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Chapter 9 overcome difficulties

rich dad poor dad 罗伯特·T·清崎 12552Words 2018-03-21
People learn and become financially literate, but still face many obstacles on the road to financial freedom.We know that asset projects can generate a lot of cash flow, so that people can freely live the life of their dreams without having to work all day for a living. People who only have financial knowledge often still cannot have sufficient asset projects. There are five reasons: 1. Fear; 2. Cynicism; 3. Laziness; 4. Bad habits; 5. Conceit. One reason: the fear of losing money.I've never met anyone who enjoyed losing money, but never in my life have I met a rich person who never lost money.But I've met a lot of poor people who never lost a penny--I mean in investing.

The fear of losing money is real and everyone shares it, even the rich.But the fear itself is not the problem, the problem is how you deal with the fear, how you deal with the loss.How you handle failure makes a difference in people's lives, not just with money, but with anything in life.The main difference between rich and poor people is how they deal with fear. It's normal to be afraid, it's normal to be cowardly when it comes to money, and even then you still have the opportunity to be rich.We are all heroes in some ways and cowards in others.My friend's wife is an emergency room nurse. When she faces a bleeding patient, she will rush to treat a bleeding patient, but when I mention investment, she doesn't listen.But when I see blood, I never run up, but hide aside.

My rich dad understood people's phobias about money. "Some people are very afraid of snakes, and some people are very afraid of losing money. It's both phobias." So, he has a little trick for overcoming the fear of losing money: "If you hate taking risks and worry about losing money, Start to accumulate your money as soon as possible." That's why banks advise you to make saving a habit when you're young.It's easier to get rich if you start accumulating when you're young.Of course, I don't think saving is a good way to accumulate wealth, and I don't want to dwell on that here, but it should be seen that there is a difference between those who start saving at 20 and those who start saving at 30. huge difference.

Some say one of the wonders of the world is compound interest.The purchase of the island of Manhattan is said to be one of the cheapest deals ever made, with New York being bought for $24 worth of cheap gadgets.However, if that $24 was invested, at an annual interest rate of 8%, that $24 would have become $28 trillion by 1995.Saving $24 would buy Manhattan back today, especially at real estate prices in 1995. My neighbor works for a large computer company where he has been for 25 years.In a little over five years, he will leave that company with $4 million in his "401K plan."Much of that money will be invested in high-growth mutual funds, and he can also convert it into corporate and government bonds.He was only 55 years old when he left the company, but he was able to receive more than $300,000 in annual cash flow, which was more than his salary income.So, if you are afraid of loss or hate taking risks, you can at least do this.However, you must act early and have a solid retirement plan in place, and you must also hire a financial advisor you trust to guide you before you make any investment decisions.

But what if you don't have a lot of time or want to retire early?How do you deal with the panic of losing money? My poor dad did nothing about it.He just sidestepped the question, refusing to discuss it. My rich dad, on the contrary, advised me to think like a Texan. "I like Texas and the Texans," he would often say: "In Texas, everything is big. If the Texans win, they win a lot; if they lose, it's amazing. " "Do they like losing?" I asked. "That's not what I meant. No one likes to lose. 'If I have to see a loser, let me see a happy loser,'" said rich dad. attitude of failure.

It's the way they run their lives, they live big, not like most people here have a helicoid attitude when it comes to money.Helical braids are terribly frightened when someone shines a light on them, and the kind of person who complains nonstop when the grocery clerk gives them a quarter short of change. " Rich dad went on to explain, "My favorite thing about life is the Texas attitude. He's proud when he wins and bragging about himself when he loses. There's a Texan saying, 'If you're going broke, be broke even worse.'" some'. He doesn't want you to think he's broke just because of a duplex. "

Rich dad often told Mike and me that the biggest reason for not being successful financially is that most people play it too safe..."People fail because they're too afraid of failing." That's what he used to say. Against Fran, a former NFL standout.Tarkenton has another saying: "Winning means not being afraid to lose." In my life, I have noticed that failure is often followed by success.I fell many times before I finally learned to ride a bike, and I've never met a golfer who never lost a ball, a lover who never broke a heart, and a man who never lost money the rich.

So, for most people, the reason they can't win financially is because the pain of losing money far outweighs the pleasure of getting rich.Another Texan proverb says: "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die." But how can you go to heaven without death? It's like most people dream of getting rich, but they are afraid of losing money in the investment process. , so they will never enter "Heaven". Rich dad used to tell Mike and me stories about his trips to Texas. "If you really want to learn how to deal with risk, loss, and failure, go to the Alamo in San Antonio." The legend of the Alamo is about brave men who choose to fight when they know there is no hope of defeating monsters. Would rather choose death than surrender.It's an exciting story to learn, however, it was a tragic military failure.Do you want to know what the Texans do in the face of defeat?They chanted, "Remember the Alamo!"

Mike and I heard this story many times.Rich dad would tell us this story before doing big business or when he was feeling uneasy; He also told us the story when we made a mistake or were afraid of losing money.This story gave him strength because it always reminded rich dad that with faith and hard work, financial losses can always be turned into financial gains.Rich dad knew that failure would only make him stronger and wiser.He is not willing to lose, but he knows what kind of person he is and how to face loss.He takes losses and turns them into profits, which is the fundamental reason why he ends up a winner and others losers, and why he still has the guts to cross the finish line when others quit. "That's why I like the Texans so much. They take failure and turn it into episodes on the road to success."

Today, I have a deeper understanding of these words of rich dad: "Texans don't hide their failures. They get stronger and stronger. They accept the reality of their failures and turn them into motivation. Failure inspires Texas. People become successful, and that formula doesn't just apply to Texans, it applies to all successful people." Like I said before: falling off a bike is an integral part of learning to ride, and I remember falling off made me even more determined to learn to ride; A golfer who hits a ball, as a professional golfer, misses a ball or loses a game only motivates him to do better, practice harder, and learn more.For winners, failure motivates them; for losers, failure crushes them.

In the words of Rockefeller, "I always try to turn every disaster into opportunity." As a Japanese American, I can say this.Many people say that Pearl Harbor was an American mistake, but I think it was the biggest mistake of the Japanese.In the movie "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger," a mournful Japanese admiral says to his close aide: "I'm afraid we've shaken a sleeping giant awake."Sure enough, "Remember Pearl Harbor" became a slogan with great appeal. It turned one of the biggest losses of the United States into one of the reasons for its victory. This huge defeat gave the United States strength. Rise to become a world power. Failure motivates the winners and breaks the losers. This is the biggest secret of the winners' victory, and it is also a secret that the losers don't know.Repeat Fran.Tarkenton's words: "Victory means not being afraid to lose".Like Fran.People like Tarkenton are not afraid of failure because they know themselves, and they hate failure as much as anyone else, but failure only motivates them to do better.Know that there is a huge difference between hating failure and being afraid of failure, most people fail because they are too afraid of failure, they will even go completely broke with a two-bedroom duplex, financially they do it too securely. The scale is too small. They buy big houses and cars, but they don't make big investments. The main reason for 90% of the American public's financial difficulties is that they manage their money to avoid losses, not to make money. Some people will choose to go to a financial advisor or accountant, stockbroker, etc. to buy a safe investment portfolio. Most of them invest large amounts of cash in certificates of deposit, low-yield bonds, mutual funds that can be bought and sold within mutual funds, and a little private stock.This is a safe and reasonable investment portfolio, but it is not a profitable investment portfolio. After all, it is an investment portfolio that people make to avoid losses. That's probably a better portfolio than the rest of the 70+ percent.For the other 70%, even this combination might still worry them, so they don't invest at all except save.After all, a safe investment plan is much better than no investment plan at all.A safe investment plan is a good plan for those who prefer safety, but investing safely and "balanced" in a portfolio is not the way a successful investor should behave.If you don't have much capital and want to get rich, you must first "focus" on one point, rather than pursuing "balance" or "diversified risk".Those who are successful are not pursuing "balance" at the beginning. Those who pursue balance will only stand still and will not move forward.To make progress, you have to be "off balance" and pay attention to how you can keep yourself making progress. Edison wasn't looking for balance, he was concentrating on something; Bill.Gates doesn't seek balance; Soros focuses on one point; George.Patton never deployed his tanks on very long lines, but instead concentrated them to attack the weakest points of the German line, in contrast to the French's long Maginot Line, the outcome of which is well known . If you have a desire to be rich, you must focus.Put a lot of eggs in fewer baskets (of course you have to make sure how strong the basket is).Don't put few eggs in many baskets. If you don't want to lose, then invest safely; if the loss will hurt your vitality, then play it safe and make a balanced investment.If you're over 25 and you're afraid of taking risks, don't change the way you invest. But to invest in a safe way, you have to start early and start accumulating your "eggs" early, because it takes a lot of time to accumulate in this way. However, if you dream of financial freedom—freedom from the hustle and bustle of the “rat race”—the first question you should ask yourself should be: “How do I deal with failure? If failure motivates you to If you want to win, maybe you should fight for every investment opportunity-but only possible; Call a lawyer and file a lawsuit, then it's better to invest safely, go about your day job, maybe buy some bonds, mutual funds, but remember that these instruments are also risky, even if they are safer. I've said all this, and I've listed Texans and Fron.Tarkenton’s stories and remarks just want to show that it is very easy to accumulate asset projects. This is like playing a low-intelligence game. You don’t need a lot of education, and the fifth grade math level is enough.However, investing assets is a high IQ game that requires guts, patience and a good attitude towards failure.Losers avoid failure, which could have turned them into winners.So be sure to "Remember the Alamo". Reason two: Overcoming cynicism. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling." Many people know the story of the "chicken" who keeps circling the barn, warning of impending doom.We know that some people like to do this too, in fact, each of us has "chicken" thoughts in our hearts. As I pointed out earlier, cynics are like "chicks" and act like "chicks" whenever they have fear or doubt in their hearts. We will have doubts about ourselves: "I'm not very smart", "I'm not good enough", "everyone is better than me", etc. Doubts often make it difficult for us to move forward.We're always asking ourselves "what if that's the case", "what if the economy starts to decline right after I invest", or "what if I lose my job and can't pay back my borrowings".Sometimes our friends or close people take the initiative to remind us of our own shortcomings, often by saying, "what makes you think you can do these things" or "if this is a good idea, why don't others Do it" or "This isn't going to work, you don't know what you're talking about".These words of doubt are so powerful that we are unable to put our plans into action, and a terrible feeling builds up in us, sometimes keeping us awake at night.We can't move forward because we want to hang on to what's safe and the opportunity slips by us. We watch the hours go by, knots in our hearts keep us from doing anything.We all have this state more or less in life. Peter.Lynch, of the Loyal Magilan mutual fund, likened the "warning" of "the sky is falling" to the "noise" we've all heard. "Noise" can come from inside our heads as well as from outside us, often from friends, family, colleagues, and the news media.Lynch recalls the 1950s, when threats of nuclear war filled the news media and people began building wartime shelters and stockpiling food and water.If they had wisely invested their money in the market instead of building wartime shelters, they might be financially independent today. When riots broke out in Los Angeles a few years ago, gun sales across the country went up. After a man died from eating raw meat from a hamburger in Washington state, the Arizona health department ordered restaurants to fully cook all their beef.A drug company commercially aired a national TV station showing people had the flu, and when cold cases rose, so did sales of the company's cold medicine. Most people are poor because when they want to invest, they are surrounded by chickens running around saying "the sky is falling, the sky is falling". The words of the "chicks" are powerful and resonate in the hearts of each of us.Therefore, it often takes a great deal of courage not to let rumors and worrying doubts fuel our fears and self-doubts. In 1992, I had a friend named Richard who came to Phoenix from Boston to visit me and my wife. He was very fascinated by our stock and real estate business.Real estate prices in Phoenix were very low at the time, and we spent two days presenting him with what we believed to be fantastic opportunities for cash flow and capital gains. My wife and I are not real estate experts, we are just investors.After researching a unit in a nearby neighborhood, we called a real estate company who sold the unit to my friend that afternoon.A two-bedroom town home sells for as little as $42,000, with similar units going for $65,000.He found a bargain, happily bought it and returned to Boston. Two weeks later, the real estate company called me and said my friend had backed down. I called him immediately to find out why.He just said that he told his neighbor about it and the neighbor told him it was a bad deal and he was paying too much. I asked Richard if his neighbor was an investor, and Richard said no.When I asked him why he listened to his neighbor, Richard didn't answer directly, but said he wanted to wait and see. By 1994, the real estate market in Phoenix was picking up.Rent for a small unit tops out at $1,000 a month, peaking at $2,500 in the winter, when the unit was priced at $95,000 in 1995.All that Richard needed to invest was $5,000 so he could start getting out of the rat race, and today, he's still getting nowhere.The cheap deals in Phoenix are still there, though you'll have a harder time finding them these days. Richard's remorse didn't surprise me, it's called "buyer's remorse." This psychology affects all of us.When we repent, it means that we have doubts, the "chicken" has succeeded, and the opportunity to achieve financial freedom has been lost. In another example, I substitute a certificate of deposit investment by holding a small portion of the asset with a tax lien on it. This allows me to earn 16% interest on my money per year, which is already much higher than the 5% interest rate offered by the bank.This right is guaranteed by real estate law and state law, and this guarantee is stronger than most bank deposits.It turns out that this way of investing makes the funds very safe, just illiquid, so I view them as certificates of deposit with maturities of 2 to 10 years.Yet almost every time I tell someone (especially if they have large CD investments) that I hold money this way, they tell me it's too risky.They also tell me why I shouldn't do that, but when I ask them where they got the information, they say it's from friends or investment magazines.They have never invested in this way, but they are always telling people who do it not to do it. The lowest rate of return I am looking for is 16%, but those who have serious concerns are willing to accept a rate of return of 5%.The price of doubt is really too high. My point is this: concern and cynicism keep most people living poor but safe all the time.The real world is waiting for you to get rich, but it is these concerns that keep people from being poor.As I said, getting out of the "rat race" is technically easy enough that it doesn't take a lot of education, but those concerns make it difficult for most people. "A cynic never wins," said rich dad. "Unsubstantiated doubts and fears breed cynics. Cynics complain about reality, while successful people analyze reality. "Rich dad explained that complaining blinds the mind, while analysis opens the mind. Analyzing enables the successful to see what the cynic cannot see, to spot opportunities that others overlook, and to discover The ability to see opportunities that people overlook is the key to success. Real estate is a powerful investment vehicle for anyone seeking financial independence or freedom.It can be said that this is a unique investment tool.However, every time I mention real estate, I often hear people say, "I don't want to fix toilets".This is what Lynch called "noise," and it's what my rich dad called a cynic, who criticizes and complains instead of analyzing reality.Some people would rather let worry and fear cloud their minds than open their eyes and see reality. So when someone says "I don't want to fix the toilet" and I hit back with "Who told you I want to", they seem to prioritize fixing the toilet over what they want to get.I'm talking about getting freedom from the "rat race" and they focus on the toilet, that's the mindset that keeps people living in poverty.They criticize instead of analyze, and they see troubles in the details rather than the big overall benefits of solving them. "'I don't want to' is a key to success," said rich dad. Since I also didn't want to fix toilets, I went to great lengths to find a real estate agent to represent me in toilet repair work, because I found a good real estate agent to repair my house and apartment, which I have. The asset item will increase in value, which means my cash flow will increase.What's more, a good real estate manager is the key to success in real estate transactions, and it helps me to buy more real estate because I don't have to worry about fixing toilets.So for me, finding a good real estate manager is more important than the real estate itself.Also, the fact that a good real estate manager will often inquire about more large deals than you would hear at a real estate agency also helps add value to my real estate. This is what my rich dad meant when he said, "'I don't want to' is the key to success."Since I also didn't want to fix toilets, I figured out how to buy more real estate and save myself from the "rat race".Those who say "I don't want to fix toilets" are always denying themselves access to this powerful investment tool, which is more important than their freedom. In the stock market, too, I often hear people say, "I don't want to lose."I don't know what makes them think that I or anyone else who invests in the stock market likes to lose.Instead of analyzing reality, they simply ignore another powerful investment tool—the stock market. In December 1996, a friend and I were driving past a gas station in a neighboring area.My friend looked and saw that the price of gas had gone up.My friend, who is always worried, is also the "chicken" type of person, and it always seems to him that the sky is going to fall, and it usually falls on his head. When we got home, he gave me all the numbers to show why gas prices were going to trend higher in the coming years.I had never read these figures before, not even after owning a major stake in an operating oil company.With this information, I immediately started looking and found a new undervalued oil company that was exploring for new underground oil reserves, which got my broker excited about the new company.I later bought 65% of its shares, a total of 15,000 shares. In February 1997, this same friend drove past the same gas station as me.True enough, the price of gasoline per gallon has risen by almost 15%, and the worried man is very worried and complains non-stop.I laughed, because in January 1997, that little oil company found oil, and since he first analyzed those numbers for me, I bought 15,000 shares, and now the price has risen to 3 USD or more.If my friend is right, the price of oil will continue to rise and my earnings will increase. The "chicken" in their hearts makes them close their minds instead of analyzing problems.If most people understand that "sideways" (selling at predetermined lows) in the stock market means investment opportunities, more people will invest to make profits rather than invest to avoid losses.A "sideways trade" is like a computer order to automatically sell your shares when prices start to fall, helping you minimize losses and maximize gains.This is an excellent tool for those who are afraid of losing money. So whenever I hear people obsessing over their "I don't want" and not paying attention to what they want, I know the "noise" in their head It must be loud. "Chicken" took charge of their thinking and was yelling "The sky is falling, the toilet is broken".As a result, they avoid their "don't want", but pay a huge price for it-they may never get what they want in life. One way my rich dad taught me to look at "Chicken" was to "do it like Colonel Sanders."At the age of 66, Colonel Sanders lost all his properties and began to live on Social Security, which was not enough, so he traveled the country selling his fried chicken method.He was rejected 1,009 times before he finally answered in the affirmative.However, through unremitting efforts, he started his way to become a millionaire at an age when most people were about to give up. "He was a brave and persevering man," said rich dad about Harlan, the founder of KFC.Colonel Sanders. So if you're worried and a little scared, do what Colonel Sanders did with his "chicken": "fry" the chick. The third reason: laziness.Busy people are often the laziest people.We have heard the story of a businessman who worked hard to earn money, and he worked hard to provide better living conditions for his wife and children.He worked long hours in the office and took work home to do on weekends.One day, when he came home, he found that the building was empty, and his wife had left with the child.He already knew that he and his wife had some problems, but he would rather be busy with work than improve their relationship.Sadly his performance at work also took a dip and he ended up losing the job. I often meet people who are too busy working to take care of their health, and the reason is the same: they are busy, and they use busy work as a way to escape some problems they don't want to face.No one told them this, they covered up the problem.In fact, they are often offended if you remind them. If they're not busy with work or with their kids, they're often busy watching TV, fishing, golfing, or shopping.In short, covering up the problem allows them to avoid something important.This is the most common form of laziness, a laziness manifested through busyness. So, what can cure this emotion?The answer is "greedy". For many of us, we grow up viewing greed or lust as something bad. "Greedy people are bad people," Mom used to say.However, there is a longing in our hearts to have something that is beautiful, novel or exciting.Therefore, in order to control this desire, parents often try to teach us to use guilt to suppress this desire. "You only think about yourself, don't you know there are brothers and sisters?" This is a sentence my mother often said. "What else do you want me to buy you?" my dad loved to say, "Don't you think we're a money tree? Do you think money falls from a tree? You know we're not rich." There are many more words like this that have affected me and other children like me. There's another kind of parent who takes it to the other extreme and often says something like, "I sacrificed my life to get this for you, and I bought you this because I never got these when I was a kid." Stuff." I had a neighbor who was broke, but his garage was so full of his kids' toys that he couldn't park his car in it.Spoiled kids get anything they ask for, and "I don't want them to taste poverty" is what he says every day.He has nothing left for his kids to go to college or retire on their own, yet his kids have every toy on the market.As soon as he got a credit card recently, he took the children to Las Vegas to play. "I'm doing this all for the sake of the kids," he told me as he left, with deep self-sacrifice. In my opinion, neither of the above two education methods commonly used by parents can cultivate children's correct concept of money and investment awareness. Rich dad never used words like "I can't pay for this." In my own home, this is what I hear a lot.But rich dad asked his children, "How am I going to pay for this?".His reasoning: The phrase "I can't pay for this" locks your mind away from further thought. "How can I pay for this?" opens your mind and forces you to think and seek answers. But most of all, he feels that "I can't pay for this" is a lie, and he firmly believes that the human spirit can do everything. "The human spirit is very, very strong," he used to say, "you know you can do anything." However, there are always two voices in the human mind. The positive spirit encourages you to get what you want, while the lazy thought says: "I can't pay for this". Your spirit is outraged, and your lazy mind justifies its lies.Your spirit says, "Come on, let's hit the gym," and the lazy mind says, "But I'm so tired, I've worked really hard today." Your spirit says, "I'm tired of being poor. Let's get rich out of this life of toil,' to which a lazy mind would say: "Rich people are greedy, and besides, they're nasty; it's not safe, and I might lose; I'm going to work as hard as I can, I have a lot of work to do; look at what I have to do tonight, and my boss wants me to finish it by tomorrow morning." The sadness and helplessness of "I can't pay for this" can lead to disappointment, apathy, and even willpower depressed. "How can I pay for this" opens the door to joy and dreams of possibility.So, rich dad wasn't so concerned with what I was actually trying to buy, he just wanted to create a stronger mind and a more vibrant spirit by pushing us to keep thinking, "How can I pay for this?" So, he rarely buys me and Mike anything, instead he asks, "How can you afford this?" So including going to college, we paid for it with our own money.It is not the goal itself, but the process of reaching our desired goal, which is what he really wants us to learn. I feel that the problem today is that millions of people feel guilty about their "greed", an old stereotype they inherited from their teenage years.They yearn for the finer things that life has to offer, but in the face of difficulty, most of them subconsciously adjust themselves and make excuses like, "You can't have this," or "You can't afford this." So how do you overcome laziness?The answer is to be a little more "greedy" and have the courage to pursue and get the life you want.I remember an FM radio psych program that used to say, "Here's what's for me."On the show, a person sits down and needs to ask: "If I was healthy, sexy, and good-looking, what else would I be doing?" or "What would my life be like if I stopped working?" or "What would my life be like if I我拥有自己需要的所有的钱,那我将做什么?”用这样的方式来激发人们对美好生活的向往和追求。没有一点点“贪婪”,没有想拥有更好东西的渴望,就不会取得进步。 世界之所以进步是因为我们都渴望过上更好的生活,新发明的产生也是因为我们渴望更好的东西,我们努力去学习也是因为我们想要更好的东西。因此,每当你发现自己在逃避你心里清楚应该去做的事情时,那么谁一要自问的是:“这里有什么是我应该得到的?” 稍稍“贪婪”一点,这是治愈懒惰的最好办法。 当然,就像任何事情都要有“度”一样,过于贪婪就不好了。但我们必须要改掉长期以来形成的一味压抑个人需要的社会意识,因为个人需要正是形成社会需求从而拉动经济,促进社会发展进步的根源。要记住迈克尔。道格拉斯在电影《华尔街》中所说的:“欲望是好事”。富爸爸以另一种方式说:“负罪感比欲望要糟,因为负罪感从身体里抢走了灵魂。”而对我来说,埃连娜。罗斯福说的好:“做你心里认为正确的事——因为你不管怎么做总会受到批评。如果你做的话,会受到指责;而你不做的话,还是会受到指责。” 原因之四:习惯。我们的生活更多地反映我们的习惯而不是我们所受到的教育。上学时在看过明星阿诺德。施瓦辛格主演的电影《科南》以后,一位朋友说,“我多想拥有像施瓦辛格那样的身材”,大部分男生都点头表示同意。 “但我听说他实际上曾经很瘦弱。”另一位朋友补充说。 “是的,我也听说过,”另一位说道。“我听说他几乎每天都泡在健身房里。” “没错,我敢打赌他不得不这样。” “不是的,”那个崇拜者说,“我肯定他天生如此。算了吧,我们不可能练成他那样的体格,咱们别再谈论施瓦辛格了,来喝点啤酒吧。” 这是习惯控制行为的一个例子。我记得问到富爸爸有关富人的习惯问题,他没有直接回答我,他像往常一样希望我从实例中学习。 “你爸爸什么时候支付账单?”富爸爸问道。 “每月初。”我说。 “那支付完账单后他还有节余的钱吗?”他问。 “非常少。”我回答。 “这就是他苦苦挣扎的主要原因,”富爸爸说,“他有一些坏习惯。” “你爸爸总是首先支付给其他人,最后才支付给自己,而且这还得看他有无剩余。” “可他也不希望这样”,我说,“但他不得不按时支付账单,不是吗?你是说他不应该支付账单吗?” “当然不是,”富爸爸说,“我坚持应该按时支付账单,不同的只是我会安排好,并且首先支付给我自己。” “但是如果你没有足够的钱,”我问,“你会怎么办呢?” “同样的办法,”富爸爸说,“我仍然首先支付自己,即使我缺钱。因为对我个人来说,我的资产项目比政府重要得多。” “可是,”我说,“他们不会来找你的麻烦吗?” “会的,如果你不支付的话,”富爸爸说,“但是你看,我并没有说不支付。我只是说首先支付给我自己,即便是我缺钱。” “但是,”我又问,“你是怎样去做的呢?” “不是怎样,而是'为什么'。”富爸爸说。 “那好,为什么?” “动力,孩子,这完全是一个动力问题”富爸爸说,“如果我不支付我自己或者不支付我的贷款人,你认为谁抱怨的声音会更大些?” “当然是你的贷款人会比你叫的更响。”一个显而易见的回答,“如果你不支付给自己的话,我想你什么也不会说。” “所以你看,在我把仅有的钱先支付给自己后,要支付税款和其他贷款人的压力就会变得非常大,迫使我去寻求其他形式的收入,支付的压力成为我的动力。我会干额外的工作,开其他公司,在股票市场上买卖多几支股票以及去做任何可以使那些人不再向我叫喊的事。压力迫使我努力工作,迫使我去思考,最重要的是迫使我在钱的问题上更精明、更积极主动。然而如果我像你爸爸一样最后支付给自己,我就不会感到任何压力,但我一定会因此而破产。” “你是说因为你欠了政府机构或其他人的债,所以你对他们的担心激励了你?” “对,”富爸爸说,“你看,政府的征税者和其他的收账者一样需要面对,大部分人会向这种威势屈服,于是他们先支付这些账单却克服自己的需要。你听说过瘦弱的人被人欺付的故事吧?” I nodded. “好的,大部分人让那些收账的人把沙子踢到他们脸上,而我决定利用对这种人的恐惧来使我变得更加强壮,这样做会使其他人变得更加虚弱。我迫使自己考虑如何挣到额外的钱就好比去健身房做负重练习,我思想上的'金钱肌肉'越发达,我就越强大。现在,我不再害怕这些人了。” 我喜欢富爸爸说的话。“所以,如果我也学会先支付我自己,我就会在财务上更强壮,嗅,应该是在精神上和财务上都更加强壮。” 富爸爸点了点头。 “而如果我像我爸爸那样最后支付自己,或根本就不支付,我就会变得更加虚弱,那么我一生都会围着老板、经理、税务官员。收账员及地主们转,仅仅因为我没有良好的财务习惯。” 富爸爸点头称是,“就像体质虚弱的人一样。” 原因之五:傲慢。傲慢是无知的另一面。 “我的知识给我带来金钱,我所不知道的东西使我失去金钱。 每次当我自高自大时,我真的相信我所不知道的东西并不重要。“富爸爸经常这样告诉我。 我发现许多人试图用傲慢来掩饰自己的无知,甚至当我同会计甚至其他投资者讨论财务报告时,这种事情也经常发生。 他们试图用自吹自擂来赢得争论,而我很清楚,这是因为他们不懂自己在谈论什么。 他们并没有撒谎,只是没有谈出真相。 在资金、金融和投资领域,有许多人完全不知道自己在谈论什么。财经行业的大部分人喜欢滔滔不绝地夸夸其谈,其实他们并没有什么真才实学。 如果你知道自己在某一问题上欠缺知识,不要试图掩饰,因为那是在欺骗你自己,你应该做的是去找一位这一领域的专家或者找一本有关这一问题的书,马上开始教育自己。
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