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Chapter 64 59.white squid

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 1017Words 2018-03-21
We sailed slowly past the school of yellow croakers and headed towards our established northeast direction. The weather was fine and there was a peaceful atmosphere at sea. Our big ship moved forward slowly, and the three masts were like three palm trees, swaying leisurely. Every once in a while, Ye Jun's mysterious silver-white spray appeared. This morning, the sun was shining brightly, the waves were rippling, the sky was endlessly blue, and the atmosphere was so peaceful that it was almost exaggerated. The big man looked out from the masthead. He saw a strange thing floating in the sea in the distance.

That thing is white, very big, but very slow. It emerged from the sea slowly, rising higher and higher, even until it was above the sea. Its color is snow white, even dazzling, like an avalanche. It flickered above the surface of the sea for a while, then sank slowly. It goes on and on like this. The big man stared at the thing, muttering in his heart: "Perhaps this is Moby Dick?" When the big white guy appeared again, the big man yelled: "Look, here it comes, Moby Dick, here comes the Moby Dick!" The sharpness of his voice was like a sharp sword, stabbing the sleeping sailors awake.

"Where?" Sailors huddled on deck. "It's right in front, right in front, look!" Captain Ahab stood in the sunlight, looking forward in the direction the big man pointed. A large white mass caught his eyes. "Let the boat go!" Commanded Captain Ahab. Four small boats appeared on the surface of the sea in a short while, Captain Ahab's small boat took the lead. They paddle swiftly to their prey. On approaching, the thing sank again, and we had to put our oars down and wait. When the thing floated up in place again, we were immediately attracted by a strange scene.

What kind of white whale is this? It is clearly a large soft cotton-like thing, shining milky white under the sunlight. It is unbelievable that that guy is as big as one-eighth of a nautical mile square, and there are countless slender arms radiating from the center of the body. These arms are crooked and twisted like It's like a large group of pythons. Looking at this monster floating in the waves, no one knows what it is. "I'd rather fight Moby Dick than get entangled with this big white monster." Starbuck looked at it and said. "But what the hell is that, Mr. Ahab?"

Flask asked Captain Ahab. "Big squid, our whalers don't have many chances to see this thing, just heard about it." At some point, Captain Ahab's boat turned back. Seeing the big white squid, everyone felt a little unlucky, thinking it was an ominous omen. However, everyone has opened their eyes after all, because no one has ever seen such a large marine creature before. Only a few sailors who were more or less knowledgeable felt vaguely that the sperm whales were really coming this time. The reason was not quite clear, for they had seen the stump of the sperm whale spit out something before, which was two or two feet long, and now it seemed that it belonged to the squid.

So they thought the squid was food for the giant sperm whale. Now that I have seen the food of the giant sperm whale, I am afraid it will not be too far away from the sperm whale.
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