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The forest in Norway

The forest in Norway


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 196007

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Chapter 1 Editorial

The forest in Norway 村上春树 1093Words 2018-03-21
Why did we choose Haruki Murakami? It is not because he has won awards in the Japanese literary and art circles; nor is it because his works are at the top of the bestseller list in Japan; it is not because his works set off a rush of buying by the younger generation, and the sales volume exceeded 4 million! So why? The answer is: he and his works bring us a unique space of thought, and the atmosphere of life evoked by understated daily life fragments resonates with us.More importantly, he expressed the youthful voices of the 1990s and even generations from the background of the 1960s. ·Young confusion and helplessness

"Norwegian Forest" was originally a song by the Beatles. Every time the protagonist Naoko listens to this song, she feels alone and lost in the depths of a cold and frozen forest. , A symptom of confusion.The main character, Watanabe, tries many times to save Naoko who is lost in himself, but sometimes even he loses his way.The younger generation living in the city, in contrast with the narrower urban space and the alienation of people, makes them lose their desire to contact people, which is the protective cover for the younger generation to avoid injury.Just like Watanabe, because he is afraid of disappointment, he doesn't want to make friends by force. In his world, there are always only those few friends.

·Young rebel, bold and straightforward The advantage of being young is to be forgivably frank, bold, and unscrupulous in declaring what you love, want, hate, and hate in your heart without embellishment.The bold erotic descriptions in the book are not the eroticism that is common in Japanese novels, but the natural expression from the heart, such as mountains and rivers flowing into depressions and cascading down into waterfalls, which is completely natural.The protagonists in the book live in a turbulent era, and student strikes happen one after another, but they are indifferent, and instead pursue love extremely passionately.To Naoko, Watanabe knows that Naoko's heart is for the dead Kizuki, but he refuses to give up to follow him; to Watanabe, even though she knows that Watanabe's heart belongs to her, she also wants to be by her side.The hope and disappointment of love torment the protagonist in the book, and also torment the young group in real life.Love comes from the heart, is involuntary, and has no age distinction, so it doesn't matter whether it is a turbulent age or whether you should fall in love or not.In Hong Kong in the 1990s, "should students fall in love" has become an old saying, and now the discussion is "how should students fall in love". .

·Young strange philosophy The characters in the book, their bodies and movements follow the custom, but their minds and thoughts appear ethereal, and their way of speaking is special, which can often be extracted into aphorisms, such as "Only incomplete memories and incomplete longings can contain a kind of In the incomplete container called the novel", "We breathe death into our lungs like a fine dust while living", "The world is full of donkey dung"...Young philosophies abound in the book. ·Growing Lovely Muse The world of growing up is full of responsibilities and unpleasantness.The protagonists in Haruki Murakami's works are all young. They don't want to grow up, thinking that growing up is incredible. Growing up is completely unprepared and forced out.The protagonist even envies the eternal youth of the dead.This is a young novel, the enthusiasm and frankness of the young stage of the growth process goes straight to the root of human nature: the anguish, helplessness, fear, and curiosity of growing up are touching and resonating.As the author said, "Some people will like this novel, and some people will not like it", but we are sure that people who love life and are sensitive to life will like it: young people and people who have grown up without wanting to grow up will not miss it.

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