Home Categories foreign novel The Tale of Genji

Chapter 31 Thirty-one real wooden pillars

The Tale of Genji 紫式部 13415Words 2018-03-21
Let’s say Genji Taizheng Minister was returning to persuade General Bearded Hei, and said to him: “If this matter is reported to the emperor’s ears, we will see how you end up. I think it’s better not to leak the news right now.” don't care.Although Yutang is owned by him, it is not from the heart.She thought that this was a karmic fate, so she mourned and lamented her fate all the time, and the general Lihei also had unspeakable suffering.But thinking of a good thing in the end, the marriage is not shallow, but it is very happy.In his eyes, Yuwang became more and more charming the more he looked at him, and he was actually an ideal partner in his heart, which was almost taken away by others.Thinking of it this way, I felt a little terrified.So he wanted to honor the maid Yangjun who was helping him as Guanyin Bodhisattva.However, Yuwang hated Wujun deeply, and has been alienated from her ever since.You don't dare to go to serve, but you stay in your room all day long.There are countless people who are deeply in love with the Jade Emperor and are prepared to taste bitter love.What a mistake, the Guanyin Bodhisattva of Shishan Temple wanted to make her a person who did not love each other.Genji was also dissatisfied with this person, and felt deeply sorry.However, he thought: "This is the end of the matter, so what's the use of more acres. Since the ministers and others have promised, if I object, don't you see that I hate the general sowing black, and it will be troublesome for me." He held a grand ceremony and warmly received the new son-in-law.

General Leihei is eager to make good things happen as soon as possible, and is busy with various preparations.But Genji thought that if Yuwang moved to her husband's house without hesitation, she would be jealous of his wife, which would be very disadvantageous to her.Taking this as an excuse, he persuaded the bearded general and said: "You have to be safe, take your time, and don't spread it, so that both of you will not be ridiculed and resented by the world." It is safe to do the marriage first. If she is in a hurry to enter the palace and has no special guardian, the situation will be very difficult and worrying. Of course I have the intention to help her, but the maid of Honghui Palace is being favored and taught me how to plan What about it?" These words are justified: being at the emperor's side, but not being favored as much as others, and just an ordinary court lady, it is unfortunate that she will not be favored by the emperor in the end.The congratulatory ceremony was held on the night of the third day of the wedding. Minister Genji and the newlyweds sang harmony poems, which was extremely joyous.The Minister of Internal Affairs heard that Fang Xiaoyuan's raising Yuwang was indeed sincere, and he was very grateful.Although this marriage was held in secret, outsiders will eventually know and speculate.Sure enough, soon it was widely circulated and became a sensational tidbit.Later, Emperor Lengquan also learned about it.He sighed: "It's a pity! Our fate is too shallow. Since you have the ambition to wait, why not enter the palace as usual? Waiting is no better than a female imperial court and changing clothes. Even if you get married, it's okay."

In November, there are many ceremonies in the palace, and the affairs of the internal servants are complicated.Female officials such as Dianshi and Zhangshi went to Liutiaoyuan to ask for instructions and waited. For a while, the Yushu room was full of guests and it was very lively.General Huihei didn't go back during the day, and wandered here and there, Yu Wang hated it very much.Among the many frustrated people, Prince Yingbingbuqing was the saddest.Prince Shibuqing's son, Zuo Bingwei Du, was surprised, but also became the laughing stock of the world because his sister was abandoned by the black-tempered general, and Fang hated him even more.However, when I look back, I think about it: the matter has come to this point, so I hate He Yi, but I see him as stupid.The black-bearded general was originally a loyal man with prudent behavior and good behavior, and he never acted frivolously.But now he seems to be a different person, fascinated by Yuwang, sneakily and deliberately pretending to be a coquettish man, everyone who sees it secretly finds it funny.Yuwang is lively by nature, but now he is full of smiles and depressed.This was not voluntary and is well known.However, she still doesn't know how Minister Genji Taizheng feels about this.Thinking of Prince Yingbingbuqing's deep love and suave demeanor, he felt more shameful and hateful, so he always harbored resentment towards the bearded general.

The world once suspected that Minister Genji Taizheng had ulterior motives for Yuwang in the past, but now his innocence has been confirmed.He thought about the actions of reining in the precipice in the past, and still felt that although he was self-willed at times, he did not surpass etiquette after all.Then he said to Zi Ji: "Didn't you doubt me in the past?" But he knew that he was indifferent, and when his passion was unbearable, he would inevitably act capriciously, and his love for the story remained unbroken.One morning, when he saw that General Shou Hei had gone out and hadn't returned, he quietly came to Yuwang's room.Yubin is almost depressed and looks downcast.Seeing Genji coming, he had to struggle to get up and hide behind the curtain to receive him.Genji paid special attention to manners this time, and his speech was also different from usual, most of which were used for entertainment.Yubin had long been annoyed by that vulgar general who mentioned black, and when he saw Genji's elegant posture again in the cemetery, he couldn't help but recall what happened to him under the sun, and even lowered his head in shame, tears streaming down his face.The conversation gradually became softer and more intimate.Genji leaned on a low table nearby, peeking into the curtain while talking.I saw that Yuzhi's appearance was refreshing, and he became more and more amiable and lovely. He felt more charming and moving than before, and he would never tire of seeing it.Then he thought: "It's so generous of me to give up such a wonderful beauty to others!" After sighing, he wrote a poem:

"I didn't get to sleep together, but I cherished the love in my heart. When I was lamenting the crossing on the river, it was really unpredictable to see other people's help to induce the birth!" After speaking, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears, with an elegant demeanor.Covering his face with his sleeves, the jade pouch replied: "The mountains and rivers have not yet been crossed, and the sea of ​​tears is ups and downs. The remnant body has disappeared without a trace." Genji said: "Indulging in the sea of ​​tears, how crazy is this idea. Let alone. The three rivers must pass through the road, you When crossing this river, can I support your fingertips?" Yan Bi smiled sadly.Then he said: "Now you should see it clearly. In this world, there are very few people who are as sincere and open as I am. If you can know my heart, I will be satisfied." Hearing this, Yubin felt strange in his heart mournful.Seeing her pitiful look, Genji changed the subject and said: "The emperor hopes that you can enter the palace. If you don't obey, you will be deceiving the emperor. You have to think about the future. After a woman is married, it is often inconvenient to hold a public office. My original arrangement, That's not the case. But the minister in the Ertiao Court advocated this marriage, so I had no choice but to agree." The words were very tactful.When Yuliang heard this, he was grateful but also ashamed, so he just shed tears in silence.Seeing her feeling so sentimental, Genji didn't want to express his heartfelt feelings, so he only gave some instructions on entering the palace and preparations.Judging from his situation, he would not allow Yuwang to move to the residence of General Wanghei.

The black-bearded general didn't want Yu Mao to enter the palace either.He had his own idea: why not take this opportunity to take her directly back to his mansion from the official residence.So he promised her to enter the palace first.However, Liutiaoyuan is no better than my own house after all. It is extremely inconvenient to go in and out, and I feel extremely painful because I am restrained everywhere.The construction and repair of the mansion will start today.The house has been abandoned for a long time, and many equipments have to be repurchased.Mrs. Zheng was heartbroken for his ruthlessness, love of the new and dislike of the old, but he didn't care.The children who have always been loved, are not cared about now.If you are a person with a little bit of tenderness, no matter what you do, you should also be considerate and sincere to others, so as not to hurt them.But this general is different. He has a straightforward personality, says what he says, and does things willfully without any scruples.Therefore, it often makes others miserable.His wife's character is not bad.When it comes to family background, his father was originally a noble prince, and he is regarded as the jewel in the palm of his hand, and the world respects him very much, and his appearance is also dignified and handsome.In recent years, for unknown reasons, there is a ghost that often haunts her, so she often loses her temperament, almost crazy.General Zhi Hei deliberately alienated her, but he still respected her and regarded her as a noble lady.Until recently, he met Yu Maofang and changed his heart. He was deeply fascinated by the beauty of jade, and often felt that she was extraordinary and refined, with a beautiful appearance, unparalleled in the world.In particular, the world suspected that she had an ambiguous relationship with Genji, but now it has been proved that she is still pure and pure, so she is doubly cherished.This is also human nature.

Mrs. Zheng's father, Prince Shibu, heard about this and said angrily, "It's unreasonable! If you take that pretty woman into the mansion and put my daughter aside, wouldn't it make the world laugh? As long as I'm not dead, my daughter won't die." Endure the humiliation and bear the burden and send it under the fence." So he refurbished the east wing of Shao's house, intending to bring his daughter back.This woman thinks that although she is from her natal family, it is not an option to marry as a wife and return to relying on her parents.In addition to the troubles, the mood was even worse, so that he was bedridden.She was gentle and kind, with a pure heart, but because of frequent heart attacks, ordinary people gradually alienated her.The indoor utensils are messy, the dust is thick, there is almost no clean place, and it is desolate everywhere.After looking at Qionglou Yuyu who lived in Yukong, General Menghei felt embarrassed when he walked into her room.Thinking of the relationship between husband and wife for many years, I feel pity in my heart.He said to her: "One night husband and wife, one hundred days of thinking. What's more, you and I have been husband and wife for many years. We should understand each other and grow old together. Although you are sick, I don't dislike you. I have always taken good care of you. I hope you don't dislike me. We have If you have children, no matter when, I will never alienate you. But you have always held the view of a woman and hated me for no reason. Before you know my true heart, I don't blame you, but now please let me do things for a while, Let's see how things are going. Father-in-law was very angry when he heard about this, and decided to take you back to your mother's house, but he didn't know that it was inappropriate to do so. I don't know if he is sincere or wants to use this to punish me?" After speaking, he laughed.The lady was very annoyed when she heard these words.After hearing this, Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Lieutenant General, who have been working in the office for many years and who are like a test room, are also indignant.Mrs. Coincidentally returned to normal in recent days, so she was heartbroken, and replied: "You scolded me for being stupid and ignorant, and laughed at me for being weird. I deserved it. But you are not allowed to mention my father! For me, I am troubled by my father and ridiculed by others. Ping, how do I feel at ease? I have long been used to your behavior, and it is not just today that I saw it, so I will not be sad anymore." After saying that, he turned around and ignored him, his posture was very graceful and lovely.She was originally small and delicate, but due to her long-term illness, she was even more flustered and frail.A head of jet-black hair is also sparse now.In addition, after a long time without nucleation and bathing, tears and rain are often dripping, making me feel more pitiful.She is not delicate and charming, but she resembles her father, but she is also pretty; only because she is ill and has no time to make up, she has no gorgeous color at all.General Tihei said: "How dare I criticize my father-in-law? How can you say such rude words / So he comforted her and said: "Recently, the places I often go to look like Qionglou Yuyu, which is extremely luxurious.We are not used to rough people, and always feel ashamed of ourselves.So he wanted to take her home.The Minister of the Taizheng is a dignitary today with a high reputation.Yu Mao is his adopted daughter, so after she moves here, please live in harmony with her so as not to make her family ugly.It would be embarrassing if the Minister of the Taizheng heard about it.Even if you go back to your natal family, I will never forget you.No matter what, neither of us can cut off our love.If you resolutely abandon me and go away, you will be ridiculed by the world, and I should also be ridiculed by others.Therefore, please see that for the sake of the relationship between husband and wife for many years, you will stay with me forever and fly hand in hand. Hearing what he said, Madam replied, "I don't care about your fickleness."What makes me sad is that my father has been worrying and suffering day and night because of this illness, and now he is ridiculed by the world because of being abandoned by his husband.What face do you have to go back to see him now?You mentioned Mrs. Jia Zi, the Minister of the Taizheng. She was originally my half-sister. She left her father when she was young and grew up elsewhere. Now she is my husband's mother-in-law.My father is very dissatisfied with this, but I don't mind, I just see how you behave. General Hui Hei said: "What Madam said is very true!"But once your problem breaks out, all troubles will come.Mrs. Zi didn't know about it.The minister of the Taizheng also dotes on her like a daughter, how can she advise us barbarians and vulgar people?And she didn't call herself a foster mother.You guessed it out of thin air, how bad it would be if you heard about it because of her! "He stayed in his wife's room for a day and talked a lot.

As dusk gradually rises, General Tihei is extremely impatient, wishing to return to Yuzhi immediately.Unfortunately, it was snowing again and again.Going out on such a cold night, others must be weird.If this person has hatred in his heart right now, and scolds me endlessly, he can leave in a huff.But at the moment she was calm and kind.I can't bear to abandon her.How to do it, I hesitated in my heart.The window is not closed, just looking at the courtyard in a daze.Seeing his appearance, his wife urged him to go out: "What a coincidence, the snow is so heavy, the road is difficult to walk! It's getting late, you'd better go!" She knew that the relationship was over and irreversible.That look is especially pitiful.The bearded general Zun: "It's so bad, how can I go out!" But immediately said: "In the past few days, people over there have not known what I want, and they will make irresponsible remarks. The ministers of the Taizheng and the ministers of the interior will also doubt my sincerity. , so I have to go. I hope my wife will forgive me for the difficulties. When she moves to the house, everyone can rest assured. When you are awake, I will only love you." The lady replied softly: "If you are in the At home, but your heart is outward, it makes me more painful; if you are in other places, and your heart can think of me, then the ice on my lapel will be melted." He took the censer and smoked his clothes with thick fragrant.And she herself was dressed in old clothes that were out of shape for a long time, and she looked unrestrained and uninhibited, which made him even more disgusted.That decadent appearance made people look really sad.His eyes were red and swollen, and his face was haggard due to the frequent tears.But at this moment, General Beard Hei really cared for her, so he didn't find it disgusting.After all, couples who have been married for many years, remembering all the benefits of the former wife, suddenly feel that they have empathized with each other, it is too unlucky.But at the same time, I feel that Yubin's love affair is more intense.Then he stretched, sighed a few times, changed his clothes, took the small incense burner and put it in his sleeve, and added some incense.

Putting on gorgeous, soft and decent clothes, the black-bearded general appeared to be in high spirits.Although it is difficult to compare with Genji, the most handsome man in the world, and he cannot be said to be peerless, but he is also beautiful and majestic, with a great manner.All the attendants shouted outside the door: "The snow has stopped. Is it late at night?" They didn't dare to urge them directly, and pretended to call their companions, coughing in the chat.At this time, the lieutenant general and the carpenter were all sighing: "It's so meaningless to live forever!" They lay down and talked with each other.The lady is also lying down, her posture is very elegant, and she is deep in thought.Suddenly, she stood up, walked quickly to Da Xunchong, took out the incense burner filled with incense ash, went behind General Cui Hei, and pushed the incense ash on his head.What happened in an instant, no one expected.General Fuhei couldn't help being startled.Immediately stunned.The fine incense ash sprinkled his eyes and nostrils, making him dizzy and unable to see his surroundings clearly.He waved his hands wildly, trying to flick the incense ash away, but it was all over his body, and he couldn't get rid of it all, so he had to take off his clothes.If she hadn't been ill, it would be extremely absurd to do this kind of behavior, and it would have no value of nostalgia.However, she was possessed by a ghost and lost her nature, so she was abandoned by her husband.Everyone around her sympathized with her.They were in a mess, busy changing their master's clothes.However, a lot of incense ash seeped into the hair on the sideburns and covered the whole body.It looks like this.How dare you walk into Yushi's bedroom!

General Hui Hei thought: "Although he has a heart disease, this kind of behavior is too absurd, and he has never seen it before." In addition to being troubled, he hated Madam even more, and the little bit of love and affection that Shicai had had completely disappeared.But Nian Ruo made this matter a big deal, afraid of accidents, so he could only hold back his anger.It was getting darker at night, and people were still sent to call the monks to pray for her to drive away evil spirits. The wife was cursing loudly, which was unbearable.After hearing this, General Gunhei hated him deeply.This is indeed no wonder he.Perhaps because of praying for mana, the wife felt like being beaten for a while, fell to the ground for a while, and tossed all night, and the east was white, so she fell tired and fell asleep.At this time, General Wang Hei took a breather, thinking about Yuhuo wholeheartedly, so he wrote to her: "Last night, someone here suddenly fell ill and almost died; moreover, it was snowing heavily, and the journey was difficult. I thought about it all night, and the cold was piercing my bones. I failed. I hope you will forgive me for coming here to chat. But I don’t know how others will discuss it.” The words were very straightforward.There is also a poem:

"Flying snowflakes are like a heart, and the sleeves are like ice. It's hard to sleep alone. It's really embarrassing..." The letterhead is made of white thin paper, which is very neat, but there is not much humor.The writing style is still elegant, which shows that this person has extraordinary talent.But Yuhui didn't have a bearded general in her heart, wishing that he would disappear forever and not come every night.She didn't even read this trembling letter, let alone reply.Seeing no reply from General Tieihei, he was very sad and anxious for a day. The next day, the wife woke up, her madness still undiminished, and she looked extremely painful.Then continue to practice and pray.General Leihei also secretly prayed: I hope he will be safe and recover soon.He thought: If I hadn't seen his pitiful and lovely appearance in normal times, I would never have tolerated it so far.That's really annoying. 2 At dusk, he missed Wang Wang very much, and hurriedly prepared to go to meet him.At this time, he was already disheveled, and it was not proper to describe someone who cultivated.However, no one took out the beautiful puffs for him to put on, and he looked very pitiful.Last night, the Nashi was burned in several places, and the shirt was also stained with a burnt smell, which was very unpleasant.This is clearly a falling out with his wife.If Ruoyuzhi sees her, she will definitely be unhappy.So he bathed carefully and dressed deliberately, Mr. Carpenter smoked his clothes for him, and chanted: "Lonely living alone, my heart is burning, and my chest is burning with jealousy. You are so unfeeling and unkind to your wife, and others like us will also feel sorry for it." When he said, he covered his mouth lightly with his sleeve, limiting the flow of waves.However, the bearded general turned a blind eye to this.I only hate myself for falling in love with a woman like Mr. Carpenter.This life is so thin!Then he wrote back the poem: "My heart is always filled with remorse. Whenever I get sick, resentment is like burning smoke, and my clothes are burned. If the scandal of last night is publicized, my reputation will be discredited!" Sighing again and again, he went out.Entering Yutang's room, Fang Jue saw her becoming more and more beautiful after only one night.So he loved her even more, but didn't pay attention to other women.Whenever I think about things at home, I feel upset.Dare to put myself in the Yuwang room for a long time, and never want to go home. Besides, his family practiced the law and prayed for days, but the ghost was still entangled endlessly, making the chickens and dogs restless.General Hui Hei heard about it, and thought that if he went back now, something would happen, he would be ridiculed by others, and he was so frightened that he dared not go home even more.Later, although he returned home occasionally, he only stayed in another room, calling his children to comfort and caress him.He has a daughter, who is twelve or thirteen years old, and two little boys.In recent years, although he has become increasingly estranged from his wife, he always regards her as a noble wife.Now that the love affair is over, all the maids feel sad for Madam. The wife's father, Prince Shibu, learned of this and said: "From this point of view, he has abandoned my daughter. If I keep silent, where will my prince's face be left? Wouldn't it be ridiculed by the world? As long as I live here I will not let my daughter be so angry." He immediately sent someone to bring her back.The madam has settled down and is feeling sorry for herself, when she suddenly heard her father send someone to pick her up, she thought: "What use is there for me to keep such a heartless person? Instead of being abandoned by him and ridiculed by others, why don't I just go back here." Promise to go home immediately.The people who came to pick her up were her three elder brothers: lieutenant general, attendant, and Mindu Daisuke.The other brother, the guard guard, had a higher position and was unable to move, so he was unable to come.There are only three cars.All the maids knew this day would come.Now it is as it should be, thinking of saying goodbye to this mansion in the future, I can't help but shed tears.The madam said quietly: "I haven't been home for a long time. Going back this time is like a sojourn. I don't need many people. How many of you will stay with me, and the rest will go back to your mother's house temporarily. Let's talk about it after the place is stable." Then they packed up the odds and ends , ready to move away, making a mess inside the hair.All the supplies my wife needs have been sorted out for transportation.For a while, the mansion went up and down, crying constantly, and it was desolate! There are only three children, who are not familiar with the world, and are playing in the theater of virtue in the courtyard.The lady called them over and said: "I have committed crimes for my mother in the previous life, and I have received this retribution, and I have no attachment to this life! Thinking of you being lonely and helpless in the future, my heart is cut like a knife. Now I will take you to my grandfather's house. Daughter Stay by my side, and the fate of the future is unknown. You two boys still have to rely on your father, and you will often come back to visit him in the future. But your hard-hearted father does not take you to heart, and your future will be very bleak. If Grandfather is still alive, and you have some way out in the future. Now that the Genji Taizheng Minister and the Internal Minister are in power, they will definitely despise you when they hear about your background. It is not easy to establish a life in this world. If I abandon the red dust and cut my hair to become a nun, then I will not die Take it easy." Then he started to cry.Although the three children didn't understand the meaning of the words, they all cried with lame eyebrows.Several wet nurses gathered together and lamented to each other: "See the records in ancient books, even a father who is always kind and loving will abandon his ex-wife and daughter once he has a new love. Father has no name, if he wants to be taken care of in the future, I'm afraid there is no hope." The sky is getting darker, the clouds are densely covered, it seems to be snowing, and the twilight is bleak.The young master who greeted him urged: "The weather is so bad, you should go back earlier!" The madam just wiped away her tears, as if at a loss.That female son had always been loved by General Man Hei the most. She thought: "If there is no father, how will I live in the future? If I can't say goodbye to him today, I'm afraid I won't be able to see him again in the future!" So she fell to the ground, unwilling to go with her mother Madam tried every means to comfort me: "If you don't leave, I will be even more heartbroken! "Which one of the daughters is crying, she must wait for her father to come back. However, it is getting late, how can the Xianghei general know what happened at home? The daughter is leaning on a real wooden pillar in the east, eager to see through it. This real wooden pillar is where she and her father used to be intimate. In the future, I will give it up to others, so I folded a piece of juniper-colored paper, wrote a poem in a hurry, and stuffed the paper into the gap between the pillars with the end of the pipe. The poem said: "When I left in a hurry, I sent a message to the real wooden pillar. According to legend, I have been in love for many years, and I can't stop crying before I finish writing. My wife persuaded: "Forget it! "He said in a poem: "If the real wooden pillar is full of love, how can it stay if the fate is exhausted?" After listening to the audience, they couldn't help but feel sad.Everyone covered their faces and wept.Mr. Carpenter still lives in the mansion.Lieutenant General Jun's farewell poem said: "The fine water by the rocks can live forever. How can the owner of the town house leave Shanghai? It's unpredictable. Let's say goodbye!" Mr. Carpenter replied: "Although there is molten steel by Su Yan's bank, the relationship is short and short. There is no need to talk about it!" Yan Bi burst into tears.The wife left the Pingzhai by car, thinking of seeing you again wirelessly, she repeatedly "turned her head" and stared at the "treetops" protruding from the wall, "until it was out of sight".It's not about being attached to the "husband's family", but just living for many years, knowing every plant and tree, so it doesn't hurt? Prince Shikibu was waiting for his daughter to return home, feeling very troubled in his heart.The old lady cried and scolded: "It's all your fault that you lost your eyes. You usually treat the ministers of the Taizheng as your relatives, but they are actually your enemies for seven generations! At the beginning, my beloved daughter wanted to enter the palace as a female imperial court, but he obstructed it in every possible way, deliberately embarrassing her. Everyone thinks that when he was exiled to Suma, you didn't show sympathy, so you held a grudge. But after all, he is a relative! Although he loves Ziji, he has no kindness to his wife's family. And he is very old, and I don't know where to get one. The unidentified woman is a righteous daughter. I am tired of playing with her, and I want to betroth her to a honest and simple person, to meet our son-in-law, and to flatter him in every possible way. How can such a frivolous behavior be disgusting!" She continued to curse.Prince Shiduqing stopped her and said: "Oh, why are your words so harsh! Don't just accuse the virtuous minister who is respected by the world! He is very wise, and he must have thought carefully about such revenge. I am the only one, because I have a relative with smokers, so my fiftieth birthday the year before last, his wish was particularly prosperous and famous in the world, which we cannot bear. I am always honored and dare not ask for anything else." After hearing this, the old lady heard this The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and he used all kinds of evil words to ridicule Genji.This old lady really doesn't know how to flatter her. Let’s talk about General Huo Hei at Yu Zong’s place. When he learned that his wife had been taken back by Prince Shibuqing, he thought, “It’s strange! I’ve become an old woman, but I’m so jealous that I often go back to my mother’s house. The prince must be careless, otherwise he wouldn’t I will stop thinking about it." Recalling that her children and others talked about it, she was quite uneasy, so she said to the jade police: "A strange thing happened to my family. She returned to her mother's house, and now we are free. In fact, she has a very good temperament. , when you go in the future, she will hide aside and will not make things difficult for you. But her father has picked her up now, if outsiders find out, they must blame me for being ruthless, I have to go and explain clearly, and return immediately." Wearing a gorgeous coat, lined with a white-faced blue shirt and a royal blue floral silk skirt, she is stylishly dressed and looks dignified.Everyone felt that this person was a perfect match for Wang Mao.But Yu Nang heard that there was such a change in his family, and lamented his fate, so he didn't even look at it. Shake the black general first turn back selfish evil.The only person who greeted him was Mr. Carpenter, who told him the details of when his wife left home last night.When he heard that the son-in-law was eagerly looking forward to his return before leaving, and couldn't bear to leave, he, who had always been as hard as a rock, couldn't help crying, looking very sad.He said: "Hey! It's all because of her insanity, and her madness attacks from time to time. Over the years, I have tolerated in every possible way, but they don't understand at all, but what! If I am a bossy person, I must not get along with her so far. Don't say any more, now She has become a useless person, where is it different? But I don’t know how the prince will arrange the children.” He sighed, looking at the poem taken out from the cracks in the real wooden pillars. Although the writing style is childish, the daughter’s miserable The mood is indeed pitiful, and it makes him miss it even more.He wiped his tears all the way to Prince Shibuqing's mansion, but no one came out to see him.The prince here is persuading his daughter: "Why do you still sympathize with this person who is following others? What about the person who wants to change his mind? It's not this time that he changed his mind. I have heard about it for a long time. Now it is impossible for him to change his mind. If you hug him again If you have fantasies, your illness may never get better. Such enlightenment is actually reasonable. General Zhenhei had no choice but to let the rumor go to the prince: "It is such a big matter, you must not be impatient.Although they are a little estranged, they can't tell their hearts often, and the crime of laxity is unforgivable, but they have several children who are so cute, and they can still trust each other.So please forgive me this time.If the world judges me to be an unforgivable crime in the future, please ask Huang to punish me. "Such pleadings were still not forgiven. He wanted to see the young lady. But only two boys came out, but the young lady was not seen. The eldest boy was ten years old, and he was a boy in the hall. He looked dignified. He was praised by everyone, and he is known to be reasonable. The second son is only eight years old, very lively and handsome, and looks exactly like his sister. General Ji Hei caressed his head and said: "As long as I see you, I have the right to see your sister Bar. "He choked up and talked to them. He wanted to see the prince, but the prince didn't see him, so he just said: "It's windy and cold, and I'm resting in bed. "The bearded general felt bored, so he had to leave. The father and son shared the same car, chatting about recent events along the way.May General Hei take his sons to Liutiaoyuan, and bring them back to his own mansion, but he wants to go to Liutiaoyuan. Before leaving, he said: "You stay here, so I can visit you in the future." After that, he went alone.The second child was at a loss to see his father going away, feeling extremely uncomfortable, and the lonely appearance added a layer of melancholy to the black general.But when I went to Liutiaoyuan, seeing Yuwang's beauty, my worries were stretched again.Comparing her tenderness and tenderness with that of his weird wife, there is a world of difference.Since then, on the grounds of refusing to go out the previous day, I have no contact with Mrs. Zheng, nor have I heard from her.When Prince Shibuqing heard about it, he was very angry at his frivolity, but he could only sigh with sorrow.Ziji also heard about this, and sighed: "Then I will be resentful for my father too, what a pity!" Genji felt that he couldn't help her, so he comforted her: "It's hard to do! The matter of the jade pouch, although it wasn't caused by I am the only one who decides, but it involves me. Now the superior also suspects that it has something to do with me, and Prince Yingbingbu also resents me. The matter has come to this point, Prince Yingbingbuqing is a magnanimous person. After finding out the reason, he will definitely Get rid of the complaints. The truth will become clear in the future. Your father won’t blame us either.” All kinds of troublesome things happened in the past few days, and Shangdao Yuzhi seemed even more depressed and no longer cheerful.General Beard Hei felt that she had been wronged, so he tried his best to comfort her.He thought to himself: "She wanted to enter the palace. If I did not approve and missed the date of departure, the emperor blamed me, how could I bear it? The ministers of the Taizheng would also blame me. Besides, there was a precedent in the previous dynasty for a female official to be his wife." , why not let her enter the palace?" He thought so, so that he could send Yuzhi to the palace after the New Year's Eve. It is scheduled to be held on the 14th day of the first lunar month when the men's singing ceremony is held every year, so the atmosphere of the ceremony is more warm and grand.The presence of the adoptive father, the minister of the Taizheng and the minister of the biological father, added to the prestige of General Bihei.The Prime Minister Lieutenant General Xi Wu also came to congratulate him, very frankly.Yuwang's elder brothers, such as Baimu, also took this opportunity to come and take good care of them with meticulous care, which is really congratulatory.On the east side of Chengxiang hall is the waiting room.On the west side is the residence of the family members of Prince Shikibu.Although there is only a corridor between the two places, there is a gap between the two.For a while, concubines and concubines gathered in the palace, competing to scratch their heads and pose; eyes were full of pearl green, and it was extremely prosperous.And those who change clothes with humble status rarely appear in the crowd.Empress Qiuhao, the maids of Honghui Hall, Prince Shibuqing, and all the maids of the Zuo minister's family all came to assist today.The daughter of Zhongnayan and the prime minister also participated. This year's Tage event is huge.All the female relatives and natal families who came to watch Tage were all dressed up in fancy dress.Even the crown prince's mother, the daughter of Chengxiang Palace, also attended the event in person.She is gorgeously dressed and full of flowers.The crown prince, who is only twelve years old, wears embroidered and brocade clothes, and his attire is also decent for his age. The route of the singing team is to go to the Imperial Palace first, then go to the Queen's palace in Qiuhao, and then go to Zhuqueyuan.As usual, I should have gone to Liutiaoyuan again, but it was late and I was afraid it would be inconvenient, so I skipped it.When the team turned back from Suzaku Courtyard and passed through the Palace of the Empress Dowager, it was already twilight.Facing the dawn of white-bellied fish from the source of the east, the people of Tage were in high spirits, and they couldn't help singing "Bamboo I!" I".Four or five sons of the inner minister's family, with crisp voices and elegant demeanor, also joined in the chorus, and the singing was melodious.Taro-kun, the son of the minister's main wife, was a boy in the hall, and he was always favored by his father, and his appearance was also very handsome, similar to the eldest son of the general with a black beard.Shang Shi thought that he was a half brother, so he treated him unusually. Although there is nothing new about the clothes, colors and styles of Yuwang's maids, they are extraordinarily gorgeous at this time, comparable to those who hate living in the palace.Yuzhi and all the poets want to stay longer and savor the joy here carefully.The gifts to reward Tage people everywhere are also different, especially the cotton wool presented by the Jade Emperor is novel in style and full of fun.Tage people also don't think about it here, and the atmosphere is very lively.Their banquet had its own rules, but this time it was instructed by the bearded general, so it was extraordinarily rich.He also stayed in the residence in the palace, and this day he frequently sent people to spread rumors to Yu Shangwai: "It is very worrying to enter the palace for a job. I am afraid that the king will change his mind here, so please return to this residence tonight." Still ignore it.All the maids persuaded him: "The Minister of the Taizheng ordered: 'The opportunity to enter the palace is rare, so it is a pity to resign in a hurry? Make sure to please the emperor and get his permission before leaving. It is too early to quit tonight." The general was extremely frustrated, and said: "After so many persuasions, she finally refused to listen, coughing and sighing again and again. Besides, the prince of the Ministry of War Ying, who played music in front of the imperial court every day, couldn't calm down, and the jade sacrifice's slim figure always lingered in his mind.Just in the dark, the general went to the office of the guard mansion.He wrote a letter urgently, expressing his feelings.The messenger delivered the letter to the maid and said, "This is sent by the prince." The messenger delivered the letter and waited.Yutong didn't care about opening it, and wrote in the letter: "Amphibious lovebirds resound on the green and lush trees in the deep mountains. Envy and sorrow are lonely, and Fangchun is sad and lonely. I can already hear the chirping." Yutang was very displeased, but his face was flushed with shame, and he didn't know How to dispose of it.Suddenly heard the emperor arrived.At the right time, when the bright moon was in the sky and the emperor's beautiful dragon face was shining brightly, she felt that the emperor was very similar to the ministers of the Taizheng, and there was almost no difference.Can't help wondering: "Such a beautiful man, there are really two people in this world?" Entering the palace. Yuwang was very embarrassed, only covered his face with his sleeves, and remained silent. The emperor said: "You keep silent, what should I do? I, Teke, you are three, thinking that you can understand me, but You turn a deaf ear to it. You used to be so paralyzed!" He gave a poem and said: "I yearn for bitterness according to my mind? I've just seen the beautiful figure in purple clothes. You and I have a deep connection, nothing can be more than this." When he said it, he was full of energy and elegant, and everyone who saw it felt ashamed.Yutang saw that he looked like Genji's Taizheng Minister, and his heart was at ease, so he wrote a poem to answer.It means that entering the palace has not yet made meritorious deeds, and I am grateful for the addition of three people.The poem says: "There is no reason to honor the grace of the Holy Lord, and the purple clothes reward those who have no talent. In the future, I will definitely repay the emperor's kindness." The emperor said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's an excuse to say that I will repay you in the future. If others gossip, I shouldn't be friends with you. I would like to comment on it." Judge." I didn't feel a little resentment.Yutang felt very embarrassed, thinking that all men in the world have this kind of strange tumor.Then he warned himself that he must not greet him with a smile in the future.Then he lowered his face.Emperor Lengquan didn't want to say anything more, he thought: "It will be long in the future, and I will get acquainted with him." Unexpectedly, this matter spread to Minister Hei's ears, which worried him a lot, so he urgently urged Yu Mao to go back.Yuwang is also afraid of causing trouble, so she will be difficult to be a wife and will not stay in the palace all the time.So he made up all kinds of irrefutable reasons for Emperor Lengquan, and his father's ministers came forward to persuade her, and then she was allowed to leave the palace.Before leaving, Emperor Lengquan said to her: "This time you are leaving the palace, there must be others who are jealous and won't let you enter the palace again. I am so heartbroken. I originally intended for you, but now I am falling behind. I am no longer as good as the previous Wen Pingzhen if I want to look up to others." He spoke earnestly, with endless regrets.I had never seen her in the past, so I fell in love with her.Now that it is in front of my eyes, I feel that it has the appearance of a city.Even if you have never had this heart, you still have to be emotional; what's more, you have been in love for a long time, why don't you linger?But if he insists on it, he is afraid that Yuwang will regard him as frivolous and hate him.只有故作风流优雅之态,与她订立盟约,让她心悦诚服。玉堂惶恐不安,想道:“'梦境迷离我不知'啊!”辇车早已备好。太政大臣及内大臣派来迎接的人正等待出发。夹于人群中的镜黑大将,絮絮叨叨催促早些动身。冷泉帝面对玉髦,犹依依不舍,便愤愤说道:“监视如此严密,讨厌!”便吟道: “重重路遭云霞隔,不闻娇梅半缕香。”此诗虽非上乘,但玉堂见他吟诗时那优美姿态,颇觉情趣盎然。他吟罢又道:“本欲'为爱春郊宿一宵',可顾念有人疼你,恋你之情更甚,你且回去吧。日后二人如何通信呢?”言语间显出忧郁情状。玉皇好不感激,答诗道: “非似浓春桃李艳,也可闻得一楼香。”其依依难舍的神情,使冷泉帝怜惜不已。终起身辞去,频频回首。 标黑大将欲当晚便将玉望迎回自家宅邪。但他一直秘而未宣,只恐说出,源氏不允。故行至途中他方说道:“今日我偶感风寒,身体极感不适,故欲急返家中,以安心静养。但又不舍尚待离去,心分两地,极望偕她同往。”此番委婉言语后,即与五望一道回家去了。内大臣认为连个仪式都没有,未免太过仓促。又顾及仅为此事而大动干戈,定让彼此心中不悦,便道:“随他去吧,此事我也不便作主。”源氏得知,觉得此事蹊跷,出人意料之外,可又不便阻难。玉望料及自身如海滩盐灶上的青烟“随风飘泊”,只得自叹命贱。而标黑大将欢喜异常,像玉堂是他盗来的一个美人。但不时对冷泉帝访晤之事耿耿于怀。玉望为此很是增厌,鄙弃他的低劣人品,继而不再理他,心绪更为恶劣了。式部卿亲王因当时态度言词强硬,后来弄得很为难。惠黑大将不再与他往来,便断了音信。他已心满意足,便朝夕不离玉髦。 不觉已过两月。源氏想起玉望一事,甚为不快。他悔恨自己大意,竟让荣黑大将将她接走。他深恐遭世人耻笑,念念难忘。思量玉望,心中甚为倾慕。他想:“固不可小视宿缘,可此事全因自己疏忽。”自此无论坐卧,玉堂的倩影总不时浮于眼前。很想去封闭谈戏语的信。但一想到她身边那粗俗鲁莽的鬓黑大将,顿觉去信毫无意趣,倒不如理在心底。一日,倾盆大雨中更显四周静寂,源氏闲居家中甚感寥落,想起往日孤寂时,常赴玉髦室内,倾心畅述,愁闷顿消。那种种光景,实在留恋,便决定给她写信。又念此信虽由右近暗中代转,但还得防备她见笑,故所言不多,仅望玉警能领会他的心意。The poem says: “庭院寂寥深,春雨绵绵情。可知遥迢月,也思照故人。孤寂无聊时,回首往昔,遗憾甚多,可怎能—一尽述?”左右无人时,右近将信呈与玉髦。岂知她看罢信,便哭起来。她深深体会到:离别愈久,源氏那熟悉的容貌,自己依恋愈深。仅因他不是自己生身父亲,不便当众表白:“啊,我思念你,好想见她!”可心中却寻思着如何方能与他见面,不由怅们。源氏虽曾多次对玉望另有所图,她亦于心中恼他,但却从未将此事告知右近。而右近已略有所知。但二人关系到底若何,于她也尚是个谜。回信时,玉望说道:“叫我回此信,好为难;若不回,又恐无礼!”便写道: “泪如绵绵雨,儒袖久不干,一日十二时,思亲露愁颜。拜离等颜,已历多日。寂落之感,日渐趋增。承蒙赐书,好生感激。”措辞甚是谦谨。源氏展阅来信,泪流不止。深恐旁人生疑,故强作无事。满腹愁绪,郁塞于怀。想起往昔尚侍俄月夜,受朱雀院弘徽殿母后监视,那情景竟与此次相同。可此事近在眼前,其间痛苦世上少有。便想:“好色之徒,终是自寻烦恼。从此,决不再作烦心事了。且我与玉置,此种恋情本不应该。”强力隐忍,痛苦异常。便取琴欲拨,忽又忆起玉望那纤纤玉指。他便于和琴上清弹,吟唱“蕴藻不可连根采”之歌。神态之优美,若叫恋人见之,定要动心。自宫中一别,冷泉帝目睹玉髦芳容后,便念念难忘。那“银红衫子窈窕姿”的古歌,终日于他口头悬念。他曾暗中多次写信于玉髦。可玉髦自叹命苦,对酬赠作答之事,已觉无趣,故并未真心回复过。令她惦念的只有源氏太政大臣的恩惠,觉得无可报答,永难忘怀。 时至三月,六条院庭中紫藤花与校棠花竞相绽放。一日薄暮,源氏睹视庭花,不觉想起玉望居于此邪时的诸多情景,便离开紫姬所居春殿,步入玉置曾居住过的西厅。但见像征玉望的律棠花于庭中竹篱垣上,疏疏落落绽开着,景色甚是优美。源氏随口浅吟古歌“但将身上衣,染成桅子色”,又赋诗道: “不觉迷失深山道,谁人已取井手香? “虽不讲心熬煎,时时梦攀林棠花。”'玉颜在目不能忘'啊。”歌声萦绕耳畔,而听歌之人却不在身边。值此时,源氏才不得不黯然确信,玉皇确已离他而去。源氏见此处鸭蛋甚多,便当作柑桔,巧编一适当理由,叫人送去。且附了封信,恐为旁人看到,并不详叙,仅约略写道:“当初一别,时隔尚久。岂料这般无情,忆及实甚怅惘。深知身困樊笼,不得自由随往。想必若无特别机缘,定难再谋面,不由令人惋惜。”言辞甚是恳切。且附诗道: “无觅巢中卵向去,不知谁握手掌初即便握得不紧,也令人生恨。”摸黑大将也将信看了,笑道:“女子既嫁夫家,若无重要事宜,即便亲生父母,也不可随意相见,何况太政大臣。他为何念念不忘,且来信于你诉恨呢?”他显得有些愤慨,玉望甚是厌恶,也不当即回复,仅对他道:“此信我不可复。”他却答道:“就让我代为回复吧。”他提笔时,心中甚为恼恨。故答诗道: “迷暗巢角藏此卵,区微之物谁来寻?你来信使人不快,我代笔作答,便附庸风雅了。”源氏看罢回信,笑道:“如此潇洒的信,竟出自他之手,岂不是意料之外的事?”对望黑大将独占玉望,他甚是愤愤不平。 且说髯黑大将的正夫人,于娘家呆得愈久,心中愈是悲愤忧伤,终至神情恍惚,精神迷乱了。她不能完全与髯黑大将断绝,故髯黑对她的照顾倒还周到,对子女亦很疼爱。他渴望见一面那位赋真木柱诗的女公子,可夫人断不应允。女公子见亲王邸内,众人皆痛恨她父亲,自知父女之缘必更为疏远了,小小心灵不胜忧伤。那两位弟弟倒可常出入于父亲邪内,与他们叙谈时,难免提及继母玉空尚待:“她甚是疼爱我们,她那儿有许多新鲜事,整日快活得很呢。”女公子极其羡慕两小弟,她自叹命薄:“为何我不是男子?若能如弟弟一般自由,多好啊*说来也怪,连小孩,都对玉皇亲近。 十一月,玉量居然生了个男孩,模样甚是讨人喜欢。累黑大将更是欣喜无比,对母子二人照顾入微。父亲内大臣闻讯,亦认为她女儿宿运亨能,喜不自胜。他觉玉祭仪容并不比平素深得宠幸的长女弘徽殿女御逊色。头中将柏木也对身居尚待的妹妹格外亲睦。但妒意犹存,以为她应入宫伴于帝测方显荣耀。他见玉堂新生儿仪态端庄,说道:“是上正愁叹至今膝下无子,倘能为他生一龙子,不知何等光彩!”亏他能说出口。人居私邸,玉置照常可处理公务,故入宫之事,不再提及。如此安排,亦甚合理。 再说内大臣家那位女公子近江君,对尚待一职甚是羡慕,或许乃此人性情使然,近日她春心萌动,热衷恋情。内大臣对此甚是担忧。弘徽殿女御也顾虑她做出轻薄行径,时时放心不下。内大臣曾训斥她:“往后定不可到人杂的场所去。”她哪里肯依,依旧出没于人多之处。一日,不知为何喜庆,殿上众多德高望重之人齐聚弘徽殿女御处。他们吹奏管弦,合拍吟唱,甚是闲雅。时逢暮秋,晚景清幽,宰相中将夕雾也在其中。此次他有别于常日,侃侃而谈,毫不拘谨,众侍女都认为他一反常态,不约赞道:“夕雾中将真出色啊!”近江君趁机技开众,钻了进来。众持女急道:“哎呀,这怎么行呢?”欲拦住她。可她回头恨恨地瞪了一眼,昂然直入。众侍女低声议论道:“你们看,她又将出丑了。”近江君手指那世间少见的诚实君子夕雾,极力赞道:“你好啊!你好啊!”喧哗声此起彼伏,帘外亦听得见。众正叫苦不迭,听得近江君爽朗地吟道: “呼海无泊孤舟处,此话盼持身子来!你如'拥江上'那叫小舟'频繁往来,'追求同一女',这又何苦呢?突甚毫无意义啊!”夕雾甚感诧异:弘徽殿女御处怎有如此粗俗的女子呢?细一思量,豁然明了:定是那众口皆传的近江君吧。他甚觉好笑,便答诗道: “风波恶侍女涛舟子苦,亦自不思停清边。”令近江君哑口无言。
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