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Chapter 10 10

dance!dance!dance! 村上春树 3622Words 2018-03-21
This is down-to-earth darkness, almost terrifying. I can't recognize any tangible things, including my own body, and I can't even feel that there is something there. There is only black nothingness. Surrounded by such utter darkness, I felt my existence trance-like an empty concept—the concept of flesh melting into the darkness and no longer having substance, emerging in the air like an outer ectoplasm.I have been liberated from my body, but I have not yet found a new place to go, and I am wandering back and forth on the wonderful dividing line between nightmare and reality in the illusory universe.

I stood still for a long time, unable to move even if I wanted to, my limbs were paralyzed and I lost my original feeling, as if I had been pushed into the bottom of the deep sea.The thick darkness exerted an indescribable pressure on me, and the silence oppressed my eardrums.I tried to accustom my eyes to the darkness more or less, but in vain.This kind of darkness is not the vague darkness that the eyes can gradually get used to, but 100% darkness, unfathomably black, black without gaps, as if there are countless layers of black oil paint.I subconsciously touched my pocket.On the right was a wallet and my own key, and on the left a room key, a handkerchief, and a quarter of change.But these are completely useless in the dark.For the first time, I regretted quitting smoking, otherwise I would always have a lighter or matches with me, and I regretted it too late.I took out my hand from my pocket and reached for the side where the wall was supposed to be. In the darkness, I felt a hard vertical plane: it was the wall.The walls are slippery and cold.The temperature of the walls of the Dolphin Hotel is too low, but it is not so cold.Because the air-conditioning facilities keep the air as warm as spring all the time.I said to myself: calm down, think about it slowly.

Think calmly. So I first thought that the situation in front of me was exactly the same as what happened to the girl.I am not following in their footsteps, so there is no need to be afraid.She can be more than ready for battle alone, let alone me, of course it's no problem.Be calm and just act like her.Something inexplicable lurks in this hotel, and it may have something to do with me.There is no doubt that it is inseparable from the original Dolphin Hotel.That's the only way I'm here, isn't it?Yes.I had to act like her and bring to light what she didn't see. Afraid? afraid.

Forget it, I thought.It's fear, real fear, as if being stripped naked.terribly upset.The heavy darkness made violent particles float around me, and they wriggled and sneaked towards me like a sea snake, and I couldn't even tell them apart.An incurable sense of exhaustion seized me.It seemed to me that all the pores of my body were exposed in the dark.The shirt was soaked in cold sweat, almost dripping water.His throat was dry and smoky, and it was far from easy to swallow his saliva. Where is it?Not the Dolphin Hotel.Absolutely not, absolutely!This is another place.I have now traveled over mountains and mountains to fully enter this strange place.I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths repeatedly.

It's absurd to say that I would really like to hear Paul Morian's "Aqua in Amour" performed by a large orchestra.If I could hear that background music now, what happiness would I feel, and what courage I would have gained!Richard Clayderman could, too, for now.Be it Rose Indioz Tabaheras, Be it Juce Feliciano, Be it Julio Iglesias, Be it Sercio Mendes, "The Patrick Family" Either way, it's bearable right now, as long as it's music, I want to listen to it.It was so still!Even a Mickey Mira chorus could bear it, and even a duet between Andy Noriams and Al Martino might be worth a listen.

Forget it, I order myself.Just cranky.However, you can't think about anything.As long as you think about it, you have to use something to fill the blank in your head.Enemy of terror.Horror has crept into the void. Michael Jackson dancing "Perry King" with tambourine in front of the bonfire.Even the camels were carried away. My mind is a little confused. My mind is a little confused. My thoughts echoed slightly in the dark.Thinking echoes. I took another deep breath, blowing out all the sacs, blinking, blowing, blowing, and blowing. Straw mace Mu Rong? I made up my mind and began to grope slowly to the right in the dark.But the legs and feet still can't be used freely, as if they didn't grow on him.Muscles and nerves cannot cooperate skillfully.I wanted to move my leg, but it didn't.The ink-like darkness wrapped me tightly in the middle, unable to advance or retreat.The darkness stretches endlessly, fearing that it will reach the core of the earth.I am heading towards the core of the earth.And once there, there is no way to return to the surface.Or think of something else!If you don't think about anything, the sense of terror is bound to intensify and linger on.Then think about the plot of the movie.Where did the story go?Go to where the Sheep Man plays.But the desert scene stopped here, and the camera zoomed back to the pharaoh's palace, the resplendent palace, where all the wealth of Africa is concentrated.The Nubian slave fell to his knees, with Pharaoh sitting in the middle.Miklos Luz-esque music echoes offscreen.Pharaoh was visibly restless. "Something is corrupting in Egypt," he thought, "and right here in this palace, there is an anomalous phenomenon happening in the palace. I can feel it clearly, and I must follow it to the end!"

I moved forward step by step cautiously.And thinking, it is really admirable that the girl can do such a thing.After being thrown into the inexplicable darkness by surprise, he was able to go to the depths of the darkness alone to find out.Even I—and besides, I have heard of such a strange world in advance—are so frightened.If you break into such a situation without knowing anything in advance, you may not be able to advance a single step, and you can only stand in front of the elevator door for a long time. I started thinking about her, picturing her swimming practice at swimming school in her black three-point swimsuit.There was also my old classmate who was a film actor.And she was infatuated with him beyond control.She looked at my friend with fascinated eyes every time he corrected the stretch in his right hand for freestyle swimming.At night, they also got into his bed.I was sad, devastated even.I don't think she should be like this, she doesn't know him at all.He was simply elegant and gracious.They may talk sweetly to you and make you enter the Paradise, but in the end it is just kindness, just a caress before the clouds and rains.

Turn right in the hallway. As she said.But in my head, she's still sleeping with my classmates.He undressed her lightly and praised every part of her body, which was not a compliment.Boy, this guy really has two hands.But then he became angry again: something wrong! Turn right in the hallway. I continued to hold on to the wall and turned to the right.A small light appeared in the distance, half bright and half dark, like a glimmer of light leaking through several layers of window screens. As she said. My classmate started kissing her naked body tenderly.From the neck to the breast, slowly down.The camera shines on his face and her back.Then the camera turned and her face was shown, but it wasn't her, not the girl at the reception desk of the Dolphin Hotel.It was the face of Xixi, the high-class prostitute Xixi who lived with me in the Dolphin Hotel in the past and had a pair of wonderful helixes, the Xixi who silently disappeared from my life.My classmate is sleeping with Xixi.It's a solid image in the film, and the editing is well done, even impeccable -- mediocre at best.The two were lying in each other's arms in the apartment room.Light pours in through the shutters.hi hi.Why is that child here?Time and space are chaotic.

Time and space are chaotic. I move towards the light.As soon as he took a step, the image in his mind suddenly disappeared. Dim. I walked against the wall in the soundless darkness.I resolved not to think about anything else, and thinking about it would do nothing but prolong the time.I got rid of all thoughts and concentrated on moving forward, carefully and steadily.The light is faintly shining around, but it is not yet clear where it is.I saw a door, a door I had never seen before.Not bad, as she said.A wooden door with a number plate on it.But the numbers were illegible, the lighting was too dim, and the cards were dirty.In short this is not a dolphin hotel.The Dolphin Hotel would not have such an ancient door, and the air quality is not the same.What is this smell?It's almost like the smell of waste paper piles.The light flickered from time to time, probably candlelight.

I stood in front of the door and stared at the light for a long time. Then I wanted to go back to the girl at the desk.I suddenly regretted it: it might have been better to simply sleep with her at that time.Can I ever return to that reality?One more date with that girl?At this point, I can't help but feel jealous of the real world, and even the swimming school.To be precise, it may not be jealousy, but regret that has been enlarged and distorted.But on the surface it looks like jealousy, at least that's how I feel in the dark.That's all, how could I be jealous in such a place?It's been a long time since I knew what jealousy was.I am a person who has almost no jealousy. I only pay attention to myself, so I can't talk about the so-called jealousy.But now there was an unexpectedly strong jealousy, and it was for the swimming school.

fool!Who could be jealous of swimming school?Unheard of. I swallowed my saliva, and the sound was as loud as an iron rod hitting an oil drum.In fact, at best, it's just swallowing saliva. The voice echoed strangely, as she said.By the way, I have to knock, knock.So I tapped - resolutely, very slightly, so small that I didn't want to hear it inside.Unexpectedly, the sound was extremely loud, and it was as stagnant and stern as death itself. I wait with bated breath. silence.Same as she was then.I don't know how long it took, maybe 5 seconds, maybe 1 minute.Time does not follow the rules in the dark, or sway, or extend, or condense.I myself sway, lengthen, and condense in the darkness.As time has deformed, I myself have also deformed, as if reflected in a distorting mirror. Then came the sound—the rustling, the rustling of clothes intensified.Something stood up from the ground.Footsteps.Approaching here slowly. "Cha-cha--" There was a sound like slippers mopping the floor.Something came, "but not people" she said.As she said.It's not the sound of human footsteps, it's something else, something that doesn't exist in reality—but it exists here. I didn't run away, I just felt sweaty.The strange thing is that as the footsteps approached, the sense of terror weakened instead.It doesn't matter, I thought.And it can be clearly felt that this is not something evil.There is no need to be afraid, just play by ear, there is nothing to be afraid of.So I was immersed in a warm vortex.I gripped the doorknob tightly, closed my eyes, and held my breath.It doesn't matter, don't be afraid.In the dark, I heard a huge heart sound, it was my own heart sound.I am contained in the sound of my heart.I said to myself: Why be afraid!Nothing more than connected. The footsteps stopped.That one was right next to me, looking at me.I close my eyes.Connected, I think.I'm connected to all the places - the banks of the Nile, the Xixi, the Dolphin Hotel, the rock music of the past, the Nubian ladies covered in spices, the ticking time bombs, the lights of the past, the lights of the past Sound, old voices, everything. "Waiting for you!" said the other, "I've been waiting for you, come in." I know who it is without opening my eyes. It's a sheep man.
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