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Chapter 134 129.A Conversation Between Crazies

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 920Words 2018-03-21
After the ship started, Captain Ahab was about to come out of his captain's cabin and go on deck. He knew in his heart that he must remain on deck at all times now, because: Moby Dick was coming. But Pip clung to Captain Ahab's hand, and insisted on going on deck with him. So the two started a conversation. "I said, Pip, you can't be with me now, or you'll be frightened." Captain Ahab was patient with Beep. "As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything." Pip has great trust in Captain Ahab. "Hey, Pip, I feel that there is something in you that can cure my illness. Although I am used to my illness, I still believe it. This is called fighting poison with poison."

"I don't understand, sir." "You don't have to understand, Pip. Now you just stay in my cabin and they'll serve you as they serve me." "But I'm not the captain." "While I'm not here, you're the captain, boy." "That won't work, sir. You are not a complete person. I want to follow you and serve as your leg so that I can be useful." Pip was sincere. "My child, even though you are crazy and black, you are so kind. This really touches me, because there is still sincerity in the world." Captain Ahab was indeed touched.

"Yes, sir, though there are many chilling things on board, like Stubb's abandonment of poor Pip, but I won't. I'll be with you, and I'll never abandon you." "I appreciate you, Pip, but you've got to let me go, or my plans will all come to an end." "That will not do, my lord." Pip was determined not to let Captain Ahab go. "Listen, since I'm your master, you can't disobey me, or I'll kill you. You know, I'm also a lunatic." Captain Ahab can only fight poison with fire. Pip looked at Captain Ahab, frightened.

"Well, shake hands, we must part, you are so kind, and God bless you." Ahab is gone. Pip stood there alone, talking to himself. "He's gone, he doesn't want me, he put me in his chair, well, I'll sit here." "This is where the respected people sit, and here's a nigger sitting here who can do whatever he wants." "Okay, let's have a party, pass the bottle, and drink to your heart's content, gentlemen." Pip was doing all sorts of graceful movements. "Oh, gentlemen, I want to ask one thing, have you ever seen a little black person named Pip, who jumped into the sea from our boat, and if anyone sees him, please tell me. "

"Look, that captain's toothy leg walking up and down over my head, it's uncomfortable, but I'm not afraid, I'm not." "I think I could take it with Pip here." "If the boat hits the rocks, I can bear it. In that case I must stay here and let the oysters keep me company."
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