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Chapter 10 Chapter 8 The comatose boy

Kafka on the Shore 村上春树 5132Words 2018-03-21
US Army Intelligence (MIS) Report Date of production: May 12, 1946 Title: "RICE BOWL HILL INCIDENT: REPORT" File number: PTYX-722-8936745-42216-WWN The interview with Shigenori Tsukayama (52), a professor of psychiatry at Tokyo Imperial University, took place at the headquarters of the Supreme Allied Forces Commander in Tokyo for about three hours.Use audio tape.The accompanying request numbers for this interview are PTYX-722-267-291 (Note: However, the data for 271 and 278 are missing). Questioner Lt. Robert O'Connellu felt: "Professor Tsukayama has maintained the calm attitude that an expert should have. He is a scholar representing Japan in the field of psychiatry. He has published several excellent books so far. Unlike most Japanese, he speaks unambiguously and clearly distinguishes facts from hypotheses. .Before the war, he was an exchange professor at Stanford University, and he can speak quite fluent English, so most people must have a sense of trust and goodwill towards him.”

We conducted an urgent investigation on those children in the form of receiving military orders and interviewed them.The time was mid-November, 1944.It is extremely exceptional for us to accept military requests or orders.As you know, they have quite a strong medical system within their own organization, plus it is a self-contained organization with an eye on secrecy, so most of the cases are solved internally, except for the special knowledge of researchers and physicians in specialized fields , technical occasions, there will be no need for folk doctors and researchers. So of course we guessed it was a "special occasion" when word got around.To be honest, I don't like working under the direction of the military.In most cases, what they seek is not academic truth, but conclusions that conform to their thinking system or pure effectiveness.Not someone to reason with.However, in wartime, military orders cannot be disobeyed, and one can only obey them silently.

We struggled to continue our respective research in the university laboratory under the U.S. air raids.Students and graduate students are almost all called up to serve in the army, and the university is empty.There is no such thing as a deferment of admissions for psychiatry students.We accepted the order of the military to temporarily suspend the research we had already started, and set off by car towards ×× Town, Yamanashi Prefecture with roughly what we should bring.There are three of us: me, a colleague in psychiatry, and a doctor in brain surgery who has been working with us on research.

We were first told solemnly: The following matters are military confidential matters and are not allowed to be circulated outside.Next we heard about the events that happened earlier this month.Sixteen children fell into a coma in the mountains, and fifteen of them regained consciousness spontaneously, but all memories of the process were lost.Only one boy did not recover his memory anyway, and was still in a coma at the Tokyo Army Hospital. After the incident, the military doctor in charge of treating the children described the treatment process in detail from the perspective of internal medicine.It is a major military doctor named Yuanshan.Many military doctors are closer in nature to bureaucrats than pure doctors.Fortunately, he is a realistic and excellent doctor, even if he is not arrogant or exclusionary towards us who are outsiders.He told us the necessary basic facts without reservation, speaking objectively and concretely.We also let us see all the medical records.What he seems to desperately need is clarification.We have a crush on him.

The most important feature we know from the information given by the military doctors is that from a medical point of view there is no effect left on the children.Regardless of the examinations, no physical abnormalities—whether surgical or medical—have been found since the incident occurred.The state of the children is exactly the same as before the incident, and they are living extremely healthy lives.As a result of careful examination, parasites were found in several children, but they did not deserve special mention.Symptoms such as headache, vomiting, body pain, loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, diarrhea, and nightmares were all gone.

Only the memory of the two hours of insensitivity in the mountains was lost from the children's heads.This is without exception.He doesn't even have any memory of when he fell to the ground.That part was lost neatly.Compared with the "loss" of memory, it is closer to "shedding".This is not a technical term, it is tentatively used now. There's a big difference between "losing" and "falling off."To put it simply, by the way, please imagine that freight trains running on the railway are connected to each other.One of the cars was empty of cargo.An empty wagon without its cargo is "lost"; and if not only the cargo but also the wagon itself is missing, it is "shedding."

We talked about the possibility of the children breathing some kind of poisonous gas.Yuanshan military doctor said, this is of course the object of consideration, and the military must have something to do with the incident.At the current stage, from a practical point of view, it cannot but be considered that this possibility is extremely slim.The following is a military secret, and it will be troublesome if it is leaked out... The gist of his statement was roughly this: The Army is indeed secretly developing chemical weapons such as poison gas and biological weapons.But mostly within the special forces headquartered in mainland China.Because it is implemented in a densely populated small country, the danger is too great.As for whether such weapons are stored in the country, it is difficult to tell you in detail here, but at least there are no such weapons in Yamanashi Prefecture at this stage, and this can be guaranteed.

——The military doctor asserted that there are no special weapons such as poison gas stored in Yamanashi Prefecture, right? Yes.He made it very clear.As we can only believe in it, it seems that it is okay to believe in the impression.Moreover, the possibility of the U.S. airdropping poison gas from B29 is extremely low-we have come to such a conclusion.If they develop such a weapon and decide to use it, they should first use it in a large city, and throwing one or two weapons from a high altitude into such a barren mountain and wild ridge will not even be able to confirm what effect it will produce.What's more, even if it becomes thinner due to diffusion, if it only causes the child to lose consciousness for two hours and leaves no trace afterwards, such a poisonous gas has no military significance.

In addition, as far as we understand, no matter whether artificial poisonous gas or poisonous gas produced in nature, it is hard to think that it will not leave any traces on the body.Especially for children's bodies, which are more sensitive and weaker than adults, there must be some kind of residual effect on the eyes and mucous membranes.As for the possibility of food poisoning, it can also be ruled out on the same grounds. And in this way, it can only be regarded as a problem related to psychological problems or brain organization.And, assuming that the event was caused by such internal reasons, it goes without saying that it is extremely difficult to find the remains from the medical or surgical perspective.Its vestiges are invisible to the naked eye and cannot be expressed numerically.At this point, we finally understood the reason why we were specially called by the military.

We interviewed all the children who lost consciousness in the accident, and also listened to the statements of the leading teacher and the specially appointed school doctor.Yuanshan military doctor also participated.But the interview almost failed to give us new information, nothing more than reconfirming the introduction of the military doctor.The children have no memory of the incident, they see an object high in the sky that looks like a glowing plane, and then they go up the "Wooden Bowl Mountain" and start picking mushrooms in the woods - where time is interrupted.What I remember from the bottom is that I was surrounded by panicked teachers and policemen, lying on the ground by myself.There was nothing wrong with the body, nothing painful, nothing unpleasant.Only my head is a little dizzy, the same as when I woke up in the morning, that's all.All the children said the same thing.

In the stage of concluding the interview, what came to mind greatly as a possibility was, of course, group hypnosis.It is by no means unnatural to assume that the symptoms of the children during the unconsciousness process observed by teachers and school doctors on the spot are also group hypnosis.The eyeballs moved normally, the breathing, pulse and body temperature were slightly lower, and the memory was gone.The situation roughly matches.The teacher who led the team did not lose consciousness. It can be considered that the collective hypnosis did not work on the adults for some reason. As for what exactly that what is, we have not yet been able to delineate it.The only thing that can be asserted as a general theory is that group hypnosis requires two factors, one is the inseparable homogeneity of the group and the limitation of their situation, and the other is the medium, and this direct "fuse" must be It is something experienced by all members at the same time.On this occasion, for example, it could be an object that looked like an airplane they had seen before entering the mountain.Everyone saw it at the same time, and began to faint after tens of minutes.Of course this is just an assumption.Although it cannot be clearly confirmed otherwise, it is possible that there is something that can be a medium.On the premise that "after all, it's just a hypothesis", I suggested the possibility of "group hypnosis" to Yuanshan military doctor, and my two colleagues basically agreed.This happens to be relevant, though not directly, to the research topics we are engaged in. "It sounds logical." Military doctor Yuanshan thought for a while and said, "It doesn't belong to my professional scope, but I'm afraid it's the most possible possibility. But there's one thing that's hard to understand: Then, what broke the collective hypnosis? ? There must be a so-called 'reverse medium'..." I honestly replied that I didn't know.That is a question that can only be answered with further hypotheses at this stage.My hypothesis: Probably the type of system that automatically disarms over time.In other words, the system that maintains our body is inherently powerful. Even if it is temporarily placed under the control of other external systems, the so-called siren will sound after a certain period of time, and the emergency procedure will block the original body maintenance system. The foreign substances in the body - in this case hypnosis - are removed and the wrong program is destroyed. I explained to the Yuanshan military doctor: There is no information here, and it is a pity that the exact figures cannot be quoted.In short, there have been several reports of similar incidents in foreign countries in the past, and they were all recorded as "mysterious incidents" for which the cause could not be ascertained-many children lost consciousness at the same time and woke up a few hours later, with no memory of the incident at all. In other words, this incident is certainly a rare event, but it is not without precedent.Around 1930, a strange incident happened on the edge of a small village in Devon, England.Thirty or so junior high school students queuing up on the dirt road in the country suddenly fell to the ground one by one and became unconscious for no reason. However, they all regained consciousness a few hours later, as if nothing had happened, and directly used their legs Walked back to school.Doctors immediately performed physical examinations on all the students, but no abnormalities were found medically.No one remembers what happened. Similar incidents were recorded in Australia towards the end of the last century.In the suburbs of Adelaide, about 15 girls aged 14 or 15 fell into a coma during an outing. After a while, they all regained consciousness. No trauma or sequelae were found.Some people said that it might be the effect of sunlight, but everyone lost consciousness almost at the same time and woke up at the same time without any symptoms of poisoning. After all, it remained as a mystery.It was also reported that the day was not too hot, probably because there is no other explanation, so let's say it was heat stroke. What these incidents have in common is that the young boys and girls lost consciousness at the same time as a group not far from the school, and regained consciousness almost at the same time, leaving no sequelae afterwards.This is a common feature of all events.With regard to the adults present, there seemed to be differences in the reports, in which there were cases where the children lost consciousness as well as cases where they did not lose consciousness. In addition, it is not without similar cases.These two cases are representative of those who left clear records enough to become academic materials or have materials left behind.The events in Yamanashi, however, had one notable exception: the remaining one remained in a state of non-dehypnosis or unconsciousness.Naturally, we believe that the child's existence may be the key to finding out the truth of the incident.We returned to Tokyo after the scene investigation, and rushed to the Army Hospital where the boy was taken. —The Army is concerned about this incident, in the final analysis, because it may have something to do with gas weapons, right? That's how I understand it.Rather than asking me about the exact situation, it would be better to ask Yuanshan military doctor, I think. ——Military Major Toyama died in an air raid while performing his duties in Tokyo in March 1945. Yeah?It's a pity.This war cost the lives of many promising people. ——However, the military concluded that the incident was not caused by the so-called "chemical weapons".The reason is unclear, but it seems to have nothing to do with the development of the war.Is that so? Yes, it is understood that way.By then the military had closed its investigation into the incident.The reason why the Army Hospital still kept the comatose boy named Nakata was only because Major Toyama Military Doctor had a personal interest in the incident, and he had a certain degree of discretion in the hospital at that time.In this way, we went to the army hospital every day or took turns sleeping there, observing and studying the situation of the teenager lying unconscious on the bed from various angles. His bodily functions run extremely smoothly without consciousness.Rely on nutrition by drip, and urinate in an orderly manner.As soon as the lights in the room were turned off at night, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, and opened them again in the morning.Consciousness was lost, but otherwise he seemed to be leading a healthy and normal life.Although it is lethargic, it does not seem to be dreaming.When a person is dreaming, there must be a reaction to the eyeball rotation and facial expression, the perception echoes the activities in the dream, and the heartbeat frequency increases accordingly.However, there were no such signs in Nakata boy.It is true that the heart rate, breathing, and body temperature are a little lower than usual, but the degree of stability is astonishing. The statement may be bizarre, it seems that the body as a container is temporarily left there to watch over the house, the level of various organisms is lowered little by little, and only the minimum functions required for survival are maintained, while I run to other places during this period. Where to do other things. The words "soul and body separation" came to my mind.Do you know this?It often appears in ancient Japanese stories that the soul temporarily leaves the body, runs thousands of miles away, and returns to the body after completing the work there.There are also "living spirits" often appearing in the book, perhaps similar to this one.It says that not only the souls of the dead can leave their bodies, but also the living—if they want to—can do the same.Or Japan's ideas about souls have been deeply rooted in the same line as natural existences from ancient times to the present, but it is impossible to scientifically demonstrate such things, and even have scruples to put them forward as hypotheses. What reality requires us to do, needless to say, is first of all to wake up the boy from his lethargy and restore him to consciousness.We fumbled desperately for "reverse agents" to de-hypnotize.We tried everything we could think of.The parents who brought the child told the two to call out loudly for several days, but there was no response.Try all the tricks of hypnosis; give him all kinds of suggestions, clap your hands in every way in front of his face; let him listen to familiar music; read a textbook to his ear; let him smell his favorite food; He also brought in his family cat—the boy's favorite cat.In short, he tried every means to bring him back to the real world here.Yet the effect is zero, really zero. Unexpectedly, when we tried for two weeks and were exhausted and exhausted, the boy suddenly woke up.We didn't do anything to make it work, woke up without warning, and opened our eyes in a "swipe", as if to say that the allotted time was up. ——Is there anything different from usual that day? Nothing worth mentioning, just business as usual.At about ten o'clock in the morning, the nurse took blood from the teenager. She coughed uncontrollably just after the blood was taken, and the blood was spilled on the bed sheet.The quantity was not very large, and the sheets were changed immediately—if there was anything different from usual, that was at most one thing.The boy opened his eyes and woke up about thirty minutes after that.He sat up suddenly from the bed, straightened his waist, and looked around.Consciousness has also returned, and he is in a state of impeccable health from a medical point of view.However, after a while, he learned that all his memories had disappeared from his head, and he couldn't even remember his own name.Where I live, where I go to school, what my parents look like... I can't remember any of them.I can't read the words.I don't know whether this is Japan or the earth, and I don't even know what Japan is and what the earth is.He completely emptied his head and returned to this world in a state of blank paper.
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