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Chapter 14 14

dance!dance!dance! 村上春树 3906Words 2018-03-21
Strangely—or maybe not so wonderfully—I fell asleep as soon as I went to bed at 12 o'clock in the evening, and woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning.I fell asleep in a mess, but woke up at just the right time, as if I had returned to the same place after a week.But I feel refreshed and hungry.So I walked over to the taco shop, had two cups of coffee, and ate two donuts.Then wander aimlessly through the streets.The road surface is frozen with ice and snow, and the soft snowflakes are like countless feathers, flying silently.The sky remained overcast with no gaps.Although it is not a good day for walking, but walking on the street like this, I really feel spiritual relief and stretching.The depression that had been suffocating me all this time was gone, and even the awe-inspiring cold was comforting. Why?I felt incredible as I walked.Things haven't been resolved in any way, why are you in such a good mood?

After walking for an hour and returning to the hotel, the girl with glasses was at the reception desk, and there was another girl receiving guests besides her.She was on the phone, with the microphone attached to her ear, with a business smile on her face, and a ballpoint pen between her fingers, turning it around subconsciously.Seeing her like this makes me want to talk to her—anything.At best it's empty blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.So he leaned over to her and waited quietly for her to finish the call.She glanced at me quizzically, but that well-placed business artificial smile remained on her face.

"What's the matter?" She put down the phone and asked me solemnly and politely. I cleared my throat: "Well, I heard that two girls in a nearby swimming school were swallowed by crocodiles last night. Is this true?" I tried to pretend to be serious. The expression is nonsense. "This—how should I say it?" She still replied with a commercial smile like a delicate artificial flower, but her eyes were obviously sullen.The cheeks were slightly flushed, and the wings of the nose were slightly puffed up, "We haven't heard of such a thing. Excuse me: Could it be that you heard it wrong?"

"The crocodile was huge. According to eyewitnesses, it was as big as a Volvo tourist bus. It suddenly smashed through the sunroof glass and swooped in. It swallowed the two girls whole in one bite, and ate half of them. A coconut tree, and then escaped. I don’t know if I caught it? If I can’t catch it, let it run outside..." "I'm sorry," the girl interrupted me calmly. "If you are willing, how about calling the police directly? I think it will be easier to ask. Or go out the gate and turn right and walk straight through There is a police station, and it’s okay to go there to inquire.”

"That's right, try it then," I said. "Thanks, Intellect seems to be with you." "Thanks for the prize." She touched the temple of her glasses with her hand and said coldly. After returning to the room for a while, she called. "What tricks, that's it?" She whispered with suppressed anger, "Didn't I tell you a few days ago, don't mess around at work. I don't like you making trouble when I'm working." "It's my fault," I apologized honestly, "actually, I just wanted to talk to you, whatever I wanted to say, just to hear your voice. Maybe the joke I made was utterly boring, but it's not the content of the joke. It's nothing more than I wanted to talk to you, thinking that it would not cause you much trouble."

"Nervous! I didn't tell you. I'm very nervous at work, so I hope you don't interfere. Isn't it agreed? Don't stare at me." "Didn't stare, just talk." "Then, don't talk like that in the future, please." "It's a deal. Don't talk, don't talk, stay as quiet as granite. Oh, are you free tonight? Is it the day for mountaineering school?" "Mountain climbing school?" she said with a sigh. "Just kidding, huh?" "Well, it's a joke." "I'm a person who sometimes can't react to such jokes. What mountaineering school, hahaha."

Her three "ha ha ha" sounds were very boring and monotonous, as if she was reading something on the blackboard, and then she put down the phone. I sat still and waited for 30 minutes and no more calls came.I'm angry!My sense of humor is often misunderstood by the other party, just as my meticulousness is often completely misunderstood by the other party.Since I couldn't think of anything else to do, I had to go for a walk outside again.If time turns, you may encounter something or make new discoveries.Rather than doing nothing, it's better to move and try.May the intellect be with me.

After walking non-stop for an hour, he found nothing but cold limbs.The snow is still in its infancy. At 12:30, I walked into McDonald's fast food restaurant, had a cheese beef burger and French fries, and drank a Coca-Cola.Originally, I didn't want to eat this thing at all, but sometimes I used it to fill my stomach in a daze.Presumably my body structure requires regular intake of low nutrient foods. After stepping out of the fast food restaurant, we walked for another 30 minutes, but the snow got worse.I zipped my jacket all the way to the top and wrapped the scarf around my nose, but it was still too cold.Urinating and suffocating enough, it's all my fault that I shouldn't drink some Coca-Cola in such a cold weather.I looked around for possible public restrooms.There is a movie theater across the road, although it is dilapidated, but a toilet is probably always available.Besides, watching a movie while warming up after urinating is also advisable, anyway, the time is too much to bear.I went to see what movie was on the trailer.Two domestic films are currently being screened, one of which is called "Wishful Wishing".Obediently, it's a movie starring an old classmate.

After urinating for a long time, I bought a can of hot coffee in the sales department and took it in to watch a movie. As expected, the venue was as warm as spring.I sat down and watched the screen while drinking coffee.It turns out that "Wishful Wishing" has been screened for 30 minutes, but even if you don't watch it for the first 30 minutes, you can guess the plot perfectly.In fact, it was as expected: my classmate acted as a biology teacher with long legs and delicate features.The young heroine is just in love with him, and is equally ecstatic.And a boy from the fencing department was fascinated by her.The boy looked like a bullfighter.Of course I can make such a film.

The difference is that my old classmate (whose real name is Gotanda Ryoichi, of course, has another grand stage name. It’s a pity to say that Gotanda Ryoichi and so on are really not easy to arouse girls’ sympathy) this time the role he got is a little more complicated than before .Although he is beautiful and handsome, he has also suffered from spiritual trauma.Such as what participated in the student movement, what caused the lover to get pregnant and then abandon it, and so on.Trauma types are a cliché, but they're better than nothing.These reminiscence shots are inserted from time to time, as clumsily as an ape rubbing clay on a wall.Occasionally, a live shot of an offensive and defensive battle in the Yasuda Auditorium appeared. I really wanted to say "yes" in a low voice, but I felt that it was ridiculous, so I swallowed it.

All in all, Gotanda plays this kind of traumatized character, and he plays it very hard.The problem is that the script itself is extremely poor, and the director's talent is even zero.Half of the lines are almost embarrassingly clumsy, and there are endless scenes of dumbfounding boredom, and the girl's face is pushed out of close-up for no reason at times, so that no matter how much he shows his acting skills, he can't get the overall effect.Gradually, I felt a little pitiful for him, and I couldn't bear to watch it any longer.But after thinking about it, the life he sent away may have always been so unbearable in a sense. There is a bed scene.When Gotanda was sleeping with a girl in his room on a Sunday morning, the protagonist girl came in with some cookies she made herself.Good guy, isn't it exactly the same as I imagined.Gotanda on the bed also did not exceed my imagination, and he did his best to caress.Coitus with a sense of elegance, armpits that seem to be scented, hair that is messed up in excitement, and a woman's bare back when Gotanda caresses her.Afterwards, the camera suddenly turned and pushed out the woman's face. I can't help holding my breath: Matador. It's Xixi.I froze in my seat.There was the sound of clinking bottles rolling from behind.hi hi!Exactly the same scenario I was fantasizing about in the dark hallway.Xixi is indeed having a good time with Gotanda. Connected, I think. This is the only scene where Xixi appears: she sleeps with Gotanda on Sunday morning.On Saturday night, Gotanda got very drunk in one place, so he took her, whom he had met by chance, to sleep in his room, and in the morning, he was tender again.Just at this moment, the protagonist girl——his student rushed over suddenly, but unfortunately the door was forgotten to be locked.This is the scene.Xixi's line is only one line: "What's wrong with you?" It was said by Gotanda after the protagonist girl ran away in embarrassment.The lines were banal and vulgar, but they were the only words she could utter. "What's wrong with you?" As for whether the voice came from Xixi's mouth, I can't be sure.Firstly, my memory of Xixi's voice is not very accurate, and secondly, the sound quality of the cinema amplifier is also a mess.But I still have vivid memories of her body.The shape of the back, the neck, and Guanggu's breasts were exactly as I remembered Xixi.I'm still staring at the screen with my limbs stiff.In terms of time, I think that set of shots lasted about five or six minutes.Under Gotanda's embrace and caress, she closed her eyes as if her mind was fluttering, her lips trembled slightly, and she sighed softly.I can't tell if that's acting or not.It must be acting, after all, it is acting in a movie.However, I absolutely cannot accept Xixi's acting itself, and I feel confused and confused.Because, if it is not acting, then she is really intoxicated in Gotanda's arms; if it is acting, then the meaning of her existence in my mind will collapse.Yes, it shouldn't be any acting.Anyway, I'm madly jealous of this movie anyway. Swim school, movies, I started getting jealous of all kinds of things.Could it be a good sign? What follows is the scene where the protagonist girl opens the door and witnesses the two lying naked in an embrace.Hold your breath, close your eyes, and run away.Gotanda looked dazed.Xixi said, "What's wrong with you?" A close-up of Gotanda's blank expression.The screen fades. Xixi's appearance was nothing more than that.I don't care about the plot any more, I just keep my eyes on the screen.Too bad she never showed up again.She meets Gotanda somewhere, sleeps with her, participates in an episode in his life, and then disappears—such is her role.At the same time, like me, appear suddenly, participate in an instant, and disappear in an instant. After the film was played, the lights came back on and the music streamed out.But I remained rigidly motionless, staring at the white screen.Is this reality?After the movie, I felt that this was not reality at all.Why did Xixi appear on the screen?Besides, with Gotanda!Big joke!I have gone wrong somewhere.Lines get mixed up.Imagination and reality cross and confuse somewhere.Isn't that the only way to think so? Walking out of the cinema, I walked around for a while, but my mind kept thinking about Xixi. "What's wrong with you?"—she whispered in my ear repeatedly. What's wrong? In short, it is Xixi, there is no doubt about it, when I hugged her, she also looked so dazed, her lips trembled like that, and her breathing was so short.That's not acting at all, that's what it is, but it's a movie after all. baffling. The more time passed, the more unreliable my memory became.Is it pure hallucination? An hour and a half later, I walked into the cinema again and watched "Wishful Wishing" from the beginning this time.On Sunday morning, Gotanda embraced a girl, the back view of the girl.The camera turns to the girl's face.It's Xixi, it's true.The protagonist girl comes in, holds her breath, closes her eyes, and runs away.Gotanda looked dazed.Xixi said, "What's wrong with you?" The picture faded away. The exact same repetition. But after the movie ended, I still didn't believe it at all.It must have been a mistake, how could Xixi and Gotanda sleep in the same bed? The next day, I went to the cinema for the third time, and watched "Wishful Wishing" once again.I waited impatiently for that set of scenes to come.Here it is, at last: Gotanda hugging a girl on Sunday morning, the back view of the girl.The camera turns to the girl's face.It's Xixi, it's true.The protagonist girl comes in, holds her breath, closes her eyes, and runs away.Gotanda looked dazed.Xixi said, "What's wrong with you?" I sighed in the dark. Well, it's reality, it's true.Connected.
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