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Chapter 37 Chronicle of Orwell

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 907Words 2018-03-21
November 1943-February 1944 Orwell Chronicle Born Eric Arthur Blair on June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bengal, India.Father worked in the local colonial government.In Orwell's own words, his family belonged to "the lower upper middle class, that is, middle-class families without money." In 1904, he returned to England with his mother to settle down. In 1911, at the age of 8, he entered the boarding school St. Cyprian.School life has a great influence on his future personality. When the European War broke out in 1914, the 11-year-old Orwell published a poem "Wake Up, British Boys" for the first time in a local newspaper.

In 1917, at the age of 14, after graduating from St. Cyprian, due to family financial constraints, he entered Eton College on a scholarship. In 1921, at the age of 18, he graduated from Eton College with mediocre grades and was unable to apply for a scholarship to Oxford or Cambridge, and his family's financial situation could not afford him further education. He had to apply for civil servants and went to Burma to join the imperial police force.Served in Burma for 5 years and witnessed the suffering that imperialist rule inflicted on the colonial people.Inspired the anti-authoritarian thinking that had sprouted during the St. Cyprus School period.

Returning home on leave in 1927, he decided to resign and leave the Imperial Police Force in Burma. Started writing career in 1928.Sympathetic to the lower class people, in order to collect materials, he went deep into the bottom class in Paris and London to live a poor life.He worked as a kitchen helper in a luxury hotel in Paris, and then went to Kent, England as an agricultural helper.These life experiences were later written into "Poverty Life in Paris and London". From 1930 to 1933, he made a living by writing book reviews and teaching, and at the same time wrote "Myanmar Years".After finishing the manuscript, he suffered from pneumonia and relapsed many times.

"Poverty in Paris and London" was published in 1933 under the pseudonym of George Orwell. Before Burmese Years was published in the United States in 1934, no British publisher was willing to accept the manuscript. In 1935, the novel "The Priest's Daughter" was published, and a few months later, "The Burmese Years" finally appeared in the British edition. In 1936, the novel "Let the Shield Flower Continue to Fly" was published, and accepted the publisher's appointment to visit the industrial areas of Yorkshire and Lancashire in northern England to investigate the living conditions of workers. What he saw and heard strengthened his belief in socialism, and he returned to write " The Road to Wigan Pier".In July of the same year, the Spanish Civil War broke out.Married to Erin O'Shaughnessy.At the end of the same year, they went to Spain to join the International Volunteer Army to defend the Republic.

The Road to Wigan Pier was published in 1937.In May of the same year, he was wounded at the front line, shot in the throat, and returned to England for treatment and recuperation. Published "Homage to Catalonia" in 1938, which reported on the Spanish Civil War, especially the struggle between left-wing factions within the International Volunteer Army. In 1939 World War II broke out.He applied to join the army many times, but was rejected due to unqualified physical examination.Later joined the Domestic Guard."Come up to take a breath" written before the war was published.

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