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Chapter 30 looking forward to poems about fierce comrades

intestines 恰克·帕拉尼克 512Words 2018-03-21
"The thing about me losing my virginity," said Comrade Fierce: "I heard it." When I was very young, I still believed in Santa Claus. Comrade Fierce is on the stage with fists on his waist. arms bent As a result, the skinned patches on the elbows protrude out to the sides. Lace-up and iron-toed boots stood wide apart. legs in bulging camouflage trousers, Trousers cinched at the ankle. She leaned forward so much that her chin cast a shadow. On the chest of her olive green field jacket of military surplus. On stage, no spotlights, just a video: The video shows protest slogans and boycotting teams.

Like the mouth of a megaphone. Shouting, Zhang Zhang is very big. No lips but teeth. The mouth was opened wide, and both eyes were closed tightly. "After the Judge Ordered Joint Custody," says Comrade Fierce: "My mother told me... in the middle of the night, You're fast asleep with your head on the pillow, If your dad sneaks into your room: You, come and tell me. Her mother said, "If your dad pulls off your pajama bottoms, Fuck you with your hands. " You, come and tell me. If he pulls a pair from the front zipper of his trousers Fat and thick snake - that one is hot and sticky

Bad-smelling short sticks— I want to force it into your mouth... You, come and tell me. "It turned out that none of these things happened at all," said Comrade Fierce, "my dad Just take me to the zoo. " He took her to the ballet, he took her to football, Kiss her good night. Those sit-in strike banners, those protesters Groups are still marching. Parade, go forward. across her face. Comrade Fierce says: "But all my life I've been ready, There are those things. "
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