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Chapter 69 Chapter Thirty-eight

Wind-Up Bird Chronicle 村上春树 2995Words 2018-03-21
The Duckman's Story, Shadows and Tears (May Kasahara's Viewpoint No. 7) Hello, Wind-Up Bird! The question is, can this letter really be sent to you? To be honest, I have lost confidence, I wonder if all the letters I wrote before have been sent to you.Because I write the recipient address in a rather sloppy "bold line stuff" and the return address is not written at all.So my letters are likely to gather dust in the "Unaddressed Letters" panel where no one will see them.However, if you can't send it, you can't send it. I have always disagreed.That is to say, I just want to write to you like this "Hang Han Chi Chi Chi", and I want to use this to put my thoughts into words.As soon as I thought it was for the Wind-up Bird, I wrote it fairly quickly, almost in one go.I don't know why.Yeah... why?

But I hope this letter can be sent to you smoothly, God bless. Excuse me, I have to write about the duck man first. As I said before, the factory where I work occupies a large area, with woods and ponds in it, which is just right for taking a leisurely walk.The pond was big enough for ducks to live in it, twelve or thirteen of them.As for the family members of the ducks, I don't know.There may be various contradictions inside, such as being good with this and not being good with that.But I have never seen a fight scene. It was almost December, and the water was beginning to give ice.But the ice is not thick, and even when it is very cold, there is still enough water left for ducks to swim in.I heard that the ice would be colder and more solid, so my girlfriends came here to skate.Then the Duckman (it's kind of weird to say that, but I've slipped it out of the way) has to go elsewhere.I wasn't interested in ice skating at all, and I thought I'd be better off without icing -- which of course wasn't possible.After all, this place is very cold, as long as they live here, the ducks and the others must sacrifice a little.

Recently, every weekend I come here to watch the ducks and kill time.Watching and watching, two or three hours passed in a flash.When I came, I was fully armed like a hunter of white bears: leggings, hat, scarf, boots, fur coat... I just sat on the rock alone and stared at the ducks for hours.Throw in a little old bread from time to time.Such an idler, of course there is no one else here except me. But maybe you don't know, ducks are very happy people.Never tire of looking closely.Why are other people not very interested in ducks and go to far away to spend money to watch some boring movies?This is where I am very puzzled.For example, when these little people flew up and landed on the ice, their feet slipped and fell to the ground, just like a funny show on TV.When I saw it, I sneered and laughed alone.Of course, the ducks weren't trying to be funny just to make me laugh.Don't you think it's fun to live your life seriously and stumble occasionally?

The feet of the duck people here are very cute. They are orange-yellow like the rubber boots of elementary school students. They are flat. They don’t seem to be able to walk on ice. means.So for duck people, winter is not like a happy season.I don't know what the ducks think about the ice in their hearts. I guess they don't think badly. If you look carefully, there is always such a feeling, as if they are muttering and complaining, "It's freezing again, so there's nothing I can do." , while coping with the coming of winter very optimistically.I like duck people like this.

The pond is in the woods, far away from anywhere.If it weren't for fairly warm days, no one would deliberately come here for a walk in this season (except me, of course).The snow that fell on the forest path a few days ago remained frozen, and the soles of the feet made a "wow" sound when walking up.Birds abound here and there too.I turned up my coat collar, wrapped the scarf around my neck in circles, breathed out white gas, and walked along the forest path with bread in my pocket.While walking, I kept thinking about the ducks --- at this time, my heart can be filled with warm happiness.Speaking of it, it has been a long, long time since I have experienced this kind of happiness, I deeply feel it.

Duck people write here in advance. To tell you the truth, about an hour ago I dreamed that you came to see me, and that's why I woke up and wrote you this way to the desk.It's... (glances at watch) 2:18 in the middle of the night.I went to bed at almost 10 o'clock, said "good night ducks" and fell asleep, and just woke up.I don't know if it was a dream or not.I can't remember the content of the dream.Maybe there was no dream at all.Even if it is not a dream, I can clearly hear your voice in my ears.You called me so loudly several times that I jumped up. When I woke up, the room was not completely dark.There is moonlight pouring in through the window.The big and big moon is suspended above the hill like a silver stainless steel plate.It is indeed very big, as if you can write on it with your hand, and the moonlight coming in from the window is like puddles shining on the ground.I got up from the bed, desperately thinking what the hell is that?Why did the wind-up bird call my name in such a real voice?My chest was pounding.If it was in my own home, even in the middle of the night, I would put on my clothes and run to you in a hurry along the alley.But now we are in the mountains 50,000 kilometers away, so there is no way to run there anyway, right?

What do you think I am doing? I'm naked right now, isn't it?Don't ask me why, don't ask.Why I do not understand.Just keep silent and listen.In short, he took off all his clothes, jumped out of bed and knelt on the moonlit floor.The heating in the room is off, it should be cold, but I don't feel cold at all.The moonlight pouring in from the window seemed to contain something special, like a thin film covering and protecting me from top to bottom.I stayed naked for a long time like this.After that, each part of the body is exposed to the moonlight in sequence.How should I put it, it is extremely logical.Because the moonlight is unbelievably beautiful.You have to tell people to do that.Neck, shoulders, arms, breasts, navel, legs, until the buttocks and there, quietly attached to the moonlight as if taking a bath.

Anyone who saw it from the outside was first surprised.I'm afraid I'll think I've lost the hoop on my head and become a "full moon pervert".But of course no one saw it, no, it's unknown where the motorcycle boy saw it.That's okay too.The child is long dead.If he wants to see it, if this can satisfy him, I will be happy to show him enough. Anyway, no one saw me at this time.I am alone in the moonlight.I close my eyes from time to time, thinking of those ducks sleeping by the pond, and thinking of the warm and happy mood that I and the duck people built together during the day.That is to say, the ducks are like a balm or a talisman to me.

I have been kneeling there for a long time.She was completely naked, kneeling alone in the moonlight.The moonlight dyed my body incredible colors.My figure was reflected long on the floor, and reflected blackly on the wall.It doesn't look like my figure, it looks like the body of another woman, like the waist of a mature woman.That body is not a virgin like me, not as angular as mine, but with rounded curves, and the breasts and nipples are much larger.But no matter what, it was the shadow I cast, it was just longer and deformed.When I move, the shadow moves too.For a while, I made various gestures, staring at the relationship between the shadow and me.Why does it look so different?It's puzzling, and it still feels strange to look at it.

The wind-up bird is often a difficult part to explain.Can you explain it well I'm not confident. In short, I burst into tears.It's like a movie director or something ordered "May Kasahara, out of the blue, cover your face with your hands and cry!" But don't be surprised.I kept this from you all the time before, but in fact I was a sneezer.Crying every little thing.This is my secret weakness.So, crying "wow" for no reason is not uncommon for me in itself.Whenever I'm on the verge of crying, I force myself to stop.It can cry all of a sudden, and it can not cry all of a sudden, which is the so-called "crying crow".Unexpectedly, at this time, I couldn't stop myself from crying.It was almost as unstoppable as a popped bottle cap.Basically, just because the reason for crying is not clear, naturally I don't know how to stop it.Tears flowed down, as if the wound was open and the blood flowed more than he could do.Tears were streaming down my face, I didn't expect there to be so many tears.I'm really worried that if I continue to flow, all the water in my body will be drained and I will become a mummy.

Tears fell drop by drop on the white puddles of Yuehua, as if a part of the original light was quietly sucked into it.When the teardrops fall, they shine brightly like crystals because they are bathed in the moonlight.Suddenly, I found that my own shadow was also weeping, and the shadow of tears was also vivid in my mind.Have you seen Shadow of Tears?The tear shadow is not an ordinary tear shadow, it is completely different.It came here from another distant world for our hearts.No, maybe the tears that the shadow shed were real tears, and what I shed were only shadows, I thought.Warm, wind-up bird, I think you must not understand.When a seventeen-year-old girl is naked in the middle of the night and weeps under the moonlight, anything can happen, really! This is what happened in this room about an hour ago.Here I am sitting at my desk, writing to you in pencil (clothed, of course). Goodbye, Wind-Up Bird!It’s not good to say that, anyway, I and the duck people in the woods wish you well, and wish you a warm and peaceful mood.If there is anything, please feel free to call me loudly. Good night!
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