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Chapter 26 Pre-screening a poem about a nun of the order of security

intestines 恰克·帕拉尼克 573Words 2018-03-21
"Someone is suing for a million dollars in compensation," said the Sister of the Security Order. "Just because someone gave him a stare." It was her first day as a juror. Blessed nun standing on stage with a book Cover the front of the smock. Her blouse, with yellow ruffles and white lace, The book, with gilded purple on black leather Across the cover: Bible. On her face, wearing black-rimmed glasses. The only jewelry, a string of jingling A bracelet made of small silverware. Her hair was dyed as black as her shoe polish Black as her bible. On stage, there is no spotlight, only a video:

Both lenses of her glasses shone, reflecting image of electric chair, And gallows, gritty newsreel Prisoners sentenced to gas chambers Or the death penalty by shooting. where the eyes should be, no eyes. First day on the jury, next case, A man stumbles on the sidewalk, accuses The limousine he fell against. claiming compensation for his clumsiness Fifty thousand oceans. "All those who lack physical coordination," said the nun of the order of security. All have excellent venting skills. Another guy wants a homeowner for a hundred thousand Because the water hose used by the homeowner to water the flowers is placed in the backyard

tripped the plaintiff broke his ankle, He was working on a completely unrelated project at the time. rape case And evade the pursuit of the police. The lame rapist is going to use its Pain and suffering to make a fortune. On stage, the silver mascot shines on Under the lace of the cuffs, The fingers of both hands clasped the Bible, Her nails are painted the same yellow as the frills, The Sister of the Security Order said she paid her taxes on time. She never jaywalks, she recycles plastic products, Take the bus to work. "At that time," said the Sister of the Vigilante, while she was jury

Day one, "I told the judge" Expressed like clinking bracelets. "Fuck that bastard." And the judge sentenced her to contempt of court...
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