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Chapter 4 Chapter 1 Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Imagine men coming from Mars and women coming from Venus.One day long ago, the Martians discovered the Venusians through the astronomical telescope. With just a glance, they realized that they had never met the Venusians. But they admired each other, and the Martian was invited to make a space trip, flying to Venus. The Venusians greeted the Martians with open arms.They will feel that day will come, and they will be filled with a feeling of love that they never had before. Venusian and Martian love is incredible, they love each other's company, doing things together, and sharing together.Because they came from different worlds, they showed that they were different from each other, but they spent many months learning from each other, exploring, and appreciated that each had different needs, preferences, and behavior patterns.They lived together in loving harmony for many years.

Then, they decided to fly to Earth.When we first started living on Earth, everything was nice and lovely, but one morning, everyone woke up with a unique kind of amnesia...choosing to be forgetful. Both the Martians and the Venusians forgot that they were from different planets, that there were differences, and that morning, every different thing they used to learn from each other was erased from memory, and from that day on, men and The woman is in conflict. remember each other's differences Men and women are constantly at odds because they are not aware that each other should be different.Because we forget the important fact that we are different, we are often angry or disappointed with the opposite sex. We expect the opposite sex to be like us, to "want what we want" and "feel the way we do".

We make the mistake of thinking that if our spouse loves us, they will react and express it in certain ways—the same way we respond and express ourselves when we love someone.This kind of thinking keeps us constantly disappointed and prevents us from taking the time to tenderly communicate our differences. We make the mistake of assuming that if our spouse loves us, they will respond and respond in definite ways. Manifestation - like the way we react and express ourselves when we love someone. Men mistakenly expect women to think, communicate, and react like men; women mistakenly expect men to feel, communicate, and respond like women.We all forget that men and women are supposed to be different, and as a result our relationships are filled with unnecessary friction and conflict.

A clear understanding and respect for this difference can greatly reduce many confusions when getting along with the opposite sex.You just have to remember that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and everything will be explained. An overview of the differences between men and women Throughout the book, I will discuss the differences between men and women extensively, with important new ideas in each chapter.The main differences between men and women are discussed below. Chapter Two explores how men and women are born with different values ​​and tries to understand two of the biggest mistakes we make with the opposite sex: men mistakenly offer answers and feelings of worthlessness; women mistakenly offer unattractive advice and instructions.By understanding the background of Mars and Venus, it becomes clear why men and women make this mistake unknowingly.Just by remembering our differences, we can correct mistakes and immediately respond to each other in more varied ways.

The third chapter is to discover the different ways that men and women deal with stress.Martians tend to be problem-solving and to think quietly about what is bothering them, and Venusians instinctively feel the need to talk about what is bothering them.You'll learn new strategies for resolving conflict. We'll explore how to inspire the opposite sex in Chapter 4.Men are aroused when they feel wanted; women are aroused when they feel cherished.We'll discuss a three-step process for improving relationships and explore how to overcome the challenges: men need to overcome their stinginess in giving love; women need to overcome their stinginess in receiving love.

As you will learn in Chapter 5, men and women constantly misunderstand each other because they speak different languages. "Dictionary of Venus/Mars Words" can translate commonly misunderstood terms.You'll learn how men and women talk and stop talking for completely different reasons.Will women learn what to do when a man stops talking?Men will learn how to be better listeners in order not to be disappointed. In Chapter 6 you'll find out how men and women have different demands for intimacy.A man will inevitably need to withdraw after intimacy, and a woman will learn how to support this withdrawal process so that he will bounce back like a rubber band.Women will also learn the best times to talk intimately with a man.

Chapter 7 explores how women's love attitudes have periodic ups and downs. Men will learn how to correctly judge women's occasional emotional changes, know when women need to care most, and how to deal with women's emotional ups and downs skillfully and without giving up. Support them. In Chapter 8 you'll discover how men and women give the love they need, not the love the opposite sex needs.Men basically need the love of trust, acceptance, and gratitude, and women basically need the love of consideration, understanding, and respect.You'll discover six ways you often unknowingly hide from your spouse.

Chapter 9 explores how to avoid painful arguments.Men learn how they make a woman's feelings worthless if they always think they're doing the right thing; defense.We'll break down the debate and offer lots of practical advice for building supportive communications. Chapter 10 lists the different scoring methods for men and women.Men will learn that to a Venusian, every gift of love, regardless of the amount, gets the same points as any other gift.Women value small displays of love, not expensive gifts.This chapter lists one hundred and one ways women keep score.But women must learn to focus their energy on giving men what they want in order to earn high marks from men.

In Chapter Eleven you will learn how to communicate with each other in difficult times.We'll discuss the different ways men and women hide their feelings and the importance of sharing them.And recommends the technique of writing love letters expressing negative feelings to your significant other as a way to discover better love and understanding. In Chapter 12 you will find out why Venusians have difficulty asking for support, and why Martians resist requests.You'll learn what men say instead of "Could you..." and the secrets of encouraging men to tell more. You'll also discover the power of being short and direct and how to use the right words.

You will discover the seasons of love in chapter thirteen.This practical look at love change and growth will help you overcome the inevitable obstacles that arise in any relationship.You'll learn that your or your spouse's past can affect your current relationship, and you'll discover important insights for keeping love alive. In each chapter of this book, you'll discover new tips for growing your love and maintaining your relationship.Each new discovery increases your ability to create satisfying relationships. love needs hard work Love is always strange, it feels eternal, as if love lasts until death.We naively believe that we can avoid the problems our parents had, that we will not have the chance to die in love, that love is two people together, destined to live happily ever after.

But as the days go by and the strangeness diminishes, the attitude of men expecting women to think and act like men and women expecting men to feel and behave like women is revealed.Without a clear understanding of our differences, instead of taking the time to understand and respect each other, we can become constantly demanding, resentful, impulsive, subjective and opinionated. Love continues to die under the strong intent of love.Problems escalate inexplicably, resentment builds, communication breaks down, mistrust grows, leading to mutual rejection and repression—and the magic of love disappears. We ask ourselves: How did the death of love happen? Why does the death of love happen? Why did I meet the death of love? To answer these questions, our great minds must delve into intelligent, complex philosophical and psychological models.But love death is nothing more than a rehash of old songs, and it happens to almost everyone. Every day, thousands of people are looking for a spouse to experience a special feeling of love together; every year, thousands of couples bond with love and then separate painfully because of the loss of love feeling.Only 50% of those who can maintain the enthusiasm of love to get married will get married, and the other 50% may still be together, but they may not be satisfied because they are together based on loyalty and obligation, or they are afraid of starting a new life. love affair. Few people can really grow with love, but it is undeniable that some people can.Love has a chance to flourish only when men and women can respect and accept each other's differences. Love has a chance to flourish only if men and women can respect and accept their differences. By understanding the underlying differences between the sexes, we can more successfully give and receive the love hidden in our hearts.Recognizing and accepting the differences between men and women can create answers to problems that allow us to achieve what we want.More importantly, learn how to love each other and how to support those we care about. Love is amazing and it can last if we remember our differences.
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