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Chapter 95 90.supreme kingship

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 1375Words 2018-03-21
Regardless, the principles of owned and unowned whales are written into law and are observed and respected by most whalers. This shows that the law is basically fairly fair. But are all laws just? Or, to put it another way, are all existing laws about whaling just? If you have read a passage from the third chapter of the third book of the famous English law code drawn up by Bracton, I am afraid you will not think so. Here is the law at Brecton: Whoever you are, if you catch a whale off the coast of England, you must dedicate its head to the King of England, for he is the greatest javeliner we have in the name.

At the same time, you must dedicate the whale tail to the queen, for no reason. We've talked a lot about whale anatomy, so we all know that what's left of a whale if its head is removed and its tail is removed? It's like an apple, divided into two halves, the left half is given to the king, the right half is given to the queen, and the rest belongs to the whalers. Who knows what else the whalers have. This is a law about whaling that is still in effect in Britain today. This law is so incompatible with the principle of having master whales and no master whales that we just said.

In this way, all the whales that haunt the coast of England are the master whales of the King of England. So, what does the King of England use to tie them? Royal privileges. And don't be sorry first, if you are like the following whalers, after encountering the following things, you will feel more than regret. This was two years ago, in the Strait of Dover, or at Sadwich or Singh Harbour, or at any rate on the coast of England. Several British whalers worked hard and chased a big whale from a long distance to the coast. After killing them, they were in high spirits, and prepared to drag the fine whale to the beach.

While dragging the whale to the shore with all their strength, the whalers calculated all the benefits that this big whale could bring to themselves. You know, that's their only financial income, and that's what they're living off of. Just then, a policeman came over. He carried a legal pamphlet under his arm. After walking in front of everyone and the big whale, the policeman glanced around and put the book on the big whale's head. "Hey guys." He said: "Stop it, don't try too hard, this whale doesn't belong to you. I'm going to confiscate it. It's the whale of Mr. Harbor Superintendent."

The whalers were stunned for a moment, looking at the policeman, scratching their ears and cheeks, unable to speak. After a while, one of the sailors had the courage to ask pitifully: "Then, sir, who is the superintendent?" "It's the Duke." The policeman answered proudly. "But this whale has nothing to do with the Duke." "The whale is his." "We dragged it up from the far sea with all our efforts. How could it become the Duke?" "The whale is his." "How could the Duke do this, he is not poor." "The whale is his."

"My God, I'm going to use it on my old mother, and she's sick in bed, Mr. Police." "The whale is his." "Sir, isn't it all right if we give a quarter, no, a half?" "The whale is his." This made all honest and fair-minded people angry. A local pastor wrote a letter to the Duke. In the letter, I ask Mr. Duke to be merciful and not to be too harsh on these poor sailors. Mr. Duke wrote back after pocketing the oil and water: "You better stay out of your own business!" There is nothing more to say, the duke represents the king, and the king has supreme privileges.

A whale is a supreme animal, so it must belong to the supreme king. This is the explanation, I don't know why. So why does the queen have to be tailed? An old British writer named William Prine once disclosed in a book that the reason why the queen wanted the tail was because the queen wanted to use the bones of the whale in the tail. When he said this, it was fashionable for rich ladies in England to make their breast girdles from the cartilage of Greenland whales or right whales! But the cartilage grows on the whale's head, wise old man William! According to another research:

In England there is another fish, along with the whale, which is reserved to the prerogative of the supreme king. That is the sturgeon, an extremely rare and rare fish.
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