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Chapter 18 13.save lives

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 2187Words 2018-03-21
The next day, it was Monday. I sold the spiced head to a barber, and went to the shopkeeper to settle the bill, which was ours, but his alone. People in the store seemed interested in our sudden friendship, especially Peter Coffin, the owner, whose lies about wildlings had scared the hell out of me, but now I'm good friends with wildlings . I borrowed a wheelbarrow, loaded our luggage on it, and went straight to the cruise ship "Moss" moored in the port. There were many people watching us along the way.It was not Queequeg they were looking at, for such a man was not uncommon in the streets, and they wondered my good relation with such a man.

We paid no attention to them, and took turns pushing the cart along, Queequeg stopping now and then to adjust the leather sheaths on the javelin hooks. I asked him if there were no javelins on the whaling ships and the javeliners had to bring their own.He said that his javelins were of good quality and battle-hardened, and had pierced the hearts of countless great whales, and he loved his javelins as much as a farmer loves his scythe. As the wheelbarrow passed from my hand to his, Queequeg told me a story of the first time he saw a wheelbarrow. In Sag Harbor, the owner of the boat lent him a wheelbarrow to load his luggage.Before that, he had never heard of or seen a wheelbarrow, but in order not to let others see that he was a novice, he tied his luggage firmly to the small cart, and then carried the small cart onto his shoulders with all his strength, striding forward walked onto the pier.

"Oh, Queequeg, that's how you came to the inn?" I almost laughed out loud. He told me another story.It's about their island.People on the island, when they get married, drip the coconut juice squeezed from young coconuts into a big gourd, and then put the big gourd on the most conspicuous position on the table. Once, a big ship docked.A gentlemanly captain was invited to the wedding of Queequeg's sister, who was just ten years old. The captain was invited to the table, with the big gourd in front of him, and Queequeg's father and uncle on either side. After praying before meals—people on the island don’t look up to the cups and plates when they pray before meals, but they look up, but there is something in common when praying—the chief priest announced the beginning of the wedding feast.

According to the custom of this island nation, the chief priest dipped his holy finger into the wedding jug which had not yet been toasted to the guests. The captain noticed his behavior, and thought that he was the captain of a ship, and he was sitting at the head of the chief priest, shouldn't he do the same? He didn't hesitate to wash his hands in that gourd! "Well, that's what he did." Queequeg said to me, laughing. Having purchased our tickets and packed our luggage, we officially boarded the schooner bound for Nantucket. The "Moss" set sail and slowly descended the Akushina River.

The streets of New Bedford were hard and cold in the clear, cold sun.The barrels on the shore are piled up like a mountain, and the clanging and clanging of barrels can still be heard endlessly. There are those who return from a long voyage, and those who are ready to sail. The end is a new beginning. This is the case with whaling, and so is life! When the boat sailed into the sea, the wind also picked up, and the waves rolled over the bow and stern, and their original calm was restored in an instant. Oh, I love this vast sea so much!I hate the roads on the land that are full of slaves' footprints and mules' iron hoofs. I hate those who collect tolls based on roads. I love the sea. There are no roads on the sea, and there are roads everywhere, and there will never be There will be no trace of the road.

Queequeg also seemed to be intoxicated by the magnificent sight of the waves, his mouth was slightly opened, his nostrils were dilated, and his face was full of excitement. The "Moss" entered the deep sea, and the huge waves rushed in. The bow of the ship heaved and fell, like a prostrating slave.The sail ropes are taut and the mast is swaying with the ship, creating a magnificent sailing scene. But the other passengers on the ship regarded us as a rare spectacle, and it seemed to them that the closeness between a white man and a savage was simply intolerable. Queequeg turned his head and met a young man with a grimace behind him.Queequeg seized the lad with an incredible force, flung him into the air, and made him clap his hands while somersaulting in the air, and the fellow staggered to the ground.

Queequeg turned, lit his pipe-axe, and handed it to me. "Captain, captain, captain, he... he... he, he is the devil!" The boy howled and ran to the captain. The captain came forward with head held high, and shouted at Queequeg: "Hey you, what do you want? You'll kill him for that! Get it?" "What is he talking about?" Queequeg turned to me unhurriedly. "He said, are you going to kill that young man?" As I spoke, I pointed to the trembling young man. "What? Kill? No, no, no, he's too small, a little fish! Queequeg doesn't kill small fish, Queequeg kills big whales!"

said Queequeg contemptuously. "Okay, you wild thing! If you make trouble again, I will kill you, be careful!" Before the captain finished speaking, a strong wind blew from the sea, the mainsail left the mast, and the mast turned left and right a few times quickly.That fluffy boy was swept into the sea at once! Everyone panicked, some rushed into the cabin, some reached out to grab the sail boom, but were afraid that the thing would be too powerful and take themselves into the sea. The boom whirled, sweeping across everything with unstoppable madness, like the jaws of an enraged whale.

People surrounded it, helpless. Queequeg dexterously crawled under the boom, stretched out his hand and plucked a rope, fastened one end to the bulwark, and made a buckle at the other end, and as the boom swept over his head again, he quickly pulled the The rope buckle was thrown out, and it just caught the sail boom without deviation or deviation! Seeing that the boom was caught, Queequeg put some effort into his hand, and the boom stopped obediently. Everyone let go of their hanging hearts, and rushed forward to clean up the mess. Queequeg sat up from under the boom, threw off his jacket, walked to the side of the boat, and jumped into the sea with a beautiful arc-shaped human-water movement.

Among the waves, the top of his head appeared and disappeared, obviously he was looking for the young man who fell into the water. After three or four minutes, he still got nothing. With a jerk, Queequeg emerged from the water again, took a breath, looked in the right direction, and dived again. A few minutes later, he reappeared.Paddle the water with one hand, and drag the motionless young man with the other. Everyone hurriedly pulled the two people onto the boat. Queequeg's heroism was praised, and the captain apologized to him, and the lad recovered slowly. Queequeg ignored the people's praise, washed himself with some fresh water, put on his clothes, sat down against the bulwark, lit his pipe axe, and looked casually at the people around him.

His eyes are soft, as if to say: "It's nothing, we savages should help you civilized people like this! Who made us live in the same world."
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