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Chapter 13 Thirteen Akashi

The Tale of Genji 紫式部 17309Words 2018-03-21
This chapter describes Genji's events from March of his twenty-seventh year to August of his twenty-eighth year. The wind and rain continued, and neither did the thunder and lightning, for many days.There are countless things to worry about, and Mr. Genji is immersed in grief and fear, and he can't cheer up.He thought: "What should I do? If I escape back to the capital because of the change of the sky, I will not be forgiven, and I will be ridiculed. Why not find a deep mountain here and hide away." Then he thought: " If so, the world will say that I was driven into a deep mountain by a storm, and passed on to future generations, ridiculing me for being reckless, and making me a laughing stock forever." Because of this, he hesitated.What I see in my dreams every night is always that strange person, entangled endlessly.

The sky is full of dark clouds that never leave.It rains day and night and never stops.The news from Beijing and China is heavy, and I feel that there is deep suspense.Feeling sad, I thought: "Could it be that I will die forever, and I will be destroyed?" But at this time, it was raining heavily, and I couldn't stick my head out of the outdoors, so there was no one from Beijing.Only Ziji from Ertiaoyuan sent an envoy desperately, who was soaked and in a strange shape.If you meet him on the road, you must doubt whether he is a human or a ghost.Although he was such an ugly servant, he must have been expelled as soon as possible before, but now Mr. Genji thinks he is very amiable.He personally received the servant, and he felt aggrieved, but he knew that his mood has changed a lot recently.This person brought Ziji's letter and wrote: "It rained continuously for days, and it didn't stop for a moment. The clouds were dense, the sky was locked, desires were grinding, and directions were hard to discern.

Hot tears flow in the boudoir, Is there a strong wind on Urakami? " In addition, there are too many sad and deplorable things to write reports one by one.Mr. Genji read the letter, and the tears were like "swelling water", and his eyes were dim. The envoy said: "This storm is also suspected to be an ominous omen in the capital. The Niwang Dharma Conference was held in the palace. The wind and rain blocked the way, officials were not allowed to go to court, and political affairs have come to a standstill." The man spoke clumsily and hesitated.However, in order to learn more about the situation in Beijing, Mr. Genji called him close to him and questioned him carefully.The messenger also said: "The heavy rain has been continuous for days, and the strong wind has been blowing from time to time, and it has continued for many days. Such a terrifying weather has never been seen in Beijing. Large hailstones fell and almost hit the ground. The thunder was earth-shattering and never heard. Stopping is something that has never happened." When he said it, his face showed a look of fear and shrinking, which made people even more worried.

An ancient song: "All the residents and passers-by shed tears, and the water on the edge of the river suddenly increased." See "Tosa Diary". The Renwang Dharma Assembly invites monks to recite the "Ningwang Sutra" to pray that "the seven difficulties will be eliminated and the seven blessings will be born." Mr. Genji thought: "If this natural disaster continues, the world may be destroyed!" On the next day, a hurricane blew at dawn, a tsunami rushed in, huge waves hit the shore, and the roar shook the sky.Thunder and lightning flashed like it was falling on the head.The horror is indescribable.All the people who followed him were panic-stricken.Xiangyu sighed: "What crime did we commit in the past life, so that we suffer in this life! Parents, dear wife and children can't see each other, so why do we just die like this?" Only Mr. Genji was calm: he thought: "I After all, what is the crime? Do you want the guest to die by the seaside?" He braced himself.But the people around were harassing, so they had to teach people to prepare various sacrifices and pray to the god: "Sumiyoshi! Please protect this place! The god is so powerful that he will surely save us innocent people." Then he made a great oath willing.

Seeing this scene, the left and right ignored their own lives and sympathized with the misfortune of Mr. Genji.They felt very sad that a man of his stature should be exposed to such an unprecedented disaster.Anyone who can cheer up their spirits and recover a little bit of vitality is sincerely moved, and is willing to sacrifice their lives to save the young master alone.They prayed to the gods and Buddhas in unison: "I would like to tell the gods of the ten directions: My son grew up in a deep palace, and he was used to enjoying entertainment since he was a child. He is kind and kind, and his virtues spread to all people; helping the poor and saving the weak, and saving disasters and dangers. There are countless good deeds." But I don't know what crimes I committed in my previous life, and now I am drowning in this dangerous storm? I look up to the gods and Buddhas of heaven and earth, and judge right and wrong. I am convicted of innocents, deprived of official titles, and leave my hometown. I am restless day and night, and sigh day and night. It’s a sad change in the sky, and life is in danger. I don’t know if this is the retribution of the previous life, or the punishment of this life? If the gods and Buddhas enlighten us, please ward off the disaster and bring blessings!” They made various vows to the Jujimei Shrine.Genji also made a wish to the Sea Dragon King and the gods and Buddhas.

Unexpectedly, the thunder became louder and louder, and with a bang, it fell on the corridor connected with the prince's living room, and the flames burst out and burned the corridor down.Everyone in the house was scared out of their wits.In a hurry, I had to ask the young master to move to a room in the back that looks like a kitchen.Regardless of their status, many people live in the same room.Chaos and chaos, howling and crying, harassment does not give way to thunder.The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of ink until the sun set. Then the wind died down, the rain thinned out, and the sky shone with stars.Take a look at it with peace of mind, this room is really extremely simple, it is really wronged for the young master.Left and right want to ask the young master to move back to the main house, but they have been burned down by thunder and fire, and their appearance is terrible. In addition, they are trampled by people, and they are in a mess.And the curtains were blown away by the strong wind.I have to wait until dawn to make calculations.When everyone was in a panic, Mr. Genji could only concentrate on reciting Buddhist scriptures, thinking about all kinds of future events, he felt very uneasy.

Soon the moon came out.Genji opened the chai gate and looked out, but saw that there were obvious traces of the nearby wave attack, and there were still aftermath waves coming and going.Among the villagers in the surrounding area, there is no one who is sensible and understands the past, future, and the reasons for the changes in the sky.There was only a group of ignorant fishermen who knew that this was the residence of noble people. They gathered outside the wall and spoke some incomprehensible local dialect. They looked very strange, but it was inconvenient to disperse.But I heard that the fishermen said: "If the wind doesn't stop, a tsunami will come up, and this area will be completely submerged! It's all thanks to the blessing of the Bodhisattva, and the merits are immeasurable!" So stupid.Genji son then recited a poem:

"It's not the Seagod's protective power, Buried in the depths of the blue waves. " The strong wind harassed him all day and night, although Mr. Genji cheered himself up, he was very tired and fell asleep unknowingly.This residence is too simple, there is no tent, the young master just leans against the wall and dozes off.Suddenly he saw the late Emperor Tonghu standing in front of him, with the same expression as before, and said to the young master: "Why do you live in this dirty place?" He took his hand, pulled him up, and then said: " You must follow the guidance of Sumi Yoshime, and sail the boat as quickly as possible, and leave this Pu!" Genji was overwhelmed with surprise, and said: "Father, since saying goodbye to Ciyan, my son has suffered countless hardships! Right now, he is about to throw himself into the sea! The ghost of Emperor Tonghu replied: "It's unreasonable! Your suffering this time is just the retribution of a small crime. When I was in power, I didn't have any big crimes. But unintentionally, it is inevitable to commit small faults. I want to atone , I have been very busy recently, and I have no time to take care of the affairs of the mortal world. But hearing that you are in a catastrophe, I feel restless, so I cross the sea from the Hades to this Pu, and the journey is very tiring. I have to take this opportunity to go to the palace for a while. Seeing the emperor, I have some instructions. Now leave for Beijing immediately." After saying that, he left.

Master Genji was reluctant to part, and wept bitterly: "I will go with my father!" Looking up, there was no one, only a bright moon shining in the sky.It doesn't seem like a dream, but I feel that my father's face is vaguely visible, and the clouds floating in the sky are also very amiable and lovely.I have yearned for kindness for many years, but I have never dreamed of it once.Even though it happened for a moment tonight, it was clearly seen, and it is still flashing in front of my eyes.I am in such misery and on the verge of death, but the spirit of my father in the sky flew here specially to come to rescue me, it is very grateful.Thinking about it this way, it was thanks to the blessing of the storm.Hope is ahead, I am very pleased.Feelings of admiration for the emperor filled his chest, and he felt uneasy.Then I forgot the sorrow of this world, and regretted that I didn't have a detailed interview in my dream.He thought maybe we could see each other again, so he closed his eyes, hoping to continue his dream.Yet the mind is sober until dawn.

Suddenly I saw a small boat approaching the shore, and two or three people got ashore and walked towards Mr. Genji's inn.People here asked who they were, and it was said that the former Harima Shou Akashi Taoist came here by boat from Akashiura.The messenger said: "If Yuan Shao Nayan is here with you, my master wants to see you and have a conversation." Liangqing was surprised when he heard the words, and said to Mr. Genji: "This Taoist was when I was in Harima country. Although we have known each other for many years, because of some personal grievances, we have not heard from each other in the future. We have not seen each other for a long time, and now we suddenly come to visit in this storm, what is the important thing?" He felt very surprised.Genji suddenly realized that this matter was related to his father's entrusted dream, and ordered him to come see him immediately.

Liang Qing was puzzled, and thought to himself: "In this violent storm, how could he decide to visit by boat?" He boarded the boat to meet Taoist Akashi.The Taoist said: "In the past, on the night of Shangsi, I dreamed of a strange person who told me to come here for a visit. At first I didn't believe it, but then I dreamed of this person again and said to me: 'It's the thirteenth day of this month. , you will see the effect. Prepare your boat! The wind and rain have stopped that day, and you must go to Suma.' So I tried to prepare the boat and waited for the date to come. Then it was raining and thundering. In foreign courts, believe that the spirit There are many precedents of governing a country based on dreams. Therefore, even if your place does not believe this, I should abide by the date shown in the dream and come to tell you by boat. Did you know that there is indeed a strange wind blowing today, and I arrived safely This port is exactly in line with what the gods showed in the dream. I think there may be omens in your place, but I don’t know. If you dare to convey this to your son, the abruptness is beyond fear.” That is Liangqing. Refers to Yin Wang Wuding.Wu Ding did not speak for three years, and politics was decided by Zuozai.Later, he obtained Fu Yue in a dream, and thought that the country would be governed. When Liangqing came back, he quietly reported the situation to Mr. Genji.The young master thought for a while, and felt that dreams and reality were both inconceivable things, and they were both obvious oracles.After thinking about the past and the future, he thought: "If I only worry about the slander of the world in the future, and live up to the sincere protection of the gods, the world will laugh at me even more than the present. I have failed the people of the present. The kindness of my heart is still uneasy, let alone the will of God. I have learned all kinds of tragic lessons, and now I should listen to this old, dignified and respected man, and follow his instructions; the ancients said: 'If you retreat, you will not be blamed'. I have really been forced to the brink of death and suffered unprecedented pain. From now on, even if I don’t care about my reputation, it will be fine. Besides, I was instructed by my father in my dream to leave this place. I still have What doubts?" After he made up his mind, he ordered to reply to the Taoist Mingshi: "I came to this foreign land in a wandering body, and I suffered a lot, but no one from the capital came to condolences. I can only look up at the misty sun and moon, and regard it as a relative and friend in my hometown. .Today, I can't think of 'the good wind blows the fishing boats'. Is there a place for me to hide on your Mingshi Pu?" The Taoist Mingshi was very happy and grateful. The entourage persuaded the young master: "Anyway, please get on the boat before dawn." As usual, Mr. Genji boarded the boat with only four or five cronies.There was another gust of wind as when it came, and the light boat arrived at Mingshipu like a boat.Suma and Akashi are close at hand, and they could arrive in a short time, but today it is so fast that it seems like a divine wind is blowing past. The seaside weather in Akashi is indeed different from other places.It's just that there are too many pedestrians coming and going, which is not called the heart of Mr. Genji.Akashi Taoist has many territories, some are by the sea, and some are at the foot of the mountain.There are huts built all over the coast, which can help you to see Jiaxing in four seasons.At the foot of the mountain and by the water, which is suitable for meditation on the afterlife, there are solemn Buddhist halls for practicing samadhi.For life in this world, there are good fields and fertile soil, and rice harvests in autumn; for the happiness of old age, there are countless granaries and abundant savings.Throughout the year, there are all kinds of equipment to live in peace.In order to prevent the recent tsunami, all the female family members have moved to the inner house on the mountain side at this time, and Mr. Genji can rest peacefully in this mansion on the seashore. An ancient song: "When the tears are not clear, there is good news, and the good wind blows the fishing boat." See "Hou Zhuan Ji". Samadhi is a Buddhist term, which means to calm the mind and stop distracting thoughts. It is an important practice method of Buddhism. When Mr. Genji landed in a boat and changed to a car, it was just as the sun was rising.Taoist Akashi saw Genji's expression in the sunlight, he forgot his old age, he seemed to feel that his lifespan had been extended, and he was all smiles, just put his palms together and worshiped Zhuji Mingshen.He seems to have obtained a luminous pearl, of course he has devoted himself to taking care of Mr. Genji with all his heart. Needless to say, the scenery here is beautiful.The structure of this mansion is also very interesting: the flowers and trees and rockery in the courtyard, and the spring water imported from the sea are all ingeniously arranged.If you want to paint it down, the lack of self-cultivation of the painter can't paint it like it.Compared with the house in Sumaura in the past few months, this place is much brighter and more lovely.The interior decoration is also as good as it gets.Its magnificence is no different from that of a noble home in Beijing.Not only that, but its brilliance is even better than that of mansions in Beijing. After Mr. Genji rested in this mansion for a while, he wrote to everyone in Beijing.The envoy sent by Ziji was threatened by a violent storm on the way, and it was hit by a thunderstorm when he arrived here. He was full of worries and stayed in Suma, weeping and swallowing.Master Genji summoned him here, rewarded him with extra rich items, and sent him back to Beijing.Ask him to bring a letter to tell his trusted prayer teacher and all his confidants in detail about the recent situation.To the aunt barnacle queen, she also described the miracle of being saved from danger recently because of a dream.He couldn't write down the reply to Ziji's plaintive letter, and after writing a few lines, he wiped away his tears.Looking at this appearance, it can be seen that it is different from others after all.There is a saying in the letter: "I have gone through all kinds of hardships, and I often want to leave this troubled world and become a monk. But because of your face when you parted and chanted 'this water chestnut flower is comforting', it often flashed in front of my eyes and never disappeared. Then I can give up resolutely? Every time I think about it, I feel that all the sufferings here are insignificant. It is exactly: Going further and further away are barren islands, Since then, Sijun has been further away. Everything is like a dream, and when I never wake up, I write and write in a daze, and I don't know how much sorrow and hatred in my heart! The letter was very messy, but it was very beautiful in the eyes of others. They all saw that the son was very fond of Ziji. The followers also wrote their own envoys to take them, telling their relatives and friends in their hometown about the miserable life in Suma. The momentary wind and rain have disappeared, and the sky is as clear as water.The fisherman went out to sea to fish, and his demeanor was very proud.The place of Suma is so desolate that there are very few stone houses for fishermen.Although there are too many people living in this Akashi place, it feels a little troublesome, but it has its own charm that is different from other places, and it can be comforting everywhere. The master Mingshi Daoren practiced Buddhism diligently and was very attentive, but for the future of this daughter, he couldn't help but think hard, and often leaked his sorrows in front of others.In the heart of Mr. Genji, just because he has heard the name of this beauty for a long time, he feels that this unexpected encounter seems to have a predestined relationship in his previous life.However, during this period of sinking mind, apart from diligently practicing the Dharma, there should be no other delusional thoughts.What's more, when Ziji heard about it, she would also blame him for the inconsistency between his words and deeds, and would not believe all the love words he had believed in before.Therefore, I felt embarrassed and did not express my wish to Taoist Akashi.However, I have heard many times that this young lady is unusual in character and appearance, so I am not without feelings of admiration. Akashi Taoist respects Mr. Genji, he dare not get close to him, and lives in a side room far away.However, I wished to get close to him day and night in my heart, and felt that it was very unpleasant to be so distant.He always wanted to find an opportunity to express his long-cherished wish to him, so he prayed to the gods and Buddhas more devoutly.Although this Taoist is sixty years old, his body is very healthy.In order to practice Buddhism day and night, the description is a little thin.Although sometimes stubborn and faint, but probably because of his noble background, he has extensive knowledge and knowledge of many ancient anecdotes.And the attitude is generous, without any obscenity.Sometimes Mr. Genji summoned him, and he would tell him all kinds of anecdotes in ancient times, which could also comfort his tranquility.Mr. Genji has been very busy in public and private affairs for many years, and has no time to listen to all kinds of stories in the world. Today, Taoist Akashi is very interested in talking about the past. He thought: "It would be a pity if I didn't come to this place and meet this person." Akashi Although the Taoist gradually became acquainted with the son of Genji, but because the son's dignity is daunting, so even though he has plans in his heart, he has no courage when he meets him, and he cannot express his wishes as he pleases.Therefore, I often feel anxious and regretful, and can only talk to my wife and sigh relative to each other.As for the young lady herself, born in this remote village, even if she were looking for an ordinary husband-in-law, there would be no one she could look up to.Now I see such noble and handsome men in this world, but I feel that I am from a lowly background, and I am definitely not qualified to be a high-ranking man.She heard her parents make this plan, and thought it was a delusion, and she was even more sad than before it hadn't happened. In April, Taoist Akashi bought summer clothes for Mr. Genji, as well as tent curtains for summer, all of which were very elegant.Taoist Akashi took care of Young Master Genji with such sincerity and thoughtfulness that Young Master felt embarrassed and thought it was too much.But thinking that this Taoist has a superior character and a noble status, he accepts it honestly and unceremoniously.There are often people in Beijing who send things. One day on a quiet moonlit night, Mr. Genji looked at the endless clear blue sea, and felt that it was very similar to the pond in the Erjo courtyard where he used to live, and his chest was full of infinite nostalgia.However, I was lonely and unhappy, and I couldn't comfort myself. All I saw in front of me was Awaji Island.Then he sang an ancient song: "I used to live on Awaji Island, looking at the Moon Palace in the distance. Tonight, the moon is close to me, so the environment is different." He wrote a poem: "Boundless moonlight melts into the night, It is suspected that he lives in Awaji Mountain. " When he was so excited, he took out the lyre that he hadn't touched for a long time from his bag and played a piece at will.When people on the left and right heard this, they were all sad and overwhelmed with grief.Mr. Genji used all his life's secret skills to play a piece of music.The sentimental young woman in the inner house by the mountain was deeply moved when she heard the sound of the zither and the sound of the pine floating in the wind.Not only that, even the ignorant and decadent common people everywhere go to the seaside to listen to the wind, so they catch a cold and cough.Taoist Mingshi couldn't help hearing the sound of the piano, so he gave up the three treasures as offerings and came to listen to them. This ancient song can be found in "Fan He Nei Gong Heng Ji". During the Three Kingdoms period, Ji Kang traveled to Luoxi, stayed at Huayang Pavilion in the evening, and played the qin.Suddenly a guest came, and asked Ji Kang to play the qin to teach Ji Kang. He said: "After listening to the sound of the zither, I recalled the earthly world I had abandoned. The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss I wish for probably looks like this tonight."Mr. Genji also recalled all kinds of old things.The year-round orchestral music in the palace, this person’s qin and that person’s flute, the wonderful singing, the praise of the world, the importance of everyone below my father—other people’s affairs, my own affairs, the moment Thinking back, it's like being in a dream, and besides being emotional, I played another song with the aid of the piano, the sound was very bleak. Taoist Mingshi couldn't stop crying, so he ordered people to fetch the pipa and zither from the inner house on the side of the mountain. He became a pipa mage himself, playing one or two rare pieces of music, and his technique was very beautiful.Then he persuaded Mr. Genji to play the zither.The young master also played for a while, and the listeners were deeply moved again.It turns out that no matter whether the music technique is very exquisite or not, as long as the environment is beautiful, the music will naturally add color.Now here is the seaside where the water and the sky stretch as far as the eye can see. The trees are luxuriant, verdant and lovely, more beautiful than the cherry blossoms in spring and the red leaves in autumn.At that time, the crakes rang like knocking on the door, which reminded people of the scene of the ancient song "When the crakes knock at the door at dusk, who will close the door and not let them go?" At this time Taoist Akashi played the zither with a particularly beautiful tone, the technique was very clever, and Mr. Genji was deeply moved.He said casually: "It would be really nice to teach women to play the zither unhurriedly and freely." Taoist Akashi smiled unconsciously, and replied: "After listening to the young master's performance, how can there be any women?" Does it sound better? To be honest: the way of playing the zither has been passed down from Emperor Yanxi to my family for three generations. My fate is not good, and I have long given up worldly things. But occasionally when I am in a bad mood, I often play the zither Unexpectedly, the little girl also came to imitate and listen to her self-study, and her playing skills are similar to those of the late Prince. ——Ah, I made a mistake, I think I, a "mountain monk", have blunt ears and think the sound of the piano as "pine Fengyin', so you are just talking nonsense. But I always want to find a chance to teach you to listen to the little girl playing the zither quietly." When he said this, his whole body trembled and he almost shed tears. The blind monk who played the pipa in the alleys in the Heian period was called the pipa master.Later generations of blind people who play the pipa as a profession are also called pipa masters. This ancient song is quoted in "He Hai Chao". Enki is the reign name of Emperor Daigo. An ancient song: "Mountain monks are used to the sound of the pine wind, but they don't know it's the sound of the qin." See the quotation in "Flower and Bird Remaining Love". Mr. Yuanji said: "There are masters here, I really play the so-called 'I don't know the sound of the qin', I am ashamed to death!" He pushed the zither away, and said: "It's very strange: the zither has been played since ancient times. Women are the best at playing the koto. The fifth princess of Emperor Saga, who was passed down by the emperor, is the world's most brilliant koto player. Since then, this system has been lost. People who are known as experts in this world are only superficial. But Urakami is hiding An expert in this way is really an unexpected joy! But I wonder if you can let me hear about Qianjin's skill?" Taoist Mingshi said: "Don't dare! The young master wants to listen, just give orders, and I'll just ask her to come and play in front of the statue. In ancient times, a 'businessman's woman' played the pipa and touched the nobles. When it comes to playing the pipa, she can really make a wonderful sound." People are not easy to come by in ancient times. My little girl is fluent as soon as she gets started, and she can also perform sophisticated tunes subtly. I don’t know how she learned it. It’s really pitiful for her to be in this place where the waves are roaring. Yes. But whenever you feel depressed, having this daughter can also comfort you." There was humor in the words, and Genji was very interested, so he pushed the zither in his hand and asked Taoist Akashi to play it.Akashi Taoist really played very well, very different from the ordinary.He is familiar with the techniques lost in this world, and the techniques are all in accordance with the ancient style.The sound made by shaking the string with the left hand is especially clear and audible.This is not Ise, but Master Minamoto taught his followers with better voices to sing "Ise Kai", a music that encourages horses.His ci goes: "Ise Zhu Qinghai tide recedes, picking seaweed and seashells?" I also tap the beat from time to time, singing in unison with them.Akashi Taoist stopped playing the zither and praised.He taught people to prepare all kinds of refreshments and fruits, all of which were extremely precious, and he diligently persuaded his followers to drink alcohol. Everyone almost forgot about the sorrows and sorrows of the world, and spent the night happily. There is a saying in Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing": "The eldest married a businessman's wife." The night was getting darker.The sea breeze cools down, the waning moon sinks to the west, the sky is as clear as water, and the world is silent.Taoist Akashi then talked openly with Mr. Genji, talking about everything.First, I will talk about my feelings when I first lived here, and then I will describe the meritorious deeds of cultivating blessings for the next life in the following years.Trivial and tireless, in the end he didn't even ask about his daughter's situation.Mr. Genji thought it was ridiculous, but there was something deeply sympathetic in his words.Taoist Mingshi said: "I'm really embarrassed to say: My son came to this remote and remote place that I couldn't dream of. Although the period of time is short, after all, I, an old Taoist, have accumulated blessings through years of practice and have been merciful by gods and Buddhas, so I am humiliated and come here to suffer Yes. I have prayed to Sumiyoshi Myojin for something, and it has been eighteen years. My little daughter, I had high hopes when I was young, and I took her to Sumiyoshi Shrine to pay homage to Myojin twice a year in spring and autumn. I chant scriptures at six o'clock in the day and night When worshiping the Buddha, I always put my own wish of rebirth in the bliss second, and ask God to bless my daughter first, so that she can marry a noble son-in-law, and her long-cherished wish will come true. I committed crimes in my previous life, and I am a poor rural pariah in this life, but my My father was also a minister. My generation is already a farmer. If things go on like this in the future, one generation will not be as good as the previous generation, and I will sink forever. I am so sad when I think of it! But this little girl, after falling to the ground, I have high hopes and vows She will marry a high-ranking official in Beijing in the future. Because of this, I have offended many suitors with corresponding identities, and it is not good for me, but I don’t take it as a pain. As long as I am alive, even though my wrist is weak, I will love you to the end If the good match is not found, and I die first, I have a will long ago: instead of marrying a mediocre man, it is better to plunge into the bottom of the sea and stay with Bochen forever." When he said it, tears were streaming down, and all kinds of sad words were hard to describe. Day and night at six o'clock, that is, morning morning, daytime, sundown, first night, middle night, and last night. When Mr. Genji was full of worries and thoughts, he was also very sad after hearing these things, and wiped his tears with his hands frequently.He replied: "I have been guilty of nothingness, and I wandered to this unexpected place. I don't know what crimes I committed in my previous life. I can't figure it out. After listening to your words tonight, I suddenly realized that this is a predestined fate in my previous life." Great cause and fate! Since you have such a great vow, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Since I left Beijing, I have been thinking about the impermanence of the world, and I feel discouraged every time. Therefore, I don’t think about anything other than diligently practicing Buddhism. Depressed. Your family has such a beautiful family, and I have heard a little bit about it. But Nian himself is a criminal, how dare he take the liberty to think about it? Therefore, he gave up his thoughts and was willing to be lonely. Since Zun Yi is like this, I would like to ask Hongsi to guide me. I am very grateful. Good things come true , can also comfort my lonely sleep." Mingshi Daoist heard the words, filled with joy, and replied: "He who knows all about loneliness, We should pity the people living alone in Huangpu. Please understand the painstaking efforts of parents who have been eager for many years. "His whole body trembled when he said it, but he did not lose his dignity. Mr. Genji said: "You who are used to living in Huangpu, how can you be so lonely like me. " Then he replied, "Long nights away are like years, A travel pillow can't make a dream alone. " That heart-to-heart look is extremely elegant and beautiful.Taoist Mingshi made many complaints to the young master, so I won't go into details to avoid tediousness.I am also afraid that the author's record will be inaccurate, and the eccentricity and stubbornness of the Taoist temperament will be exposed too much. It also shows that Daoist Shi has fulfilled his long-cherished wish, and he feels relieved.At noon the next day, Master Genji sent a letter to the inner house by the mountain.Judging from what the Taoist said, this is probably a shy girl. Mr. Genji thought to himself: There may be unexpectedly good beauties hidden in such a remote place, so he was fascinated leisurely, and wrote carefully on a piece of walnut-colored Korean paper: "Looking at the sky and fascinated by the distance, The fisherman pointed out to visit Xianyuan. It was supposed to be 'hidden lovesickness', but finally 'I can't suppress my desire'! "The letter seemed to contain only this number. Taoist Akashi quietly waited for the news of Mr. Genji, and went to the inner house on the side of the mountain to have a look. Sure enough, the messenger who delivered the letter had arrived. His face was flushed, but the lady's reply letter was not delivered. An ancient song: "Hide lovesickness, don't show it. How do you know that your heart is burning, and you can't suppress your desires." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". Taoist Akashi walked into his daughter's room and urged her to write quickly.The daughter still didn't listen.When she saw this love letter, she was so ashamed that she couldn't stretch out her hand.She compared the other party's identity with her own, and felt that the difference was too far away, so she dared not climb high.So he said that he was "in a bad mood" and lay down on his side.Taoist Mingshi had no choice but to write a reply letter on her behalf: "I am very grateful for the letter from Hua. But the little girl grew up in a poor family and rarely sees the world. I think it is because of 'tonight's big joy is too difficult to bear', but she was too frightened to read the letter. The dead man guessed his heart, it is: Both sides look at the same sky, The lovesickness of the two places shares this heart. Isn't it too evocative to say? "Written on a piece of Mutsu paper, the calligraphy style is very elegant, and the brushwork is very interesting. Genji looked at it, and found it very romantic, and was very surprised. Akashi Taoist rewarded the messenger with a particularly delicate blouse. The next day, Master Genji wrote another letter.First said: "I have never seen a ghostwritten love letter in my life." Then said: "I haven't heard good news from my own handwriting, Just hanging his head and hurting alone. It's "unacquainted, it's hard to say love". "This time it was written on a piece of extremely soft thin paper. The calligraphy is really beautiful. Akashi Ji read it and thought that she was a girl. If she was not moved by this beautiful love letter, she would be too shy. Mr. Genji's handsomeness is Cute, but the identities are too far apart, even if you are tempted, it is in vain. Now she is blue-eyed, and she sent a book specially, and she couldn't help crying. She refused to write a reply again. After many encouragements from her old father, she began to write a reply. Written on a piece of fragrant purple paper, the ink color is thick and thin, which seems to be artificial. The poem goes: "May I ask you how deep your love for me is? Famous but never met, An De upset the king's heart? " An ancient song: "In the past, you hid your joy in your sleeves, but tonight you are so happy that your sleeves can't be contained." See "Xin Chi Zhuan Ji". An ancient song: "It's hard to say love without acquaintance, only the heart hurts secretly." See "Meng Jinchao". Hereinafter, the daughter of Taoist Akashi is called Akashi Ji. Handwriting and calligraphy are excellent, not inferior to noble women in Beijing.Mr. Genji read this Akashi Ji's letter and thought of the situation in Beijing, and felt very interested in corresponding with this person.But the business is too frequent, and I am afraid that outsiders will pay attention and spread rumors.So we communicate every two or three days.For example, in the lonely and boring dusk, and the sentimental dawn, I used an excuse to write a book.Or when a woman feels the same way, send a letter of condolences.Every time Akashi Ji replied, she always had appropriate words.Mr. Genji imagined this woman's charm and elegant quality, and felt unwilling to give up without seeing one side.However, every time Liangqing talked about this woman, he always said "this person belongs to me", which was unpleasant.What's more, he has been pursuing it painstakingly for many years, and now I am grabbing it face to face, disappointing him, and feeling sorry for him.After thinking about it, it is best for the other party to take the initiative and ask for advice. I have to accept it as a last resort, which is the most appropriate.However, that woman is even more arrogant than a noble woman who is pretending to be a nobleman, and she is absolutely unwilling to recommend herself, which is what others can do.So the two sides confronted each other, competing for patience, and lived their lives in this way. Suddenly I thought of Ziji in the middle of the capital, and now she is out of Yangguan in the west, farther away from her, and more eager to yearn for her.Sometimes I was in a bad mood, thinking: "What should I do? It's really an old song saying 'you know how to play'. Just welcome her here quietly." Then I thought: "No matter what, it won't be years and months. Leaving. Now how can we do something that attracts people's attention?" Then he calmed down. An ancient song: "If you want to try your patience, play a small farewell, and leave with a burning heart, you will know that you will not be able to play." See "Ancient and Modern Waka Collection". Let's talk about this year, ominous omens often occurred in the palace, and mutations occurred one after another.On the thirteenth day of March, on a night of heavy thunder and lightning, and violent storms, Emperor Suzaku had a dream, and saw the Emperor of Tonghu standing at the front steps of Qingliang Hall, his face was very unhappy, his eyes were fixed on Emperor Suzaku, and Emperor Suzaku stood silently. obey orders.Tonghu Shanghuang spoke a lot, but the main one seemed to be about Mr. Genji.When Emperor Suzaku woke up, he was terrified and saddened, so he told the empress of Honghui Palace about his dream.The Empress Dowager said: "On nights where the wind and rain are blowing and the weather is dangerous, the things you think about during the day often fall into your dreams. This is an ordinary thing, so don't worry about it." Probably because of the eyes of Emperor Suzaku in the dream, Emperor Suzaku suddenly Suffering from eye disease, the pain is unbearable.In the palace and Honghui Hall, there are great measures to pray for the early recovery of eye diseases. At this time, the Minister of Taizheng died.Considering his age, the death of this man is not surprising.However, apart from this person, death, disease and other things happened one after another, and the population in the four realms was restless.The Empress Dowager Honghuidian also fell ill unexpectedly, and her body became weaker and weaker.Emperor Suzaku was very sad.He thought: "Young Master Genji has suffered an untrue crime and suffered from sinking. This natural disaster must be the retribution of the government's injustice." He repeatedly asked his mother: "Now the official title of Genji can be returned." The Queen Mother replied: "To restore the official rank now, the world will say that this is a rash move. Anyone who is convicted and goes to Beijing, even if he is pardoned within three years, will be criticized by the world." She firmly remonstrated.But during this period of concern, her condition became more and more serious. That is, the former right minister and the father of the Queen Mother of Honghuidian. And it shows that on Shipu, every autumn every year, the sea breeze is extremely severe.Mr. Genji was sleeping alone, feeling the pain of loneliness, so he urged Taoist Mingshi from time to time: "At least find a way to get your lady to come here." He himself refused to go to see him.And Akashi Ji is absolutely unwilling to take the initiative to visit.She thought: "A country girl with an extremely low status is tempted by a man from Kyoto who is temporarily going to the countryside, and rashly commits herself to courtship. How can I be compared to such a person? People like Mr. Genji would not treat us like this People can see it. If I have sex with him, it will be very painful in the future. My parents have high and unattainable wishes, so when I was a boudoir, no matter whether I was married or not, I blindly wanted to be high and hope for happiness in the future; If it becomes a fact, it must be sad and regrettable." He thought: "What I hope is that during his stay here, he can communicate with each other and have a romantic affair. I have heard the name of Mr. Genji for a long time, and I often think of meeting him from afar. It is an unexpected thing today. When we come to this unexpected seashore, even though we are far away, we still have to pay respects to the color. His unparalleled piano sound, we can also listen to it with the wind. The way he lives in the morning and evening, We also have to hear it for sure. And an insignificant person like me also has to keep asking about it. ——But to be able to do this, in the eyes of me, a person who will perish with the grass and trees while living in the toilet This is a great happiness." Thinking about it this way, I feel even more humble and shameful, and never dream of getting closer to Master Genji. As for her parents, after welcoming the young master here, it seems that their prayers for many years have been fulfilled.But if you marry your daughter hastily, and the son looks down on her in the end, how sad the parents will be at this time!Thinking about it this way, I feel deeply worried.Although the other party is an outstanding person, if the daughter becomes an abandoned wife, how sad and unfortunate!Blindly believing in gods and Buddhas that are invisible to the eyes, without considering the temperament of the other party and the fate of his daughter, is really Meng Lang's move! ——如此反复思量,但觉心迷意乱。 源氏公子常常对明石道人说:“我听了近来的涛声,便想听赏令媛的琴音。不是这个季节,琴音再妙,也觉索然乏味。”明石道人听了这话,忽然下了决心。他悄悄地拣个吉日,不管夫人犹豫不决,也不教众徒弟知道,独自用心设计,把房室装饰得辉煌灿烂。于十三之夜皓月初升之时,吟着古歌“良宵花月真堪惜,只合多情慧眼看”,请公子驾往山边内宅。源氏公子觉得他有些风流自得,但仍换上常礼服,整饰一番,于夜深时出发。道人早已准备着华丽的车辆。但公子嫌其招摇,不坐车子,乘马而行。随从的只有惟光等数人。赴内宅须绕道海边,转入山路,行程稍远。一路上赏玩浦上各处景色,眺望应与恋人共看的海湾月影,首先想起了可爱的紫姬,但愿就此策马直赴京都。便独自吟诗: “我马应随秋夜月, 暂游玉宇见嫦娥。 " This ancient song is contained in "Hou Zhuan Ji". 明石道人山边的内宅,庭中花木繁茂,布置富有雅趣,是一所很漂亮的住屋。海滨的本邸建造得富丽堂皇,这山边的内宅则精致而幽静。源氏公子推想这位小姐住在这地方,风雨晦明定多感慨,不禁深为同情。附近建着一所“三昧堂”,是居士修行之所,钟声随着松风之声飘来,有哀怨之感。生在岩石上的松树,亦多优美之姿。庭前苍草丛中,秋虫唧唧齐呜。源氏公子各处都看到了。 小姐所居之屋,建造得特别讲究,一旁的板门略开一缝,以便月光射入。源氏公子便走进去,说了一些话。明石姬不愿意如此迫近地接见,狼狈起来,只是唉声叹气而并无亲近之色。源氏公子想:“架子好大呵!从来很难说服的千金小姐,一经我如此迫近地求爱,没有不软下来服从我的。现在我倒了霉,所以要受女人侮辱了。”心中好生悲伤!但念如若蛮不讲理,强要求欢,则违背自己的本意;倘说不动她的心,认输退却,则又被人取笑。此时他那逡巡愁恨的模样,真是明石道人所谓“只合多情慧眼看” 了。 近处帷屏上的带子触碰了筝弦,铮铮有声。想见她刚才随意弹筝时室内零乱的模样。源氏公子觉得很有意思,便隔帘对小姐开言道:“久闻小姐弹筝妙手,但愿一饱耳福,不知能赐金诺否?” 接着又说了许多话,并吟诗道: “痴心欲得多情侣, 慰我浮生若梦身。 " 明石姬答道: “侬心幽暗如长夜, 是梦是真辨不清。 " 那幽静娴雅的音调,非常肖似伊势的六条妃子。她正在无心无思、随意不拘的时候,源氏公子突然走进内室,使她感到非常狼狈。她便从附近的一扇门里逃进更里面的房间里,不知怎么一来,把门紧闭了。源氏公子并不用力推门。然而这局面岂能持久?不久自然与小姐直接会面了。但见这位小姐仪容高雅,体态苗条,令人一见倾心。这段意外因缘,源氏公子本不敢希望其成就。今日居然能成事实,便觉此人格外可爱。大概他对于女人,一经接近,爱情便会油然而生吧。平日每恨长夜如年,今日只觉秋宵苦短。但深恐外人得知,不免有所顾忌,便对她立下山盟海誓,于黎明前匆匆退出。 这一天派人送慰问书,行动比往常更加秘密。大约是由于心中负疚之故吧。明石道人也深恐此事泄露,因此对送信使者的招待,排场并不体面,然而心中颇觉对他不起。此后源氏公子常常偷偷地来内宅和明石姬幽会。两处相距稍远,频频来往,自然要防爱管闲事的渔夫撞见,因此足迹不得不稍疏。此时明石姬便悲叹:“果然不出我之所料!”明石道人也怀疑源氏公子变心,他忘记了对西方极乐世界的宏愿,只管专心等候源氏公子的光临。本已看破红尘,今又堕入尘劳,实在也很可怜! 源氏公子仔细寻思:如果风声泄露,这件事被紫姬闻知,我虽然是逢场作戏,她一定恨我欺瞒她,因而疏远我,这倒是对她不起的,并且在我也是可耻的。由此可知他对紫姬爱情特别深厚。他回想过去:“那时我常作不端之事,使得这位宽宏大量的夫人也时时为我而懊恼。我为什么要作这种无聊消遣,使她如此受气呢?”后悔之余,虽然面对明石姬的芳姿,也不能慰藉对紫姬的恋慕。便写一封比平常更加详细的信给她,信中有云:“我真无颜启齿:往日疏狂成性,做下种种不端行为,屡屡劳君忧恼。回想起来,已觉痛心难堪,岂知今日在此远浦,又做了这个无聊的恶梦!今我不问自招,先将此事奉告,务请体察我这点诚实之心,委屈原谅!正如古歌所云:'我心倘背白头誓,天地神明请共诛。'” 后面又写道:“总之,我是: 远浦寻花柳,逢场作戏看。 思君肠欲断,夜夜泪汍澜。 " 紫姬的回信中并不何等介怀,却写得语气非常和蔼。未了写道: “承蒙不欺,以梦情见告,闻讯之下,胸中顿起无限思量。须知 山盟海誓如磐石, 海水安能漫过山? " 大体语气和缓。但字里行间,显然含有言外之意。源氏公子读了这信,深为感动,一时不忍释手。为欲对紫姬表示忠诚,此后许久不与明石姬幽会。 此古歌见《河海抄》所引。 此诗引用古歌:“我生倘作负心汉,海水亦应漫松山。”见《古今和歌集》。 明石姬看见源氏公子许久不来,认为果然不出所料,便觉十分悲伤,现在真恨不得投海了事。以前单靠残年的父母照拂,不知何时始能象别人一样享受幸福。但在这春花秋月等闲度的期间,倒也并不感到何等痛苦。当时虽然也曾推想恋爱结婚生活难免种种忧恼,但料不到如此之可悲。然而她在源氏公子面前,并不泄露苦情,依旧和颜悦色。源氏公子与明石姬相处日久,爱情日深。然而想起家中紫姬独守空床,为丈夫薄情而伤心,便觉十分抱歉。因此独眠之日甚多。 源氏公子作了许多画,把日常感想题在画上,倘若寄与紫姬,必将得到她的回信。这些画中情思缠绵,见者无不感动。说也希奇:大约是两人灵犀相通,同心相应之故吧,紫姬于寂寞无聊之时,也作了许多画,并将日常生活状况写在画上,集成一册日记。想象这两种书画,定然非常富有意趣吧。 匆匆过了年关。是年春,今上朱雀帝患病。传位之事,引起世间种种议论。朱雀帝的后宫,即右大臣的女儿承香殿女御,曾经生下一位皇子。但年仅二岁,未免太幼稚了。因此皇位应该传给藤壶皇后所生皇太子。选定新帝的辅相者时,朱雀帝屈指计算,认为只有源氏公子最为适当。但此人现正流放在外,实甚可惜,乃是朝廷一大损失。因此他就顾不得弘徽殿太后的反对,决定赦免源氏之罪。 此右大臣非弘徽殿太后之父,乃另一人。 自从去年以来,弘徽殿太后被妖魔缠身,时时患病。宫中又出现种种不祥之兆,人心惶惶。朱雀帝的眼疾,曾因虔诚斋戒祈祷而一度好转,但此时又严重起来。圣心恼乱,便于七月二十过后再度降下圣旨,催促源氏从速返京。 源氏公子知道将来终有返京之一日。然而人世无常,变化不测,结局如何,安能逆料?因此常常愁叹。正在此时,突然接到了催促归京的圣旨。他一方面欢庆喜慰,另一方面想起了今当告辞此浦,又不免惜别伤离。明石道人呢,明知源氏公子返京乃当然之事,然而闻此消息,立刻胸怀郁结,不胜悲伤。既而转念一想:“只要公子青云得意,我便可如愿以偿。” 这期间源氏公子与明石姬夜夜欢聚。从六月起,明石姬怀了孕,身体常感不适。源氏公子到了即将与明石姬分别的时候,对她的爱情竟比以前更加深厚了。他想:“真奇怪呵!我是命里注定必须受苦的。”便觉心乱如麻。明石姬呢,不消说异常悲伤。这原是理之当然。源氏公子前年曾从京都身登意外可悲之旅途,当时但念将来终可返京,全赖如此,方得自慰。那么此次启程返京,应该欢欣鼓舞,可是一想起何年方得重游此地,便不胜感慨。 随从诸人闻知即可返京,将与父母妻小团聚,各自欢欣。京中派来迎接的人也到了。人人喜形于色,只有主人明石道人涕泪满襟。匆匆到了仲秋八月,天地也带了哀愁之色。源氏公子怅望长空,方寸缭乱,想道:“我为什么自寻烦恼,以致自昔至今,常为无聊之事而折磨身心?”几个知心的随从者看到这般光景,相与叹道,“怎么办呢?老毛病又发作了。”又私下议论:“几个月以来,绝不让人注目,有时难得悄悄地前去,关系本是淡然的。岂料近来不顾一切,频频往来,这反教那女的受苦呢。”他们又谈到此事的起因,都说是少纳言良清昔年在北山首先提及这个女子。良清听了心中好生不快。 启程之期就在明后天了。今天和往常不同,不到夜深,源氏公子便到明石姬家去了。往日都因夜深,不曾细看明石姬的容颜。今天仔细端相,觉得这女子品貌端妍,气度高雅,竟是一个意外优越的美人,就此抛舍,实在万分可惜!总得考虑办法,迎接她到京都。他便用这话来慰藉明石姬。在明石姬看来,这个男子相貌之优美,自然不消多说。年来由于长期斋戒修行,面庞稍稍瘦了些,然而相貌反而更加清秀,非言语所能形容,现在这个俏郎君愁容可掬,热泪频流,怀着无限柔情而对我伤离惜别,在我这女子看来,竟觉得仅乎享受这点情爱,已经十分幸福,此外岂敢更有奢望?然而想起了此人如此优越,而我身如此微贱,又觉得无限伤心。此时秋风送来的浪涛之声,异常凄惨。渔夫们烧盐的灶上青烟飘飘在空中,也带着哀愁之相。源氏公子吟道: “此度分携暂,他年必相逢。 正如盐灶上,烟缕方向同。 " 明石姬答诗云: “惜别愁无限,心如灶火烧。 今生悲命薄,怨恨亦徒劳。 " 吟罢嘤嘤啜泣。她此时言语很少,但应有的答话也尽情罄述。 源氏公子常常倾慕明石姬的琴艺,一度也不曾听赏,引为恨事。此时便对她说:“分携在即,可否为我弹奏一曲,以为临别纪念?”便派人将京中带来的七弦琴取来,自己先轻轻地弹出一个趣味幽深的曲调。深夜肃静无声,琴音优美无比。明石道人听到了,不能自制,也携着筝走进女儿房中来了。明石姬听了琴筝,竟泪如雨下,无法抑止。感动之余,也取过琴来,轻轻地弹出一调,曲趣高雅之极。源氏公子以前听到藤壶皇后弹琴,认为今世独一无二。她的手法艳丽入时,牵惹人心,使听者闻音而想象弹者的美貌,真是高雅无比的妙技。现在这位明石姬的表演呢,风流蕴藉,典雅清幽,令人听了心生妒羡。她所弹的乐曲从来少有人知。长于斯道的源氏公子,也从来不曾听到过如此优美可爱而沁人心肺的曲调。弹到美妙动人之处,忽然停手。源氏公子尚未餍足,心中后悔:“数月以来,为什么始终不曾强请她弹奏呢?” 于是一心一意地向她申述永不相忘的誓愿。又对她说:“谨将此琴奉赠,在我俩将来合奏以前,请视此为纪念物。”明石姬即席口占,不加修饰地吟道: “信口开河说,我姑记在心。 从今琴韵里,和泪苦思君。 " 源氏公子抱怨地答道: “临别留遗念,宫弦不变音。 愿卿心似此,永不忘前情。 在这根弦线没有变音以前,我俩必定相逢。”他以此向明石姬保证。但明石姬顾不得将来,只管为目前的别离而伤心饮位,这原也是人情之常。 宫弦是七弦琴中央的一弦。 动身那一天黎明时分,天还未大亮,就准备出发。京中派来迎接的人都来了,人声嘈杂,源氏公子心情迷惘,还是找个人少的机会,赋诗赠明石姬: “别卿离此浦,对景感伤多。 知我东行后,余波复如何! " 明石姬答诗云: “君行经岁月,茅舍亦荒芜。 不惯离忧苦,纵身投逝波。 " 源氏公子见她直率道出心事,不禁悲从中来。虽然竭力忍耐,终于泪如泉涌。不悉详情的人猜想:“虽然是穷乡僻壤,二三年来住惯了,一旦匆匆离去,当然不免悲伤。”只有良清心中不快,想道:“一定是同那女的打得火热了。”随从者大家欢喜雀跃,但想起今天为限,即将离去这明石浦,又不免口口声声地伤离惜别。然而这些也毋庸细说了。 明石道人今天的送别,实在体面之极!凡随从人等,直至最低位的仆役,都受赠珍贵的旅行服装。这等体面的赠品,不知道他是什么时候准备好的。源氏公子的旅行服装自不必说,此外又抬了好几只衣箱来,一并奉赠。给他带回京都去的正式礼物,更加丰富多彩,并且用意十分周到。明石姬在公子今天备用的旅行服装上附一首诗: “旅衫亲手制,热泪未曾干。 只恐襟太湿,郎君不要穿。 " 源氏公子读了这诗,便在嘈杂声中匆匆答道: “屈指重逢日,相思苦不禁。 从今披此服,睹物怀斯人。 " 他想此乃一片诚意,便换上了这旅装,并将平则常穿的那件衣服送给了明石姬。这又使她增添了一种引起悲伤的纪念物。这衣服上浓香不散,安得不教人相思刻骨呢? 明石道人对公子说:“我乃遁世之身,今日不能远送了!” 愁眉苦脸的样子,十分可怜。那些年轻女子看了他的脸,都抿着嘴窃笑。道人吟诗道: “遁世长年栖海角, 痴心犹不舍红尘。 只因爱子情深,以致心思迷乱,竟不能亲送出境了!”又向公子请一个安,央求道:“请恕我谈及儿女之情:公子倘有思念小女之时,务请惠赐玉音!”公子听了这话十分伤心,两颊都哭红了,容姿美不可言。答道:“已结不解之缘,岂能忘怀?不久你自会明白我的心迹。只是这个住处,使我难于舍弃,如之奈何!”便吟诗道: “久居此浦悲秋别, 一似前春去国时。 " 吟时频频举手拭泪。明石道人听了这诗,更加颓丧,几乎不省人事。自从源氏公子去后,他竟变得起居困难,行步蹒跚了。 明石姬本人的悲伤之情,更加不可言喻。她不欲被人看出,努力镇静。她觉得自己身分的低微,是这悲伤的主因。公子的返京原是不得已之事,但此身竟被遗弃,此恨难以自慰。加之公子的面影常在眼前,永不能忘,因此除了哭泣之外,别无办法。母夫人也无话可安慰她,只是埋怨丈夫:“亏你想得出这种倒霉的办法!总而言之,是我疏忽大意,轻信了你这老顽固的话,以致铸成大错!”明石道人答道:“罢了,不要噜苏了!公子决不会抛弃她,其中自有缘故。目前虽然别去,定然会考虑办法。叫她放心,吃点补药吧。啼啼哭哭是不祥的呵!”说罢,将身子靠在屋角里了。乳母和母夫人等还在议论明石道人的顽固与失策,她们说:“几年来一直巴望她早些嫁个如意郎。今番总以为如愿以偿了,岂知才得开始,即便遭逢不幸“!”明石道人听了这些叹声,更加可怜这女儿,心情越发烦乱了。白天,他昏昏沉沉地睡一天,到了夜间,骨碌爬起来。说着:“念珠也不知哪里去了。” 就合掌拜佛。徒弟们怪他懈怠,他就在月夜出门,想走到佛堂里去做功课。岂知途中一个失脚,掉进池塘里,又被那些棱角突兀的假山石撞伤了腰。卧病期间,稍稍忘怀了女儿之事。 指明石姬已怀孕。 且说源氏公子辞别明石浦,道经难波浦时,举行祓禊。又派人到住吉明神神社,说明此次因旅途匆促,未能参拜,且待诸事停当以后,当即专诚前来还愿,酬谢一切神恩。此次之事,确系突如其来,以致十分仓促,不能亲自前往。途中也不游览,急急返都。 到了二条院,在都迎候的人与从明石浦回来的随从者久别重逢,如在梦中,欢喜之极,相向而哭,声音极其嘈杂。紫姬久被遗弃,自伤命薄,今日重得团圆,其乐可想而知。她在这阔别期间,长得越发标致了。只因长期愁苦,本来密密丛丛的头发稍稍薄了些,反而更加美丽可爱了。源氏公子想道:“从今以后,我将永远伴着这个人儿。”觉得十分心满意足。然而明石浦上那个惜别伤离的人儿的面影,
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