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Chapter 20 Exodus denies the inspector's story

intestines 恰克·帕拉尼克 15357Words 2018-03-21
Please be sure to understand. No one wants to defend what Cora did. Maybe two years ago was the only time this happened.Every spring and fall, members of the Sheriff's Department go over first-aid procedures for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and CPR.Each group must gather in the health room to practice heart massage with a dummy.They work in groups, with the inspector compressing the chest while the other kneels, pinches his nose, and blows air into his mouth.The dummy was a Betty resuscitator, just a body and a head, no hands or feet, rubber blue lips, green eyes wide open, wide open.However, the person who made this kind of dummy glued long eyelashes to the eyelids and put on a wig of a beautiful woman. The red hair was so smooth that you could involuntarily comb it with your fingers. Curse: "behave..."

The department inspector, Inspector Sandelek knelt beside the dummy and spread her red nail polish fingers to her chest and told everyone that all Betty's artificial respiration aids were made after the death of a French girl. Made from the remnants of the remains. "It's true," she said to the group. The face lying on the floor is that of a woman who committed suicide by drowning herself when she was fished out of the water more than a hundred years ago.The same blue lips, the same Sora staring eyes.All of the Betty resuscitators are made out of the face of the same young woman who committed suicide by jumping the Seine.

As to whether the girl died because of unsatisfactory love or intolerance to loneliness, we will never know.But police criminals kept her body in plaster to verify her name, and decades later, a toymaker got the mask and used it to make the first Betty artificial respiration teaching aid. face. Although there may be a danger that one day, in a school or a factory or some military unit, someone will bend down and recognize this long dead woman as their sister, mother, daughter, wife, the dead woman The child does not know that it has been kissed by millions of people.For generations millions of strangers had pressed their lips to hers, those drowned lips.In the later history, all over the world, I don't know how many people will try to save the life of this drowned woman.

The woman who wanted to die by herself. The girl who objectified herself. No one said those last two sentences, but there was no need to say them. In this way, last year, Cora.Reynolds was also one of the group that gathered in the health room to take Betty's artificial respiration aids out of the blue plastic box. They put Betty on the linoleum and disinfected her mouth with hydrogen peroxide, which is a standard hygiene procedure. , is also the county's regulations.Inspector Sandelek bent over and placed his hands flat on the center of Betty's chest, against the sternum.Another man knelt beside him and pinched Betty's nose.The Inspector pressed down hard on the plastic chest, and the kneeling guy, with his mouth closed on Betty's rubber mouth, suddenly coughed.

He straightened up, coughed, sat on his heels, and spat it out.Bada, he vomited on the linoleum in the health room.The guy doing the resuscitation wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said, "Damn it, it stinks." Everyone gathered around.Cora Reynolds was among them, and the rest of the group bent over. The guy with the mouth was still on his knees and said, "There's something in her." He bent a hand to cover his mouth and nose.Turning his face away from the rubber mouth, but still keeping his eyes on it, he said, "Hand it, press her again, press hard."

The Inspector bent down and pressed the heels of both hands to Betty's chest. Her nails were painted crimson, and she pressed down hard. A big bubble appeared between Betty's blue rubber lips, some liquid, salad dressing or something, very runny, milky white, that bubble swelled even bigger, like a shiny gray pearl, and then became a a ping pong ball.a baseball.In the end, it broke, and the greasy white juice was sprayed everywhere. This kind of water-thin thing spewed out a stench, which permeated the room. Before that day, anyone could use the infirmary, lock the door, unpack the camp cot at lunchtime, take a nap, and if someone had a headache or a cramp, the first aid kit would be found here.All the bandages and aspirin.You do not need to apply for approval first.Inside were a camp bed that was tucked away, a small medicine cabinet, a metal sink for washing hands, a light switch on the wall, and a blue plastic box with no lock for Betty's artificial respiration aids.

This group, they turned the dummy on its side, and from the corners of her soft rubber mouth, first drip, drip, drip, and then a thin line of creamy mucus flowed out.Some trickled down her pink rubber cheeks, some strung like spider's web between her lips and plastic teeth, and most of them were bunched together on the linoleum. The dummy is now a Frenchman, a drowned girl, a suicide. All stood there breathing with their hands or handkerchiefs over their mouths and noses.Blinking his eyes to block the stench that made them cry.Their throats moved up and down under the skin of their necks, swallowing hard, swallowing scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee, apricot omelets and skim milk, peach yogurt, English muffins, and cheese. Swallow it and leave it in the stomach.

The mouth-moving guy grabbed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide, raised his head, and poured a big gulp into his mouth, puffing out his cheeks.He looked at the ceiling, closed his eyes, opened his mouth, rinsed his mouth with hydrogen peroxide, and rushed forward to spit the whole mouthful of hydrogen peroxide into the small metal sink. In the whole room, everyone could smell the smell of hydrogen peroxide like bleach, and underneath it was the smell of the toilet from the lungs of Betty's artificial respiration teaching aid.The inspector sent for the sex crime investigation set.Cotton, glass slides, gloves.

Cora Reynolds was also in the group, standing close enough to leave some footprints sticking to that slippery slime, walking all the way back to her seat. From that day on, the affairs department of the county police installed a lock on the door and handed over the key to Cora.From then on, if you had a cramp, you had to put your name on the form, and write the date and time; then you could get the key.If you have a headache, you have to ask Cora for two aspirins. The laboratory staff got the sampled cotton and tested the slides and the mucus.They asked: Are you kidding me? That's right, the people in the laboratory said that what came out was semen.Some of them may be as long as six months old, dating back to the last time a resuscitation refresher session was held.In addition, the results of DNA analysis showed that it was the joint masterpiece of twelve to fifteen different men.

The people here replied, yes.It's a nasty joke, forget about it. That's what human beings do—turn things into people, and people into things. No one said that someone at the bureau screwed up and made a big deal out of it. The dummy of Betty's artificial respiration aid, of course, was brought home by Cora, who tried to wash his lungs with water, and put on that beautiful red wig.Cora bought a new dress for the limbless body and put a string of fake beads around its neck.Cora couldn't just throw any poor thing in the trash like that.She put lipstick on those blue lips and mascara on her long lashes.Comb your hair and put on perfume—a lot of perfume, to cover up the smell.Also wear beautiful earrings.No one would be surprised that she sat on the couch in her apartment every night, watching TV and chatting with the guy.

Just Cora and Betty, talking in French. However, no one will say Cora.Reynolds is crazy.Maybe it's just a little bit different. County policy was that they should put the old dummy in a black plastic bag on the top shelf in the evidence room and forget her there.It was Betty, not Cora.Just dumped there, rotted there, ignored, like other numbered bags of drugs and cocaine, crack and packets of heroin.And all the knives and guns waiting to be brought to some court.All the bags and bags caught will shrink and shrink until there is only enough for a conviction, all these items, used. But, yes, they broke the rules.They made Cora take the old dummy home. No one wants her to grow old alone. Cora, she's the kind of person who wouldn't buy just one stuffed animal.Part of her job was to buy a stuffed animal for every child who came to testify at the bureau, every child who was placed in custody by a court order, and who was abandoned into a foster home.Cora would pick a little fluffy monkey from a cabinet full of stuffed animals at the toy store... but it looked so lonely in her shopping cart.So she chose a furry giraffe as a companion.Then there was an elephant, a hippo, and an owl.Sometimes there are more animals in her shopping cart than there are in the display case.The remaining animals are missing an eye, missing an ear, have stitches split, and stuffing is exposed. They are all animals that no one will want. No one could feel Cora's heart falling off a cliff at this time.Like falling straight down from the tallest roller coaster in the world, that feeling made Cora feel like he was only skinny.It's just a leather tube with a tight opening at each end, an object. Those dusty tiger cubs with threads ripped in several places, squashed stuffed rhinos, all piled up in her apartment, those broken pandas, dirty little owls, and Betty's artificial respiration aids, It's a different kind of evidence room. That's what humans do... But poor, poor Cora.Now she's thinking about cutting off people's tongues.Infect them with parasites.interfere with justice.She is stealing public property.No one talks about misuse of office supplies: whether it's pens, staplers, or photocopier paper. The person who ordered the office supplies was Cora.She collects everyone's check-in cards every Friday.Pay everyone a paycheck every Tuesday.She reported all expenses to the accounting department.Responsible for answering calls: "This is Child and Family Case Services."On someone's birthday in the department, she was in charge of buying cakes and asking everyone to sign a greeting card.This is her job. No one had ever talked to Cora before that little girl and boy came here from Russia.Reynolds has had trouble.Actually, the problem was that Cora never saw the kid, a little girl with freckles and pigtails, unless someone fucked her. Every punk-like little boy, every little brat in overalls with a slingshot sticking out of his back pocket, Cora saw only because the kid had been forced to suck someone's dick.Every child's smiling face with missing teeth is just a mask here.Every grass-stained knee is a clue.Every bruise is an indicator.Every wink or coyness or squeak of laughter has a problem on the victim's report form to investigate further.It's Cora's job, too, to go through the interview forms, to keep up with the children, every case file, all the investigations that are going on.Before that happened, Cora.Reynolds has been the best office manager ever. However, everything here is little more than damage control.You can't return a child's virginity.Once you've fucked a kid, it's impossible to get the genie out of the bottle.That kid was pretty much ruined. Yes, most of the children were very quiet when they came here, with stretch marks, middle-aged, without a smile on their faces. When children come here, the first step is to do an assessment survey with a physically detailed doll.This kind of doll is not the same as a biologically correct doll, but many people will confuse the two, and Cora is like this, confusing the two. A typical anatomically detailed doll is made of cloth and sewn to resemble a stuffed animal.The biggest difference between hair made of wool and ordinary rag dolls is the detailed details: a set of penises and testicles made of cloth, or a vulva made of lace fabric.There is a drawstring on the back, which creates a slightly open anus when pulled tight.Sew two buttons on the chest for nipples.These dolls are used by incoming children to recreate situations, explaining what Mommy or Daddy or Mommy's new boyfriend did. Children inserted their fingers into the doll's body and pulled at the woolen hair on the doll's head.Choking the doll's neck and shaking it so hard that the stuffed head wobbled, they hit and licked and bit and sucked on the doll, and it was Cora's job to pin the nipples back on.Cora would find two more marbles to replace the cloth testicles that had been torn off by excessive force. Everything that was done to the children is reproduced on the dolls. Nobody does these things just by accident. There were so many violated children violating the doll that many stitches came open.Too many cheated little boys sucking on that pink cloth cock, too many little girls forcing one finger, two fingers, three fingers into that silk-rimmed pussy, tearing it up and down.The little cotton sticks out like guts, and under the doll's clothes, it is messy, dirty, sticky and smelly, and the fabric is crumpled and covered with scars where the stitches have come off. The little male and female dolls are violated all over the world. Of course, Cora will do everything in her power to keep them clean.She sewed them back together.But one day, she went online to find another pair of dolls.A new pair of dolls. In some places there are women who specialize in sewing tiny pocket-like pussies or coin-purse-like scrotums.The dolls, the women dressed them in calico and overalls.But this time Cora wanted something more durable.She hit the Internet, ordered a new pair of dolls from a manufacturer she'd never heard of before, and this time confused detailed anatomy with correctness. She asked for anatomically correct male and female dolls.Inexpensive, durable and easy to clean. The search resulted in a pair of dolls, made in the former Soviet Union, with movable limbs and correct anatomy.Because the unit price was the lowest and it was in line with the procurement policy of the county police department, she placed an order. Afterwards, she was never asked why she ordered the two dolls, which arrived in a brown cardboard box as big as a four-drawer filing cabinet.Cora felt for the first time that something might have gone wrong when the delivery man carted it over and unloaded it at her desk for her to sign for. By the time they open the box, by the time they see what's inside, it's too late. It was Cora and a sheriff's detective, pulling away the metal nails, then reaching through the layers of bubble wrap, and finally found a foot, a small pink child's foot, five perfect His toes were splayed, protruding through a mass of foam and bubble wrap. The detective twisted a little toe and shot Cora a look. "It's the cheapest," Cora said."There aren't many options," she said. The foot was pink rubber, with clear, hard toenails, smooth skin, no freckles, moles, or veins.Seeing this, the detective reached for the ankle and pulled it up to see the smooth pink knee.Then there is a section of pink thigh.Then there was a rain of pouch-filling plastic balls, the bubble wrap crackling and a little naked pink girl hanging upside down from the detective's hand outstretched near the ceiling.Her blond hair fell in curls and fell to the floor.Two shirtless shirts hang down the sides of the head.Her mouth was open, as if panting silently, revealing a set of white teeth as small as pearls, and a smooth pink palate in her mouth.A little girl, about the age of finding eggs at Easter, taking communion for the first time, and sitting in Santa Claus's arms. A little girl with one ankle in the detective's hand, the other leg hanging down, knee bent.Between her legs, that gap, wasn't just anatomically correct, it was... the perfect pink pussy of a little girl.There are also darker labia inside. Still in the box, looking up at her, at them all, was a naked little boy. A finely printed manual fell to the ground. Then Cora held the little girl tightly in her arms, hugging the soft pillow body, and grabbed a piece of wrapping paper to wrap the little body around. The detective smiled, shook his head, squeezed his eyes shut and said, "Great purchase, Cora." Cora hugged the little girl, covering her pink bottom with one hand.Holding the little head with blond hair in front of his chest with one hand. "It's a mistake," she said. The instructions said the dolls were molded from silicone, the same silicone used in breast augmentation surgery.Can be placed under an electric blanket and enjoyed warm for hours.Underneath the skin is a fiberglass skeleton and steel joints.The hair is implanted one by one in the skin of their heads.They have no pubic hair.Male dolls can choose whether to add a foreskin that can be turned over the glans.The female dolls have plastic hymens that can be filled in, which can be ordered extra, and the instructions say that both dolls have a deep and tight throat and anus for hard oral and anal sex.Silicone has memory and will return to its original shape no matter how you use it. Nipples can be stretched to five times their original length without breaking. Lips, scrotum and anus can be stretched to accommodate almost any desire.The instructions say this pair of dolls will provide years of wild and intense enjoyment. Just wash with soap and water. Leaving the doll in direct sunlight may discolor the eyes and lips.The instructions are divided into French, Spanish, English, Italian, and a variety of languages ​​that look like Chinese. The silicone used is guaranteed to be odorless and tasteless. At lunchtime, Cora went out to buy a small dress, a set of trousers and a shirt, and when she got back to the office, the suitcase was empty, the stuffing and bubble wrap crackling with every step she took.Two dolls are missing. She went to the main office and asked the officer on duty if he knew about it, and the officer on duty shrugged his shoulders.In the break room, a detective said someone might need it for the investigation.He shrugged and said, "Those two dolls are for..." Out in the corridor, she asked another detective if he had seen them. She asked, those two little dolls, where are they? She gritted her teeth, the pain between her eyes from frowning.Her ears were congested with blood, and her whole body seemed to melt, getting hotter and hotter. She found the two dolls in the inspector's office.Sitting on the couch, smiling, naked, freckled, not shy. Inspector Sandelek was pulling one nipple on the little boy's chest, with her fingers, her thumb and forefinger, using only the crimson nails, the Inspector twisting and pulling the pink nipple, the Inspector's other One hand touched the little girl's legs up and down with the fingertips, and said, "Damn, it feels like touching it for real." Cora said sorry to the Inspector.She bent down to brush the hair from the little boy's forehead.Then she said she didn't know at all.She pulls the little girl doll's arms over her pink nipples, then brings her plastic legs to her knees, and she spreads the little boy doll's arms over her crotches, and both dolls sit there ,Smiling.Both had blue glass eyes, blond hair, and shiny porcelain teeth. "What's there to apologize for?" said the Inspector. Because; a waste of money for the sheriff's department, Cora said.Because I spent so much money on this unexpected thing.She thought it was a good purchase, and now the Sheriff's Office had to use the two old dolls for another year.The sheriff's budget was drained and the two dolls had to be destroyed. Inspector Sandelek said, "Don't be stupid." She ran her fingers through the little girl's blond hair and said, "I don't see a problem with that." She said, "We can use these two." But these two dolls, Cora said, they were too real. "They're rubber," said the inspector. It's silicone, Cora said. And the Inspector said, "If that makes you feel better, think of both as a seventy-pound condom..." That afternoon, as Cora helped the little boy and girl dress, a number of detectives came to her desk to see the two dolls.In order to make notes when reporting the crime, and for investigation, they are required to make an appointment for secret investigation and evaluation, and they have to be taken back overnight in case they are needed early the next morning.Bring it back for the weekend.Preferably the little girl, but if she can't be borrowed, the little boy will do too.By the time the first day comes off work, both dolls are fully lined up for the next month. If anyone needed a doll right away, she would suggest the two old rag dolls. Most of the time, the detective said he'd better wait. New cases flooded in, but no one ever handed her any files related to a new case. For a whole month, Cora saw only the little boy and girl once in a while, just long enough to hand them over to the next detective, and the next, and the next, never getting it right. Who did what, but the little girl came and went, got her ears pierced one day, then got a ring in her navel, then put on lipstick, then put on perfume.The little boy came back with more tattoos.A ring of thorns was pierced on the calf.Another time there was a small silver ring on the nipple.Then there was the extra ring on his cock, and another time his blond hair smelled sour. It smells like calendula. Smells like bags of marijuana in the evidence room.That room was full of knives and guns.Packets of marijuana and cocaine always weigh a little lighter than they should.The evidence room is always the place a detective goes right after he comes to take a doll.He'd hold the little girl under his ribs and fumble for a bag of evidence to put something in his pocket. In the Inspector's office, Cora showed her the receipts for expenses reported by the detectives for the investigation, one of which was a receipt for a hotel stay, dated the same day that the detective took the little girl home to prepare for the early morning of the next day. The same night as the visit.The detective said that the hotel room was used by the prison.The next night, another police detective borrowed the girl again.A hotel room, a room service dinner, an adult movie on pay TV.He also said that he was following the prison. Inspector Sandelek just watched her.Cora stood there, bent over the inspector's wooden desk, shaking so badly. The receipts were shaking in Cora's fist. The inspector just looked at her and said, "What's your point?" It was obvious, Cora said. The Inspector sat behind his desk, laughing. "Let's call it tit for tat," she said. "Those women's activists," said the Inspector, "spoke out against Hustler magazine, saying that pornography objectifies women... well," she said, "and what do you think a dildo is? Donated semen from a clinic?" Some men may just want pictures of naked women.But some women just want a guy's cock, or his cum.Or his money. Both men and women have the same problems when it comes to intimate relationships. "Stop making such a fuss about the damn rubber doll," Inspector Sandelek said to Cora. ​​"If you're jealous, go buy yourself a nice vibrator." Here we go again, this is what humans do... No one could have imagined how this would develop. That same day, Cora went out to lunch and bought superglue. On the next round, the two dolls were back in her hands, and before handing them over to someone else, Cora squeezed the superglue up the little girl's pussy and into the mouths of both children, tying their tongues and The palate is glued together.Sealing their lips, she then squeezed glue into them from behind, sealing the assholes to save them. However, the next day, a police detective came to ask if Cora had any blades he could borrow?Or a utility knife?switchblade? If she asks, why?What would he want the knife for? He'd say, "Nothing. Forget it. I'll look in the evidence room." By the next day, both the little girl and boy had been cut open.Still soft, but full of scars, cut, dug, still smells like superglue, but more and more like the Betty resuscitation kit at home, leaving a stain on the Cora couch the taste of. Cora's cat would smell those stains for hours.Doesn't lick, but smells like super glue, or cocaine from the evidence room. Then Cora went out to lunch and bought one blade, two blades, three blades, five. The next round, after the little girl was back at her desk, Cora took her into the bathroom and sat her down at the sink while Cora wiped the rouge off her pink cheeks with a piece of toilet paper.Wash and comb the little girl's wet blonde hair.The next detective was already knocking on the locked bathroom door.Cora said to the little girl, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She said, "You'll be fine." Then Cora fitted a blade into the soft silicone pussy and put it in the woman who was The man dug the hole with a knife.Cora tilted the little girl's head back and lowered the other blade deep into her silicone throat.The third blade, Cora, was placed in the little girl's cut and dug little ass. When the boy came back to her, he had dropped it there, face down on the arm of the chair.Cora took him into the bathroom and took the last two blades with her. Tit for Tat. The next day, a detective walked in with the little girl's hair in his hands.He dropped the doll on the floor next to Cora's desk, took out a notebook and a pen from the inside pocket of his jacket, and wrote, "Who borrowed her yesterday?" Cora picked the little girl up from the ground, straightened her hair, and said a name to him.A random name, another detective's name. He squints, shakes his head, and the guy with the blotter and pen says, "Fuck the dog! (The son of a bitch!)" And you can see the two halves of his tongue sewn together with black thread . The detective who brought the little boy back walked with a limp. All five blades are missing. Cora must have gone to talk to someone at the clinic after this incident. No one knows how she got the samples of infectious harmful biological substances from the laboratory. After that, every man in that department scratched his crotch through his trousers and raised his arm like a monkey to scratch at his armpits.Or scratch your head.They didn't have sex with anyone, so it is impossible to infect pubic lice. About this time, a police detective's wife came into town and found a little blood spot from the pubic lice, a patch like ground red pepper in her tight white underwear, or layered in a white T-shirt, Anyway, it is clothing that will come into contact with body hair.Little bits of blood, blood, blood.Maybe the wife found it in her husband's underpants, maybe on her own clothes.These are guys who went to college, live in the suburbs, go to the mall, and have never had actual experience with pubic lice.Now the reason for the itching everywhere is finally revealed. Now this wife is very angry, very angry. It is impossible for any wife to know that the toilet seat from which the alleged infection originated was actually a rubber doll.No doubt her husband must have said so.But the information Cora got from the health bureau was: You can't let the spirochetes survive on the silicone, and if the skin isn't broken, and without blood and saliva, it's impossible to infect hepatitis.True, the dolls were real, but not quite that real. As long as the wife lets it go, he'll bring herpes back to her and the kids next week.And gonorrhea, cauliflower, and AIDS.So she came to Cora and asked, "Who is my husband messing with during lunch?" Just take a good look at Cora, with her hairsprayed hairstyle, bead necklace and knee-length nylon stockings, and pantsuit, and no wife would blame her for it.Cora who tucks used toilet paper into the sleeve of her woolen jacket.There will be a plate of Cora with colorful hard candies on the table.Her bulletin boards were still pinned on magazine cartoons. Still, no one is saying Cora Reynolds is unattractive. Then the detective's wife saw Inspector Sandelek with pink fingernails. No one was surprised when Cora was called in for a conversation. No one would tell Cora that her days were numbered. The Inspector asked Cora to sit down across from her large wooden desk.The inspector's office had tall windows.The Inspector sat with his back to the sun and the cars in the Sheriff's Parking Lot.She waved the fingers of one hand, asking Cora to come closer. "It's really difficult," said the Inspector, "to decide whether my whole group has gone crazy, or you... are overreacting." No one can understand the feeling of Cora's heart falling from the cliff to the abyss at that time.She sat there, froze.This is what we do: make ourselves into objects, and objects into ourselves. Millions of people around the world are still trying to bring Betty back to life.Maybe they should get out of other people's business, maybe it's too late. The Inspector said it was the children who broke the dolls, as always.Abused kids bully what they can.Every victim finds another victim, and it's a vicious cycle."I think you should take a long vacation," she said. If it helps to say that, tell Cora.Reynolds looks like a hundred and twenty pound condom... No one said that last paragraph, but there was no need to. No one told her to go home and prepare for the worst. As part of keeping her job, Cora had to return Betty's artificial respiration kit, which she had reportedly taken.She was to return the stuffed animals she had bought with county sheriff funds.She was going to hand over the key to the infirmary immediately, and have that room and the anatomically correct pair of dolls available to all personnel, on a first-come, first-served basis, immediately. How does Cora feel?It's like driving billions of miles, driving all the way, not wearing a seat belt, and finally hitting the first red light.In addition to resignation, there is also tired relief.Cora, like a leather tube with a hole in each end, was a scary feeling, but it also made her think of a plan. The next day, when she came to work, no one saw her slip into the evidence room, which contained a lot of knives that smelled of blood and superglue, and were available to anyone. There is already a queue at her desk.They're all waiting for the last detective to bring back a doll, any one will do.Just put that silicone face down and the two of them actually look the same. Cora Reynolds, she is not a fool, no one can order her casually. A detective came with the little boy under one arm and the little girl under the other.The man put the two dolls on the table, and the group swarmed up, reaching for the pink silicone legs. No one knows who is really mad. As for Cora, holding a gun in her hand, the evidence number plate was hung on the gun with a rope, and the case number was written on it. She compared the gun to the two dolls. "Hold up," she said, "come with me." The little boy wore only a pair of white panties, and the buttocks were black and oily, while the little girl wore a white silk petticoat, hardened by stains.The detective single-handedly picked up the two children, the weight of the two children, and he held them to his chest, along with their nipple rings, tattoos, and pubic lice.They smelled of marijuana, and something that came out of Betty's resuscitation kit. Cora, brandishing a pistol, walked with him to the door of the office. The others followed her, surrounded her, and Cora backed the detective down the corridor, and carried the little girl and boy past the inspector's office, past the infirmary, into the foyer, and into the parking lot.There, the detectives waited while Cora unlocked her car. After putting the little boy and the little girl in the backseat, Cora slams on the gas and sends the gravel bullets at those people, and before she goes through the chained fence gate, you hear the siren of the police car Chase over. 没有一个人知道柯拉准备得这么齐全。贝蒂人工呼吸教具已经在车里,支着一杆猎枪,红头发上绑了一条丝巾,橡皮面孔上架了一副黑色的太阳眼镜。鲜红的嘴唇间叼着一根烟。这个法国女孩子由阴间复活了,被救了起来,用安全带使她的躯干直挺。 那个化为物体的人,现在又变回一个人了。 那些残缺的填充动物,小老虎和成为孤儿的熊与企鹅,全在后车窗前排成一行。那只猫在它们之中,已经在阳光中睡着了。全部都在挥手说再见。 柯拉转上了高速公路,后轮摆动,时速已到了速限的两倍。她这辆四门棕色轿车已经有了如一条风筝尾巴似的一串警笛,都闪着红色和蓝色的灯。上面有几架直升机,还有愤怒的警探开着没有标志的郡警局公用车。几家电视台的转播小组,各开着白色的厢型车,边上都漆着大大的编号。 柯拉已经不可能赢了。 她手里有那个小女孩,她有那个小男孩,她有那把枪。 就算他们汽油用光了,任何人也休想干了她的孩子。 就算警方开枪击中了她的轮胎。到了那时候,她会先开枪打烂他们的矽胶身体,柯拉会打烂他们的脸,他们的乳头和鼻子。她不会让他们留下任何一处男人能把老二插进去的地方。她会同样对付贝蒂人工呼吸教具。 然后她会自杀,来拯救他们。 请大家务必要明白,没有人说柯拉·雷诺兹所做的事情是对的。 甚至没有人说柯拉·雷诺兹精神正常,可是她还是赢了。 这只是人类会做的事——把物体化为人,把人化为物体,来来回回,一报还一报。 如果警察追得太靠近的话,就会发现:两个孩子粉身碎骨,他们全都死了。那些动物浸满了她的血。他们全都死在一起。 可是在还没到那一刻之前,柯拉有满满一油箱的汽油。她有一个袋子,装满证物室里来的古柯碱,可以使她保持清醒。还有一大袋三明治,几瓶水,还有那只猫,正睡得打着呼噜。 她只剩几个小时就能开完到加拿大去的那一段高速公路。 不过,最重要的是,柯拉.雷诺兹有她的家人在一起。 大自然穿了一件黑色的大衣,像是件军人的制服,或是一件溜冰的服装,黑色羊毛料,胸前有两排铜扣子。一个穿黑丝绒的乐队队长,割开的鼻子由暗红的血肉黏在一起,她把两手穿进两只袖子里,然后对圣无肠说:“帮我扣上好吗?” 她扭动着切剩下来的两手,说道:“我需要用到的手指头没了。” 她的手指只剩几根和指节。只剩下两个食指,等她成名之后可以用来拨电话。按提款机上的按键。盛名已经将他从三度空间减缩到平面了。 大自然,圣无肠,无神教士,我们都先换上了黑衣服,才能把魏提尔先生抬到地下室去。然后再演下一场重要的戏。 不用管我们举行的葬礼只是一次彩排,我们只是为真正的葬礼而先站好位置的替身演员,等我们获救之后,那场葬礼要由电影明星在摄影机前面演出。为了彩排,我们先把魏提尔先生裹了起来,以绳子绑成个大包裹,然后送到地下室去举行仪式----这样我们就都有了一样的经验。我们会向警方与记者说同一个悲惨的故事。 至于魏提尔先生是不是发臭了,却很难说。喷嚏小姐和无神教士拿着那些里面食物已经坏了的银色袋子。每一袋都一路漏出恶臭的汁液。他们沿着滴落的恶臭渍印,拿着那些袋子穿过大厅到了厕所,由马桶里冲下去。 “闻不到味道,”喷嚏小姐说着,用力地抿了下鼻子,“倒也有好处。” 这事进行得很顺利,一包一次。可是因为臭味越来越严重到让人窒息,让人干喘之后,无神教士就想尽快解决。那种臭味已经渗透进了他们的衣服和头发里。他们第一次试着两包一起冲掉的时候,马桶就开始堵塞而满溢出来,另外一个马桶堵塞,水漫了出来,流到大厅的蓝色地毯上。那些袋子,卡在某一条主要的污水管里,饱吸水分,就像在魏提尔先生肚子里的脆皮火鸡一样鼓胀了起来,堵住了污水管,结果就连看起来没问题的马桶也有水回上来。 没有一个马桶是通的。炉子和烧热水的锅炉都坏了。我们还有一箱箱正在腐烂的食物。魏提尔先生不是我们最大的问题。 根据保安会修女的日历表和美国小姐长出来的棕色发根,我们在这里已经将近两个礼拜。 圣无肠把最后一颗铜扣子扣上的时候,靠过去吻大自然,说道:“你爱我吗?” “如果浪漫爱情的支线情节要起作用的话,”她说:“我大概非爱你不可吧。” 已故的游民先生在大自然手指上闪亮,她用手背擦了下嘴,说:“你的口水味道真可怕……” 圣无肠朝手掌心吐了口口水,再又舔回自己嘴里,闻了下手掌,说道:“怎么可怕?” “酮,”克拉克太太没有对着任何人,也或许是对着所有的人说。 “很酸,”大自然说:“像根柠檬加飞机胶的芳疗蜡烛。” “是饥饿的味道。”克拉克太太说着,把一根丝绳捆在魏提尔先生那一大包裹上。“在燃烧你的体脂肪时,血液里的丙酮浓度就会增加。” 圣无肠闻着他的手,鼻涕在他脑袋里响着。 无神教士抬起一只手臂来闻自己的腋下,那里湿湿的皱绸因为出汗而变成深黑一片,在他鼻孔里还有过多的香奈儿五号香水的余味。 把一具尸体抬着上下楼梯,让我们浪费了我们宝贵的体脂肪。 然而,我们还是该表示哀悼,保安会修女说道,一面还紧抱着圣经。魏提尔先生裹好送到了地下室,是用中国宫廷式的散步场里拿来的大红丝绒窗帘紧紧包住,再用大厅里拿来当丝绳捆绑。我们应该围立在他四周说些悼词,我们应该唱首歌,不要太宗教味道的,只要最有演出效果就行了。 我们抽签决定谁一定要哭。 我们越来越在每一小群人间留下空位,给八卦侦探录影用。我们说话,让诽谤伯爵的卡式录音机能录下每一个字。那同一段录音带,同一张记忆卡或影碟用了再用。我们以现在抹掉过去,赌的就是下一刻会更可怜、更可怕或者更悲惨。 我们越来越觉得需要发生更坏的事。 魏提尔先生究竟是死了几天,还是几个钟头,实在很难说,因为保安会修女开始把电灯开开关关。到了晚上,我们听到有人到处走动,很响的脚步声,像个巨人在黑暗中走下大厅里的楼梯。 但是,还需要有更可怕的事。 为了市场分红,为了戏剧化的呈现。 需要有更恐怖的事发生。 我们把魏提尔先生从他在后台住的那间化妆室抬过舞台,再由演艺厅正中的走道抬出去。我们抬着他经过以蓝色丝绒装潢的大厅,走下楼梯到了地下一楼橘色和金色的玛雅式门厅。 保安修女说她的手表不停地自动归零。这是典型的闹鬼现象。冻疮男爵夫人宣称她在哥德式的吸烟室里发现一块冰冷的地方。在天方夜谭式的楼座里,魏提尔先生生前惯坐的坐垫上方,你都能看到你的呼吸在冷空气中冒着白烟。灵视女伯爵说关灯之后,我们听到走来走去的人是游民夫人。 跟在葬送行列后面的否定督察说:“有谁看到柯拉·雷诺兹吗?” 保安会修女说:“不管是谁拿了我的保龄球,只要还我,我就保证不踢你的屁股……” 领头走在前面,把那个应该是魏提尔先生头颅的那一大坨抱在怀里的克拉克太太说:“有谁见到美国小姐吗?” 在这事结束之后,要在这里拍电影是绝对不行的。等别人发现我们之后,这个地方势必成为一个地标,一个国家宝藏,是纪念我们的博物馆。 不错,不管是哪一家制作公司都必须另外搭建和每个房间一式一样的场景。蓝色丝绒的法国路易十五式的大厅,黑色毛料的埃及式演艺厅,绿色缎子的意大利文艺复兴式的休息厅,黄色皮子的哥德式吸烟室,紫色的天方夜谭式的楼座,橘色玛雅式的门厅,大红色中国宫廷式的散步场,每个房间有一个与众不同的颜色,但都带着金色。 魏提尔先生会说,不是房间,是场景。我们抬着他包裹好的尸体穿行过这些有回音的大箱子,在那些地方,只要花一张电影票的价钱,任何人都可以变成国王、皇帝或公爵夫人。 在大厅小吃柜台后面的办公室,是一个用刷了光漆的松木板隔出来像个壁橱似的小房间,天花板斜斜地卡在大厅的楼梯底下。锁在里面的档案柜里塞满了印好的节目单、收据、场地使用日程表和打卡钟记录的出勤卡。这些纸张边缘都是灰尘,每张纸的上端都印了一行字:自由戏院。有些印的是:首都戏院,有的是:海神表演厅。另外还印有:圣公会教堂,其他的有:基督赎罪堂。或是:天使之家,或是:首都成人戏院。还有:钻石舞台。 所有这些不一样的场所,都在同一个地址。 这里,有人跪下来祷告过多地方,也有人跪在精液里。 在水泥的四壁之间,所有因为喜悦和恐怖以及救赎所发出的尖叫声仍然始终留存,在这里回响,和我们一起。在这里,我们尘土飞扬的天堂。 所有不一样的故事会终结我们的故事。在经历过一千场不同的戏剧、电影、宗教仪式和脱衣舞之后,这栋建筑会永远成为我们的博物馆。 每一盏水晶吊灯,媒人都称之为一棵“桃树”。哥德式的吸烟室,凶悍同志称之为“科学怪人呢室”。 玛雅式门厅里,无神教士说那个橘色的雕像明亮得如同一盏失控的聚光灯,透过缝在克利斯琼·拉夸华服上的郁金香花瓣照射出来…… 在中国式的散步场,丝质墙纸的红色从未见过天日。杀手大厨说,红得像一个美食评论家的血。 在哥德式的吸烟室里,那些翼状扶手椅上鲜黄色的皮面从来没暴晒在阳光里过。失落环节说:从还在牛身上时就这样了。 意大利文艺复兴式的休息室里四壁是深绿的,上面有着黑色条纹和斑点,如果你看得仔细的话,会看得出是一层已经变成孔雀石的油漆。 在埃及式的演艺厅里,墙是石膏和混凝纸做成的。刻出金字塔,狮身人面像,巨大的法老王坐像。尖鼻子的胡狼。一排又一排大眼睛的象形文字。在所有这些东西的上面,悬吊着假棕榈树的灯泡拼成的星座。有大熊星座,猎户星座。那些星座,全只是大家编出来的故事,好让他们了解夜空。这些星座,都掩映在云似的蜘蛛网后面。 椅子上是黑色羊毛料的椅套,破烂得像是树皮上干了的苔藓。地毯是黑的,每条走道中间都踩烂得露出了下面灰色的帆布衬底。 每个房间都有金边,金漆,亮得像霓虹灯管。在演艺厅里,所有的东西都是黑的,每一张椅背,每一道地毯的边,都在同样明亮的金色中反衬出来。 要是你真的那样渴望,那么那些金边就是真正的金子。每个房间都有,就看你的信心如何。 我们这一群人,身上是童话式的丝绸和丝线、还有干了的血,我们是一群走在黑暗中的黑影。在黯淡的光线下,在红色丝绒的茧里,用金色绳索捆绑的魏提尔先生想必看来像浮在空中,魏提尔先生成了一件道具,我们的人偶,是一个我们可以编出故事来说我们能了解的星座。 凶悍同志用一条蕾丝手帕遮着脸说:“我不知道我们为什么该哭。”她呼吸着蕾丝手帕上残留的香水味,想避开恶臭。她说:“我的角色是不该哭的。”她说:“我会凭我屁股上的玫瑰纹身来发誓,那个老家伙强暴了我。” 在这里,送葬队伍停了下来,在这时候,凶悍同志是受害者中的受害者。我们其余的人----只是她的配角。 走在我们前面的克拉克太太回过头来,说道:“她怎么了?” 八卦侦探在他的录影机后面说:“我也是。他先强暴了我。” 圣无肠说:“哎,去他妈妈的……他也干了我呢。” 好像骨瘦如柴的可怜圣无肠还有屁股好被干似的。 克拉克太太说:“这不好笑,一点也不好笑。” “那又怎么样,”媒人对她说:“你强暴我的时候,也一样不好笑。” 野蛮公爵摇着他的马尾头对媒人说:“你付钱都不会有人强暴你。” 大自然大笑起来----把碎肉和血喷得到处都是。 老恶魔已死,新恶魔万岁。 这是我们为撒旦举行的葬礼。魏提尔先生,他是个恶魔,比较之下,我们过去所有的罪恶根本不算什么。有关他罪行的故事,会把我们洗刷成受害者的纯白色。 更多犯过的罪和后来犯下的罪相比。 但是,因为他死了,因而留下在最底层的空职位,却没有人要。 所以,在电影里,你会看到我们痛哭着原谅了魏提尔先生,而克拉克太太挥响了鞭子。 老魔鬼已死,新魔鬼万岁。 要是不能怪罪于什么人都话,我们一刻也撑不下去了。 走过演艺厅铺了黑色地毯的走道,穿过红色中国式的散步场,下了蓝色的法国式楼梯,我们一路抬着魏提尔先生。通过玛雅式门厅里明亮的橘色时,大自然把她前额上的白色假发撩开。她的铜铃叮铛作响。她带着一头某部歌剧里用过的灰白卷发,发卷垂落,被她脸上的汗水沾湿。大自然说:“没有人觉得热吗?” 用肩膀扛着魏提尔先生的野蛮公爵在重压下喘着气,一面喘,一面用手拉着身上那件燕尾服上装的领子。 就连红绸子裹的那一大捆也觉得汗湿湿的。酮的飞机胶味道。hunger. 无神教士说:“难怪你会觉得热,你的假发戴反了。” 而媒人说:“注意听。” 我们下方的地下室很黑。木头楼梯很窄。在黑暗之中,有什么东西在轰响,在咆哮。 需要有些什么神秘的事情。 需要有些什么危险的事情。 “是鬼。”冻疮男爵夫人说道。她那张油腻腻的嘴呆张开来。 是那个锅炉,火力全开,热气冲进管子里,瓦斯炉发出响声,就是被魏提尔先生破坏掉的那个。 有人把它修好了。 从暗处某个地方,有只猫发出尖叫,只叫了一声。 必须要做出点什么事,所以我们抬着魏提尔先生的尸体,由木头楼梯走了下去。 我们所有的人都挥汗如雨,在这令人难以忍受的新热中浪费更多的精力。 跟着尸体向下走进黑暗中的大自然说:“你懂什么该怎么戴?”她用切掉大部分手指的两手把头上的灰色假发转了过来,手上的钻戒闪亮,她对无神教士说:“像你这样的大笨蛋,懂什么克利斯琼·拉夸的设计?” 而无神教士说:“拉夸的郁金香裙的设计?”他说:“你才想不到呢。”
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