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Chapter 29 Chapter 27 Life Has Greater Dignity

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 1505Words 2018-03-21
In April, Animal Farm declared a republic.To establish a republic it is necessary to elect a president.There is only one presidential candidate - Napoleon.He naturally got the votes of all the animals and became president.On the same day that Napoleon was elected president, word spread that new material had recently been discovered, revealing more details of Snowball's collusion with Jones.It seemed that Snowball was not just plotting to defeat the Battle of the Cowshed, as the animals had imagined, but openly sided with Jones and fought the animals.The actual situation is that he led the human invasion army to attack in this battle.He chanted "Long Live Humanity!" and led the charge.The scars on Snowball's back that few animals had seen in memory were actually Napoleon's bites with his gigantic teeth.

In the middle of the summer, Moses suddenly reappeared on the farm after years of absence.Compared with the past, he has not changed much.He still did not participate in any labor as before, and continued to sing the old song of Candy Mountain.Moses was perched on a stump, flapping his black wings.He would talk for hours as long as any animal would listen. "Up there, comrades," he said solemnly, pointing his beak to the sky, "up there, just beyond that black cloud you can see, is Sugarcandy Mountain. Our poor One day the animals will no longer have to do hard work, and we will all rest forever in that happy land!" Moses even claimed that once he flew very high, he had been there and seen the evergreens above it with his own eyes. clover fields and hedges hung with linseed cakes and lumps of sugar.Not a few animals believed what he said was true.Wouldn't it be reasonable for these animals to think that their present life was so miserable that there should indeed be a better world in another place? But one thing that is difficult to judge is, what attitude did the pigs have towards Moses? All the pigs scornfully dismissed Moses' story of Sugarcandy Mountain as a fabricated lie, but they allowed him to stay on the farm, out of labor, and receive a quarter pint of beer a day as an allowance.

Boxer worked harder than ever after his hoof healed.In fact, every animal works like a slave this year.In addition to the usual farm work and rebuilding the windmill, they also have to build a schoolhouse for the newborn piglets.The project started in March.The lack of food and the long working hours were beyond the tolerance of the animals.But the boxer never let up.In both words and deeds, he never revealed that his physical strength was not as good as before.It was only in his appearance that he had changed: his fur was not as shiny as it used to be, and his huge hindquarters seemed to have shrunk.The other animals said that when the grass came out in the spring, Boxer would be as strong as ever.But the spring grass grew, but Boxer was still not fat.Sometimes he was walking on the slope to drag a huge boulder to the top of the quarry, and he had to tense all his muscles to hold the heavy stone.It seemed that the only thing holding him back from falling to the ground was his willpower.His lips were trembling, as if he was still reciting his motto silently: "I want to work harder!" He no longer had the strength to utter these words.Once again Clover and Benjamin warned him to watch his body, but Boxer didn't listen.His twelfth birthday is coming up soon.As long as he was content to see a pile of stones accumulating before he started his pension, he didn't care about anything else.

One evening in summer, there was a sudden rumor in the farm that something happened to Boxer.He was away from the stables at the time, and was pulling stones at the windmill.But this time the rumors were not out of thin air.Something really happened to Boxer.A few minutes later two pigeons came hurrying back with the news: "Boxer is down! He's lying on his side and can't get up!" About half the animals on the farm were scurrying towards the knoll where the windmill stood.Boxer was seen lying on the ground, stuck between the two shafts.He straightened his neck, but couldn't raise his head.His eyesight was already sluggish, his waist was soaked with sweat, his fur was sticking together, and a small stream of blood flowed from his mouth.Clover knelt beside him.

"Boxer," she called, "what do you think?" "It's my lungs," said Boxer weakly. "Never mind, I think you can build the windmill just as well without me. Enough stones have been brought in. I can't do it anyhow. A month. To be honest, I've been looking forward to retiring. Benjamin may be old enough for them to retire with me and keep me company." "We've got to get 'em to help right away," said Clover. "Quick, somebody run and tell Squealer there's something wrong here."
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