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Chapter 11 Nine

Our car is moving forward slowly.We were silent for a long time.Our car is like a hearse. Look, I thought, he's going to kill me.He has this right. His white silhouette was far away from me, and he was unhappy.What, you achieved your goal? --No! ——I replied, I was afraid that he would get angry, and at the same time I appreciated it, because he was my savior after all, and he could have ignored me and let me be torn to pieces, but our car kept going.and after? — Asked Khusha. ——what later?Then he said: I hope you can understand that this is the end, he said, this is the end result, but he himself still pulled me forward and did not throw me on the street.I was silent, listening quietly, a migraine, some oranges flew in front of my eyes, the Japanese man had a strange look, he squinted at my performance, shocked by the customs of this exotic power, Or maybe he was catching something bad and felt like his rights were being suppressed, but again, Britten's music rang through the halls and all my rights were still in my hands.Do you understand, he said, this is the end of our agreement!I opened my mouth.aha!Look, I was thinking, how smart he is!Look at this cunning fellow!I didn't expect that!Neither Kreusha nor I expected it.A meticulous thinker, stripping things away layer by layer, and I, that is to say, I sat next to a broken wooden basin and recited Pushkin's fairy tale poem "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish". Due to the greed of the fisherman's wife, she used Everything gained by the goldfish's magic power was lost, and finally only the old broken wooden basin remained beside her. , nothing came of it, I poked my finger at the dusty mirror: the end of the agreement!But this is the beginning of all the rest!I'd go into another realm, I'd lose my goldfish status, and, it seemed, be a bargain.I opened my mouth wide: amazed at his nobility and profile, we drove on, and he was even happy, as if a stone had been lifted from his shoulders, Zinaida.Vasilyevna will be very happy to hear this news.Just be happy, female robber who took advantage of the fire, be happy!But then you will weep bitterly, when you follow the great man's coffin and walk along the path that has never been taken, in that cold villa, you will share the property with Anton Cheek got into a fight, he rushed back, rushed back to the funeral, either from Oslo, or from Madrid, because this boy is a good orderer of his life, he's my fake admirer, and I'm going to Look it out: a jerk.And in Vladimir.In front of Sergeyevich, I have to bow down - a great husband!But seeing the relaxed look on his pale face made me uneasy.He is free!He didn't offer much, and he sent me home, his hands smelling of driving gloves, where Grandpa was lying asleep doing a pious sleuthing after a night spent with the TV. The dream of a Dakhanov worker, the dream of a most trustworthy veteran, who lies asleep and does not care, while his beloved little granddaughter has been thrown on the sidewalk, right in front of the house, They finally said "good night"!Alas, I can't help it, I stopped crying, I calmed down, and then I walked into the house, and in the room, those oranges were rolling under my feet, and those people in tuxedos were gesticulating and foaming at the mouth. , the Japanese commander was using a baton to eat a bowl of cold rice piled up high, no, not rice, but a bowl of rice porridge, it seems that the war just ended yesterday, he was lying on the bed, this squinting guy, Looking slyly, while the orange rolled under my feet, and Timfiy rolled between my knees, sniffing my skirt, feeling a near soul, and I said to Veronica: Don't I cry!do not Cry! —and she cried, she cried, though she was a witch, and a villain, and though she was very sensible, because she kept men from her, and only Timfie could have her favor, Timfie Said: Well...there is no difference...the souls are similar after all, he ran around, sniffed his skirt again, and I saw: he passed out! —Hey, I say to Veronica, he's your good fellow! —I rubbed his ears and ruffled his hair, while Timfiy grinned.But I came to her not without a purpose, I came to give advice, to bless her, so she said in a weak voice: Why not try it? . . . But you, Ira, don't touch Timfie . — I asked. —Cthusha? —she was silent.The conversation was interrupted, I couldn't find out what to say, she didn't tell the truth, and Kreusha didn't say a word, not once, and didn't care about our friendship, and Timfay watched from above. looking at her like looking at your own private property, so to speak, my girlfriends cheated on me on this matter, I saw it myself, although there is no proof, I have been completely rejected, so, and I started to feel humiliated when Timfey was together.Very humiliating.I came empty-handed, I returned empty-handed, Leonardic took pride in the quarrel, took advantage of it, wished me good night, left me to spend the night alone with the vanity mirror, I threw myself at the phone, trying to All those conscientious friends fired up, but it was too late, too late, and all I heard in the microphone was some beeps and some nasty, drowsy **!apologies, it's too late, well, forget it, I've spent the night alone with the vanity mirror, and it's a good thing to do anyway, because I'm lying there like a little girl, moaning I feel in a trance that I am alone again in my hometown, but I like Moscow, I can’t stay here enough, I groan, I seek solace in this small, but precious and only thing, and yet, I I didn't fall asleep, I just woke up and stopped singing, and I saw: black night, a frightening wind blowing in the sky, clouds gathered into dark clouds, moonlight on the sheets, in the mirror, crossing my legs, my Legs and hands, between them was a forgotten face, and then I made up my mind, and that night, I hid myself and understood everything, because, he wasn't abandoning me, But just correcting me, making me obey him so that everything will go his way after that, at the dacha, here, in this luxurious house, I put my face on the Karelian birch furniture , Suddenly found that she had become the hostess of this house.Be merry, Zinaida.Vasilyevna!You may sleep well tonight, but the word will spread, and in the morning,--will it?The orange was rolling, rolling, and finally rolled aside, but I didn't wait long, and just as I was hiding the open secret and brushing aside the false rebuttals, the phone rang and Grandpa ran In the past, like a well-trained parrot, it shouted: the line is connected! — Then, covering the microphone with his palm, he said to me: Are you at home or not? --at home!at home! — I rushed out of the bathroom, forgetting to put on a pajamas, and Grandpa got up embarrassed and blindfolded, like the Vignedikt priest, when the elderly woman pushed me away When the rubber band on my panties sprinkled holy water, I didn’t protect myself well for two weeks. These two weeks seemed to be half a year long. I didn’t protect myself carefully. I lived the life of a mermaid. Swimming from one bathroom to another, luring those good-looking ghosts, is scary to think about. For example, the head of the auto repair department used to lie in bed early in the morning on the phone, scolding his subordinates, but Ke Huusha was far away, and Lidulla was treating her illness. She knew that the boss suspected that something was wrong. There must be pus in the pants, and there must be some disease in the private parts. So, he flew back to his homeland and traveled all over the world. They are all Japanese, so Kreusha, who lives in Paris, swears that Paris has become a Japanese city, and I, walking quietly to the phone, say: Who is it?Hello! ——I heard: Leonardic's unconfident voice came. The deceased never liked the phone. He thought the phone had countless shortcomings and often pressed the phone under the pillow, but I deliberately made things difficult for him and blamed him. , - Hey, you say, say you love me!Say you're horny!You said, you want to take a walk holding my hand and caress me! ——He seemed to flash in front of him suddenly: wait, don’t call me by my name at this moment, I can’t hear anything, I’m calling from a phone booth on the street, and someone is knocking coins on the glass of the phone booth, ——It seemed to be for nothing, I threw oranges in front of the surprised audience, broke through the blockade of the police, that wall of people, the wall of people,——It's over! ——Our underground state is over.It was a crime against his image.He had been running all his life, thank God, for the experience of tiptoing around corners and up marble stairs, and in his face was buried a panic: the master scolded the little master, and the little master scolded the little one. The master, and the little master went to scold the servant boy.The master covered himself with the quilt—the rest would be frozen to death, so the panic settled in the gullies of the faces, his glorious life passed quietly, but the disgust of the telephone Today is gone, and that doesn't mean I miss him,--I'm exhausted with those dreams, and it amazes me that he's free, paid back with a small rescue. My humiliating entreaty, my unique art, but this time, I was in no hurry to act, nor did I avoid answering: I stood there, listening, dripping from me, bearded Grandpa returned to his room, he was a little baffled.He told me he wanted to... he said Zinaida.Vasilyevna went out to have her bladder treated, said he missed me, and asked where I was.I replied: I'm not going anywhere, I'm living alone, with books, I'm in love with Blok... - who? —It's Brock!a poet.I memorized some poems. —he was silent, already feeling that he had made a mistake, that he should not have called, and began to make peace, but I knew how things would turn out, and Kreusha did not believe: did he call himself? ——She can’t leave me, she can’t wait to come back, and although I’m on good terms with Lidula, Lidula’s pragmatism makes me feel embarrassed, she likes all kinds of things, especially It's the precious things, especially the valuable ones, she worships gems, if that japanese comes back, she won't come to me, and I won't go to her, by then, where should I be Go on, even if we are still content with our successful friendship, but Ksyusha is Ksyusha after all, Ksyusha after all!

She was not intimidated by esoteric conversations full of wit, but she was unimpressed by thoughtful women, and I remember how quickly Natasha disappeared, eager for the joys of a common cause, only to be inevitably exposed .She, Kshyusha nodded toward the thoughtful woman, cold as a malnourished Taymyr, a peninsula in the northernmost part of Asia.Human feet, which may be an allusion to her sister, but Natasha disappeared soon after. I met her in the upper-class audience of the Berger ballet, which was one of her intellectual pleasures. , At that time, I greeted her indifferently, and walked past her, I was cold.But Kreusha was not like that, she was not a thinking woman,--and a marvelous one, too!And I believed her and imitated her, until she spread her hands and said: Well, what do you think! ...Hey, what do you think.Just want him to call himself!After all those oranges... - you don't get it! —I smiled sheepishly. —He should have called.You know, he came to the conclusion at that time that I surrendered and was sad. —Okay,—I didn't rush to agree, so he said: Well, maybe it's great!

We agreed to meet at his place, no, I'm far from making up my mind, I want to see what happens, when I met him in a suite without drums and bags, I thought he was a little Depressed, anxious, it's not his style, he complains of ill health, he's moaning: I'm sitting in front of an old man with remnants of a past luxurious life, but that's all! —Ira! — said he, leading me into a house with Karelian birch furniture, with windows looking out onto the courtyard, and doors with gleaming bronze handles, and doors for entry and exit like barricades Same. —Ira! — he murmured melancholy, while complaining about his poor health. —Why don't you call me? —he was in the suit he was going out in, the one he was buried in, and it was his favorite dress, and it was his favorite extravagance: a suit at home, for me!Absolutely just for me!I confessed to him that I didn't believe it was going to go on, that I thought that argument was the end of it all, and that I had surrendered to his decision.He sat nervously in the chair as if it belonged to someone else, and I knew he didn't like my submission.He said, Ira, I can't do it.I seemed to answer, me too, and he smiled a little, and he even started to look different, and I said me too, and it animated him and made him glow!I wasn't in a rush to be elated though, I got the point in his suggestion, he wanted both of us to compromise and everything would be perfect again, but why should I compromise?What have I lost with him?Do I need those cramping hugs from him?Need his pea-sized spots?Do you think I do too, gentleman!I was silent for a while.I just said, me too, because I wanted to say me too, so I said, me too, and he glowed!At that time, Vladimir.Sergeyevich smiled and went on with the story of the orange and how he pissed into this fire and put it all out and then everything worked out, but I don't want it to work out !I just don't want to!So, I said: Marry me.I omitted the redundant words, just said it like this, without foreshadowing, without hint, marry me, that's all.I said, you gotta understand, I'm tired of being an old girl, but he's always afraid that I'll embarrass him, that people will judge me for what I'm saying, if I love, I'm going to forget myself love, do you love me? —he asked me, sinking deep in the chair like a bedbug, his whole being doubting, suffering, suffering and worrying, and at that moment he disgusted me, and I replied, yes, I said, of course, how dare he ask me a question, or that my disappointment wasn't deep enough, even with those oranges as an example?After a lengthy explanation of those feelings, of his latest ones, of his contorted muscles, and having come to that conclusion, I replied: Yes, I say, I love you.I didn't play tricks, I replied: Yes! —He said to me: Yes! —I said: Marry me!I've had enough of old girls!

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