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Chapter 25 twenty five fireflies

The Tale of Genji 紫式部 8121Words 2018-03-21
Genji Taizheng Minister is now a respected and famous person, with a relaxed body and mind, and a very happy life.Therefore, many women under his protection live a stable life, everything goes well, they live carefree and carefree.Only Miss Yuhuan, who lives in the west hall, unfortunately encountered unexpected troubles, her heart was in a mess, and she didn't know how to deal with this adoptive father.He is of course incomparable to that hateful doctor in Chikushi, but outsiders are convinced that they are father and daughter, and they would never have dreamed of such a thing, so Yulan can only be alone in his heart, but Jue Genji is an extremely annoying person people.Now that she has reached the age of understanding and reason, thinking about it this way, thinking about it like that, reminds her of the pain of losing her mother in her early years, and she is very sad and mournful.As for Genji, once he said these words, he felt very painful in his stomach, but he had to worry about other people's eyes and ears, so he didn't dare to say a word before others, and only grieved in his own heart.He often went to visit the jade garland, and whenever the maid was not around and the surroundings were silent, he expressed his love for the jade garland.At this time, although Yulan was annoyed, she didn't refuse to embarrass him.She just pretended not to understand and dealt with it skillfully.Yulan is born with a smile on his face and is amiable.Therefore, although his personality is very cautious, he still has a delicate and lovely appearance.Therefore, the Prince of the Ministry of War and others sincerely proposed to her.The prince worked hard for her, and the days have not been long, but it has already arrived in May, which is not suitable for marriage, so he wrote to her to complain: "Please allow me to get a little closer to Fangrong, and tell her face to face, and you can also talk to comfort my lovesickness. Genji read the letter and said, "What's the matter! It's a beautiful thing for such a person to court you, and you must not ignore it. You should always write back to him." He wanted to teach her how to write a reply letter.However, Yulan hated it very much, and said that she was in a bad mood today, so she refused to write a reply.Among the maids around the jade ring, there was no one who was particularly noble and talented.There is only one person, the daughter of her mother's uncle, the prime minister. She has a little talent. After her family fortune fell into the world, she was found out and served as a maid here. Everyone called her the prime minister.This prime minister can write well, and his character is generally good, so he always asks her to write as a ghostwriter when necessary.At this time, Genji summoned the Prime Minister to come and dictate in person, and asked her to write the reply letter for her.The reason why he made such an arrangement was probably because he wanted to see how the Prince of the Ministry of War was in love with Yulan.As for Yulan herself, since she encountered that unpleasant incident, when she received the lingering love letter from the Prince of the Ministry of War, she also read it more or less carefully.But it's not that there is love in the heart, it's just to get rid of that unpleasant entanglement, that's why I adopted such an attitude.

This chapter follows the previous chapter and writes about Genji's thirty-six-year-old and May events. At that time, it was customary to marry in May. Genji was so poor and bored, he made up his own mind, he just wanted to wait for the visit of the Prince of the Ministry of War, so as to peek at the situation,-the Prince of the Ministry of War did not know about such activities.He received the kind reply from the jade ring, and immediately came to visit very secretly as if he had found a treasure.In the room by the side door, there are futons for guests to sit on. There is a curtain in front of the futons, and the distance between the host and guest is very close.Genji arranged carefully in advance, hiding the incense burner in the room, so that the fragrance filled the air, and the smell was extremely strong.Such worrying is not out of parents' love for their children, but it is the extravagant behavior of boring people.But his intentions are also very thoughtful after all.The prime minister came out to deal with the lady on behalf of the lady, but he couldn't answer, but just stayed there shyly.Genji pinched her and said, "Don't shrink back too much!" which made her even more embarrassed.

Dusk was over, the sky was hazy and dim, but seeing the Prince of the Ministry of War sitting in a gentle manner, his expression was extremely elegant.The fragrance in the inner room came with the wind, mixed with the fragrance of Genji's clothes, the smell became more fragrant.The Prince of the Ministry of War deduced that the appearance of the jade ring must be more beautiful than he expected, and his love became more intense.He said frankly that when he stated his love for the young lady to the prime minister, every sentence was reasonable and generous, not in a reckless and anxious tone at all, and his demeanor was also different.Genji listened secretly, quite interested.The jade garland is closed in the east room; lying on the bed.The prime minister walked in on his knees and conveyed the prince's words to her. Genji asked her to convey to the young lady: "It's too boring to entertain like this. Everything must be adaptable to adapt to it. It's decent. You are not an ignorant child. For people like this You don’t have to run away from a prince or something like that and ask the maid to tell you a story, even if you don’t want to answer it yourself, at least you have to get closer to him.” He persuaded her like this, but Yulan was very unhappy.She thought: Genji might use persuasion as an excuse to break into her room, but it's just as annoying anyway.So she slipped out of the room, came to the curtain between the main room and the wing room, and fell down there.

The Prince of the Ministry of War said a lot of words, but Yuwan didn't answer a word, feeling uneasy.At this moment Genji approached her and raised a hanging cloth on the screen.At the same time, the surroundings suddenly glowed with light.Yulan thought she had taken out a candle, and was taken aback.In the evening, Yuan Yuanshi wrapped many fireflies in paper and hid them around him so that the light would not come out.At this time, he pretended to be tidying up the curtain, and suddenly released the fireflies, so the surroundings suddenly shone brightly.Yulan hated it so much that she quickly covered her face with a fan, the silhouette was extremely beautiful.Genji played this trick with a purpose: to suddenly shine a bright light, and the Prince of the Ministry of War can see the appearance of the jade garland.The reason why Prince Bingbuqing courted so passionately was because she was Genji's daughter, but he didn't expect her to be so perfect in character and appearance.Now let him see it, so as to annoy this impatient person, so he made such an arrangement.If Yulan was indeed his biological daughter, he would not be so nonsense, his intentions are too boring.After he released the fireflies, he slipped out through another door and went back to his mansion.

Therefore, the prince is called Prince Yingbingbuqing in the following text. The Prince of the Ministry of War expected that the place where the jade rosary was located was far away, but judging from the movement and movement, it was a little closer than he expected, so he couldn't help being excited.He peeped in through the gap in the precious silk curtain, and saw that they were only a room apart.He was even more interested in being illuminated by the unexpected fluorescent light.Soon the fireflies were cleaned up.However, this momentary glimmer of light left a gorgeous impression on Prince Bingbuqing's heart.Although it was only vaguely glimpsed, the slender and graceful posture of the jade garland was so beautiful that he felt that he would never tire of seeing it.As Genji expected, the gesture of the jade garland deeply penetrated into the heart of the Prince of the Ministry of War.The prince presented a poem saying:

"Liu Ying is silent, and the fire of love is also high. Zongersi wants to disappear, but Yingying refuses to disappear. I wonder if my heart can be forgiven? "Under such circumstances, it would be unseemly for me to delay answering if I think about it. It should be better to be quick. Therefore, the jade garland immediately replied: "Although the firefly doesn't cry, but when it sees the fire burning, But it is more difficult to be affectionate than a talkative person. " She hastily composed a poem and told the prime minister to spread the word, and then went back into the inner room by herself.The Prince of the Ministry of War was alienated and indifferent to him because of the jade garland, and he was full of resentment and complained a lot.But staying too long seemed too lustful, so in the dark of night, when the sky was dark and the bitter rain was dripping in front of the eaves, he said goodbye and went out regardless of the wetness of his sleeves.I think at this time there may be Zigui crying blood.To avoid tediousness, it will not be described.

The maids of the jade garland all praised the prince's beautiful appearance, saying that he looked very much like the Minister of the Genji Taizheng.They didn't know Genji's intentions, and they all said that he took good care of him last night, just like his mother. He was very grateful for his deep friendship. Seeing Genji's troubles for her, Yulan thought to himself: "It's all because of my own life. .If the real father finds me and I become an ordinary child in the world, why not accept the love of Genji Taizheng at that time? Just because my life experience is different from ordinary people, I have to worry about the world's ridicule Criticism." She pondered day and night, worrying a lot.However, Genji really refused to act recklessly, causing her to be wronged.He just has this habit all the time, even for Empress Qiu Hao, it may not be all pure fatherly love.Whenever there is an opportunity, bad intentions will sprout.Because the Queen's status was noble and unattainable, he didn't dare to express it openly, so he could only worry in his heart alone.As for this jade garland, he has a gentle and amiable temperament and a very fashionable appearance, so his admiration is naturally hard to restrain.Sometimes it is unavoidable to act suspiciously towards her.Fortunately, he immediately regretted it and finally kept the pure relationship.

On the Dragon Boat Festival, Genji went to the horse farm hall in the northeast of Liutiaoyuan, and then went to the west hall to visit the jade ring, and said to her: "How is it? Did the prince go back until late at night that day? Don't get too close to this person, because he has a bad temper. Most men in the world will act rashly and make the other party sad." Sometimes he persuaded her to get close, and sometimes he persuaded her to stay away.When he spoke, his expression was lively and unrestrained.He was wearing a resplendent and resplendent robe, and a thin frock coat was casually covered on top of it. He had a beautiful appearance that came from nowhere, making it hard to believe that it was artificially dyed and woven in the secular world.The pattern on his clothes is the same as usual, but today it looks very novel, and the fragrance of the clothes is also very fragrant.Yulan thought: If there were no such annoying things, how lovely this person's posture is!At this time, the Prince of the Ministry of War sent someone to deliver a letter.The letter was written on thin white paper, and the handwriting was clear and impressive.It seems very interesting, and the record is not very special:

"The calamus is hidden on the bank of the stream every afternoon. Lonely and no one picks you up, crying at the root. " The letter was fastened to a calamus root, which was so long that it was difficult to forget.Genji said to Yulan: "You should answer this letter today." After saying that, he went out.All the maids also advised her to write a reply.Yulan probably also had this intention, so she replied to the poem: "The bottom of the calamus root stream is weeping, the depth is not clear. Once out of the mud, it turned out not to be very deep. " Quite childish.This poem is written in light ink.The Prince of the Ministry of War read the answering poem and thought: It would be better if it was written more romantically.His erotic heart felt a fly in the ointment.On this day, many fragrant purses were sent to jade garlands from all walks of life, and the styles were all beautiful.The agony of the jade garland, which has been sinking for many years, is now gone.She is thriving and enjoying great blessings.She couldn't help but think: I hope the minister of the Taizheng will not have different ideas, so that I will not be harmed by others.

On this day, Genji went to visit Huasanli in the East Courtyard again, and said to her: "Today, the officials of the Konoe Mansion are practicing riding and archery in the racecourse. In the evening mist, the general will bring a few men here to visit if he wants to ride. You must make preparations early. During the day It’s really strange, although things here are quiet and not extravagant, these princes will know, they all come to visit, and the matter will naturally become big. You have to pay attention.” The horse farm hall is not far from here , visible from the porch.Genji said to the maids: "Girls, open the door of the hall, let's watch the riding and archery competition here. Today, many beautiful officials from the Zuo Guard Mansion are coming, and their appearance is no worse than ordinary people in the hall." All the young maids waited eagerly.Girls from the jade garland also came here to watch it.Bright green curtains were hung at the entrance of the hallway, and many new-style curtains and screens were set up with the top lightly dyed and the bottom thick colors.The girls and the maids kept going back and forth. The girls in blue-faced crimson-lined gowns and purple-red chiffon sweatshirts were probably from the Jade Rosary. There were four of them in total, and they all looked smart.The maids were dressed in summer clothes with light purple and lavender, and Chinese clothes with dark red and blue, all dressed for the Dragon Boat Festival.The maids in Huasanli are all wearing dark red jackets with red sweaters and blue sweaters on top. They all have a steady attitude, and everyone is boasting about the new clothes, they look really good-looking.Those young people in the palace all paid attention to them.

In the middle ages system, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, we practiced riding and archery with Zuo Guardifu, and on the sixth day of the fifth lunar month, we practiced riding and archery at Right Guard House. Genji Taizheng came to the racecourse hall in the future.Sure enough, all the princes have arrived.The riding and archery competition here is different from that of the imperial court. Lieutenant generals and major generals from the Jinwei Mansion all came to participate. The tricks were very fresh, and they had a good day playing.Women have no knowledge of riding and shooting.But they were very interested to see that the servants of the royal family were all dressed up in bright colors and desperately competing for victory.The racecourse is very wide, leading to the south courtyard where Ziji lives, and the young maids there also come out to watch the riding and shooting.During the competition, the band played "Playing Ball Music" and "Nasuri".When deciding the outcome, bells and drums are played.It wasn't until dark that everything was invisible, and the game began.The servants receive prizes according to their ranks.When the night was very dark, everyone began to disperse. That night, Genji stayed at Huasanli and chatted with her.He said to her: "The Prince of the Ministry of War is superior to others. Although he is not very handsome in appearance, he has a very elegant temperament and attitude. He is a romantic man. Have you seen him before? Everyone praises him very much, but there are also shortcomings. "Hua Sanli replied: "He is your younger brother, but he seems to be older than you. I heard that he often comes here recently, and he is very friendly. I haven't seen him. I think his appearance is much more beautiful than before. His younger brother Prince Shuai is also very beautiful, but his character is not as good as his, but he looks like a king." Hearing what she said, Genji felt that this man had real eyes Quick, you can tell good from bad at a glance.But he just smiled and stopped commenting on the beauty and ugliness of other people. "Playing Ball Music" is Tang music, "Nasuri" is Korean music, and both are elegant music. The Prince of the Ministry of War used to be called the handsome prince.But this handsome prince was his younger brother, a different person. It turned out that he thought that referring to people's defects and belittling people was the nonsense of ignorant people.Therefore, everyone in the world praised General Mustache Hei for his noble character. Although he felt that this person was not enough to be his son-in-law, he would never say it out loud.He and Hua Sanli are just in a normal friendly relationship now, and they sleep in separate beds at night.Why make it so distant?It hurts him to think about it.It turns out that Hua Sanli is humble and never complains.She has not participated in the spring and autumn banquets in the past years, and only heard about the situation from other people's mouths.So it is rare to hold a grand gathering here today, and she thinks it is the supreme glory of her yard.At this time she chanted: "I am like calamus grass, young horses should not taste it. Happy every festival, see the sun when you go out of the valley. " When singing, the tone is euphemistic.Although this poem has no special features, Genji felt very pitiful and lovely, so he sang: "You are like calamus grass, and I am water wild rice. The streamside is always luxuriant, never parting with calamus. " Both poems speak from the heart.Genji joked to Huasanli: "Although you and I don't see each other often, and we don't sleep together, but seeing each other like this makes me feel at ease." It turns out that Huasanli is a kind person, so Genji can talk to her.She gave up her bed to Genji, and slept outside the curtain.She had long given up thinking that she was not worthy of sleeping with Genji, so Genji did not force her. This year's rainy season was more frequent than in previous years, and the sun refused to clear up for several days. The female family members in Liutiao courtyard were lonely and bored, enjoying pictures and stories every morning and evening.Ming Shiji is good at this, so she drew many of them and sent them to Zi Ji for the little girl to enjoy.Yulan grew up in the hometown, and he didn't know much, so he felt even more strange after seeing it, so he was busy reading and drawing all day long.There are many young maids here who know how to draw.Yulan read many books, and felt that there were all kinds of women with strange fates described in them. It was unknown whether they were true or false, but there was no one who was as miserable as herself.She imagined that Jiji must be a stunning beauty when she is alive.It is also a particularly superior character that is told in today's stories.This person was almost married by the old master planner, which reminded her of that nasty doctor's supervisor in Chikushi, and compared herself to Jiji. An ancient song: "The fragrance of calamus is picked by all beauties; it's so strange that young horses should not taste it." See "Hou Zhuan Ji". "Hua San compares himself with calamus. "Sumiyoshi Monogatari" is an ancient story.To the effect, there are three women in a certain Zhongnayan, one of them, Ji Ji, has been betrothed to the son of the Minister of Internal Affairs.But her stepmother abused her and wanted to marry her to a 70-year-old man named chief accountant without authorization.Fortunately, the woman escaped and went to a nun in Sumiyoshi.Then finally a happy reunion.The ancient books at that time are not handed down today, and the existing ones are imitated by later generations. Genji sometimes went here and sometimes there, and saw such picture story books scattered everywhere, and once said to the jade ring: "Oh, what a nuisance! You women, you don't care about troubles, you are born to be deceived. Yes. Among the many stories, very few are true. You know it is false, but you study it sincerely and are willing to be deceived. In this rainy season, you don’t care if your hair is messy, and just concentrate on painting." After talking, he laughed.Then he changed his mind and continued: "But you can't blame me. If you don't read these stories and novels, your life will be dull and you won't be able to entertain yourself. Moreover, there are quite interesting and twists and turns in these forged stories. , as if it was true. So even though you know it’s nonsense, you can’t help but feel moved after reading it. For example, when you see the sorrow and depression of poor Ji Ji, you will sincerely sympathize with her. There is another kind of story that feels absurd when you read it No, but it is so exaggerated that it is shocking and dizzying. After reading it, I calmly recalled it, although I felt that it was unreasonable, but when I read it, I was obviously interested. Recently, the maids at my side often read ancient stories to them. Listen, little girl. I listened and felt that there are indeed people who are good at talking in the world. I think these are the words of people who are accustomed to lying, but maybe it is not like this." The jade ring replied: "Yes, like you People who are used to lying like this will give all kinds of explanations; an honest person like me always believes it to be true." As he spoke, he pushed the inkstone away.Genji said: "Then I am really blindly commenting on stories and novels. In fact, among these stories and novels, there are some that describe the real situation in the world since the age of gods. Books such as "Nihonki" are only a part of them. It records the world in detail. It's important." He said with a smile. The Age of God is the age of mythology before Emperor Jimmu. "Nihonki" is a Chinese history from the age of God to the era of Emperor Jitong, with thirty volumes. Then he said: "It turns out that although stories and novels do not record a certain person's deeds truthfully, they are real people and real events in the world, regardless of good or evil. I don't see enough, I don't listen enough, but I feel that this kind of plot can't be kept in one person's heart. It must be passed on to future generations, so I write with a pen. Therefore, when I want to write about a good person, I choose the good deeds of that person, and highlight the good side; The two are compared with each other. These are true facts, not outside world talk; Chinese novels and Japanese novels are different. The same is Japanese novels, ancient and modern are also different; the content is different. It is also inconsistent with the facts. Among the teachings taught by the Buddha with a compassionate heart, there are also so-called expedient methods. Foolish people see that the two teachings are different, and they will have doubts in their hearts. It should be noted that in the "Fang et al. There are many examples. In the final analysis, the same purpose. The difference between Bodhi and afflictions is like the difference between good people and evil people in novels. So no matter what, from the perspective of goodness, it is not empty and useless." He praised the function of the novel very much .Then he said: "However, among these ancient stories, is there any story that describes an honest and infatuated person like me? Besides, among the very lonely girls described in this kind of story, there is someone as cruel as you." I'm afraid there are no people who are ruthless and pretend not to understand, okay, let me write an unprecedented novel and pass it on to future generations." Saying this, she leaned closer to Yulan.Yulan bowed her head and said nothing, and then replied: "Even if you don't write novels, this rare thing in ancient times has already spread in the world." Genji said: "Do you also think that it is rare in ancient times? Your attitude is also indifferent in the world. .” As he spoke, he leaned against the wall with an unusually chic expression.Impromptu chanting: "Sorrowful and painstaking to find the past, There has never been a daughter who betrayed her relatives in ancient times. Children who are not filial to their parents are also strictly prohibited in Buddhism. Yulan just bowed her head and said nothing. Genji stroked her hair while expressing his hatred to her. Yulan finally replied: "I also frequently search for things, The dear heart is so unprecedented. " After listening to this poem, Genji felt ashamed in his heart, so he stopped doing excessively rough actions.Such a situation does not know how it will end in the future. "Fang et al" is the "Mahayana Sutra". Bodhi is a Buddhist term, meaning enlightenment. Zi Ji used the excuse of her little girl's hobbies to read stories and novels reluctantly.She looked at the picture scroll of "(犭+白) Wild Story" and praised: "These paintings are really good!" When she saw a little girl taking a nap without thinking, she recalled her childhood. Condition.Genji said to her: "At such a young age, I already know so much about love. It can be seen that waiting patiently like me is something ordinary people can't do, and can be used as an example." Indeed, Genji has rich experience in love, and he actually It is rare.He also said: "In front of my little daughter, you should not read this kind of pornographic story. Although she will not be deeply interested in the women in the story who steal love and love, she sees that such things are common in the world, and she thinks it doesn't matter. , That’s terrible!” If Yulan hears such caring and thoughtful words, she must feel that her own daughter is different after all, so she will hurt herself. Ziji said: "Those shallow women described in the story only know how to imitate others, which makes people look disgusted and ridiculous. Only the daughter of Mr. Fujiwara in "Kongsui Story" is stable and straightforward, and does not make mistakes. However, if she is too serious, Her words and deeds are frank, she doesn’t look like a woman, and it’s too deviant.” Genji replied: “Not only in novels, but also in this world. These women are self-righteous and different from others. Doesn’t she know how to adapt to the situation? It is a pity that a daughter raised by her parents has only developed an innocent character, and there are many other things that are not as good as others. Others will doubt her family education, and even her parents look down on her. It is really a pity. If she is presentable and suitable for her status, her parents have contributed to her upbringing and her face is radiant. There are also some women who were highly praised by others when they were young, but what they do or say after they become adults is nothing to be appreciative of. This is insignificant. So don't let ignorant people praise your daughter." He thought about it, and hoped that the little girl would not be criticized in the future.There are also many ancient stories about stepmothers abusing their children.It describes the cruelty of the stepmother, which is unpleasant to read, and it is not suitable for teaching young girls to read.Genji's selection of stories was very strict. After the selection, he taught people to copy clearly and added illustrations. "(犭+白) Wild Story" is a story novel at that time, which is no longer handed down today. "Kongsui Monogatari", also known as "Ujinho Monogatari", the author is unknown.It describes the selection of husbands by Fujiwara-kun's fourteen daughters. Genji forbade General Yugiri to approach Zi Ji's room.But the place where the little girl lived did not forbid him to go.Because he thought: When I was alive, no matter what, there would be no problem; but he expected that after my death, if the brother and sister had known each other for a long time and understood each other, the relationship would always be particularly good.Therefore, he allowed Xiwu to go into the curtain of the south-facing room where the young lady lived, but he was not allowed to go into the lower room where the maids lived next to Ziji's room.But he doesn't have many children, so he cares deeply about Xi Wu.Xiwu has a kind heart and an honest attitude, so Minister Genji trusts him with confidence.The little girl is only eight years old and still likes playing with dolls.Seeing her like that, Xi Wu immediately recalled the time when she played with Yun Juyan, and enthusiastically helped her build a doll's room, but sometimes she felt depressed.When he met a woman of the same age, he often said some flirtatious things, but he never made the other party think it was true.Sometimes I feel that this woman has no flaws and is quite satisfactory, but I also try my best to control myself, and finally it's just an act.He only had one big hope in his heart, which was to get rid of this despised green robe as soon as possible, to be promoted to a higher rank, so as to marry Yun Juyan.If he wants to get married and entangles him endlessly, the Minister of Internal Affairs will definitely give in and promise his daughter to him.But whenever he hated him, he always made up his mind: he must make the ministers realize their mistakes and admit their mistakes to him.It was a determination he would never forget.So although he has been expressing his passionate admiration for Yun Juyan, he never shows any signs of anxiety to outsiders.Therefore, Yunjuyan's brothers Baimu and others often dislike Xiwu's cold attitude.General Kashiwagi fell in love with the beauty of the jade garland, but there was no one to mediate for him except the little maid Jianzi, so he complained to Xiwu for help.Xiwu replied coldly: "I don't care about other people's affairs." The relationship between the two is just like the relationship between their fathers when they were young. Because Kashiwagi didn't help him, he made this statement. There are many concubines and concubines in the back room of the Minister of Internal Affairs, and many sons and daughters have been born. They have given their status and power as they wish according to their birth mother's background and their own qualities, so that each of them has his own place.But there were not many daughters, and the eldest daughter Honghuidian Nvyu tried to be the queen, but failed. The second daughter Yun Juyan hoped to become an official, but it backfired.Therefore, he never forgot the daughter Xiyan gave birth to in the past, and he always mentioned this child every opportunity.He thought: "I don't know what's wrong with this man; a very lovely daughter has been with that promiscuous mother, and her whereabouts are unknown. It can be seen that for women, no matter what, we must not relax the surveillance. People say she is my daughter, and live a despicable life. Anyway, I hope she will come to me." He has been thinking about it.He also said to the princes: "If you hear someone claiming to be my daughter, you must pay attention. When I was young, I was moved by my emotions and did many things that should not be done. But one of them is a woman who is different from others. , not a mediocre person. Just because of a mistake, he divorced me and disappeared. My family has very few daughters, and even lost one of hers. What a pity." He often said this.Of course sometimes I don't think about it, I completely forget about it.But whenever I see others worrying about my daughter, I think of myself not being able to do what I want, and feel very sad and annoyed.Once he had a dream and summoned the most brilliant dream interpreter to come and explain it. The man said: "I am afraid that there is a young master or young lady who has been forgotten for many years and has become a locust for others. There will be news soon." The minister said: " There has never been a woman who became a locust for others. I don't know how." At this time, he thought of Yulan again, and mentioned it frequently.
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