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Chapter 9 seven

The wardrobe drawers were wide open.One by one pantyhose hung there, showing the yellow soles.I went back to my empty home.The perfume bottles, with their small ribbed stoppers, were arranged in a row, "Diorissimo" crowded together, a small mother-of-pearl vase held a few withered forget-me-nots, and There were those assorted cotton balls, body lotion, tortoise shell combs, gold lipstick tubes.I haven't cleaned the clutter since that moment, when I let it lie there, wrote "Ira" on the vanity mirror with my finger, and turned on my hissing The record player, frowning, went on writing, the sentences reflected in the mirror: These perfume bottles, with their ribbed stoppers, lined up in a row, are "Diorissimo"...

Here is my belly.Soon, everything will be irreparable.If he dares to come in, I'll shout to him: Look, my belly, look!The letter box is full of newspapers, ordered by Grandpa.On the wall was an oil painting, unframed and nailed in with thick nails, of my great-grandmother.The portrait is very old, and is the work of a very talented unknown painter.My boyfriends raved about the painting and were amazed: Who is this? The bed was great.It was covered with a satin quilt and hung with heavy tassels. Merzlyakov once went to Poland with a tourist group, and he used to say when he came back: There, in their Catholic churches, there are many small gold and silver plaques with words of thanks written on them.Thank you, Jesus Christ, that you cured my daughter of meningitis, or that I am a person because of you, thank you!The cards, he said, hang in churches, are fastened to walls and icons and columns, and how many of them can you hang on your bed?And I, said Merzlyakov, will nail a sheet of solid gold: Thank you, Madame Irena! —but he didn't nail it in the end... At that time, I had a love affair with him that lasted six days. We looked at this mirror for a long time and tirelessly. , but he has been looking around, but what's the use?He stayed with his wife, the simultaneous interpreter, started to reproduce, forgot about the thank you card, hung out with those old friends, came over for tea every six months, everything was not the same, not the same , without any inspiration, like a different person.Grandpa will die, but they will not leave this house to me. This house is too spacious. Grandpa has served faith and truth, but what have I done?I made a note of my own accord, as everyone usually does, for Victor.Harry Tonage could write a disgusting letter, put a stamp on it, and send it to my protectors in America, and he'd write that we didn't do anything to her, she made the decision to die For private life, as is popular in your country, although in percentage terms we have six times as many women working here as you do, we don't have any women here laying asphalt, all of this is a lie , he said, you'd better write another line or two yourself, such as: Thank you for your care, thank you for your warmth, but it's not worth worrying about...——You can do it! —I replied, thinking: Maybe, they really won't touch me, after their clause, if they boil everything down to love, that is, to prove my alibi.I didn't say a word, endured great grievances, begged everywhere, and hurriedly wrote to summon Keshousha from the small railway station of Fontainebleau in France, but they quietly started to send me back to the city of my hometown, I squeeze away.I hurried to make thousands of phone calls!I took a fancy to Shokhrat, he is a big man in the whole of Central Asia, I want to go to him to avoid the limelight, calm and calm: it's me, Shohrat! —I said with a false glee that I flew with him all over Samarkand and visited the holy places of the Muslims, except that instead of going where there were no hotels, we lived in luxury suites: Triangular Grand piano, central air conditioning, selected melons.The melon melted in the mouth.

I took leave of my Marguerite, that is, Lidulla, our farewell was somewhat cold, though undoubtedly friendly, and she did not keep me, despite all the tenderness I gave, Marguerite Or someone else: nothing, I think, you won't break down, you won't be sad, because she has no conscience, you think I forgot, you let your little Japan, that boss , got sick, and by the time we flew back to Japan, he was completely broken, and even though you knew you had the contagion, she called me to the bathroom right away, as if she was fine, and we didn't even I can't even say the right thing, I can't do it, Lidula, it's not pretty, but she has a different idea, but I don't care: she'll come and make up with me, we're good friends , but her preference for tenderness is more like curiosity, she has no obscurantism in her, unlike Kshyusha, whose obscurantism is suitable for everyone, she often drives on Lenin Avenue: pale yellow The Zhiguli brand car, black seat, her bare breasts stick out high, although there are also defects, one nipple is clearly visible, the other nipple does not seem to break out of the shell, asymmetrical, but very unique Of course, not during the day, but always near midnight, when the taxi driver and other late-nighters are completely dozed off, rubbing their eyes non-stop.

But Veronica said to me: You keep going.So I went forward, not walking, but running!I don't know: Ksyusha can't do this, she can do anything, but this kind of thing can't be done.Veronica explained to me: This is not Ksyusha's domain, for Ksyusha it's theater and fun, but for you, Ira, it's death. —Stop it! —I said, but I didn't look her in the eye, which was so heavy that I couldn't bear it. Veronica is also a witch, her undulating forehead contains a lot of thoughts. It is strange to see how she walks into the subway to go to the laboratory: she is not beautiful, her hair is not combed, and she is in the crowd. There's nothing in it, fat legs, and that dress—better not to mention that dress, no man ever looks back, but if she looks at you, you'll tremble!Ksyusha is gone, and she loves Ksyusha, she sees in Ksyusha joy that we have forgotten, where is there joy, she asked, where is there such joy?She turned around: people were stunned all of a sudden, as if they had been hit by a sap, and Xhusha, the dragonfly, couldn't bear it either, so Veronica and I stayed together, but we didn't I couldn't make friends with her, she came from another life, and she walked into the subway like this: an ordinary woman with a doctorate degree certificate, rushing to do a chemical experiment.Deputy director of a laboratory.That's it.

I'm like my grandmother, like my great-grandmother, please tell me, grandma!The proud great-grandmother, her portrait hangs there.So, I'm sorry, but I'm not a commoner!They are always full of praise: what a beautiful ankle!What a pretty ankle! —but that was all at my prompting, and Leonardic alone discovered it.Kreusha asked: Did you bring him back to life, this Lazarus?See, I won't brag about myself, but I did bring him back to life, albeit in an unfortunate situation, and he didn't give any hope, obviously, that's why he agreed to the agreement, and he cemented it with a sincere kiss. Accord, however, is cunning quickly, as he doesn't trust his physical strength, he's dying and over-loved, and he likes to name all the ballerinas he's had a relationship with, zing Le said their names, trying to stun me, like stunning a fish.But I knew my own business, and when Ksyusha wanted to know the details, I replied to her: You don't really want to know the details about Uncle Volodya, I won't tell them—but I did, Because of course I want to brag to myself, I brought him back to life, so what!Look, I resurrected him like this, I said to him, like a joke, but didn't rush to speak, of course, let him enjoy it, he can have an orgasm with me, it's cute, it doesn't seem to be an international A genius, but himself, after his death, Grandpa rushes in with a newspaper in his hand, excited by the news: Look, who's dead!Don't I know, you stupid old man, are you still trying to surprise me with this news?I've just come from that place myself, and they let me go with difficulty and left me alone, and it was my fault that I didn't know how to pick the lock.That's not a door, but a whole barricade. Didn't I call the ambulance? --What time? —they asked. —he didn't seem to be dead then. —I said, but they said: It is you!It's you!It's you!It's you! --No!I answered, because of sex!I myself turned pale with fright, and I said, it was terrible: he died right under my nose, never mind.Why are there scratches and bruises on the corpse?What corpse?Don't play dumb here!they said.Thank you, I said, don't let me see anything anymore, my face turned pale with fright, as for those weird requests, I'm sorry, he likes that!Understand?not understand? ! —They understood, but didn't believe it, but I found out: they called me "you" instead.They are impatient.I said: You call Anton!I hoped that Anton could be a witness, but it didn't work, even though they let me go, when are we going to register?

For my question, he didn't answer directly, but went to buy some insignificant gadgets, and things continued like this, I waited, I hope he gets used to it, I hope he has nowhere to go, I hope this cute guy doesn't Then go to Zinaida.Vasilyevna there!I thought, if only Zinaida.It is not bad that Vasilyevna has fallen into this position, because she is a hysterical woman, but I have not yet considered the matter carefully, Ksyusha is not a comrade in arms, that is to say, it is not Because she accused me, she stared at me with interest from a distance, I wrote to her and she complained about the handwriting, my handwriting, I don't know why, she didn't like my handwriting, she used to say: Your font is too slanted, lighten it!Take it easy!What's the matter, the handwriting is normal... The reason why Ke Xiusha is not a comrade-in-arms is because she probably doesn't want me to be friends with her father, but if he insists on chasing me, what can I do? I told them, that's all.She never believed it, ruled out that possibility, and it turned out that I was right, but Zinaida was wrong, and when she heard about it through a third party, she said lazily: He loves me. Fuck with whomever! ...I thought she would yell!But she said: Please.I didn't expect her to be so smart, and I was a little flustered for a while, but I was thinking again: just wait and see!I stepped up.He is very patient.Grandpa shouted: "The line is connected!"I saw: it was his call.I said: not at home! — When will she come back? —she's not coming back! —I wrote a special note, addressed to my grandfather Tikhon.What Makarovich saw: Don't pay attention to that Vladimir.Sergeyevich, grandpa was happy to do his best, he wouldn't have bothered to talk to any of my boyfriends, but no, I'm not dead after all, they still call, front in crimson denim Come to visit, of course, they are all low-spirited people, and grandpa, what should he do? ——He hid in another room, like a marmot, never poking his head out after ten o'clock, he watched TV for a while, and then lay down to sleep, of course, our movements would be worse than when he was not at home To be lighter, and in summer, he will leave home completely to go to his chicken coop. Paveletzka, whose unit is in the suburbs, has set aside a small piece of land for him, and he likes to plan food on the ground.He would suddenly bring some bright red gooseberries.Wouldn't you like to try red currants?How good it looks, with a lot of vitamins!I respectfully thank you.I learned all sorts of thank you words, and here Kreusha cut me out of all that crap, she held me up against her asymmetrical tits like she was hugging Ophelia, she laughed when she learned I called him "Leonardick"!

I stepped up and said as soon as I met: Take me to a restaurant, or to a concert hall, or to a theater, I need culture!He immediately shrunk into a ball, hesitated, and said, I'd better buy you a car.buy it!no thanks!No!I want to go to the theater!Let's go to the theater.On formal occasions I addressed him as "you", and I always kept a distance, out of respect for that profile, and because of his merits, Kreusha came to help, she Standing behind the door posed the first question: how did he die? ——how did it die? ——I replied without hesitation. — is happy to die! I will explain now that if my grandma is to be a witness, I will not sell her portrait. I'd better hang myself in the bathroom, but the bathroom, is this also called a bathroom! ——It is equipped with a gas water heater. This kind of gas installation is a mockery of modernization, but hot water has always been available. I will explain it now, because we were born of princes and nobles. Although this family later went astray and lost their identity, Let me explain now: my Leonardick is dying!

Putting my palm on my chest, I can swear: I didn't kill him.I just made him happy.Then it's his own business... But they swarmed towards me, these lice in the crotch, biting people and drinking blood, completely crazy!What have I done to you?Why do you hold on to it? !You are no match for my broken little finger!Look, look, my great-grandmother, Kalinin's hereditary nobleman!This is her portrait, an oil painting!An absolutely regal woman, full of endless glamour, bare-chested gowns, haughty gaze, jewellery.I'd sell everything and beg all over the world, but I wouldn't sell this portrait, although, frankly, I've run out of resources, and if I'm still eating caviar, it's still a trophy , the reserves will soon be exhausted, caviar and brandy, that's all you gave me, but I didn't sell myself, I stepped up, even if things got to that point, I wouldn't have more than ten lovers !And great-grandmother I wouldn't sell!This is memory.Lidula said: "I'm a lot like my great-grandmother.Lidula is Lidula, and I have compared myself: I stuck the portrait on the vanity mirror, and then stood side by side with the portrait. When I saw it, the resemblance was obvious, and the eyes were also arrogant, unlike ours. The eyes of this era, the neck is also like.However, there was less panic on her face...

And you, Leonardick, are a good man, never mind!You see, how ugly the result is.And now they keep asking me: where did the bruising come from? !How should I answer?Why should I suffer for your whims?Where did this come from?Of course I'd love to protect your clean name, but I don't like people yelling at me!I am not used to that way, I have received another kind of education, not a barbaric one, and as for those gifts, since you are so interested, it seems that they can explain the value of our love, so I will say: a stingy ghost!Always more promises than gifts, Alkasha gave me a much better gift when leaving his family before the twins, why would I want a car, I'm like this, get a taxi, go where love Just go there, but they see signs of extortion in these scratches, Zinaida.Vasilyevna said: I don't know anything, it's the first time I've heard of it.She is totally lying!How could I not know, everyone knows that I have always wanted to rush outside, and whenever something happens, I will step up my activities, say one more thing, she is not at home, and it will be over!But he couldn't bear it, he carried it for a week, and then he would say, "Dear little Ira, get ready!"I've already bought a ticket. ——He is reluctant to part with me... No, when I dress up, I want to surprise everyone, but he said: You should be more simple, otherwise you will be exposed when you bend down! - What's there?Let them see it and make them jealous! —he didn't like it, though he tried to walk with the swagger of a general, and when he met acquaintances he said: This is Ira,—he made the introduction, As much as he didn't like it, and he would have loved to avoid it, I was very visible, everybody looked at me, and Kreusha had given me those dresses, not paid for them, of course.One year passed like this, and the next year came, and I was getting bored, everything stayed the same, indeed, he tried to change things up: sometimes Zinaida was sent to a sanatorium in the south , and sometimes sent her somewhere else.He invited me to his villa.Yegor smiled and was happy for his master, but when we got closer to each other, I realized that he was not simple: it turned out that he was writing the script, Vladimir.Sergeyevich paid him one hundred and fifty rubles a month as his art patron, and Yegor whispered to me: He took me in because he wanted to save himself through me. —and his wife, the thin maid, was very fond of Bordeaux wine, she was very stupid, Egor explained, because he married too early, when he did not have enough confidence in himself, and Fra Kimir.When Sergeyevich had drunk a few cups, he would call Yegor and say: You, Yegor, be careful!Don't write things that shouldn't be written! —and Egor will immediately put on a foolish face and flatter: Look at what you said!See what you say, Vladimir.Sergeyevich!I will always remember, Vladimir.Sergeyevich...

And when the master was dead, I saw him talking when I met him: I observed his morals, and I tell you that he was a perfect villain.In front of those new friends, I stopped Yegor, I said, stop talking, stop showing your ingratitude everywhere, but I still saw it: for them, Vladimir.Sergeyevich is not a person, but a bad thing, that is to say, everything can be done, everything is blamed on him, but I will not argue, I have a brain, but if To be fair, Egor's statement is wrong, because Leonardik is a big man, and if he wrote something, it meant that there was something in it that had to be written.That Yegor made such a comparison, he said: He praised such a feat, when some people were burned alive for a pile of hay in the collective farm, but would he himself be willing to burn to death?Alas, that's not the way to say it, I said, people are not the same: some people are going to die, and others are going to write songs for those who died, it seems obvious, when, from the beginning, I Considered Vladimir.Yurochka of the spy at Sergeyevich's dacha.Fyodorov, I'm starting to wonder if I'm an informer, and as a whole I'm still a lover of people in a vague way, and if there's any doubt about it, I'll be annoyed right away.

He also exposed my Ksyusha, it seems that he never followed her like a dog, he got a file, there were all kinds of stories written there, as soon as Ksyusha walked in the door, he rushed everyone around The man laughed and wanted to do something black, to make a scandal, although, truth be told, what right had he to do it?You, - he cried, - are a dirty whore!Dirty whores like this should be shot! ——Kthyusha smiled, didn't understand what was going on, but she had been listening with great interest, and even laughed, without any hysterical expression. I only saw her hysterical after making out: She couldn't hold back, and often screamed, screamed a few times, and suddenly shouted!It will twitch! !See, it's a convulsion, and you've got to take her face in your hands: she's lying there, getting quieter, then remembering nothing, and it's sinful to remind her, but her ability to get pleasure makes me Surprised, her kind of power is even stronger than her reason, although I often shouted myself that if someone didn't stop in time, I might even kill, and Ksyusha, like Turgenev's Like the noble lady, she can easily turn purple with anger!But now she was standing there, looking at Yurochka with a smile on her face.Fedorov: Poor boy.He is in too much pain! …——And this one cursed, his face was bloodshot, he hated the whole world, and he actually said: Where is your own sister?Where did that Lena-Alena go?Why do you never mention her? —Kthyusha shrugged her shoulders: why mention her, she would be bad enough without it, she was lying in the dacha.At this time, I remembered that Keshuisha's parents also had a villa, but she never went there, not at all, and sometimes, when her parents called and asked her to go there, she only stayed for a while. Turned hours, left right away, never spent the night there.She never told me about Lena-Alena, and I listened carefully, what if something happened suddenly?really?Anything could happen at Keshousha, but would it be a criminal case?And Yura.Fedorov, my future companion, despite my objections, it was useless: Merzlyakov refused, he was frightened, and the rest of the friends, the older ones, were suspicious My attempts, I'm sad to even look at them, but I believe in myself, as in Joan of Arc! No Yura.Fyodorov said, tell us, you filthy whore, why does your sister suffer all her life in a dacha, with old women and diners?Why do they have to empty the potty for her no matter winter or summer? —I looked, and Ksyusha was brooding, and didn't answer a word, look, I thought, a complete scandal, and Ksyusha is always very proud, and if something doesn't go her way, she will explode immediately , she despises everything, but at this moment, she is silent, all friends are drunk, Yura is also drunk, he will be stupid when he is drunk, and he will often explode, although I and him, I have to Said, never had a relationship, - I don't like him: he's full of theories, revelations, I, he said, was a man of love, but when he got drunk, he became a complete A scoundrel, everyone knows this, but he is often invited, and I have often invited him: I knew beforehand that he would purse his lips, complain and show his knowledge, and it turned out that he Where to go, it seems to be an incident, although what he did and how he did it, I don't know, and I don't want to know: Come on, big celebrities in the small circle, that's all!And when they're interested in Yura's personality, among other things, I'll reply: God knows him!But to say he's a lunatic—and it's true...—they're happy with that answer, and I mean it sincerely, because you can't bully my Kreusha, but, really, I'd like to I know what evil my Ksyusha has done.Well,--said Keshousha, sweeping her eyes over her friends; she was not a French woman then, and she saw people very well. —Well, she said, I'll tell you this: I had a sister who was paralyzed and spent her whole life in a hospital bed, and that's where the potties and the girl eaters and the retards came out.She's lying there, humming every now and then, and there's those bed sores, and all those other worries: she might as well be dead, but you know, she ain't gonna die no matter what . . . Guide us, Yura.Fedorov said on behalf of everyone that there are educated people here, who have seen life - although there are still friends, some come and some go, the party is held at my place: Grandpa is not there, he I went to the ground to plan food, and it was like this throughout the summer. It was just me and Kexiusha, living an idyllic life. ——When your sister is lying on the hospital bed next to her for a long time, unable to learn to speak for the rest of her life, how can you still live like that?Excuse me, how can you jump for joy when tears are streaming down your face? ...you are a dirty whore! —Cthusha, smiling all the time, said: I, she said, perhaps lived for her and myself, and if she, she said, had suffered misfortune, then, she said, a living corpse would be better than Two living corpses are better, best, she said, to maintain a balance rather than darkness, which is darkness after all. — Well, Yura said, I didn't expect, in good conscience, you said such a thing, but, more precisely, that's exactly what I expected! ——He stood up and walked out in a show manner. I didn't stop him, but the group of friends who got together by chance sat there silently. Then, let's drink some wine and eat something .An hour later, I saw that Yurochka came running back by himself, apologetic for his intrusion into other people's secrets.And Kreusha was already drunk and absent-minded, sitting there talking with someone.He crawled over to ask for a reconciliation, and she reconciled with him, she held no grudges, but when the party broke up, Yurochka stayed on, hoping to be rewarded, he was right, she left That man, I don't remember who, defected to him, but it didn't matter: I caught an actor, she caught Yurochka, with him, she was as soft as silk Same, she is very obedient and completes his various orders, something is wrong!I was with a captain, a very interesting captain, who gently told me that he was going to be an astronaut soon.To be honest, I didn't care about that at all, so we made love, and Yurochka tortured Ksyusha till dawn.The next morning, when my captain and Yurochka parted, for some reason they became sworn enemies, they looked at each other sideways, and parted without a word, and then I asked Ksyusha: Is Little Sister Lianna a story, or is she really suffering there? —was suffering there, she said, and she rustled the wall, and she would make strange noises, sometimes like a cat meowing, sometimes like she was laughing, and sometimes she would suddenly cry out, I She couldn't stand it, so she ran away, but she couldn't die, and her mother was completely crazy, see, that's what it looks like.I really want to take a look at her sister and compare their faces, this is really an interesting thing: one of the sisters is alive and kicking, and the other is lying on the bed, hey, I said, wait until you go to the villa next time time, take me with you. —— Definitely, little sun!She said, I don't have any secrets from you, and you can understand why I never mentioned Lianna: it all weighed on me, and you see, she smiled, I live for two Yes, it would be a sin if something like this happened around me to make fun of it, maybe, it is indeed a sin... She smiled and started smoking, but she still never took me there, either by accident, or I forgot to remind her, and Keshousha didn't take me anyway, didn't show her family disgrace, no Show them how they empty the potty, how they cry day and night.She is proud.But Lidulla makes me very sad, and I will tell you frankly, this Marguerite makes me uneasy, she will slip away suddenly, she has no skin on her body, her veins and muscles are exposed, she jumps on the window sill , ready to slide down the pipe, I knew: once she was gone, she would never come back, I grabbed one of her legs, and I felt a layer of mucus.That leg was sticky.She struggled, but finally I got hold of her, I grabbed her and dragged her back, so I saved her, you know, or she'd fall to her death, fool!But apart from love, I have nothing to share with her. You are the daughter of my ex-husband whom I will never tire of seeing!Oh, Lidula, you too will perish...my girl!But, just half a minute later: the phone rings! I walked towards the phone quietly, I was so excited, my hands trembled, as if I had stolen a chicken, the phone rang through the dead silent room, someone was calling for my soul, I stood there hesitantly, not daring to Answering the phone, however, curiosity prevailed, and I picked up the phone: I didn’t say a word, I listened carefully, and wanted the other person to speak first, I felt that this was him, although, to be honest, why did you call?But I just thought about it and didn't say anything.Instead, it was Lidulla's voice that I heard, and my breath eased as she said: I'm coming to you for business—her voice was affectionate, as if the humiliation had been forgotten. —Yes, of course you are welcome,—I am glad,—of course, my dear! Who can understand the wishes of a pregnant woman?Instead of sudden cravings for salted herring, or pickles, I have some decidedly unsettling desire: Is the vanity mirror acting on me, evoking strange images, is fear seeking a way out? I opened the wine cabinet and there was a small half-empty bottle of brandy left over from a bottle of brandy I drank when Dato and I got angry a long time ago. Tossed into my twilight years, I drink with "Evening Bell" pralines, but I'm still alive and hot, and I take a look at myself: fair skin, not tanned, I should go south , riding a horse requires great connections to get a horse, and Volodechka, the man who trades happiness with foreigners, only he is not a speculator, he works in the interest of the motherland, he gets Arrived on a fast horse, I am a horse lover, he provided all the guarantees, but he was a little short, however, he invited me to Tunisia, and the way I walked made him ecstatic, and then he went away , However, I also fly all over the world, as a stewardess, or according to a doctor's prescription, I want to take a look at Fontainebleau and visit Keshousha: Hello, Keshousha! — she was overjoyed, and we sat down at the table with her dental specialist to find out what was going on there, and then — off to America to meet my saviors: five fair skinned, one Chocolate skinned, we'll meet on the deck of a fancy hotel, all sable and mink, and I'm wearing my shaved fox, which is empty underneath and doesn't have my Body, because, I say, I, girls, drunk, put me in bed, don't touch me, or I'll throw up, sorry... because, sorry... I'm drunk... I found more! ...I've had too much rum...I'm going to explain to everyone...Listen! I'm going to give you a monster like that, he'll avenge me, like Hitler or someone else, they're all monsters too, I know, only the women will keep silent, just don't burn them ,I am clear!I am not the first, the voice said to me, it reminded me: I am not the first, nor the last, for revenge, don't turn me into a rag for cleaning the floor!I don't want to suffer for you, suffer yourselves, suffer with your various ideals, you are all sycophants, you, my dear nation, but that's not the problem, it's ours法律,是我和克休莎一起想出来的,克休莎说这样的法律人类还没有想出来,我们把这部法律称做莫楚尔斯卡娅—塔拉卡诺娃法,这是一部很重要的法律,它能把所有的人都联合起来,我以后再给你们讲,你们明白我的话,我要生出一个孩子来,你们高兴地等待着吧,这将是我送给你们的一个礼物,以表达对你们、对所有人的爱,就这样,不过我要去睡觉了……睡觉觉……我点出了我的那些敌人……你们要记住……你们明白我的意思吗? ……得了……院士们……
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