Home Categories foreign novel The Tale of Genji

Chapter 44 Forty Magicians

The Tale of Genji 紫式部 8775Words 2018-03-21
The end of Latvia and the return of spring, Genji saw the splendor of spring, his mood became more depressed, and his sadness remained unchanged.As usual, many people come to celebrate the New Year outside.But Genji just lived in the curtain on the grounds that he was not in a good mood.Only when the Prince of the Ministry of War Ying came, he was invited to go to the inner room to talk freely, and ordered the waiter to pass on the poem: "The Nong family has no regrets for the flower guests, What's the matter with Chunguang's visit? " This chapter writes about Genji's fifty-two-year-old spring to winter.

He is Genji's younger brother. Prince Yingbingbu minister replied with tears: "Looking for a place for love and fragrance, It's not the same as a flower-seeing person. " Seeing him stepping in from under the red plum tree, Genji thought to himself, "There is no one who can really 'pity flowers' except this one!"But there is no orchestral sound in the courtyard, and the scene is very different from what it used to be.The maids who have served Mrs. Zi for many years are dressed in dark black mourning clothes, and their sadness has not changed.There is never a better time to mourn the dead.However, Genji never went out to visit other ladies during this period, and stayed here all the time.The maids had to be around all the time, which was a bit of comfort, so they served him attentively.There are a few maids, although they have not been sincerely favored by Lord Genji for many years, but they always look at him favorably.But now that Genji sleeps alone, he alienates them instead.When they are on duty at night, no matter which maid, they are ordered to sleep a little far away from the bed.Sometimes I am lonely and bored, and I often chat with them about old things.At this time, the worldly thoughts are gone, and the Taoist heart is deep.However, sometimes I think back: I did a lot of things with no beginning and no end in the past, which often made Mrs. Zi hold a grudge against him and regret it very much.He thought: "Whether it's a play on the spot or I have to, why should I do these things to show her? She is thoughtful about everything and can penetrate into the depths of people's hearts, but she doesn't hate me endlessly. But every day Whenever an accident happened, she was always worried about the consequences, and she would be sad and frustrated." She was so sorry that she couldn't bear it because she regretted it too late.Some maids know about this kind of thing, and they are still serving by their side, so he will have a chat with them.He recalled the state of the third princess when she first got married, Mrs. Zi was calm and expressionless at that time, but occasionally she felt lazy and disheartened, her expression was very pitiful.The most important thing was the day when the snow fell, and on the third day after Genji married the third princess, when he returned to Liutiaoyuan, he stood outside the lattice gate for a while, feeling very cold.At that time, the sky was full of wind and snow, and the weather was miserable.Mrs. Zi got up to greet him with a very pleasant expression, but she hid her tear-stained sleeves and tried her best to pretend nothing had happened.Thinking back to this point, I can't fall asleep all night, thinking about this scene painfully, I don't know when and where we will meet again-even if we meet in a dream?It was approaching dawn, and the night maid retreated to her room, and someone shouted: "Ah, the snow has accumulated very thickly!" Hearing this, Genji's mood completely returned to the dawn of that day.But there was no such person by my side, and I slept alone, feeling unspeakably sad, so I wrote a poem:

"Knowing that the floating world is like spring snow, How can I waste time. " Refers to the obscurity moon night, the three princesses and so on.The following "acting on every occasion" refers to the obscurity moon night, and "unavoidable" refers to the three princesses. For the matter, see the thirty-fourth chapter of "New Vegetables (Part 1)" in the second volume. In order to relieve his grief, he got up and washed as usual, and went to the Buddha to chant scriptures.The maids dug out the buried charcoal and sent a fire bowl to it.Among the close maids, Mr. Nayan and Mr. Lieutenant General, served by his side and were his companions.Genji said to them: "I slept alone last night, and I was more lonely than usual. I am used to a life of asceticism, but there are still all kinds of boring things that hinder me." After finishing speaking, he let out a long sigh.He looked at these maids and thought: "If I also leave this world and become a monk, these people will be even more sad. It's really pitiful!" , and the tears will not stop, not to mention the maids who serve day and night, their sleeves should not stop the water, the emotion is really unlimited!Genji said to them: "I was born in this world, rich and prosperous, and I can say that I have no regrets. However, I continue to encounter bad luck that is more painful than others. I think the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas want me to understand the impermanence of life and the suffering of the world. So give me this fate. I understand this truth, but I deliberately pretend not to know it, and live my life according to the law, so that this sad thing will happen to me in my later years. I have clearly seen that my fate is ill-fated and my understanding is slow I feel relieved. From now on, I have no ties to my body. However, you people are closer to me than before, which adds another kind of pain when I leave and part. Alas, my heart is so indecisive. , It's really boring!" He raised his hand to wipe his eyes, trying to hide the tears, but he couldn't hide them, and the tears fell from his sleeves.Seeing this scene, all the maids could not stop crying.None of them wanted to be abandoned by Lord Genji, and everyone wanted to complain to him, but finally they didn't say anything, they just swallowed their voices.

So lamenting all night until dawn; mourning all day long until evening.Whenever he was in silence, he summoned several outstanding maids to come to him and talk to them about the above-mentioned things.Among them, the maid named Lieutenant General Jun has been serving her since she was a child, and Genji probably loved her in private.But she felt that she was sorry for Madam, and she always refused to make out with Genji.Now that his wife has passed away, Genji remembers that this is the person whom his wife loved very much, so he regards her as his wife's last love, and pays special attention to her.This Lieutenant General's character and appearance are not bad, just like a green pine on his wife's tomb.So Genji treats her differently from ordinary maids.

Genji never saw anyone who was alienated.The ministers of the imperial court were very friendly to him, and his brothers and princes often came to visit him, but he seldom met.He thought: "Only when I meet with guests can I suppress my grief and force myself to be calm. However, after being obsessed for several months, my description is sluggish, and my language is rather weird. I am afraid that it will arouse comments from later generations, and even spread a bad name behind me. Outsiders will say that I am' I look obsessed after losing my wife and can't see guests', although it is also a bad comment, but hearing people's rumors and imagining my obsession is much better than seeing my ugly appearance with my own eyes." Therefore, even Xiwu and others came to visit, and they also felt that I was in a state of obsession. We meet across the curtain.When outsiders reported that his mood had changed, he tried his best to calm down and endure for a month.But in the end, he could not abandon the floating world and resolutely became a monk.It's hard to get the ladies to walk around.However, as soon as he walked in the door, he immediately burst into tears, which was hard to stop and unbearably painful.Even no one is alienated.

When Empress Akashi returned to the palace, she thought that her father lived alone, so she specially left the third prince here to comfort her loneliness.The third prince took special care to protect the red plum tree in front of the court, saying that "grandma ordered me".Genji looked very sad.In February, the flowers are in full bloom.The branches of the budding flowers and trees also look like clouds.On the red plum tree that has become the memory of Mrs. Zi, Huang Ying peeped and chirped loudly.Genji went out to have a look, and chanted alone: "In a leisurely courtyard, the spring light is silent, and the flowers have no owner.

Huang Yinghun didn't care, she still called Xinqing. " He wandered around in the courtyard for a while. Genji finally returned to the residence of Rokujoin from Nijoin.Spring is getting darker, and the scenery in front of the court is the same as before.He didn't spare the spring, but felt extremely restless.Everything he saw and heard made him sad.These Rokujoin seem to have become another world.What he yearned for was the deep mountains where the birdsong could not be heard, and his Dao heart grew day by day.Ditang flowers bloomed all over the branches, tender yellow and pleasing to the eye, Genji shed tears when he saw it, and felt very sad.For the flowers in other places, the first sakura here has faded, and the double sakura is in full bloom there; the double sakura here has passed its peak, and the wild cherry blossoms there are just beginning to bloom, the wild cherry blossoms here have bloomed, and the wisteria flowers there are finally blooming.This is not the case here. Mrs. Zi is well versed in the properties of various flowers and trees, knowing when they bloom sooner or later, and arranges and plants them skillfully.Therefore, each flower blooms on time and connects with each other, and the fragrance of flowers in the garden is endless.The third prince said: "My cherry blossoms are blooming. I have a way to make it never thank you: hang curtains and hanging cloth around the tree, so that the flowers will not be blown down by the wind." He thought I came up with this good idea, proudly said, the appearance is very cute.Genji laughed and said to him: "Once upon a time there was a man who wanted to cover the sky with a big sleeve to prevent the wind from blowing the flowers down. But you came up with a better way than him." He said Zhenri played with the third prince as a companion.Once he said to the third prince: "I will be with you for a short time. Even if I don't die for a while, I can't meet you." After saying that, he shed tears as usual.The third prince was very upset when he heard that, and replied: "Grandma said such things, why would grandpa say such unlucky things!" He lowered his eyes and stroked his sleeves to hide his tears.

Genji leaned against the railing at the corner of the house, looking out into the courtyard and the room.But most of the maids were still wearing dark black mourning clothes.There are also a few who have changed into clothes of ordinary colors, but they are not gorgeous silk.The casual robe he himself wears is of an ordinary color, but it is very simple and has no pattern.The interior layout is also very simple.The weather around is bleak, and I can't bear the feeling of silence, so I wrote a poem: "The flowers in the spring courtyard are like brocade, and the dead plant them by their own hands.

I will throw it away, and it will become barren in the future. " At this time, Genji's sadness was genuine. An ancient song: "I would like to cover the sky with my big sleeves, and don't let the spring flowers let the Xiaofeng." Uncle of the prince. I was extremely bored, so I had to go to the third princess, a nun, for a walk.The third prince was carried by the maid, and when he got there, he chased and played with Mr. Xun. I don't know where the feeling of cherishing flowers just now is, after all, he is still an ignorant child.The three princesses are chanting sutras in front of the Buddha.She became a monk at the beginning, not because she had a thorough understanding of life and a deep understanding of Buddhism.However, for this world, love and hatred are all gone, and one's mind is not chaotic, just living in a quiet place, concentrating on practicing, and has left the world of mortals and devoted himself to Buddhism.Genji envied her.He thought: "My Dao heart can't catch up with this shallow woman." He felt quite ashamed.Suddenly seeing the flowers offered in front of the Buddha, reflecting the setting sun, they were very beautiful, so they said to the three princesses: "The people who love spring are dead, and the flowers are all faded! Only this offering in front of the Buddha is still very beautiful." Said: "The graceful posture of the Ditang flower in front of her house is rare in the world. The spikes are so big! The quality of Ditang is not noble, but its rich color is desirable. The person who planted the flower has died , but the spring is just as unknown, and it blooms more lushly than in previous years, what a pity!" The three princesses recited two ancient songs without thinking: "There is no sun in the valley, and I never know when spring comes." Genji thought: "You can answer There are so many things to talk about, why bother to say such disappointing things?" Then she went back to Mrs. Si Zi's life: "Since childhood, no matter what I don't like, she has never done anything. She can adapt to various opportunities and deal with everything decisively and quickly. Things. His temperament, attitude and words are full of humor." He was a person who was prone to tears, but thinking about this, tears came out of his eyes again, which was really painful.

An ancient song: "There is no sun in the valley, and you never know the coming of spring. There is no need to be happy when flowers bloom, and there is no need to be sad when they fall early." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection".Genji thinks the last sentence is ridiculing him, so the following is the same. The sun is setting, the twilight is dark, and the surrounding scenery is quiet.Genji resigned from the third princess and immediately went to visit Mrs. Akashi.Mrs. Akashi was taken aback when she came to visit suddenly after a long absence, but she received her with a very generous attitude.Genji was very happy, thinking that this person was superior to others after all.However, looking back on Mrs. Zi, I feel that there is another meritorious service, which is very interesting.After comparing the two for a while, Mrs. Zi's face appeared in front of her eyes, and her sadness and love increased.He was in great pain, and thought to himself how could he find comfort.But now that I'm here, I'm chatting with Mrs. Akashi about the past.He said: "It is a great evil to concentrate on loving one person. I have noticed this since I was a child, so I always pay attention to it, so that I am not attached to this world in any way. When the general situation changes and I am displaced , thinking here and there, but feel that there is no interest in life, it is better to abandon this life, or escape into the mountains and valleys, and do not feel any obstacles. Who knows that I can't become a monk in the end, so that in my old age, when the time is approaching, I am still fettered by all kinds of trivial things, and I have followed the rules of peace until now. The will is so weak, and it hurts to think about it!" This statement does not specifically refer to a certain thing to express sadness, but Mrs. Akashi understands his mind and thinks it makes sense Of course, he was very sympathetic to him, and replied: "Even if it is a person who is not worthy of pity by others, I naturally have various entanglements in my heart. What's more, how can a noble person leave the world with peace of mind? Hastily become a monk, but is ridiculed by the world Don’t be rash, don’t be eager to engage in it. Careful consideration may seem slow, but once you become a monk, your Dao heart is firm and you will never turn back. In order to get things to go against my wishes, I grew weary of the world, so I escaped into Buddhism. But this is not a proper thing. Since you have decided to become a monk, you have to put it on hold for now, and wait for the prince to grow up to ensure the position of the prince, and then you can practice Taoism with peace of mind. At that time, my generation will also be happy and praise it." Her words were logical and quite appropriate.But Genji replied: "It's better to be so thoughtful and farsighted than to be rash." He narrated all kinds of sad things in the past, among which there was a saying: "In the spring when the barnacle mother passed away, I saw the color of cherry blossoms. Then I thought of the poem "If Yamazakura is a kind of affection...". This is because I was used to seeing her beautiful beauty praised by the world, so when she passed away, I was more sad than others. It can be seen that the sadness, It's not because I have a special relationship with the deceased. Now the person who has been with me for many years suddenly died before me, which makes me sad and unforgettable. It's not just because of the death of the husband and wife. It's because of the fact that people have been raised by me since childhood , together day and night, at the age of old, suddenly abandoning me, making me mourn the dead and miss myself, it is really sad. Ordinary people are deep in emotion, full of talent, full of humor, and people who are unforgettable in various aspects, After his death, he was deeply mourned." He talked about the past and the present until late at night.It seems that we should stay here tonight, but finally got up to leave.Mrs. Akashi must feel unhappy.Genji himself felt strange.

It refers to the exile of Sumo in the past. An ancient song: "If the mountain cherry is a sentimental species, it should bloom black flowers this year." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". Go back to your own room and chant scriptures in front of the Buddha as usual.Until midnight, I leaned against the cushion of the day and fell asleep.The next day, I wrote a letter to Mrs. Akashi, which contained a poem: "The empty world is hard to live in forever, In the middle of the night, I returned with drinking and weeping. " Mrs. Akashi resented Genji's indifference last night.However, looking back on his overly sad appearance, he seemed to be a different person, and felt very pitiful, so he put aside his own affairs and shed tears of sympathy for him.Answer poem cloud: "As soon as the spring water in the seedling field dries up, There is no trace of the flower shadow in the water. " After reading this poem, Genji felt that Mrs. Akashi's brushstrokes were still fresh and gratifying.Thinking: "Mrs. Zi hated this person at first, but later they understood each other and believed that this person is stable and reliable. However, when interacting with her, she is not without worries, but she adopts an elegant and loving attitude. Outsiders can't see that Mrs. Zi is thoughtful. "When Genji was lonely and bored, he often went to Mrs. Akashi for ordinary visits.But never as close as before. Spring water dried up Yu Ziji died, flower shadow Yu Genji.It means: Zi Ji is dead, and Genji is not coming. Changing clothes on the first day of April, Mrs. Huasanli sent someone to send summer clothes to Lord Genji, with a poem saying: "I'm wearing early summer clothes today, Afraid that spring will add another worry? " Genji replied to the poem: "Put on summer clothes with thin cicada wings, It will be more sad to shed it today. " The day of Kamo Festival.Unbearably lonely, Genji said, "Everyone must be very happy to watch the festival today." He imagined the bustling and bustling conditions of the various temples alone.Later, he said: "How lonely the maids are! Let's go home quietly to watch the ceremony." The lieutenant general was dozing off in the east room.Genji walked in to see her, but saw that this person was small and exquisite, very cute.She got up to meet her, her cheeks were reddish, charming and charming, and she immediately covered her face with her sleeves.The hair on the temples is a little fluffy, and the black hair hangs down, which is very beautiful.Wearing a yellowish red dress and day lily-colored single shirt.Wearing dark black mourning clothes, casually dressed.The outer apron and Tang suit were all taken off. Seeing Lord Genji come in, he wanted to take them and put them on.Seeing a sunflower beside her, Genji took it in his hand and asked, "What kind of flower is this? I don't even remember its name." Lieutenant General replied with a poem: "Forget the name of the Buddha's flower, The clean water in front of the gods has grown green. " When he chanted, his face was full of shame.Genji thought she was very pitiful, and responded with a poem: "Ordinary flowers and willows are thrown away, The crime of only loving sunflowers is still alive. " His kindness is: there is only this lieutenant general, and he will not be able to abandon him in the future. On the day of the He Mao Festival, sunflowers are offered in front of the Buddha, and everyone puts them in."Kwai" in Japanese is the same as "every day".Every day is the day when men and women meet.It is said below that "I have forgotten the name", which means that I have not seen this woman for a long time.The woman replied to the poem "Purified water has grown green", which means that she has not been favored for a long time. During the rainy season, Genji had nothing else to do except meditate.One night, when I was lonely and bored, the moon after the tenth day of the Lunar New Year shone brightly from among the clouds, which was really rare.General Xiwu came to visit at this time.The orange blossoms are clearly reflected by the moonlight, and the fragrance is wafted by the wind. It is fragrant and tangy, which makes people look forward to the "sound of a thousand-year-old cuckoo".At this time, unexpectedly, the sky was not beautiful, suddenly dark clouds covered, heavy rain poured down, the lantern was blown out by the wind immediately, and the surroundings became pitch black.Genji crooned the poem "Xiao Xiao Qingyu knocking on the window".This sentence is not very good, but because it is suitable for the current situation, the chanting sound is very moving, which reminds people of the song "May Jun fly to my sister's house, and I want to enjoy the sound with her".Genji said to Xiwu: "It doesn't seem unusual to live alone in a room, but it's very lonely. But it's good to get used to this kind of life: in the future, you will live in a remote mountain and concentrate on practicing Taoism." He also called: "Maidens Ah! Bring some fruits here! It’s too troublesome to summon the servants at this time, so I ask you to bring them!” But he longed for the dead in his heart, and only wanted to “gazing at the sky”.Xiwu looked at his expression and felt very pitiful, thinking: "I am so yearning, even if I live in the mountains, I am afraid I can't concentrate on learning Taoism!" Then I thought: "I have a glimpse of the face, but it is hard to forget, let alone my father. It's no wonder." Then he asked his father for instructions: "Looking back on the past, it seems like yesterday, but the anniversary of death is approaching. How should the ceremony be held? Please tell my father." Genji replied: "As usual in the world, There is no need to be extravagant. I just enshrined the mandala map of the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss that she made with great care during her lifetime. There are many Buddhist scriptures written by hand and by others. A certain monk knows the will of his wife in detail. You can ask him, it should be What to add? Everything can be done according to the opinions of the monks." Xi Wu said: "I have already thought about these rituals before I was alive, so that the safety and happiness of future generations can be guaranteed. It's just that life in this world is not forever, and even after death It’s really a pity.” Genji replied; “Besides, the wives who are blessed with good fortune and longevity have very few children. This is the shortcoming of my own destiny. But in your generation, the family can prosper. Woke up." An ancient song: "For thousands of years, the new flowers are always orange, and the sound of the cuckoo remains unchanged for thousands of years." See "Hou Zhuan Ji". Bai Juyi's "Shangyang White-haired Man" has a line in the poem: "Gen Geng's lamp is behind the wall, and the sound of the dark rain hitting the window." An ancient song: "I can't bear to hear the cuckoo alone, and it makes me sad when I hear it. May Jun fly to my sister Er Zhai, I want to enjoy the music with her." See "He Hai Chao". An ancient song: "Maybe it is in the sky, where lovers leave their memories? Every time I miss you, I stare at the sky repeatedly." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". He has been emotionally fragile recently, and he feels unbearably sad when talking about anything, so Xiwu no longer talks about the past to him.At this moment, the cuckoo that I was looking forward to just now was singing in the distance.Thinking of the poem "Why does the cry make the sound of the old times", the listener is moved.Genji's poetry goes: "Stormy rain knocks on the window at night, weeping and mourning for death. There is Du Yu in the mountains, and Ru Yu flies from afar. " After singing, he stared at the sky more and more engrossed.Xiwu also chanted a poem saying: "Du Yutong Mingguo, according to the words of the king: There are many orange trees in my hometown, and the flowers are all over the house. " There are many poems recited by the maids, which are not exhaustive.Xiwu will spend the night here with her father tonight.When he saw his father living alone, he was very lonely, and he felt deeply sympathetic. Since then, he often came to accompany him.Recalling that when Mrs. Zi was alive, he was not allowed to approach this area, but now he can come and go as he pleases.Looking back at the present and thinking about the past, there are many emotions. When the weather was very hot, Genji set up a seat in a cool place and sat alone in meditation.Seeing the lotus blooming in the pond, I first thought of the ancient song "How many tears a human body sheds", and then I sat there in a daze, bewildered, until the sun went down.There were chirping birds everywhere, and the sound was very lively.Qumai flowers reflect the setting sun, delicious and lovely.After all, it is boring to enjoy such scenery alone.Then he chanted a poem: "Summer is boring, and the day is full of wailing. If you want to sing, you can sing with me. " An ancient song: "Du Yu doesn't know the old sayings of people, so why do you cry for the old times?" See "Six Notes of Ancient and Modern Waka". An ancient song: "The sorrow is endless, tears are like a river, and there are so many tears in the human body!" See "Ancient and Modern Waka Six Notes".Here, the dewdrops on the lotus leaves are associated with tears. Seeing countless fireflies flying around, I thought of the sentence "the fireflies fly in the evening palace and think quietly" in an ancient poem, and recited it in a low voice.What he recited at this time was nothing more than poems mourning death.He also wrote a poem saying: "Flying fireflies know day and night, they only light up at night. My worries are like fire, burning forever. " Qiqiao, the seventh day of July, this year is also quite different from previous years.There is no orchestral meeting in Rokujoin.Genji sat and meditated all day long, and none of the girls in the school went out to watch the twin stars meet.When it was still dark, Genji got up alone, opened the side door, and looked at the courtyard from the door of the corridor. Seeing the morning dew was very heavy, he went to the corridor and wrote a poem to express his feelings. The poem said: "The Bull Girl Club in the Cloud, why should I care? But when you see the dew in the empty court, you will often add tears. " As summer goes and autumn comes, the sound of the wind becomes more and more desolate.At this time, it is necessary to prepare for the ceremony.Since the beginning of August, everyone has been busy.Looking back on the past, Genji finally survived these years until today.From now on, I can only spend the morning and evening in a daze.On the first day of the death anniversary, everyone in the upper and lower classes eat vegetarian food.The mandala picture is offered today.Genji did night classes as usual.Lieutenant General Jun sent him to the basin and asked him to wash his hands.He saw a poem inscribed on her fan, so he took it out to read: "Admiration is boundless, and tears are like tides all the year round. Who said that Zhou Ji is full, and all grief has disappeared? " Bai Juyi Zhongyun: "In the evening palace, fireflies fly and thoughts are quiet, and the solitary lamp is exhausted to sleep." After reading it, I will add a poem later: "Mourning death is getting old, and there is not much life left. Only tears of lovesickness, there are still thousands of hectares left. " In September, Genji saw that the chrysanthemums were covered with cotton wool, and chanted a poem: "My condolences to Dongli Ju, who protected and supported them all back then. This autumn, the dew on the flowers only wets one person's clothes. " In October, it was cloudy and rainy, and Genji's mood was even worse. Looking at the twilight, desolate and embarrassed, he chanted the poem "It rains every year in October" alone.Seeing the geese fluttering their wings and flying across the sky, I am very envious and watch for a long time.Then he chanted a poem: "I have never seen it in a dream, and the wandering soul is so vague. Soaring Magician, please be the Xing Fang. " No matter what happened, it made him touch the scene and think about others, which could not be comforted.I have been sending the sun and the moon away in depression. On the Toyomei Festival in November, five dances are held in the palace.The Manchu people rejoiced.General Xiwu's two sons became the boys of the palace, and when they entered the palace, they first came to Liutiaoyuan to pay homage.They were about the same age, and they were both beautiful.Their two uncles, the Lieutenant General and the Tibetan Major General, accompanied them, both of whom were dressed in white-and-blue blue flower-and-bird-patterned robes, with a very elegant demeanor.Seeing their carefree looks, Genji couldn't help but recall the Chikushi five-day dancer who met by chance in his youth.Then he wrote a poem saying: "Today's Fengming Banquet, the ministers are busy in the hall. I am so lonely, the sun and the moon have been completely forgotten. " To avoid frost. An ancient song: "It rains every year in October, why is the green shirt so wet?" See "He Hai Chao". The magician is likened to a wild goose.According to the "Linqiong Taoist" in Bai Juyi's Song of Everlasting Sorrow.This time the title comes from this. Fengmei Festival is the first day in mid-November.If there are three days in November, it is the second day.On this day, the emperor bestowed on his ministers the wine made from new grains.After the banquet, five dances will be held.See the note on page 453 of the second volume for Wujiewu. He is the younger brother of Yunjuyan. Xiaojiyi is the uniform worn by those who worship the gods. This year, I endured the past and finally never became a monk.But the time of seclusion is gradually approaching, and I feel flustered and full of emotion.He considered various measures before becoming a monk, took out various items, and distributed them to the maids according to their ranks as a souvenir.He didn't publicly state that he was going to die today, but the maids who were close to him could tell that he was about to fulfill his long-cherished wish.Therefore, at the end of the year, the courtyard is extremely quiet, and the sadness is boundless.When Genji was sorting things out, he came across many love letters from former lovers.It would be inconvenient to pass it on to later generations and teach people to see it, but it would be useful to destroy it, so a little was preserved at that time.At this time, he took it out and ordered the maids to destroy it.Suddenly, I saw the love letters sent from various places when Suma was in exile, including Mrs. Zi's letters, which were tied together in a separate bundle.This is sorted out by himself, but it is already a distant past.But now it looks like the ink is still fresh.This can really be regarded as a "thousand-year legacy", but thinking that it would be useless to preserve it if there is no chance to see it again after becoming a monk, so he ordered two or three trusted maids to destroy it on the spot in front of him.Even if it's not a deeply affectionate letter, the handwriting of the deceased is always very emotional to read.What's more, when Genji looked at Madam Zi's ink, Genji felt that his eyes were blurred, and the handwriting was difficult to distinguish, tears dripped all over the letter paper.Fearing that all the maids would look at him and laugh at him for being too soft-hearted, and feel embarrassed and embarrassing, he pushed the letter aside and chanted a poem: "When the old man climbed to the other side, he was very fond of him. Looking at the relics in the hair sack, the center is deeply moved. " Ancient song: "Who says useless things don't need to be collected when they are discarded? The handwriting is precious, and it will be left as a memory for thousands of years." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Six Notes". Although the maids did not openly read the letter, they vaguely realized that it was the relic of Mrs. Zi, and they felt infinitely sad.At that time, Mrs. Zi was born with him in this world, and they were not far from each other, but the letter she wrote was so sad.When Genji read these letters today, he felt even more sad than at that time, and the tears could not be held back.But Nian was overwhelmed with grief, fearing that others would laugh at his children's behavior, so he didn't read carefully, but wrote a poem at the end of a long letter: "People leave traces, but treasures are in vain. It's better to follow the owner and turn into a big empty smoke. " He ordered the maids to take it and burn it all. Starting from December 19th, a three-day Buddha name meeting will be held as usual.It seems that Genji has been convinced that this is the last time in this life. Hearing the sound of the monk's tin staff, he is more emotional than usual.The monks prayed to the Buddha for the long life of their master. Genji felt sad when he heard this, and did not know what the Buddha was telling him.At this time, the snow was flying, and it had accumulated very thickly.When the mentor left, Genji called him in and toasted him, the etiquette was more solemn than usual, and the reward was particularly generous.This mentor has often been in and out of Liujoin for many years, and he has long served the court, which Genji has been used to since he was a child.Now he has become a white-headed old monk and is still serving. Genji takes pity on him.Princes and ministers, as usual, came to Liutiaoyuan to participate in the Buddha name meeting.At this time, the plum blossoms are just about to bloom, reflecting the color of snow, they are extraordinarily fresh and lovely.As usual, there should be an orchestral meeting.But this year when Genji heard the sound of the flute, he felt like he was sobbing, so he didn't use the orchestra, but just recited some poems suitable for the time.Ah, I forgot to mention just now: when Genji toasted his mentor, he presented a poem: "Life is numbered, and spring is hard to see. The plum blossoms are covered with snow, and the sideburns are inserted. " The instructor replied to the poem: "I wish you a thousand years of longevity, and see spring flowers every year. Pity my head like snow, and the sun and the moon are empty. " Everyone else has chants, so they are all omitted.On this day, Genji lived in the outer hall, his appearance was more glorious than that of the year, and he was extremely beautiful.The old monk saw it and was moved to tears. In the Buddha name meeting, we recite the "Buddha Name Sutra", sing three thousand Buddha names, and wish blessings and wisdom in the next life. The tin stick is a monk's stick with a metal ring on the top, which makes a clanging sound when the stick is moved. Genji thought of the year and the end of the law, and felt very lonely.Suddenly I saw the third prince running around, shouting: "I want to cast out ghosts, what makes the loudest sound?" That look is very cute.Genji thought: "After I become a monk, I can't see this kind of scene again!" No matter what happens, the scene makes me feel sad, which is unbearable.Then he wrote a poem saying: "Hateful heart is always chaotic, An Zhiri's menstruation? The years are over today, and my life will also be over. " He told his retainers: The New Year's Day reception for congratulatory guests should be more grand than in previous years.Gifts to princes and ministers, and blessings to all kinds of people must be as generous as possible. It was a custom at that time; on New Year's Eve, every family cast out ghosts.Order one person to pretend to be a plague ghost, and many other people use various utensils to make noises to drive the ghost away, which can ensure the safety of the population in the coming year.
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