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beluga whale

beluga whale


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 268905

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Chapter 1 Translation sequence 1.Human and Nature

beluga whale 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔 858Words 2018-03-21
Everything on the earth, as far as we know now, is nothing more than two categories, namely, human beings and nature. Man and nature constitute the past, present and future of this world, which are varied and have a long history. The past known as history as we know it, the deduced present and the speculated future are all based on the theme of man and nature. They are constantly evolving in an orderly manner, never stopping for a moment, and forever Won't stop until this earth beneath our feet crumbles, disappears, ceases to exist. Man and nature—the two protagonists on the earth—constitute the extension and change of history with mutual harmony and struggle.

From the perspective of interdependence, man and nature are brothers; from the perspective of mutual conquest, man and nature are rivals. Therefore, to fully understand the relationship between man and nature, it should be both harmony and struggle. A true portrayal of the relationship between man and nature. We are sure that the history of human development is actually the history of continuous conquest and transformation of nature. At first, primitive people avoided natural disasters in order to survive and evolve, then they lived in peace with nature, and then they began to try to conquer nature In order to gain supremacy on the earth, based on the earth, they began to attack the mountains, the forests, the oceans, and the sky...Attacking everything in nature, they achieved success and took the lead in the contest with nature. got the upper hand.

From bloody winds and swords to high-tech in the modern sense, human beings have gone a long way in the process of conquering nature and paid a heavy price, although the conquest of nature in the modern sense lacks some intuitive and intense ingredients, but there is absolutely no stopping. If we make a summary of the development of nature, then its theme is to constantly fight against human beings, to avoid human invasion, to benefit human beings under the use of human beings, but to be hurt constantly, so it is constantly taking revenge. Humans... On the surface, nature is gradually domesticated and used by humans, and the danger to humans is getting smaller and smaller, but the struggle between the two sides is not over, and it is still far from clear who will be the ultimate victor. If it is true as some prophecies As experts say, if human beings are destroyed one day, then the giant hand that destroys human beings must be nature. In this way, nature will recover its original appearance, and human beings will develop from apes again, which will be What an unfortunate and long reincarnation!

The reason why we repeatedly discuss the relationship between man and nature is that animals are also a part of nature. The dinosaurs that have become extinct are the giant pandas that are being extinct. Many animals that have not been extinct are escaping from or fighting against humans. All kinds of animals are. So is Moby Dick, one of the two protagonists of the book, Moby Dick.
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