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Chapter 17 Chapter Fifteen Never Deal With Humans

animal farm 乔治·奥威尔 1802Words 2018-03-21
Although the work was very heavy this summer, the life of the animals was not too bad.They ate no more, if not more, than they did in Jones' day.Now they only need to feed themselves, instead of feeding five people who are eating and drinking.Just this superiority offsets many failures at work.The way animals work is in many ways more efficient and saves labour.Take weeding for example, they can get rid of it completely.This is impossible for people to do.For another example, since none of the animals steal food, there is no need to fence off the farm from the cultivated land.This saves a lot of labor in repairing hedges, wooden doors.But despite this, as the summer wore on, many unforeseen shortages began to emerge.They need kerosene, nails, rope, biscuits for dogs, and paws for horses.None of these things can be produced on the farm.Later on, they found that, in addition to various tools, they also needed seeds and fertilizers, and finally the machinery needed for the windmill.How these things were to be obtained, no animal could imagine.

One Sunday morning, when the animals were assembled for a new week, Napoleon announced that he was going to introduce a new policy.From now on, Animal Farm will trade with several neighboring farms.Of course, this is not done for business profit, but just to obtain some urgently needed materials.Getting the items needed to build the windmill was an overwhelming task.He was therefore ready to sell a bale of hay and part of the year's crop.If you still need money in the future, you need to sell eggs to make up for it.Selling eggs is not difficult, and there is always a market in Wellington all year round.The hens must be happy to make such a sacrifice, Napoleon said.They should regard the sale of eggs as their special contribution to the construction of the windmill.

Once again the animals were bewildered.Never deal with humans, never engage in commerce, never use money—are these not some of the first resolutions passed at the first congratulatory meeting after Jones was driven out? All the animals remember when it was passed , at least they think they remember having it.The four little pigs who had protested against Napoleon's cancellation of the animal meeting timidly wanted to express their opinions again, but the dogs immediately frightened the little pigs with a burst of barking, and no one dared to speak.After that, the sheep started the chorus of "four legs are good, two legs are bad" as usual, and the embarrassing situation for a while returned to normal.Napoleon finally raised a hoof as a signal for silence.He announced that he had done all the preparations.No animal has to come into contact with humans, since apparently no animal wants to.Napoleon was ready to take the whole burden on his shoulders.A Mr. Whymper, a lawyer in Wellington, had agreed to act as an intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world.He comes to the farm every Monday to receive his instructions.At the end of this speech, Napoleon shouted the slogan "Long live Animal Farm" as usual.After this the animals sang "Beast Songs of England" in unison, and the meeting was dissolved.

Afterwards Squealer walked around the farm, soothing the animals.He assured them that no resolution had ever been passed, or even proposed, to ban trade and money.This is purely people's wild imagination.If you go after it, it might be one of the lies that Xueqiu spread back then.A few animals still doubted this, and asked them shrillly and cunningly: "Are you sure this is not a dream of yours, comrades? Do you have any record of this resolution? Is it written somewhere? "Indeed there is no such record anywhere.Since there is no written record, the animals think that their memory is wrong, so they don't go any further.

It was arranged that Mr. Wimbled come to the farm every Monday.He was a short man with sideburns and a sly face.Although he only handles some small affairs, he is very shrewd.He saw earlier than anyone else that Animal Farm needed a broker, and the agency fee was not small.The animals watched Mr. Whymper come and go in and out of the farm with some horror, and kept as far as possible from him.But they felt a sense of pride at seeing Napoleon, who was walking on four legs, giving orders to Whymper, who was standing on two legs, and which to some extent eased their unease about the new arrangement.At this time, the relationship between animals and humans has undergone some changes from the past.People's hostility to Animal Farm is not less because of its prosperity, on the contrary, perhaps all the more jealous because of this.Animal Farm was bound to go bankrupt sooner or later, and the building of that windmill, in particular, was bound to fail.Whenever people meet in a pub and talk about the windmills built at Animal Farm, they use diagrams to demonstrate to each other that the windmills can't be repaired, or won't work even if they are built.Even so, they couldn't help feeling a certain respect for the way animals managed their affairs so efficiently.One of the signs was that they also started using the official name "Animal Farm" when referring to the farm, instead of "Manor Farm."Plus, they don't support Jones anymore.As for Jones, the former owner had by this time given up hope of retaking his farm, and had emigrated to another place.The animals at this time had no connection with the outside world except through Vimper, but rumors continued that Napoleon was about to conclude some specific treaty with Mr. Pilkington of Foxwoods or Mr. Frederick of Narrows. trade agreement.But people also noticed that there was never any news that Napoleon was doing business with two people at the same time.

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