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Chapter 102 97.enjoy the light

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 932Words 2018-03-21
Every ship on the sea, if it has lived a long life in the sea, has experienced the baptism of bitter seas. Bathe in storms, endure loneliness, and even encounter pirates. However, all this is probably not the most intolerable to the sailor. What is the most unbearable thing? Tell you, it's dark. There is nothing so painful as to suffer the torment of darkness on an open sea. Everyone who has sailing experience can't forget the taste, the taste of surviving in the dark. Eating in the dark, dressing in the dark, going to bed in the dark, talking in the dark, you can't see everything that makes you happy, even the radiant face of your partner.

Darkness silenced many ships, rendering them lifeless. Darkness makes many ships look like old men with a waning twilight. Therefore, for many merchant ships, the lamp oil that can help them get rid of the darkness has become the soul of the ship and the eyes of the ship. To some extent, lamp oil, which is common on land, is more precious than the queen's milk at sea. As for whaling ships, because of their special missions, the crew are not afraid of the dark. Because they were able to obtain the magic weapon to subdue the darkness with their own hands, they escaped the torment that the darkness should have suffered for them.

While the other ships went silently and alone in the darkness, the whalers were brightly lit, like shrines of light in heaven. Of course, there are also incompetent people in the whaling ship, just like the "Virgin" we met before who asked the "Pequode" for oil, they may have been used to the dark. Perhaps, at this time, you may change your views, and realize to some extent that the shouts of the firemen are a call to the light. All the sailors were extremely excited during the oil refining-the last link of the whaling ship's completion of its mission to sea. Oil began to come out of the refinery of the "Pequode", and the sailors took their own lamps, of course, usually just small and large bottles, to the big copper pot of the cooler, and poured them in big cups .

Every one of them was filled to the brim. Seeing their casual indifference, everyone would exclaim in amazement, what they were pouring was incomparably precious whale oil!These are suns and stars on land! Don't be surprised, please go to the forecastle to have a look. The off-duty sailors were sleeping, but the building was brightly lit. Count carefully, and you will find that there are more than 20 lamps. These more than 20 lamps illuminate the sailors lying in the triangular-shaped wooden nest, so each sailor becomes a bronze statue of meditation. You are illuminated by the light that sails through the darkness.

The newly extracted whale oil is like flowers and plants in the field in early spring, with a tangy fragrance, permeating the entire "Pequode". Then you understand that sailors have the right to enjoy everything they have created. They are the messengers of light on land, and they should light themselves first. Like hunters on the prairies, they experience endless pleasure when they have their game for dinner.
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