Home Categories foreign novel Kafka on the Shore

Chapter 31 Chapter 29 Saiki's Dream

Kafka on the Shore 村上春树 4173Words 2018-03-21
I called Sakura from the public phone in the library.Looking back, I'm ashamed that I didn't contact her once after my stay in her dorm, except for leaving her a simple note when I left.After leaving her dormitory, I came to the library. Oshima drove me to his hut by car, and spent a few days in the mountains where there was no phone call.After returning to the library, he began to live and work here. Every night, he witnessed Zuobo's living spirit (or similar living spirit), and fell in love with that fifteen-year-old girl.Many things happened one after another.But of course I can't tell.

The call was made just before nine o'clock in the evening, and she answered it on the sixth ring. "What the hell are you doing there?" Sakura said in a blunt voice. "Still in Gaosong." She didn't say anything for a long time, just kept silent.There was a TV music program on the back of the phone. "Finally still alive." I added. There was another moment of silence, and then she sighed helplessly. "But you shouldn't have left in a hurry while I was away! I was worried enough, I came back earlier than usual that day and bought more things."

"Uh, I'm sorry too, really. But I couldn't help but leave at that time. My heart was in a mess, and I really wanted to think about something slowly, or I wanted to regain my strength. But with you, how should I put it... ... poorly expressed." "Too much stimulation?" "Well. I've never been around a woman before." "That's true." "Women's smell or something. There's a lot more..." "It's really troublesome to be young, this and that." "Maybe," I said, "you're busy?" "Well, I'm very busy. It's okay, I want to work and save money now, so it's okay to be busy."

I paused and said, "Well, to be honest, the police here are looking for me." Sakura pondered for a moment, then asked softly, "Could it be related to that blood?" I decided to lie for the time being: "No, no, that's not true. It has nothing to do with the blood. I'm looking for me because I'm a runaway boy. I found it so I can take it back to Tokyo, nothing else. I'm worried that the police will call me Where you are, the last night you let me stay, I used my mobile phone to call your mobile phone, and the telephone company's records showed that I was in Gaosong, and I also checked your phone number."

"That's right," she said, "but don't worry about my number. I can't find out the owner of the phone with a cash card. Besides, it was originally mine, and I borrowed it to use it, and it can't even be linked to my name. Don't worry." "That's good," I said, "as I don't want to cause you any more trouble." "Such a thoughtful person, I am almost in tears." "I really think so." "I know." She said impatiently, "So, where does the runaway boy live now?" "Living with an acquaintance."

"You don't have any acquaintances in this city, do you?" I can't answer well.How can the events of the past few days be explained in a simple and clear way? "It's a long story," I said. "You man, it seems that there are enough things to tell a long story." "Hmm. I don't know why, anyway, it's just like that." "As a tendency?" "Probably." I said, "I will tell you slowly when I have time. I didn't hide it on purpose, but I couldn't explain it clearly on the phone." "It's okay if you don't explain it clearly. But, it's not a dangerous place, right?"

"There is no danger at all, don't worry." She sighed again: "I know you have a maverick character, but you should try to avoid doing things that are against the law, because there is no hope of winning. Like Billy, he died before he was twenty years old." .” "Boy Billy didn't die before he was twenty." I corrected him, "Killed twenty-one people, he died at twenty-one." "Oh—" she said, "let's not talk about that. What's the matter?" "I just want to say thank you. You helped me so much, but you left without saying thank you. I'm always upset."

"I know this very well, so don't worry about it." "I also want to hear your voice." I said. "Of course I'm glad you say that. What's the use of my voice?" "How to put it... I also think it's a bit strange to say that you, Sakura, live in this real world, breathe real air, and speak real words. Talking to you like this, you can know that you are temporarily connected to the real world normally, And that’s pretty important to me.” "Aren't the others around you like this?" "maybe not." "The more you listen, the more confused you become. That means you are in a place far away from reality with people who are far away from reality?"

I thought about it. "Perhaps it could be said that way." "I'm talking about Tamura-kun," Sakura said, "of course it's your life, and I shouldn't interrupt you one by one. However, from your tone of voice, I think you'd better get out of there. I don't know exactly, Anyway, there is always that feeling, as a kind of premonition. So you come here immediately, and you can live with me as you like." "Sakura, why are you so kind to me?" "Aren't you a fool?" "how?" "It's not because I like it. I'm really nice, but I don't do it to everyone. I like you, I like you, that's why I did this. It's not very good, I think you are really like my brother. "

I was silent into the receiver.I don't know what to do for a moment.A slight dizziness hit me.Because no one has ever said anything like that to me in my life, even just once. "Hey!" "Listen," I said. "Just listen and talk!" I stood firm and took a deep breath: "Hey, Sakura, I feel good if I can do that. I really think so, from the bottom of my heart. But I can't now. As I said just now, I can't leave here for one reason. I'm in love with someone." "In love with someone who can't be called realistic and troublesome?"

"Perhaps so." Sakura sighed into the receiver again.A very deep fundamental sigh. "Let me tell you, when boys of your age fall in love, most of them have unrealistic tendencies. And if the other party is further away from reality, it will be quite troublesome. Do you understand this?" "clear." "Hey, Tamura-kun!" "Ok." "Call here again if you have anything to do, don't mind what time it is, don't worry about it." "thanks!" I hung up the phone, went back to my room, put the ring record on the turntable, and lowered the needle.And so I was led back again—whether I wanted to or not—to that place, that time. I felt someone move and opened my eyes.It was dark.The luminous hands of the bedside clock passed three o'clock.Before I knew it, I fell asleep.Her figure appeared in the faint light of the garden lamp pouring in from the window.The girl sat at the table as usual, looked at the paintings on the wall in the same posture as usual, rested her chin on the table, and remained motionless.I also lay on the bed holding my breath as usual, and opened my eyes slightly to watch her silhouette.The wind from the sea shook the dogwood branches quietly outside the window. But after a while, I noticed something different from usual expanding in the air.Little by little, but decisively, something alien is disturbing the harmony of that little universe that must be perfect.I peered into the gloom.What is the difference?The night wind suddenly strengthened, and the blood flowing in my veins began to have an incredible weight of stickiness.Dogwood branches traced neurotic mazes on the glass windows.Soon, I realized that the silhouette there was not that of the girl.Very similar, almost the same.But not quite the same.It's like when two somewhat different figures are put together, small parts are misplaced everywhere.For example, the hairstyle is different, the clothes are different, and the atmosphere there is even more different.I know that.I can't help shaking my head.Who is not girly is located there.Something happened, something important happened.I unconsciously clenched my fists under the blanket.Then, the heart made a dry and hard sound as if it couldn't bear it.It begins to characterize the different tenses. Using this sound as a signal, the silhouette on the chair began to move.The body changes angles slowly like a big ship turning the rudder.She stopped supporting her and turned her face towards me.I realized that it was the current Saeki.In other words, that's the real Saeki.She looked at me for a long time, just as when she was watching, quietly and attentively.I think about the axis of time, and I am afraid that some kind of mutation has occurred in time in a place I don't know, so that reality and fantasy are mixed with each other, just like sea water mixed with river water.I turned my head to search for the meaning there, but I couldn't get anywhere. At the end of the day, she got up and walked slowly towards this side, her back was still so straight, her gait was still so graceful.No shoes, bare feet.The floor creaked with her footsteps.She quietly sat down on the bedside, sitting still for a long time, her body has real density and weight.Saeki was wearing a white silk shirt and a knee-length dark blue skirt.She reached out to touch my hair, running her fingers through my short hair.Undoubtedly it was the hand of reality, the fingers of reality.Then she stood up and began to undress as a matter of course in the faint light pouring in from outside.No rush, but no hesitation.She unbuttoned her shirt one by one, took off her skirt, and pulled off her underwear with very natural and smooth movements.Clothes fell silently to the floor one by one.Even soft fabrics can't make a sound.she is asleep.I know it.His eyes were open, but Saeki was asleep.All the action takes place in her sleep. After taking off her clothes, she got into the narrow bed, wrapping her white arms around my body.I feel her warm breathing on my neck and the tuft of hair on my thighs.Saeki must have regarded me as her long-dead teenage lover. She tried to repeat what happened in this room in the past, very naturally, naturally, in a deep sleep, in a dream. I figured I'd have to try to get Saeki up, I'd have to wake her up.She got things wrong and she had to be told there was a huge discrepancy, it wasn't a dream, it was the real world.Yet everything was moving forward at such a rapid pace that I was powerless to stop its momentum.I was distraught, my self swallowed into the alienated current of time. Your self is swallowed into the alienated current of time. Her dream wraps your consciousness in a blink of an eye, as soft and warm as amniotic fluid.Saeki took off the T-shirt you were wearing, pulled off the shorts, kissed your neck repeatedly, and reached out to grab the penis.The cock was hard erect, hard as porcelain.She gently grabs your balls and pulls your fingers under the tuft without a sound.It's warm and humid there.She kisses your breasts and sucks your nipples.Your fingers slowly entered her body as if being sucked in. Where does your responsibility come from?You brush away the white mist in your vision of consciousness, trying to find your current position, trying to see the direction of the water flow, trying to grasp the axis of time.Yet you have no way of finding the boundary between dream and reality, or even the difference between fact and possibility.All you know is that you are now in a very delicate place.Subtle and dangerous at the same time.You are included in its progression without being able to confirm the principles and logic of the prophecy, like a river town submerged in a flood.All the road signs there are now submerged under the water, and only the nameless ridges of every house can be seen. Soon, Saeki rode on your supine body, opened his legs, and introduced the penis as hard as a stone pestle into his body.You have no choice.She chooses.She twisted her waist like drawing a figure.The long hair that cascades down in a straight line is like a willow branch swaying gently on your shoulders.Little by little you are swallowed into the soft mire.Everything in the world is warm, humid and misty, but your penis is firm and clear.You close your eyes and dream your own dreams.The flow of time has become confusing.The tide is full and the moon is rising.You ejaculate quickly.Of course you can't stop it.Cum after cum inside her.She is contracting, gently collecting your cum.Yet she was still fast asleep, with her eyes open.She is in another world, your semen is sucked into another world. A long time has passed.I can't move, and I'm caught in a web of paralysis.Whether it was a real paralysis or just a lack of desire to move, I couldn't tell.After a while, she left me and lay beside me for a while, then got up and put on her underwear, her skirt, and the button of her blouse.She reached out and stroked my hair again.Everything is done without words.In retrospect, she didn't make a sound once after she appeared in this room, only the slight creaking of the floor and the constant wind blowing came to my ears.The sighing room, the trembling glass window—this is all the members of the choros standing behind me. She fell asleep across the floor and out of the room.There was a small crack in the door, and she slipped through the crack like a dreaming fish.The door closed silently.I watched her go from the bed.I was still paralyzed, and it was impossible to stretch a finger.The lips were tightly closed together like a seal.Language sleeps in the pit of time. I had no choice but to stay still and listen, expecting the sound of the engine of Saeki's Volkswagen Golf coming from the parking lot.However, no matter how I waited, I heard nothing.The clouds at night are blown by the wind and gone.The dogwood branches trembled slightly, and countless blades gleamed in the dark.The windows there are the windows of my heart, and the doors there are the doors of my heart.I kept my eyes open until morning, staring at the empty chair for a long time.
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