Home Categories foreign novel a kite chaser

Chapter 27 postscript

a kite chaser 卡勒德·胡赛尼 711Words 2018-03-21
The original book, The Kite Runner, is Khaled Hosseini's debut novel. Since its publication in 2003, it has received rave reviews and very impressive sales. It is a rare good book in recent years. In 2004, while waiting for the plane at Changi Airport, the translator browsed the book in a bookstore.I was deeply moved at the time, and unexpectedly, I had the opportunity to translate it into Chinese not long after. The original book contains many Farsi words spelled in English. As far as the translator knows, the Portuguese translation and the traditional Chinese translation published by Taiwan Trojan Horse Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd. are reserved for transliteration.For the sake of fluent reading, except for a few cases where necessary, my humble translations are all translated according to the original meaning.In addition, the original book has no annotations, and the translator added some annotations, hoping to help readers understand.However, the translator has never done any research on Islamic culture. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please forgive me.If anyone can enlighten me, I would be very grateful.

There are a few places in the original book that are not in line with the national conditions, and the translator has changed the wording as appropriate, but the meaning remains the same.In addition, the original book has two small inconsistent loopholes, which the translator corrected by himself, hereby explain. The traditional Chinese version of "The Kite Runner" was translated by Ms. Li Jingyi.After the first draft of my humble translation was completed, I referred to this translation and corrected more than ten mistranslations. I would like to express my thanks.Although the traditional Chinese version has mistranslations and omissions, it is still a good translation on the whole.If readers have the opportunity and are interested in translation, they may wish to compare and read.

Translation is like a performance. When you are exhausted, you can immerse yourself in a performance comparable to actors.Now re-reading the translation, I feel a lot of emotion.As a son of man, I am glad that even today, my parents still educate me with integrity, kindness, honesty, and bravery, although I often fail their expectations; as a father, I hope that Li Bensi will grow up healthily, gain courage from life, and be able to Do what is right, do your part, and be a person of integrity. In this touching novel, the kite is symbolic, it can be not only family, friendship, love, but also integrity, kindness and honesty.For Amir, the kite is an essential part of his personality. Only when he catches it can he become a healthy person and become the Amir he expected himself to be.

Maybe everyone has a kite in their hearts, no matter what it means, let us chase it bravely. Li Jihong
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