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Chapter 67 62.hero javeliner

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 968Words 2018-03-21
In every whaling process, there are two characters who play the most important roles: the helmsman and the javeliner. In the whaling industry, especially at the last moment on the whaling boat, every division of labor is strict and orderly, and each post is both divided and cooperative, and they perform their duties meticulously. Dare to have the slightest carelessness. Because, maybe just a small negligence or dereliction of duty, the entire whaling work will be wasted, and some people will even be killed. Whenever the whaling boat leaves the big ship and begins to attack the target, at this time, the temporary helmsman of the whaling boat becomes the commander of the boat, and everyone must obey his orders , and the person who rowed the first oar at the front is the javeliner we are talking about.

The whaling work has very strict requirements on the javeliner, even very harsh, because to a large extent, he is the first attacker of the entire whaling boat, and the success of his attack is directly related to the entire whaling boat. The success or failure of the whaling process. In this sense, the psychological pressure on the javeliner is very great. If you succeed, everyone will support you as a hero, and the captain will also appreciate you, but what about failure?You will be very unlucky, and the friends around you will make fun, sarcasm and even curse, and you will continue to attack you. Some of them have already blown their lungs on the small boat before returning to the big ship to accept the captain's roar.

Whether a good javeliner can be appointed is also very important for the captain. Why do some whaling ships return with a full load, while others go out to sea with a full load of food, but fail to bring back a barrel of whale oil when they return to port? There may be many reasons, but there is one that will definitely not run away, that is: the boss or the captain did not choose a good javeliner. From any point of view, the javeliner is the superman of the whole whaling ship. First of all, he must have an incomparably strong arm, which can ensure that he can throw that very heavy and powerful javelin over twenty or thirty feet at once, especially the first shot, which must be extremely high. accuracy and success rate.

Not only throwing the javelin, but when there is no gap between the javelin and throwing the javelin, the javeliner has to pull the oars with other oarsmen, and has to work as hard as others. Don't think that this is the end, the javeliner still has a very important job to do, and that is to act as the trumpeter of the whole ship. No matter how tense or how hard he exerted himself, he had to keep shouting and yelling, mobilizing and motivating his companions over and over again, until the whale was motionless. Often the whale died exhausted, and the harpooneer also fell exhausted on board.

The Javeliner is the example and strength of a whaler, when the commander cries: "Javeliner, stand up and give that guy a shot!", and the hero (if he is) is born in all glory. He stood up from his seat, stooped, turned, grabbed his javelin from the prong, and threw it with all his strength at the whale who was about to be his ghost. The javelin flew towards the target, followed by cheers from the partners.
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