with hatred.) Me (standing on podium): I never loved this man (referring to General Vlasov's body).I love another person.I love him so much!All this is because of him! ! !I... I... I... (I passed out.)

(It was evening. I was still lying there unconscious. Two familiar faces leaned over me. These were Viktor Haritonich and his girlfriend Polina Nikanorovna .It's the night of that day.) Victor.Haritonitch (to Polina Nikanorovna, softening his tone): Oh, you bitch! Polina.Nikanorovna: Excuse me. Victor.Harry Tonic: Badass. Polina.Nikanorovna: What's the matter? Victor.Harry Tonic: Nothing!old whore! Polina.Nikanorovna: Who?I? Victor.Harry Tonic: That's you. Polina.Nikanorovna: Bastard! Victor.Harry Tonic: Excuse me. Polina.Nikanorovna: Beast! Victor.Harry Tonic: Excuse me. Polina.Nikanorovna: Scoundrel! Victor.Harry Tonic: Excuse me. Polina.Nikanorovna: I do not forgive. Victor.Harry Tonic: No, you'll forgive me! Polina.Nikanorovna: No forgiveness. Victor.Harry Tonic: Bitch! Polina.Nikanorovna: I do not forgive. Victor.Harry Tonic: Badass! Polina.Nikanorovna: Shut up.I fucked you with...and with my erect tits! Victor.Harry Tonic: Impossible. Polina.Nikanorovna: Possibly! Victor.Harry Tonic (not sure): No way. Polina.Nikanorovna (with a threatening gesture): Possibly! Victor.Harry Tonic: Go!I'm going to kill you! ! ! Polina.Nikanorovna: Excuse me. Victor.Harry Tonic: I do not forgive! Polina.Nikanorovna: Vega "Vitya" is a nickname for "Victor". ! Victor.Harry Tonic: What Vija? Polina.Nikanorovna: Vetya... Victor.Harry Tonic (softening his tone): Oh, you bitch! They leaned over each other and got close, I moved on the manager's little couch to let them know that I was conscious and consciously witnessed their hidden internal excretion, so they stared at me For a while, see me alive, Paulina.Nikanorovna, for personal reasons, was pleased with my regained consciousness, and she was pleased with Victor.Harry Tonic explained that his agitation was unnecessary, that they did not go too far, but acted according to the plan, so, Victor.Haritonich, too, pulled himself together and looked like a good lad, and I said in a weak voice, I want to go home, but they didn't care, they just looked at me cheerfully, as if they were looking at a fait accompli, Vivian. Kedo.Harritonitch was completely at ease, he stopped quarreling with Polina, and talked to her very politely, and he was satisfied because everything was going according to plan, without any deviation or deviation. Going too far, I licked my dry lips, looked at Paulina hostilely, I said, she might leave us, I want to be with Victor.Harry Tonic was left alone, however, Victor.Haritonich, however, became shy at my request, said it was too late, and offered to find me a car and take me back to my lodgings, while he himself hid behind Polina, who Look at me like you're looking at a run over animal, with some sort of disgust, and I'm lying there, limp from being unconscious, my brain is spinning very slowly, but I know, Victor .Harry Tonitch wasn't really a bad person, he had to, and she, alone, could do everything—and more!That is, she'd even kill me, and he'd be just as satisfied, because everything went so well, well, I got up, straightened my clothes, and went out the door without a word, Hauled a taxi, outside it was warm, rainy and windy, people were walking, they were almost happy, Stanislav.After looking around for a while, Albertovich came towards me. He was hiding at first in a shop, or under some archway, where the stamp dealers built a nest. He came towards me. , holding a black umbrella, proposed to clarify our relationship, my memory felt that he had said many things to discredit me, and even shook his fist, what he did was not exactly in line with a doctor But he kept begging me not to understand him that way, but to listen to him, he hinted that he waited for me for a long time, because, when the shadow fell over my head, when my body was not Well, even wobbly, he waited a long time for me and offered to take my arm and take me home, which is not a very timid thing after all, and he explained that he fell into a In a special situation, he begged me to understand him. If I couldn’t understand him, I should at least find out his uneasiness. I didn’t have any objection, but I didn’t have any interest in him. I felt that some fundamental changes had taken place. Just like Victor.As Harry Tonecchi said, these are some fateful days, where do you want me to go, don’t go to grandpa, but grandpa has disappeared in this rain, where should I go, so, I Stanislav was not listened to.Albertovich's conversation, but got into a taxi, announced where I was going, and threw Flavitsky with a black umbrella on the slippery road, his confession I only listened to half of it, they have nothing to do with me, I don't object, but he can't help much, but who will come to complain for me?These are the questions I have in my head as I drive across the city, weak and alive again, sweating and chilling because, how long have I been in a coma I don't remember the time, and it's hard for me to tell when the coma started and when it ended.Because everyone hates me, and this thought made me faint again, because it is a new thing to live with everyone's hatred, no, of course, this kind of thing has happened before, but when I was in a coma In the past, everyone applauded together, but this kind of thing has never happened. Nina gave everyone a pandan egg roll, but didn't give it to me, but where should I go?I still have to go home because I want to be with Grandpa Tikon first.Makarovich worked together to clarify the problem and know what their intentions were. Later, the door slammed, but I didn't want to think about it at the time, because the sudden incident made me very tired and my hands couldn't move. , there was a clamor and strange shouts in my head, I understand why they asked me to meet, but after all, they could give me a good warning in advance, otherwise, things will not go smoothly, and it will appear that I am not prepared, for example, Victor.Haritonich can call me here and tell me the last word, we're going to tell you, we're going to fire you, so just cry and be as decent as you can in front of everybody, - please , I'm ready, I'm going to cry and confess right away, but they don't even want to listen to me, but they immediately start shouting from all directions, even those strange faces got in, and even this General, it seems that I have really had any relationship with him, but you know, I have never had any relationship. He admires the dog-like submissive posture. I have to explain the situation to him. When I get home, I will And then, for the first time in my life, I discovered that everything is unstable and unsteady, that I could not distinguish the feeling of humiliation from a taxi, the whispers of tailors from my own hands, from my own hair, I gave up trying to solve this serious problem, and ignored these general fictions, so I went to Grandpa, opened the door, and thought: I'm going to give him a good look soon, but he Standing in the kitchen, facing the stove, wearing an apron with a pattern of red dots, frying cod, when he saw me, he greeted me with joy, but I said to him coldly, so I don’t remember the warmth I had before, he’d better be less happy, because after all, he is a relative, but he told me that his happiness was not without reason, and he was very happy to see that I came back alive and safe. That is, his forecast was verified and everything went according to his orders, but he was a little depressed because it was late and I never came back, and I said to him, you Why leave me alone?What other predictions do you have?And he said to me, little Ira, we'd better have a happy drink, so he leaned into the fridge and pulled out a half-liter of Cuban vodka, which came in a bottle with a screw cap He put the wine on the table, and there were some appetizers on the table—cucumbers, tomatoes, canned herring, smoked sausage, and the cod was still squeaking on the stove, and I said to him, are you not crazy, old man?What's the fun?Here they drove me with terrible force, and I fell headfirst into my own abyss, cooing like a cuckoo, but he said to me: What is there to be sad about?Isn't this a lucky thing?You know, everything passed peacefully! --really not bad! — My dear, he replied that it is not that he does not know how to live, but it is not that I do not know how to live!We understand life differently, though, and he embodies all kinds of pessimism, looking at me with trembling and reverence, hinting that his recent The incident was clear, and he also understood the reason for the obituary, and because he understood it, he was surprised to see me sad, and I said, why should I be happy, since even my grandfather exposed me so brilliantly? , but he was very surprised: I was exposing you, but every word I said at that time was to help you out! —I said to him, old fellow, why didn't you tell me anything beforehand?Just say in the morning, let me get ready to go there in a change of clothes, at least without the necklace, without the dress of Keshuisha, like a nun, and he said: just need Your attire! — who needs it? ——who needs what? ! ——I didn't understand what he meant, so I continued to ask the bottom line: Why did you do such an obscene thing? ——他不明白,他说道,他是全心全意的,一开始就要求把我保护起来,不受伤害,他和他们说好了,因此他才去了,因此事情才如此出色地结束了,虽说,他说道,我显然已经落后于现代生活了,我弄不明白,他们为什么会那样纵容你,尽管我费了很大的劲儿,还是没能听懂所有的话,而我说道,你为什么要发言呢? ! ——而他说,我怎么能不发言呢,既然我是一个有意识的人,我想好好地过日子,我不想害你,至于那个报告,他说道,我把它扔到茅房里去了,你喜欢吗? ——不喜欢,我说道,——别这样,他回答,那报告里原来还有一些更厉害、更伤人的说法,我不喜欢,就是说,我想了又想,就在今天早晨把它扔到下水道里去了,而自己却装扮成一个傻瓜,就像一个弱老头儿,为了加重分量,我还佩戴上了那些勋章和证章,要让他们知道,我也是个人物! ——他们想对你那些上了锈的勋章吐唾沫! ——我说道。 ——你给我说说,你为什么要爬上去发言,事先还不告诉我? ——唉,他说道,你什么都不明白,我们最好还是来喝两杯吧。 ——好吧,我想,他喝上两杯,就会道出实情了,而我自己又想:他说他没有揭发我,可他都说了些什么啊!还谈到了什么一摊血!ah?这还不叫揭发? ! ——他说道:我是因为害怕才扯到那摊血的,要不他们老是看着我,等在那里,我讲的都是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事,他们兴许会冲我发火,说我违反了协议,那样的话,我们两个都会吃苦头的,而现在,他说,你想什么时候来,就请什么时候来,他们监视上了一两年,然后也就厌烦了,你也就见怪不怪了,至于你被开除了……——什么开除了? ! ——你还不知道? ——不,我说道,我不知道,我和虚弱、恶心抗争着,唉,他说道,小傻瓜,你还会有各种各样的奇遇,我当初不愿意你住在我这里,也不是没有原因的,可是你却用你父母的健康来起誓,我当时就知道,这件事情不会有好结果的,瞧,结果果然不好,虽说,当然你飞得很高,这是事实,如果这是就弗拉基米尔。谢尔盖耶维奇来说的话,我要告诉你,在一次突击队员代表大会上,弗拉基米尔。谢尔盖耶维奇握过我的手,当时,我还是一个没什么文化的人,不知道怎样用体温计量体温,在病床上把体温计给压碎了,我是由于超额完成计划而住进医院的,在我康复之后,我才得知,我一个人就完成了一百五十个黑人劳工的劳动定额,我给累伤了,而大伙儿却兴高采烈地喧闹起来,纷纷在群众大会上发言,赞成莫洛托夫和里宾特洛甫达成的协议莫洛托夫(1890—1986),曾长期担任苏联外交部长;里宾特洛甫(1893—1949),纳粹德国的外交部长;这里说的“协议”可能是苏德两国于1939年在莫斯科签署的《苏德互不侵犯条约》。 ,在他们开始向我表示祝贺的时候,弗拉基米尔。谢尔盖耶维奇也握了一下我的手,就像是面对一位尊贵的客人,而他,你当然是知道的…… 我干了半杯伏特加,为了暖暖身子,可是我却什么话也不想讲,他也不强迫我讲,恰恰相反,他有些醉意了,独自回忆起往事来,但是他说道,在接下来的工作中,他比较爱惜身体了,因此才活了下来,因为,他总是能为一件小事而感到心满意足,感谢上帝,他这一辈子过得可不像某些人那样,那些人爬得很高,摔得也很惨,他的生活就像呼吸一样简单轻松,从未成为一个受气的人,在案件审理期间,我还能在他这里再住上几天,然后,就该赶紧卷铺盖了,他们达成了这样一个协议,而现在,你就坐在这里吃喝吧,舀上几勺醋渍小蘑菇,那罐蘑菇是他特意打开的,他又斟了一杯酒:我们干了吧!——他干了那杯酒,眼睛完全斜视了。你反正是个恶棍,——我用疲倦的声音对他说道。——说我是恶棍?——酒后的爷爷兴奋起来。——他们才是恶棍呢,他们,那些可爱的人啊,才是混蛋,虽说,轮不到我们这些罪人来做评判,但他们的确是恶棍,唉,恶棍,虽说也不完全是……对了,他们赶走了你,对了,你想想,他们把你给开除了!我,亲爱的,立刻就问他们:你们打算拿她怎么办呢?——就这样呗,他们回答,我们要开除她。——做得对,我说道,那接下来呢?——可是他们却说:我们没有别的打算。怎么,我感到迷惑不解,只是赶走她?是的,他们回答,但是您也要帮帮我们,让她彻底离开莫斯科!……那么好吧,我回答,我帮这个忙,你们掐着她的脖子把她赶走,为了弗拉基米尔。谢尔盖耶维奇的好名声,有一次在圆柱大厅,他还握过我的手,从那时起,我就一直很尊重他,你们把她赶走,解雇她,把她赶出莫斯科,她在这里没什么好做的,赶走她!而我自己却在想:瞧,他们竟落到了这样的地步!他们开除了一个女破坏分子!——爷爷醉醺醺地笑了起来。——他们开除了她,却不去碰她,就像是在尼古拉时代那样!瞧,我想,就是这么回事,但我还是不相信,我开了一罐蘑菇,我在想:太晚了……你说他们不来碰我,这是什么意思?——我用微弱但却难听的声音喊道。——怎么不碰我!他们要把我赶出莫斯科!——傻姑娘!——爷爷哈哈大笑起来,他的眼镜片闪出了欢乐的光芒。——难道这也叫碰你?小伊拉,这可不是一个正经的说法!——他朝我这个方向挥舞着叉子,叉子上面叉着一片很硬的蘑菇。——这种话你甚至别来跟我讲! 我俩又干了一杯,两个人都暖和了起来,爷爷那副过时的角质眼镜的镜片在闪闪发光,我则因为那些往事而有些疲倦了,但是,——等等! ——我对爷爷说道。 ——我还要给这个维克多。哈里托内奇好看! ——但是,爷爷没在听,因为他自己也想讲话,也想回忆,而他的回忆总是老一套,说他怎样在一个工作日里完成了一百五十个黑人劳工的定额,说他在这之后怎样住进了医院,说他不知道体温计该放在什么地方,由于非常害羞,他在被子下面压碎了那枝体温计,他又用手去捧那摊水银,说他有一次把冰淇淋装在帆布裤的口袋里,当时他正和奶奶一起逛动物园,那根紫雪糕在口袋里化了,可他却没有发觉,——你怎么会没有发觉呢? ! ——我总是会感到惊讶,——是这样,我是被各种各样的动物吸引住了……奶奶后来把我骂了一顿。 ——怎么,她是个混蛋? ——我问道,因为我一直不喜欢混蛋女人和歇斯底里的女人,那样的女人喜欢整洁,她们会一面发疯,一面洗熨衣物。 ——什么事情都可能发生,——爷爷模棱两可地回答说,但他马上又返回到圆柱大厅的事件上去了。 ——我要告诉你,爷爷说,你那位弗拉基米尔。谢尔盖耶维奇,说实话,我并不喜欢,在他和我握手的时候,就像是面对一个尊贵的客人。不喜欢,就是这样! ——爷爷继续说道。 ——我和他握手也没有任何满足感,虽说,他当然是个出类拔萃的人,也是他首先向我伸过手来的。 ——唉,你不喜欢他,就别握呗! ——我平和地说道,伏特加喝得我浑身无力,因为我俩坐着没挪地方,已经喝完了一瓶酒,我又刚刚昏迷过,我感到很不舒服,我和他一起喝酒,是为了让弗拉基米尔。谢尔盖耶维奇安息,我见过许多男人,其中就包括维克多。哈里托内奇,在他们最无援的状态之中,因为,我从后门潜入了历史,我总是感到很好奇,如果我突然对他们咬紧牙关不让步,情况会是什么样子?但是爷爷却认为,所有这些名人,全都是些痛苦的酒鬼和放荡鬼,而他的放荡就是从下餐馆开始的,他想在我的谈话中寻找这方面的验证,但是,我的酒喝得不多,没有去争论,不管怎样,他说,我是落后于当今的时代了,虽说他们揭批你的话我全能听懂,只有一个字我不懂:女同性恋者……这又是他们往人们身上挂的一张新标签? 我没给他解释,我懒得理会,我说:这也是一种假货,我想尽快回到我的房间里去。爷爷不相信。我不想离开莫斯科!我喜欢莫斯科! ! !我倒在床上,很快就睡着了。
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