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Chapter 45 forty one cloud hidden

The Tale of Genji 紫式部 396Words 2018-03-21
-------------------------------------------------- ---------- "Yunyin" in Japanese means "recluse".It is a hint of Genji's death.This time there is only the title but no text.Therefore, it is unknown when Genji died.But it can be speculated as follows: the second chapter "Prince Xi" (匂 is a man-made Chinese character in Japan, its pronunciation is niou. It means incense) describes the events of the last eight years after the "Magic Maker", and the beginning of the chapter says "Guangyuan Shi After death...".It can be seen that Genji died between the age of 53 and 60 in the next year of the "Magician".Exactly what year he died is unknown.However, in the forty-ninth fourth "Parasite", it says: "The Saga courtyard where I lived as a recluse in the last two or three years...", it can be known that after the age of fifty-three, he lived in seclusion in the pre-built Saga Buddhist Hall (see "Sai Hua") ", "Songfeng") for two or three years, and then died.He died at the early fifty-five or six-year-old.The title of this chapter is "Yun Yin", which alludes to the seclusion of these two or three years.

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