Home Categories foreign novel The Tale of Genji

Chapter 36 Thirty-four new dishes continued

The Tale of Genji 紫式部 21539Words 2018-03-21
Besides, after reading the reply from the little attendant, Kashiwagi felt that the truth was good, but the words were too cold.He thought: "No way! She prevaricates with ordinary perfunctory words, how can I give up! I always want to talk to the princess face to face without the maid's gossip, even if it's just a word." Thoughts of disgust occurred. At the end of March, many people came to participate in the Liutiao Inner Shooting Competition.Kashiwagi was in a bad mood and depressed, but he thought that he would go to the place where his lover lived to see the flowers and chat with him for comfort, so he also came to attend.The Chinese banning match, which was originally scheduled to be held in February, was later postponed.March is also the month of Empress Boyun's death, so it is not suitable to hold it, so everyone regrets it.They asked Liutiaoyuan to have such a grand event, so they came to participate together as usual.General Toshihei on the left and Yugiri on the right are Genji's sons-in-law, so of course they are both here.Secondly, lieutenant generals, major generals, etc. also came to compete.It was originally planned to compete with small bows, but there were several excellent step bow experts among the attendees, so they were called out and asked them to compete with step bows.Among the people in the hall who are good at this way, they also line up on both sides and participate in the shooting competition.The sun is gradually turning towards dusk.Today is the end of spring, the dusk is heavy, and the evening wind is chaotic. Everyone has the feeling of "the shade of flowers standing for a long time can't bear to return", and they pass on a cup of wine to each other, and they are all drunk.

This chapter follows the previous one, starting from March when Genji was forty-one years old, but there is no record for the four years from forty-two to forty-five years old, and later recorded from forty-six to forty-seven years old The matter of the month. The step bow is used for riding and shooting, which is stronger than the small bow. An ancient song: "It's a pity that the spring is over today, and the long-standing flowers are too cloudy to return." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". Someone said: "Thank you ladies for sending so many gorgeous prizes. I really appreciate your kindness! Those who only teach one hundred steps to wear willow leaves enjoy it happily. It's too much of a sight. People with less skills should also participate in the competition." So the general and the people below all went down to the court.Kashiwagi's guard had a peculiar expression, he was only in deep thought.General Yugiri knew a little about what was going on in his mind, seeing his unusual expression, he was afraid that he would do something strange, and even he became worried.He and Kashiwagi are very close.Among the relatives, these two are especially close and sincerely caring.So Kashiwagi was a little disappointed.Or if there is worry in her heart, Xiwu will sincerely express her sympathy.Kashiwagi thought to himself: Whenever he sees Genji, he must be terrified and unable to raise his eyes.He thought: "How dare I have a bad heart! Even for trivial matters, I dare not do any reckless behavior that can be reprimanded by others, let alone such absurd things!" He was extremely annoyed, and thought: "That bird I have to catch the kitten. Even though I can’t talk to it, it can comfort me from the pain of sleeping alone.” So he frantically tried to steal the cat.However, this is not easy to do.

Baimu went to visit his sister, the female imperial court of Honghui Palace, and wanted to have a talk with her to relieve boredom.The empress was very cautious, her attitude was extremely serious, and she refused to meet him face to face.Bai Mu thought: "I'm her biological brother, and she still wants to avoid suspicion. From this point of view, it's a bit strange to show her face in public like the third princess." Although he can also notice this, but because of his infatuation , I don't think she is frivolous. He resigned from the imperial concubine and went to visit the crown prince again.He thought that the crown prince was the third princess's direct brother, so he must have a similar appearance, so he paid close attention to him.Although the crown prince's face was not gorgeous, but because of his noble status, his complexion was different, noble and elegant.The cat in the palace gave birth to many kittens, which were distributed in various palaces, and the crown prince also got one.The coffin saw the kitten walking around, looking very cute, so it remembered the kitten of the third princess, and said to the crown prince: "There is a kitten in the third princess of Liutiaoyuan. It looks so beautiful, and I have never seen it before. It's so cute! I got a glimpse of it." The Crown Prince liked cats very much, so he asked him carefully about the condition of the cat.Bai Mu replied: "That cat is made in China, and its appearance is different from ours. It is also a cat, but this cat has a gentle temperament and is very friendly to people. It is really cute!" heart.

"Historical Records."Zhou Benji" said: "Chu has Yang Youji, who is good at shooting. Go to the willow leaves and shoot with a hundred steps. One hundred shots and one hundred hits." The crown prince listened to Bai Mu's words in his heart, and later Yangtong Hunvyu went to ask the third princess for it, and the third princess immediately sent the kitten over.The maids around the crown prince saw it, and everyone admired it, saying that this cat is extremely beautiful!The governor of Baimuwei checked the crown prince's expression the day before yesterday, and expected that he was going to ask the third princess for it, so he came to visit again a few days later.Since he was a child, Baimu has been loved and loved by Suzaku Academy, and he often waits by his side.After Zhuqueyuan entered the mountain to practice Taoism, he came to get close to the crown prince again and took good care of him everywhere.On this day, he came to visit, using the pretext of teaching the piano, he asked, "there are so many cats here, which one did I see in Liutiaoyuan?" He looked around, and finally saw the Chinese cat.He loved the cat so much that he petted it.The crown prince said: "This cat is indeed very cute. It probably hasn't been domesticated yet, so it is afraid of people who are not used to it. The cat here is not worse than it." Cypress replied: "Cats are such a thing. Most of them are not good at distinguishing between strangers and acquaintances. But smart cats are also very sensitive." Later he asked: "Since there are many good cats here, please lend me this cat for a while." He also felt in his heart This request is too presumptuous.

That is, the Crown Princess Akashi Nvyu. Cypress took the cat home, told it to sleep by his side at night, and got up at dawn to take care of it, taking care of it painstakingly.Although the cat was not close to people, it was finally tamed by him. It often ran over to hold his clothes, or lay beside him to play with him.Kashiwagi really loves it.Once he was so bored that he lay down on the mat in front of the window, meditating.The kitten came over and called "Mimi" to him, which was really cute.Cypress stretched out his hand to caress it, and said, "This bad thing has come to lull me to sleep." A smile appeared on his face.Impromptu chant:

"To comfort lovesickness, seeing a cat is like seeing a person. Why do you call to me? Is it my bosom friend? Could it be that this cat also has a predestined relationship with me? He looked at the cat's face and said to it, the cat meowed more intimately. Cypress hugged it in his arms, lost in thought. Seeing this scene, the maids looked at each other in surprise and said: "This cat The new cat, the young master loves it so much!He never looked at these things. "The crown prince wanted to get the cat back, but he just refused to return it and kept it at home as a companion.

Let's say that the wife of the left general, Mustache Hei, is not very close to the princes of the Taizheng family, that is, her half-brother Kashiwagi, etc., but she is close to the right general, Yuwu, just like when she lived in Liutiaoyuan.This jade garland is full of talent and kindness.Every time she meets Xiwu, she always warmly entertains her without any sign of alienation.Xiwu also felt that her half-sister Shujing Shenuyu was not easy to get close to, and her attitude was too cold, which was not as amiable as Yulan.Therefore, Xiwu and Yulan maintain a special love that is neither siblings nor lovers, and the two are friendly to each other.And General Mustache Hei has now completely severed ties with the daughter of his ex-wife, Prince Shibuqing, and his love for the jade garland cannot be increased.However, the two children born to Yulan are both boys. There is no daughter in the family, so it is lonely. Therefore, he wants to take Zhen Muzhu, the daughter born to his ex-wife, and bring him up.But Zhen Muzhu's grandfather-like minister, the prince, firmly refused. He thought: "At least I will bring up this granddaughter well, so that she will not make people laugh at her." He often said the same to others.The prince was indeed well-known.Emperor Lengquan also respected this uncle very much, but he would approve everything he asked for, thinking that he would be offended if he didn't agree.The prince had always been a fashion-loving person, second only to Genji and the Taizheng in wealth.There are many people in and out of the family, and the world attaches great importance to him.

That is, Akashi Nvyu. General mustache black can be the pillar of the world in the future, but now he is a candidate.Zhen Muzhu has such a grandfather and such a father, how can his reputation be not noble!Therefore, there are many proposals from far and near, but Prince Shikibu has not yet been selected.He thought to himself: If the supervisor of Baimuwei came to propose marriage, he could be allowed.As for Baimu, he probably thinks that the real wooden pillar is not as good as the kitten. It is a pity that he never thought of this road at all.Zhen Muzhu saw that his biological mother had always been weird, crazy, completely devoid of ordinary appearance, and almost passed away from the world, and felt really sorry; but for the demeanor of his stepmother, Yulan, he was very envious and wanted to cling to her.It turns out that Zhen Muzhu is also a lovely, fashionable and luxurious person.

Let's talk about the prince Yingbingbuqing, who has not been reunited after mourning his death, and still lives in widowhood at home.Previously, he had pursued the jade garland and the three princesses, but all failed.I feel that I have no face in the world, and it is in vain to provoke ridicule.How can I be willing to live in solitude for a long time!So he made up his mind to propose to Zhen Muzhu.Prince Shibuqing said: "What else can I say! If you want to benefit a woman, it is best to send her into the palace, and the second is to marry the prince. People in this world like to marry their daughters to rich and powerful people." Subjects, they think they can do it, but they are low-sighted." He agreed to him without telling him how difficult the prince of the Ministry of War was going to suffer.Prince Yingbingbuqing didn't suffer at all, and hit it off immediately, but felt uninterested.But the other party is always a person of high reputation, and it is inconvenient for this side to regret halfway, so he made a love affair with Zhen Muzhu.Prince Shibumin attaches great importance to this grandson-in-law.The prince has many daughters, and the marriages are not satisfactory, and he has suffered a lot of leisure, and has become a frightened bird.But he couldn't give up on his granddaughter's marriage.He said: "Her mother is a mentally disturbed person, and her illness becomes more and more serious every year. Her father, because she never obeyed the order to go to the stepmother, so he didn't like her and abandoned her. The girl is so pitiful! "So he personally planned and took care of the decoration and arrangement of his granddaughter's bridal chamber.Unexpectedly, Prince Yingbing misses his late ex-wife and never forgets it in his heart.He just wants to marry someone who looks like his ex-wife as his successor.This real wooden pillar looks good, but he doesn't think it looks like his ex-wife.Probably because of dissatisfaction in his heart, he regards living with Zhen Muzhu as a hard thing.Prince Shibuqing was greatly disappointed and worried.Although my mother was seriously ill, when she was sober, she lamented how difficult the world was and felt that her future was hopeless.

When General Mustache Hei heard about this, he said: "As expected! This Prince Yingbingbuqing is a frivolous man." He did not approve of this marriage at the beginning, but now he is quite unhappy.The jade garland has yet to be heard, and she is also very upset when she knows that someone close to her is unkind. She thinks: "If I had married this person back then, I don't know how the Lord Genji and the Taizheng Minister would have felt." Looking back on what happened back then, she felt it was ridiculous. , but lamentable.She thought again: "I didn't want to marry him back then. It's just that his letters were full of sentimentality and love. Later, when he found out that I was married to Mustache Hei, he might accuse me of being uninterested. Every time I think of this over the years, I always feel very sad. It's shameful. Now that he has become my son-in-law, he might tell my ex-wife daughter about my past, which is very worrying." Yulan is also very concerned about Zhen Muzhu.She pretended not to know the situation between Zhen Muzhu and his wife, and often asked Zhen Muzhu's two brothers to say hello to the new couple.Therefore, Prince Yingbingbuqing also pitied Makizhu, and couldn't bear to divorce her.It's just that Prince Shikibu's wife is a nagging woman who is always dissatisfied with this new grandson-in-law and often curses.She said angrily: "When you marry a prince, you can't enjoy the glory and wealth like entering the palace. At least you must have your husband's attention and love, and you can live in peace and contentment before you can talk about comfort!" These words were conveyed to Prince Yingbingbuqing In his ears, he thought: "It's so strange to scold me like that. When my beloved wife was alive, I used to ask for flowers and play tricks, but I never heard her scolding so harshly." I missed my former wife, so I was caged in my own home alone every day, living in sorrow.It's easy to say, but two years have passed.Gradually getting used to this kind of life, the couple still maintain an inseparable relationship so far.

Time flies, time flies, Emperor Lengquan has been on the throne for eighteen years.In recent years, he has often thought in his heart and often said in the morning: "I don't have a biological prince to inherit the throne, so I don't feel lonely. Besides, life is like a dream, and the world is impermanent. I really want to resign from the throne and talk to my dear ones with peace of mind. Do what you love personally, and spend the years in peace and contentment." Recently, he had a serious illness and suddenly gave up his position.People in the world regretted it and said, "The lord was in his prime in the Spring and Autumn Period, so why did he abdicate?" But the crown prince has grown up and is now the emperor.World politics has not changed much. The Taizheng minister went to the table to retire and retired at home.He said to people: "In view of the impermanence of the world, the Supreme Emperor still has to abdicate, let alone my old age, what a pity to wear the crown!" Mustache Hei left general was promoted to right minister to implement the world's government orders.The maid of Chengxiang Palace died before her son became emperor.Now posthumously conferred the title of Empress Dowager, but it is useless and useless.The First Prince was born to the Akashi Nvsuo of Rojoin, who is now the crown prince.This matter was already expected, and now that it has become a fact, it is naturally more joyful and dizzying.General Xiwu You was promoted to Da Nayan, promoted successively, and concurrently served as General Zuo.The friendship between Xiwu and Huhei became even more harmonious.Genji was quite dissatisfied that he did not have a biological son to succeed after Emperor Lengquan abdicated.The new crown prince was originally of Minamoto blood; however, although Emperor Lengquan passed away safely during his reign, the secret crime was not exposed, and he was destined not to inherit the throne from his descendants. It is a pity and a disappointment.But this matter is not to be told, I just wonder in my chest.Fortunately, Akashi Nv Yu gave birth to many princes, and the new emperor loved her very much.People of the Minamoto royal blood have become queens for generations, and the world regrets it.Queen Qiuhao of Lengquanyuan did not give birth to a prince, and Genji forced her to be the queen.Empress Qiuhao remembered the kindness of Genji's promotion, and her gratitude grew day by day. The Crown Prince was twenty years old at this time, the son of Zhuqueyuan, and the daughter of mustache black's sister Chengxiang Palace.The princess is the daughter of Akashi. At that time, the queens of all dynasties were from the Fujiwara clan, so it goes.However, when the royal family bestowed surnames, most of them gave the surname Genji, so the royal family is generally referred to as Genji here. After Lengquanyuan became the emperor, as he expected, he was free to come and go without restriction.After abdication, the mood is happy, and life is indeed happiness.After the new emperor came to the throne, he often missed his younger sister, the third princess.The world also generally respects the princess.It's just that she can't overcome Mrs. Zi's power.The love between Mrs. Zi and Genji is increasing day by day, and there is absolutely no unhappiness or estrangement between the two.But Mrs. Zi said to Genji: "I don't want to live this troublesome life anymore. I hope to live in a quiet place and practice Taoism carefully. At this age, I have read all the sorrows, joys, honors and disgraces in the world. Please understand my heart, Allow me to become a monk." She often pleaded.Genji always replied: "Your idea is completely unreasonable and too heartless. I have long wanted to become a monk, but I think you are alone in the world, how lonely. And after I become a monk, your life is bound to change. For this reason Don't worry, the postponement has not yet been implemented. And after my ambition is fulfilled, you can make another plan." He repeatedly stopped her.Akashi Nv Yu is filial to Mrs. Zi, just like her biological mother.Mrs. Akashi took care of the female imperial court in secret, with a humble attitude, which instead made her future stable and her life happy.The nun's grandmother, the old nun, couldn't help crying when she was celebrating.Tears fell unconsciously, and she wiped her eyes red.This is a good example of longevity and happiness. At this time, Zi Ji was thirty-eight years old. Let’s say that Genji wanted to fulfill the vows made by Taoist Akashi to the God of Yoshime. At the same time, the vows made by the Akashi Nugosho had to go to Sumiyoshi to repay. Kagura is played every spring and autumn, praying for the prosperity of future generations.Taoist Akashi obviously expected that such a large-scale fulfillment of vows would not have been possible without the power of Genji.These vows are written in a very fluent style, full of talent, and carefully worded, obviously every sentence can move gods and Buddhas.Genji feels pity for a person who lives in the mountains and devotes himself to cultivating the Tao so thoughtfully about worldly matters, but also feels out of place.It is expected to be an ancient holy monk who temporarily descended to the world for the sake of past lives.After careful consideration, he felt more and more that Taoist Akashi could not be ignored. This time I went to Sumiji to fulfill my vows, and I did not mention Taoist Akashi's intentions to the outside world, but said that Genji himself would go to worship.The vows I made when I was in exile in Suma and Akashi Zhupu have long been repaid.After being pardoned and returning to the capital, he will live forever and enjoy all kinds of glory. The grace of God and Buddha's protection should not be forgotten.So he went with Mrs. Zi, and the news caused a sensation.In order to avoid disturbing his subjects, Genji tried his best to keep everything simple.But because he is the quasi-supreme emperor, the scene is naturally extremely grand.Among the senior officials, except for the left and right ministers, all the others participated.The dancers are selected from the vice-officials of the Weifu, all of them are handsome and of the same height.Those who can't be selected are ashamed, and there are a few pushy people who are so sad.The musicians select those who are particularly talented from among the people used in the temporary sacrifice, such as Shi Qingshui and He Mao, to form a group.There are two more, both of whom are well-known experts in the Jinwei Mansion.For Kagura, many people are also selected.The new emperor, the crown prince, and Lengquanyuan all sent their aristocrats to serve Genji respectively.The saddles, horse mates, entourages, servant boys, etc. of countless high-ranking officials and nobles are all gorgeously decorated and extremely beautiful. Akashi Nvyu and Mrs. Zi shared the same car.The second car was driven by Mrs. Akashi, and the old nun secretly followed.Nuyu's nurse knew the inside story, so she also rode in this car.There are five cars for the maids of the women's families, five for Mrs. Akashi, five for Mrs. Akashi, and three for Mrs. Akashi.Genji said: "Anyway, everyone is going, dress up for the old lady, smooth the wrinkles on her face, and invite her to go together." Mrs. Akashi once dissuaded her, and she said: "This time, the scale of the pilgrimage is so grand. , the old nun is caught in it, it is very indecent. If she can live until her wish is fulfilled, then invite her to participate.” But the old nun is afraid that she will not have much life left, and the other is very eager to see and see, so she must go , Mrs. Akashi agreed.This old nun accumulated virtues in her previous life and received good rewards. Compared with those who are destined to enjoy glory and wealth, she is happier and more enviable. This wet nurse was sent by Jingzhong to Mingshipu when Nvyu was born.See p. 327 of Vol. The fulfillment of the great wish indicates that the crown prince born to the imperial palace of the stone girl is the emperor. At this time, it is the middle of October after autumn, "the kudzu on the temple wall...has also changed color".There are already red leaves on the trees under Songyuan, which shows that this is not a place where "only when you hear the wind blowing, you will know that autumn is already here".The large-scale Koryo and Tang music are not as friendly and lovely as the familiar Dongyou music, and the music echoes the sound of the wind and waves.The sound of the flute competing with the sound of the pines on the tall trees is different from other places, and the loud and clear sound refreshes the heart and lungs.The sound of the flute is in harmony with the sound of the qin, and the beat is not reinforced by a big drum, so there is no noisy sound, but a sense of elegance and tranquility.Playing in this beautiful place, the syllables are particularly beautiful.The slub pattern printed in blue and green on the dancer's clothes is confused with the green of the pine leaves.All kinds of plug flowers are decorated on the crowns of the people, which are hidden from the autumn flowers, making it difficult to distinguish.All kinds of colors, colorful and brilliant, dazzling.After Dong Youyue finished playing the song "Seeking a Son", the young princes and nobles all took off their official robes and walked down to the dance hall in the court.They took off their plain black robes, suddenly revealing dark red or lavender shirt sleeves and dark red skirts.At this time, a light rain fell from the sky, and the surrounding scenery was slightly moistened.People forget that this place is Songyuan, and mistakenly think that the red leaves are scattered all over the ground.Their dancing postures are very pleasing to the eye, with snow-white dead branches of Di flowers planted high on their heads, they dance for a while and then disappear immediately.The posture is so beautiful that it makes people feel less satisfied the more they look at it. An ancient song: "Although the kudzu on the wall of the temple relied on divine power, it did not dare to resist the autumn air, and it has changed color." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". An ancient song: "There are trees on Viridian Mountain, and the leaves do not change color. But when you hear the sound of the wind, you will know that autumn is here." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". This person is Kuihime's brother, who once went to Sumopu to visit Genji. Genji recalled the past, and felt that the miserable situation when he was exiled to Yuanpu in the past was as vivid as the present, and no one can talk about the events at that time with him.He missed the Minister of the Taizheng who has now retired.In addition to emotion, he recited a poem and went to the back to send it to the car that the old nun was riding in.The poem says: "Who would save the past and ask Lao Song in front of the temple?" The poem is written on a note.The old nun was very sad when she saw it.Seeing today's grand occasion, she recalled the situation when she bid farewell to Mr. Genji on Mingshi Pu, and the appearance of the daughter when she was born. She felt that she was lucky in three lives, and she was very grateful!And thinking of Taoist Akashi who has escaped into the mountains, I feel very missed, and my heart is infinitely sad!But today it is inappropriate to say unlucky words, so I answered the poem: "The old nun is convinced today that there are noble people on the banks of the Suji River." It is not too late to answer the poem, so it is just the feeling of the book.She chanted again to herself: "Looking at the miracle of auspiciousness and gods, I remember the time when I was down and out." Everyone danced and danced all night until dawn.On the 20th, the moon was shining brightly, and the sea was endlessly white.The frost was so heavy that Matsubara turned white.Looking at all the scenery, but feel the cold, adding to the sense of beauty and tranquility. Mrs. Zi has always lived in a deep palace. During the four seasons and festivals, there are feasts and feasts every day and night. She has long been familiar with it.But it is rare to go out for a tour of the mountains and rivers.What's more, leaving the capital and traveling far away this time is something she has never experienced before, so she is very interested and very happy.At this time, she improvised poetry cloud; "In the middle of the night, the river is full of autumn frost, But he doubted that the gods had bestowed wooden cotton garlands. " She thought of the scene of the snowy morning when Ono Huang's courtier chanted the poem "Mt. Biliang's cotton is white...", and felt that the severe frost tonight was the proof that the gods accepted the offerings of Lord Genji, and she was even more rejoicing that this trip was worthwhile.Akashi Nvyu also chanted a poem: "The monk holds Yang Tong leaves, Dyeing frost like cotton wool. " Mrs. Zi's maid, Zhong Wujun, also chanted: "Frost is better than cotton white, It is enough to prove that God manifests the Holy Spirit. " In addition, there are so many chants that are innumerable.But there is nothing to see, so there is no need to describe it.Generally, the poems sung in these seasons, even men who are good at this way, cannot produce good works.Apart from the words "thousand-year-old pine", there will be no novel words, which are nothing more than clichés. "Wooden cotton" is a kind of leather fiber for seed. "garland" is a hair decoration of vines. Ono Huang's poem said: "The whiteness of the wood on Biliang Mountain is enough to prove that the heart of God has been tolerated." However, according to Fujiwara Kiyosuke's "Pack of Straw Paper", this poem was written by Sugawara Tokifumi.I don't know which is right. The sky is hazy towards dawn, and the frost is getting heavier and heavier.The person who played Kagura was too drunk, and the performance was wrong.I don't know that my face is flushed, and I just look at the beautiful scenery.The courtyard fire has been extinguished, but they are still waving Yangtong branches and singing "A Thousand Springs, Thousand Springs, Long Live, Long Live..." to bless Genji.There is no doubt that the prosperity of the Genji descendants can be guaranteed.There are endless pleasures, and there is never enough time.Everyone hopes that "thousand nights will last for one night", but they don't know that the sky is already clear in a blink of an eye.All the young people rushed to retreat like echoes, and they couldn't help feeling sorry.A long line of vehicles lined up on Songyuan.Xiaofeng raised the curtain feet, revealing the skirts of the female relatives, like brilliant spring flowers blooming under the evergreen trees.The waiters of each vehicle wear robes of various colors according to the status of each owner, and hold exquisite plates to invite the owners of the vehicles to eat. An ancient song: "I hope that the autumn night is still young, and the thousand nights will last forever. I never said all the things in my heart, and the golden rooster outside the window is busy." See. The subordinates all watched with envy.Presented to the old nun was vegetarian food, served on a tender agarwood plate covered with a sapphire blue veil.Viewers discussed in private, all said. "What an honor! This woman must have accumulated virtues in her previous life!" She brought countless offerings with her when she came, and she was stuffed with them along the way.But the burden is relaxed when returning home, and you can enjoy the mountains and rivers freely along the way.But such trivial matters need not be repeated one by one.The old nun and Mrs. Akashi thought of the Taoist Akashi who lived high in the barren hills, and felt that this was a great pity.But if this old monk also came to participate in this grand event, it would not be very elegant -- but the world uses the old nun as an example, thinking that in today's world, ambition should be lofty.The happiness of the old nun is praised everywhere, and there is one more allusion in the world.Anyone who praises happiness must call it "Nun Mingshi".Omi-kun, the daughter of the Taizheng minister's family who has now retired, will shout "Nun Akashi, Nun Akashi!" when playing double six in order to win. Let's say that Zhuqueyuan, who became a monk, devoted himself to practicing Buddhism and Taoism, and the court politics never heard about it.Only in spring and autumn, when I am lucky enough to visit my relatives, I still talk about the old things in the past.As far as the third princess is concerned, he still can't rest assured.He asked Genji to be her official protector, while Jiao Jinshang secretly took care of the imperial sister.Therefore, the imperial court granted the three princesses the second rank, and the number of closed households increased a lot, and the power of the three princesses became even more prominent.Mrs. Zi saw that the prestige of the three princesses has been increasing in all aspects over the past few years, and she often thought: "I rely on the favor of Lord Genji alone, so I will never fall behind. When I get old in the future, this favor will eventually decay. Why don't you make up your mind to become a monk before this time comes." But he was afraid that Genji might think she was angry, so he didn't say it outright.Genji saw that the lord also cared about the third princess, and felt that she should not be neglected. After that, the days of staying with her increased, and the third princess and Mrs. Zi were evenly divided.Mrs. Zi thinks this is a matter of course, but she is uneasy about her selfishness, and feels that it is as expected.However, on the surface, he pretended nothing had happened.She took the eldest daughter of Akashi's imperial palace, the eldest princess next to the crown prince, to her side, and raised her attentively.The company of this girl comforts the loneliness of sleepless nights.Akashi's female imperial palace gave birth to children, and she loved them all very much.When Mrs. Huasanli saw that Mrs. Zi had so many grandchildren, she was overwhelmed with envy. She also welcomed the daughter born to General Xiwu and Weiguang's daughter Dianshi to her side.This girl is very cute and smart, which seems out of proportion to her age, so Genji loves her very much.The Genji family has few children, but the third generation is Fanchang, and there are many grandchildren everywhere.Now he comforts his loneliness by raising his grandson.Minister Mustache Heiyou often came to visit, and he became closer than before.His wife Yulan has now become a young woman, probably because her adoptive father is no longer as greedy as before, so whenever the right opportunity arises, he often comes to Liutiaoyuan to greet him and meet Mrs. Zi, and they are very friendly with each other.Only the third princess, although she is twenty years old, is still as innocent as she was when she was a child.Genji has now entrusted Akashi Nvyu to the emperor to take care of her, so he wholeheartedly takes care of the three princesses, loving her like a young girl. Refers to the three daughters born to Xiwu and Fujidian waiter. Zhuqueyuan sent a letter to the three princesses, saying: "Recently, I have been feeling a lot. It seems that the end is approaching, and I am so sad to think about it. I have long since lost anything in this world, but I hope to see you again. If not, I will I will hold grudges to the end. There is no need to be extravagant, and you can come here in a small way." Genji heard this, and said to the three princesses: "It should be like this. Even if the emperor doesn't say anything, you should first promise. Now I will trouble him Hope, I'm really sorry for him." So the third princess decided to visit Suzaku Courtyard.However, it seems inappropriate to rush to visit for no reason.Genji then considered an excuse to visit.It suddenly occurred to me that Zhuqueyuan will be fifty years old next year, so we can prepare some new dishes and go to celebrate his birthday.So he prepared all kinds of monk clothes and planned vegetarian food.People who become monks are different from ordinary people in everything, so they must be specially designed and carefully considered.Suzakuyuan was deeply interested in music when he was in the secular life.Therefore, dancers and musicians must be carefully selected, and only those with superior skills should be used.The right minister mustache black has two sons, and the left general Xiwu has two sons born by Yunjuyan and one son born by Dianshi, a total of three people, in addition to several children who have reached the age of seven.These children have all become hall boys.The princes and grandchildren of the prince's family who have not yet been crowned, all the appropriate descendants of the prince's family, and children from other families are selected.All the boys who go to the hall are very handsome.Choose a particularly graceful dance from a variety of dances, of which there are countless.This is a large-scale event, so the selected people practice hard.Professional musicians and skilled men of the word are too busy teaching. The third princess learned to play the lyre since she was a child, but she left home and returned to Liutiaoyuan when she was very young. Zhuqueyuan didn't know how she was learning now, and was very concerned.He said to the left and right: "When the princess returns to Ning, I want to ask her to play the lyre for me. She is over there, she must have learned the lyre very well." This word spread to the palace, the emperor heard it, and said: "Yes, she must have learned very well. I also want to listen to her when she performs in front of the emperor." This word reached Genji's ears again, and he said: "In recent years, whenever there is an appropriate opportunity, , I always teach her to play the piano. Her technique has indeed improved a lot. However, she has not yet learned the profound technique worthy of appreciation. If she is unprepared to go to see the emperor, and the emperor orders her to play and refuses to refuse, she will inevitably Embarrassment." He was worried for the third princess, and from now on, he coached her carefully. He taught her two or three pieces of music with special tones first, and then he taught her more interesting pieces.Various important techniques such as the method of changing the tone of the four seasons and the tuning method to adapt to the cold and warm climate are all taught in detail.The third princess found it quite difficult at first, but gradually realized it, and finally played it very proficiently.People come and go frequently during the day, and it is very uneasy to teach the "you" and "press" calmly and slowly, so I change it to teach at night, so that I can concentrate on understanding the essence.During this period, he begged for leave from Mrs. Zi, and taught piano here day and night.Neither Akashi Nuyu nor Mrs. Zi had ever learned the lyre from Genji before.Akashi Nuyu heard that her father was playing a famous song that she had never heard before, and she wanted to come and listen to it.The emperor has always been reluctant to ask for leave for the imperial concubine, but this time he finally allowed her to return to peace temporarily, so she went back to Liutiaoyuan to listen to the piano.This female royal has given birth to two princes, and now she is five months pregnant.November is the period of sacrificial offerings in the palace, so she returned home on the pretext that pregnant women should not participate in the sacrificial offerings.After November, the emperor urged her to return to the palace.But Akashi Nvyu has this opportunity to listen to music every night, and she is very envious of the three princesses.She blamed her father: Why didn't you teach me to play the piano!Genji is different. He loves the moon on winter nights the most, so he plays the qin music in accordance with the season in the clear light of the bright moon shining on the snow.And choose those who have a little understanding of this way among the maids, and ask them to play together to play.It was almost the end of the year, Madam Zi was very busy, and she had to arrange all kinds of affairs in person.She often said: "In spring, I will always listen to the third princess's piano on a quiet evening." Soon after the New Year's Eve. Horns are used in spring, signs are used in summer, merchants are used in autumn, and feathers are used in winter.Cold use law, warm use Lu. "From" is to shake the string, and "press" is to press the string. The 50th birthday of Zhuqueyuan was firstly celebrated by the emperor, and the scale was extremely grand.Genji was inconvenient to compare with the emperor, so he delayed the date a little, and set it in mid-February.Musicians and dancers come to practice every day, and there is an endless stream.Genji said to the three princesses: "Lady Zi often wants to hear you play the piano. I want to set a date for you to play with the women who play the zither and the pipa here, and hold a women's music conference. I think contemporary music masters are not as good as the women in Liutiaoyuan. I am not an expert in music, but I have cared about it since I was a child, and I always hope that there is nothing I don’t understand in any aspect. Therefore, I have consulted all the famous music teachers in the world, as well as those who inherit the legacy of famous players in noble families. However, I have never seen a person who is so profound and elegant that I admire it. Most of the young people today are smooth-tongued and much shallower than our generation. Besides, it is said that no one has learned the instrument of the lyre. People like you are really rare." The third princess smiled innocently, and she was overjoyed when she heard Genji praise her so much.She is twenty-one or twelve years old this year, but she is still as childish as a minor.Small in stature, but very beautiful in appearance.Genji taught her anytime and anywhere: "You haven't seen your father for many years. This time you go to visit, you need to be careful, so that he will be happy to see you grow up." All the maids said to each other: "That's right! If you don't discipline me so carefully , her child's temper can't be hidden even more." Around the 20th day of the first lunar month, the sky was clear and the wind was warm and the sun was warm.The plum blossoms in front of the court are gradually blooming, and other spring flowers are also in bud, and the surrounding spring clouds are blurred.Genji said: "After the first lunar month, we have to prepare for birthday celebrations. Everyone will be busy. When the zither ensemble is held at that time, outsiders will mistake it for an audition, and it will be troublesome. It is better to hold it quietly at this time." So he invited Nvyu Akashi, Mrs. Zi, and Mrs. Akashi to the main hall of the three princesses.All the maids want to listen to the piano, and everyone wants to go with the master.结果和三公主疏远的人都不得去,只选年龄稍长而品性良好的人同去。紫夫人随带四个相貌漂亮的女童,身穿红色外衣、白面红里汗袗、淡紫色绵织衬衣,外面缀着凸花模样的裙子、红色练绸单衫,举止态度都很文雅。明石女御的房间里,新年里装饰得辉煌灿烂,众侍女也互相争艳,打扮得花枝招展,华丽无比。女童穿的是青色外衣、暗红色汗袗,外缀中国绫绸裙子,中间又加棣棠色中国绫罗衬衣,个个一模一样。明石夫人的女童打扮并不十分阔绰,穿红面紫里衬袍者二人,穿白面红里衬袍者二人,外衣则四人都是青磁色的,衬衣或深紫色或淡紫色,都用砑光花绸,鲜丽无比。三公主闻得许多人将会集于此,便用心把几个女童打扮得特别漂亮。穿的是深青色外衣、白面绿里汗袗和淡紫色衬衣。这服饰并不特别华丽或珍贵,然而大体上气派堂皇高雅,无可比拟。 厢房中间的纸隔扇尽行撤去,各处但用帷屏遮隔。中央设置源氏主君座位。今日为琴筝作伴奏的笛,令男童吹奏。髭黑右大臣家三公子--即玉鬘所生长子--吹笙,夕雾左大将家大公子吹横笛,都坐在廊下。室内铺着茵褥,放着各种弦乐器。家中秘藏的各种琴,都装在华丽的藏青色袋内,此时全部取出。明石夫人弹琵琶,紫夫人弹和琴,明石女御弹筝。三公主并不擅长此种大型的琴,源氏体会她的心情,便把她平日惯用的七弦琴调整,交与她弹。他说:“筝的弦线并非常常会松弛,只因和别的乐器合奏时,琴柱的位置容易变动,所以必须预先顾到,张得紧些。女子腕力较弱,不宜张弦,还是叫夕雾大将来张吧。这班吹笛的人,还都是孩子,能否合拍,很不可靠呢。”便笑着派人去召唤夕雾:“请大将到这儿来!”许多妇女怕难为情,心情紧张起来。除了明石夫人以外,其余都是源氏的入室弟子,因此他也很担心,希望她们都弹得好,使夕雾听了无可非难。他想:“女御在皇上面前,惯于和其他乐器合奏,大可放心。只是紫夫人的和琴,弦线虽然不多,而弹法无有定规,女子奏此乐器,往往会张惶失措。合奏之时,别的弦乐器全都协调,这和琴会不会变调呢?”他替紫夫人担心。 夕雾大将觉得今日之行,比参与御前大规模试演更加严肃,神色十分紧张。他身穿一件色彩鲜艳的常礼服,内外衣裳都熏了浓烈的衣香,衣袖更加香得厉害。来到三公主正殿前时,天色已黑。黄昏清幽可爱。梅花洁白无暇,仿佛正在恋慕去年的残雪,疏影横斜,纷纷乱开。微风拂拂,把梅花之香和帘内飘来的美妙不可言喻的衣香吹成一气,竟可“诱导黄莺早日来”。宫殿四周充满了氤氲佳气。源氏把筝的一端拉出帘外来,对夕雾说道: “莫怪我唐突啊!你替我把这筝的弦线调整一下。我不好把疏远的人叫到这里来,所以只得叫你了。”夕雾必恭必敬地拿过筝来,态度谨慎小心,从容不迫。他把基音调整为壹越调之后,并不试弹乐曲,表示谦虚。源氏说道:“弦线既然调整了,总得试奏一曲,否则太没风趣了。”夕雾装腔作势地答道:“儿子本事低微,不敢在今天这音乐会上班门弄斧。”源氏笑道:“这也说得是。不过外间传说你不得参加女乐演奏,因而逃跑了,倒是名誉攸关啊!”夕雾便重整弦线,试弹了美妙的一曲,然后把筝奉还。源氏的几个孙子都作值宿打扮,非常可爱。他们吹笛伴奏弦乐,虽然还有稚气,却也非常美妙,显然是前程远大的。 古歌:“梅花香逐东风去,诱导黄莺早日来。”见《古今和歌集》。 夕雾男子,不得入内,住在帘外。 索越调是十二律的第一音,即宫音,犹如C调。 各种琴的弦线都调整好之后,合奏就开始了。诸琴各有所长,而其中明石夫人的琵琶尤为美妙纯熟,手法高古,音色清澄,非常富有趣味。夕雾倾耳而听紫夫人的和琴,觉得爪音亲切可爱,反拨之音也异常新颖悦耳。其繁华热闹,并不亚于以此为正业的专家的大规模表演。想不到和琴也有这等美妙的弹法,夕雾不胜惊叹。这是紫夫人长年用功练习的优良成绩,源氏以前替她担忧,此刻便放心了。他觉得这位紫夫人真是不可多得的人才。明石女御所弹的筝,须在别的乐器休止的隙间不知不觉地透露出音节来,听来也很娇艳美妙。三公主弹七弦琴,虽然还未十分纯熟,但因正在用功练习,所以并无差错,颇能与其他乐器合拍。夕雾听了,觉得三公主的七弦琴也大有进步。他便按着拍子,唱起歌来。源氏也时时拍着扇子,同他唱和。他的嗓子比从前更加美妙了,只是略微宏大,添得了一种威严堂皇之感。夕雾也是嗓子非常优美的人。夜渐渐静起来,这音乐夜会美不可言。 此时月出较迟,使命各处点起灯笼,使火光明暗适度。源氏向三公主窥看,但见她比别人娇小可爱,似觉只看见衣裳。此人缺乏艳丽之相,只觉高贵秀美,好比二月中旬的新柳,略展鹅黄,而柔弱不胜莺飞。她身穿一件白面红里的常礼服,头发从左右两旁挂向前面,很象青青的柳丝。这正是高贵无比的公主模样。 根据白居易《杨柳枝》诗;“白雪花繁空拂地,绿丝枝弱不胜莺” 明石女御容姿与三公主一样优雅,而艳丽之相较多。举止端详,气品高贵,好比盛开的藤花,当夏日群花零落之后,独自在晨光中开颜发艳。但她现正怀孕,腹部显然膨胀。演奏之后颇感困顿,把筝推向一旁,一手靠在矮几上了。她的身材矮小纤弱,而矮几是普通大小的,因此她的手臂必须提高,样子很不舒服。源氏便想替她特制一个较小的矮几,可见对她关怀无微不至。她身穿红面紫里的外衣,头发长长地挂下去,十分清整,灯光之下的姿态美丽绝伦。紫夫人穿的大约是淡紫色的外衣、深色的礼服和淡胭脂色的无襟服,头发异常浓密,柔顺地堆压在肩背上,和身材大小恰好相称,但觉全身十分匀称美满。若要用花来比方,可说是春天的樱花,然而比樱花更加优美,这容颜实在是特殊的。明石夫人夹在这些高贵的妇人中,想必会相形见细,但事实并不如此。她的举止态度非常优雅,令人看了觉得自惭。气度之悠闲与容貌之妩媚,不可言喻。身穿柳绿色织锦的无襟服、近似淡绿的礼服,外面拴着轻罗围裙,借以表示谦逊。然而人皆对她怀着好感,绝无轻侮之意。她偏斜地坐在一条青色高丽锦镶边的茵褥上,一手扶着琵琶,另一手以美妙的姿势拿着拨子,其神情之优雅,令人觉得“此时无声胜有声”。看到这人,好象闻到五月橘连花带实的折枝的香气。各位夫人斯文一脉地坐在帘内,夕雾大将在帘外听到她们的动静,并隐约窥见人影,不免心驰神往。他想象紫夫人年龄既长,一定比从前朔风那天朝晨窥见的模样更加美丽了,便觉心痒难搔。又想:“三公主和我的宿缘若得更深些,我早就可将她占为己有。只恨我当时缺乏勇气,实甚可借。朱雀院不是屡次当面向我示意,并且背后也常提起我么?”他觉得后悔莫及。然而并非看见三公主态度无拘无束而想侮辱她。他对三公主并不十分动心。只是对于紫夫人,觉得在任何方面说来,都高不可攀,因此多年以来一直无法接近她。他想:“至少总得设法使她知道我对她的好意。”为此烦闷悲叹。但他决不怀有狂妄越礼之心,态度总是谨慎小心的。 围裙是伺候人穿的。 见白居易《琵琶行》。 夜色渐深,冷风侵肌,十九夜的月亮才从云间出现。源氏对夕雾言道:“月色朦胧的春夜,真教人徒唤奈何啊!然而秋夜也很可爱,象今天这种音乐演奏,如果与秋虫之声相应和,定然更多清趣,似觉音乐之声更加美妙了。”夕雾答道:“秋夜月色清光皎洁,洞烛万物,琴笛之音亦分外清澄。然而夜色过分明亮,有如人工造作,使人分心注目于种种秋花秋草、白露清霜,不能凝神听乐,亦是一大缺憾。春夜云霞弥漫天空,露出朦胧淡月,照着笙管合奏,其音节之清艳,实在无以复加!古人说女子爱春天,良有以也。故欲求音乐之调和美满,莫如于春日夕暮演奏。” 源氏说:“否否,欲评春秋之优劣,谈何容易!从古以来,此事难于判定。末世人心浅薄,岂能贸然作出结论!惟音乐的曲调,向来春天的吕调为先,秋天的律调为次,果然自有其道理。” 毛诗注:“女感阳气春思男,男感阴气秋思女。” 日本催马乐,春天用吕调,秋天用律调。 后来又说:“只有一事真不可解。现今大名鼎鼎的音乐专家,常常在御前演奏,但杰出之人日渐稀少。自命为老前辈的名手,毕竟学得多少本领呢?教他们参与在这些并非专家的妇女中演奏,怕不见得特别优异吧。不过我自己年来离群索居,或许耳朵有些变乖了,真乃遗憾之事。说也奇怪,在这六条院里,无论学问或雕虫小技,一学即会的聪明人很多呢。御前奏乐时被选为第一流名手的人,和这里的妇人们比较起来,孰优孰劣呢?”夕雾说: “儿子也想谈论此事,只因自己缺乏修养,不敢信口雌黄。世人恐怕是不曾听见过古代音乐之故吧,都把柏木卫门督的和琴和萤兵部卿亲王的琵琶视为现今最优越的实例。他们的技艺固然高明无比,但今宵听到的音乐,实在可与匹敌,足使听者惊叹。也许是由于早先认为今宵只是小规模试演,不加重视,因而感到吃惊,亦未可知。如此妙乐,儿子的歌声其实不配参与。讲到和琴,只有前太政大臣能够随心所欲地即景奏出美妙的曲调,确是特别优越的。然而一般演奏,大都无甚特色。惟今晚所听到的,实在异常美妙啊!”他如此赞扬紫夫人。源氏说:“这并没有什么了不起。只是你夸奖罢了!”他心中得意,脸上露出笑容,接着说道: “老实说,我所教出来的徒弟,个个都不坏呢。只有明石夫人的琵琶,是她家传,我没有帮助她。然而她到了这里之后,这乐器的音色似乎与前不同了。那年我遭意外之变,流寓远浦,最初听到她的琵琶时,便觉异常美妙。但现在又比那时高明得多了。” 他强要把明石夫人的琵琶归功于自己,众侍女暗中好笑,互相以肘示意。 源氏又说:“无论何种学问,用心钻研起来,便可知道任何才艺都无止境。能够永不自满,锐意进取,实乃难得之事。老实说,精通博学之人,在今世几同凤毛麟角。能够正确地学得某种学问之一端,其人就此满足了。惟七弦琴一道,学理非常奥妙,不可草率染指。昔时精通古法之人,操起琴来,可以动天地,泣鬼神。种种音调,各有妙用:或能转悲伤为喜悦;或能变贫贱为富贵,而获得财宝。世间可信之事例甚多。在我国,此琴尚未传人之前,曾有深通音乐之人,多年远客他邦,愤不顾身,潜心学习,尚且难于学成。实因此琴又能当面使日月星辰移动,使盛夏降霜飞雪,使风云雷霆轰动大地,古昔之世,确有其例。琴之为物,如此灵妙无极,故能全般学得之人,实甚少有。都因末世人心不古,故能传承当时妙法之一端者,亦甚难得。但亦另有原因:大约由于此乐器自古能使鬼神倾听而感动,故学得似通非通之人,生涯往往不幸。此后便有人厌恶此乐器,倡言'弹琴者遭殃'。世人为免烦恼,大都不肯学习,因此今世几乎无人能传此道,真乃大可惋惜之事!试问除琴以外,有何乐器可作调整音律之标准?当然,在此万事日渐衰微之世间,独自树立大志,抛却妻子,远访中国、高丽等异域,固将被世人视为狂徒。然而不必如此,但望学得精通此道之由绪,有何不可!要精通一调,尚且有无穷困难,何况调子甚多,高深之乐曲不计其数。故我当年专心学琴之时,曾广泛收罗日本固有及外国传来之乐谱,悉心钻研。后来无师可从,犹自热心学习。然而还是赶不上古人已。何况自今以后,我又无有可传之子孙,思之不胜怅惆。”夕雾听了这话,深感惋惜,又觉可耻。源氏又说:“明石女御所生皇子之中,倘有乐才符我所望的人成长起来,而此时我尚长生在世,我必将我之技法多少传授与他。看来二皇子将来是富有音乐才能的。”二皇子的外祖母明石夫人听了这话,觉得自己面目光采,流下欢喜的眼泪来。 《空穗物语》中说:藤原俊荫随遣唐使来中国学琴,未能学成。后又历尽艰辛,赴波斯国,向仙人学琴,始尽得其法,归去传授与日本人。 明石女御把筝让与紫夫人,将身子靠在席上休息了。紫夫人便把和琴让与源氏,重新合奏,态度比初次随意不拘。奏的是催马乐《葛城》,音节华丽悦耳。源氏反复歌唱,其声婉转悠扬, The full text of Cui Ma Le's "Gecheng": "I heard that Gecheng Temple is located in Fengpu. On the west corner in front of the temple, there is an Enoha well. In the white jade sinking well, the bottom of the water is deep and hidden. If this jade is born, Guorong's family will be prosperous. "See "Continued Japanese Chronicle". 美好无比。月亮渐次高升,梅花香色俱增,好一片牵惹人心的夜景啊!以前明石女御弹筝时,爪音优美可爱,又含有她母亲的古风,“由”音弹得很微妙,而又非常清澄。现在紫夫人弹筝,又另有一种手法,从容不迫,婉转悠扬,似有一种魔力,能使闻者心驰神往。“临”的手法也弹得比女御更有趣致。从吕调移到律调之后,诸乐器都变了调子。律调的合奏非常娇媚华丽。三公主弹七弦琴,五个调子弹出种种手法。其中最要当心的第五、六两弦的拨法,奏得非常巧妙。她的琴技全无稚气,已经十分成熟,能应用适合春秋万物的曲调而随机应变地作种种表现。她能确守源氏所教导的精神支配法。因此源氏非常赞许她,并且觉得自己教导有方,十分得意。几位小公子在廊下用心吹笛,吹得很好,源氏疼爱他们,说道:“你们想睡了么?今夜的音乐会,本想略奏片刻,不要延长时间,但因各个乐器各有其美,一经上手,欲罢不能。我的耳朵又不灵敏,不能辨别孰高孰下,犹豫不决,以致延至夜深,实在很不应该。”便赐酒一杯与吹笙的小公子,即玉鬘所生长子,又在自己身上脱下一件衣裳来奖赏他。紫夫人也把一件织锦的童衫和一条裙子赏给吹横笛的小公子,即夕雾的大儿子,但这并非正式赏赐,只是点景而已。三公主赐夕雾大将一杯酒,又赠自己所穿女装一套。源氏笑道:“不行不行!应该先孝敬老师才对!我好懊恼啊!”三公主座旁的帷屏背后便送出一支笛来,奉呈源氏主君。源氏笑着接受了。这是一支非常精美的高丽笛,源氏拿起来试吹一下。此时大家正在退出,夕雾听见笛声,便站住了,从儿子手中取过横笛来,吹出一支美妙的乐曲,非常动听。源氏看见这些人个个本领高强,都能承受他的师传,便觉自己的才艺实在不易多得。 “临”是筝的手法之一。 琴有五个调子:搔手、片垂、水宇瓶、苍海波、雁鸣。 夕雾大将用自己的车子载着儿子们,在明澄的月光之下回家。在归途上,耳中仿佛还听到紫夫人的异常优美的筝声,觉得深可恋慕。他自己的夫人云居雁也曾从已故的外祖母学琴,然而尚未学成,就离开外祖母,迁居舅舅家里,不能继续学习。结婚之后,在丈夫面前怕难为情,绝不弹奏。只是对于无论何事,都很温厚周谨。后来连生二子,忙于抚育,便无余暇。因此一向缺乏风雅之趣。然而善于嫉妒,其娇嗔之色,却也妩媚可爱。 当夜源氏宿紫夫人房中。紫夫人却留在三公主处,和她谈话,直到破晓才回房来。两人睡到日高方始起身。源氏对紫夫人说: “三公主的琴弹得很好了呢!你看如何?”紫夫人答道:“以前我在她那里,听她弹过一次,觉得还有可议。现在确已弹得很好了。这样专心一意地教导,怎么会不好呢!”源氏说:“的确如此。差不多天天把住了手教的。我真是个热心的老师呢。这件事非常复杂,又很麻烦,要花许多时间,所以我从来不曾教人。可是此次朱雀院和皇上都说:'多少总得把七弦琴教教她。'我听了觉得很抱歉。我想:此事虽然麻烦,但他们把三公主托付我保护,这一点事情我总得效劳。因此便发心教她。”接着又说:“ 从前你年纪还小,我抚育你的时候,我公务烦忙,少有空闲,不能从容不迫、专心一志地教导你。近几年来,不知怎的又是人事栗六,蹉跎岁月。我不曾好好教你,而你昨夜弹得非常出色,使我面目增光。那时夕雾倾耳而听,惊叹不已。我真是如意称心,欢喜无量啊!” 紫夫人一方面是个风雅女子,一方面近来又当了祖母,照顾孙子,无微不至。无论何事,都办得十全其美,无可指摘,真是个世间难得的完人。因此源氏担起心来,他想:“尽善尽美的人,往往寿命不长,世间确有其例。”他竟有些害怕。他看见过各种各样的女子,但觉得象紫夫人那样众善兼备的人,实在无有其类。紫夫人今年三十七岁。源氏回想多年来和她相处之情,不胜感慨,便对她说:“今年应比往年特别审慎地举行消灾延寿的祈祷。我经常事绪纷忙,不免疏忽遗忘,还望你自己用心留意。举行隆重的法会时,你尽管嘱我办理。你的舅父北山僧都故世了,实甚可惜!平日有事要举行祈祷时,他是最可信赖的一位高僧。”接着又说:“我从小与众不同,生长深宫,养尊处优。今日身居高位,坐享荣华,也是古来少有其类的。然而我所遭受的痛苦,也比别人更多,也是世无其类的。首先是疼爱我之人,相继亡故。到了残生的晚年,又遭逢许多伤心惨目之事。想起了那些荒唐无聊的行为,心中异常烦恼。种种违心之事,时刻纠缠我身,直至今日不休。如今我想:我能活到四十七岁,恐是此种痛苦换来的代价吧。至于你呢,我觉得除了我流放时别离之苦而外,别无忧伤烦恼之事。即使身为皇后,身分高贵之极,亦必有忧患之事,其次的人自然更多痛苦。例如女御、更衣等高等宫人,交际应酬,处处劳神,与人争宠,烦恼不绝,都是不得安逸的。你跟了我,好比在父母保护之下的深闺内长大起来一样,这等安逸是别人所盼不到的。即此一端,便见得你的命运比别人好,你知道么?中间意外地来了这个三公主,固然不免使你感到几分痛苦。然而正因此事,我对你的爱情更加深了。惟恐这是你自己的事,所以你不易看出,亦未可知。然而你是深明事理的人,定能了解我的真心吧。” 时人相信女子三十七岁是灾厄之年。但紫姬此时实际是三十九岁,恐是作者记错? 紫夫人答道:“在旁人看来,固然如你所说,我这微不足道之身,享受了过分的幸福。谁知我心中一向怀着难于堪忍的痛苦呢。为此我自己常向神佛祈祷。”脉脉含情,似乎还有许多话要说的样子。后来又说:“老实对你说吧:我自
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