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Chapter 3 Translation sequence 3.Pequod

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 1004Words 2018-03-21
Ahab is not a god, but a hero, a hero who strives desperately for the established goal and never gives up if he fails to achieve the goal. So, what is the "Pequode" he commanded? This starts with the name of the "Pequode" itself. The name "Pequode" was originally the name of an Indian tribe in Connecticut in the northeastern United States.This tribe has a long history and is known for its bravery and combat skills. It is an outstanding representative of the Native Americans. It is a pity that white European immigrants invaded the North American continent, and they brutally massacred the native Pequod tribe. As the massacre intensified, by the time of Melville's creation, the Pequod had been wiped out by white immigrants to half, and the massacre Still going on and on.

The Pequod tribe is one of the many aborigines in the United States, and it is also the one with the most tragic fate. In this way, the "Pequode" is a microcosm of the American Indian. So, what did Ahab lead this Indian tribe to do? At that time, these colored peoples were panting under the heavy oppression of slavery. They were in dire straits and were miserable. Their most fundamental purpose was to oppose white rule, abolish slavery, obtain their own legal rights, and stand on an equal footing in society. . As a microcosm of the United States at that time, the whaling industry is consistent with the above situation.

The whaling industry in the United States started later than that of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, but by the 18th century, it had become the largest whaling country in the world. The whaling industry occupied an important position in the overall economy of the United States and became a pivotal industry. The United States has made outstanding contributions to the development of initial capitalism. Among them, the whaling ship has contributed a lot, and the blacks who make up the main body of the whaling ship, from the United States and almost all over the world, have contributed even more.

However, their contributions are not commensurate with their status. They have no social status at all, and they have to be commanded and bullied by the captain, first mate and other white senior crew members. harvest. Therefore, the "Pequord" blacks are facing the same historical task as all blacks in the United States—struggling for equality. This is a strong democratic idea, which was later fought for in the American Civil War. So, did Ahab lead the Pequod to fight for something for them? Is such that. Ahab sympathizes with blacks, praises blacks, respects blacks, despises the so-called civilization that regards blacks as inferior, and is willing to fight for equality for blacks.

So we can't help but say: the white people who are cruel and inhuman rulers, their "whiteness" and the "whiteness" of the white whale with similar characteristics to them, don't they overlap here? This is no coincidence, but a Melville design that inspired us. It's a pity that, as a symbol of the American blacks who fought hard under slavery, the "Pequord" was finally wiped out, but Moby Dick was involved in the whirlpool of history together with them, the huge black man The white devil who suffered from it. If there is struggle, there will be sacrifice. This is the price of black people, and it is also the price of democracy. It is a price that must be paid, and it is a price that is worthwhile.

This is the meaning of this tragedy. They lost their bodies, but their spirits were immortal.
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